
Main text Chapter 191: Danxia Palace (Ten)

Rootless Jiuqu Water, the division of the spoils has been completed for the time being. Everyone's eyes turned to the Leviathan whale.

The body is too huge, and it will take at least half a day to find the location of the demon pill and ambergris.

Spiritual consciousness doesn't work because the opponent's epidermis and fat layer are too thick to break through. Xu Yangyi frowned slightly: "Are we wasting too much time?"

"Not necessarily." Zhao Fenglai didn't know what he thought of, and said in deep thought: "We don't know what is behind that door. According to some records in the secret realm, any road will have its own opportunities. However, these opportunities are divided into real Chance and false chance.”

"True opportunity means that this is a way to survive, and you can take these opportunities out of the secret realm. Fake opportunities..." He laughed dryly twice, and the meaning was self-explanatory. He paused for a few seconds and said, "We seem to have been delayed here for nearly four years. There are so many days, but we may not be the first to arrive.”

"Moreover, our road is completely different from other people's. The final destination may be the same, or it may be different. Who can say for sure?" He smiled faintly and looked at the other two Zhaos who were rescuing. The disciple nodded: "You are also lucky. If you can go back alive, I will definitely promote you two as true disciples. Haha... If you can come out of Danxia Palace alive, the position of true disciple is what you should be."

The two disciples looked sad at first, but after hearing these words, they immediately bowed their heads and bowed: "Thank you, Third Uncle, for your love!!"

"I remember your name is Qi Yansu, and your name is Liu Qingcheng?" The smile on Zhao Fenglai's face became more easy-going: "A disciple from thirteen years ago, right?"

"Yes!" Their faces turned slightly red with excitement. Normally, who would know their names? If the family was not unhappy, how many people would dare to come to Danxia Palace to fight for a chance? Unexpectedly, the high-ranking third uncle of the Zhao family actually remembered his name!

"Let me see what you are capable of." Zhao Fenglai glanced at the Leviathan Whale lightly: "Go ahead, demon pill and ambergris, I know that these are your strengths."

Then...the two of them ran over as if they had been beaten to death.

Everyone was speechless for a while. It would be a pity for this old fox not to join a MLM organization. His level of deceiving people has reached a certain level. A few words made the seriously injured disciple happily do the dirtiest and most tiring work, seems that the benefits were not mentioned yet? Only painted a picture of a true disciple? The premise is still to get out alive?

"I still have a lot to learn..." Xu Yangyi said with emotion, and a faint voice came from behind: "I think junior brother has already learned very well..."

Fang Fang's eyes were roving behind him like nails, from his shoulders to his butt, as if he was looking for where to put his foot, and what time to put his foot would be most vivid in Xu Yangyi's memory.

"Flutter..." With the sound of a goshawk puppet flapping its wings, everyone was brought to the lakeside with a smile. Meditate and rest. In this battle, there were heavy casualties, but the rewards were also extremely rich. But to cope with the road below, they must be in top shape.

Only then did Xu Yangyi realize that this place seemed to be an island, but it was actually made of rocks.

"The Zhao family has built this white jade platform bit by bit for hundreds of years." Zhao Wuye was meditating not far from him. He noticed his gaze and sighed: "Who would have thought that this would happen? This situation."

Xu Yangyi took a closer look. This place should have been a kilometer-long space before, and the place where they meditated should be a high platform that needed to be walked up. Even the place connecting the cave was shaped like a dragon's mouth. Not far behind them, it connected to a deep tunnel that led to nowhere.

Once the water reaches here, it can no longer spread. Xu Yangyi looked at it for a few seconds and asked calmly: "How far is it?"

"We can get there in three hours." Zhao Wuye recalled: "But... there is still some way to the honeycomb wall..."

He looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, it is definitely not safe down there, because... the next section of road we are going to take is called Huangquan."

No one spoke. During the meditation, everyone devoted their energy to listening to Zhao Wuye's story.

"Originally it didn't have any name, but..." Zhao Wuye seemed to recall something and shuddered: "Taking this road... you must not look back... once you turn back, you will definitely die!"

"It is a very ordinary road... But on this road, the Zhao family lost more than ten people, so they concluded that they must not turn back... Fellow Taoists..." He said seriously: "I said you can't turn back. Not only is it impossible to look back, but spiritual consciousness and even mirrors cannot be used, which can be understood as 'cannot use any method to see what is behind.'"

"Something?" Yao Xintan opened his eyes, frowned, and glared at Qin Xueluan who was healing his wounds.

Qin Xueluan turned a blind eye. Her method of healing was very weird. It was a scorpion, a golden scorpion with countless green patterns intersecting into a strange pattern. They sprayed bursts of green aura from their mouths, nourishing the wound to the inside.

There was nothing wrong with this originally, but Yao Xintan found that the opponent's hands were very irregular, very irregular, and he was heading towards his lower third.

"Yes, something." Zhao Fenglai took over, his voice trembling a little: "Everyone, Crocodile Gar, Leviathan, it is indeed a life-and-death battle, but... this is something that can be solved with strength. And Huangquan Road makes you feel supernatural...that if something is following you like a shadow, breathing and talking in your ear...I promise, you won't want to leave again. Zhao. There are no fewer than five monks who have gone crazy because of taking the road to hell."

"Isn't it an illusion?" Xu Yangyi also asked cautiously.

"Absolutely not..." Zhao Fenglai's face turned pale: "If hallucination could tap you on the shoulder and make you look back..."

"Enter from this entrance. Not far away is Huangquan Road. Please remember, no matter what happens, never look back...otherwise no one can save you. Huangquan Road is about 800 meters long. After passing Huangquan Road, the next step is the Beehive. wall."

No one spoke, and the strangeness of Danxia Palace was being revealed bit by bit. The alligator gar and Leviathan outside are within acceptable limits. But once you enter the realm of Huangquan Road, it becomes truly supernatural.

They... are getting closer and closer to the suspected real gate of Danxia Palace!

"Rest." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and captured the spiritual energy roaming in the world: "After a big week, we will set off."

One big week, twelve hours. He wants to make sure everyone is back to peak performance.

Time passed by minute by minute. A few hours passed quickly. They did not meditate for twelve hours. Instead, they were awakened by a stench at the sixth hour.

Xu Yangyi frowned, opened his eyes, and found that an irregular snow-white block about one meter in diameter had been placed in front of everyone. And Mao Baer had woken up long ago, with saliva swirling around the irregular hard lump.

"Ambergris?" Xu Yangyi asked tentatively. Mao Baer nodded fiercely: "Yes! It's ambergris! I have never seen such a big piece before! I made a lot of money this time!"

Many people around him looked at him, especially Mr. Zhao Wu.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but endured the stench and walked up. The piece of ambergris had been cleaned cleanly, its shape was very irregular, and the overall shape was streamlined. Snow-white color, even showing a transparent gel in some places.

He stretched out his hand and placed it on it. Suddenly, the spiritual platform became clear and bright. That feeling... to put it crudely, it was as if I had spent a day moving bricks on a construction site and then had a full-body massage after taking a shower. It's like walking in the desert on a hot summer day when it suddenly rains heavily. And the whole person jumped into the oasis.

The whole body is transparent, and a hint of mint-like coolness permeates the entire brain. It made him think sharply, and he really felt like he couldn't bear to move away!

"It's like a drug." He retracted his hand after a long time and looked at the large piece of ambergris with some admiration. Just now, he had even completely forgotten the stench of this thing. It even reminded him of the first time he used the high-level spirit gathering array!

"This is an A-level spiritual object, ranked ninety-ninth." Mudan's face turned a little red. The Qi Practitioner, as Zhao Wuye said, it is thankful to have a B-level spiritual object. Now, such a large A-level spiritual object Putting it in front of her, even she felt a little incredible.

"The smell of freshly dug ambergris is like this. But after it has been left for seven to forty-nine days, or after it has been artificially roasted, it will emit an intoxicating fragrance. In ancient times, it was the taste of the most powerful nobles and emperors. Only those who are qualified to use it. As for the whale monster’s ambergris... Captain, if this piece is placed in the auction house, it will cost a sky-high price!”

She paused and said with a smile: "However, let me put it bluntly, this thing cannot play its role without special techniques. Don't you think so? Fellow Taoist Quan?"

"Ambergris is a legendary medicine that can calm inner demons and stabilize spirit stones." Quan Ningyue smiled slightly and said faintly: "But there are specialties in the art. Just like cats...fellow Taoists know the panacea." Master once told me that there is a unique method of refining secrets called Shen Xinjingying. It cannot be used by anyone other than a master of refining or above. However, in this way, ambergris is sealed and made by masters of refining. Lighting it in the incense burner can not only increase the speed of practice, but also double one's understanding. "

Xu Yangyi smiled and cupped his hands: "Then, please leave to Fellow Taoist Quan?"

"No problem." Quan Ningyue took out a kit with a smile, flew it in with a move of her hand, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It seems that the training days of the Xingtian Legion will be extremely luxurious..."

In one sentence, everyone's hearts warmed up.

Panacea... ambergris... these things that are priceless in the outside world, but now, I can actually use them!

The benefits of the Legion are so good that none of them want to leave now. However, no matter how good the benefits are, you have to wait until you go out to enjoy them!

Once they think about being able to enjoy this kind of spiritual life after they go out, everyone feels extremely lucky for their original choice.

"Commander, let's go." Gao Wuguo stood up, twisted his body, cracked his joints, and laughed: "Gao really wants to see... what is the suspected Danxia Palace gate that the leader said What does it look like!”

"Yes, we have already gained so much before we even enter the door. What else is waiting for us next?" Yao Xintan also stood up and laughed: "This time, as long as we get out alive, we have already made a lot of money. ! ”\u003c/dd\u003e

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