
Main text Chapter 192: Danxia Palace (XI)

"Is this a huge profit?" Zhao Wuye smiled, took out a box, and handed it to Xu Yangyi solemnly: "The whale demon... is actually full of treasures. Especially ambergris. However, although this thing is not as valuable as ambergris, it is definitely a B-level spiritual object that cannot escape."

Everyone looked at Xu Yangyi with fiery eyes, and everyone knew what was inside.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and opened it solemnly. Suddenly, a blue light flashed, and a fist-sized demon pill was dreamy light blue and translucent. The gushing spiritual energy made everyone's eyes tremble.

"Is this the inner pill..." Mudan looked at the demon pill with some obsession. Even from such a distance, she could feel the majestic spiritual power contained in it!

Even Quan Ningyue, whose master is the weapon master Gao Muya, has definitely had many opportunities to see the inner elixir. At this moment, he also stared at the inner elixir with the eyes of a weapon master, and couldn't help muttering: "Demon elixir... is not rare, and it is very practical. It can be used in various magic arrays and talismans. The price is probably 10% to 20% higher than the actual situation. The demon elixir of Qi training is even rarer! This one, just calculated by spirit stones, is at least 3,000 medium-grade spirit stones or more!" "But, there is probably only one demon elixir of the Leviathan whale in the world. Let alone 3,000... I think there will be people who buy 10,000 medium-grade spirit stones, or even 100 high-grade spirit stones." "And, you may not know that the real value of the demon elixir lies in its attachment." Quan Ningyue straightened up: "Those who have awakened their innate magical powers The price of the demon pill... at least doubled! This Leviathan whale has awakened the innate magical power of the latent dragon coming out of the sea. I believe everyone has a certain idea of ​​its power. Once this demon pill is integrated with a magic weapon using a special method, then... the cultivator himself can also use this innate magical power! "

"Even if it fails to attach. It is also possible to make the qualifications of the magic weapon or magic treasure leap to a higher level. Everyone, you may not be proficient in refining weapons, but Quan can tell you that magic treasures are also divided into grades. If a cultivator's natal magic weapon is a C-level magic weapon, it is extremely difficult to move it to the next level, but there are ways. This is one of the methods. "

"This is also possible? !" Li Zongyuan took a breath of cold air, and suddenly, his eyes flashed with light, and he looked at Xu Yangyi abruptly! Xu Yangyi's expression was also excited for a moment, but he immediately calmed down, looking at Li Zongyuan's eyes, and just nodded silently. In his hand... there is a demon pill of the Golden Pill Ancestor!

"It is possible, but the conditions are very harsh. Not every demon pill can be fused. And..." She puffed out her non-existent chest and said proudly: "Only a master of refining can fuse demon pills!"

Xu Yangyi smiled and cupped his hands: "Then, if Xu finds a suitable weapon in the future, I will have to trouble Fellow Daoist Quan."

"No, no." Quan Ningyue smiled in return, but she was smiling in her heart. Why did the master send her here?

She didn't think it through at first, but now, she understands more and more.

Her master is one of the few Qigong masters of the human race. With his identity, he deliberately made friends with Xu Yangyi, that's too much. Xu Yangyi didn't dare to accept it. Gao Muya is not the master of Wuwei and the master of Zhiyu. These two can be said to be devoted to learning. He, a master of refining, came to make friends with the master of Dandao. Is he planning to change his career or to grab territory?

It's not right.

However, there is more than one way to make friends.

Xu Yangyi wants to practice, doesn't he need a magic weapon? He has established his foundation and doesn't want magic weapons? He doesn't want a custom weapon for self-defense?

Others can't give him the best, but Gao Muya can!

Similarly, Gao Muya has the opportunity to ask for the elixir he needs for cultivation.

Quan Ningyue, who has figured this out, wants to shout for these "troubles": Let this trouble come more violently!

Put the demon pill into the storage ring. Xu Yangyi ordered everyone to meditate again. Never go on the road until you are back to the best condition.

In his heart, he was silently calculating the harvest this time. Wanling Pill, Ambergris, Demon Pill... and the huge demon body that seems to be useless now!

In fact, this demon body is also a gold mountain. Meat, bones, and oil, these three things can be sold for at least 20,000 to 30,000 medium-grade spirit stones! It's just that no one can fit them.

Apart from the demon body, the other three harvests are already amazing!

Once he leaves Danxia Palace, these three things will take his cultivation to a higher level!

"Next time, I must prepare a super large storage ring..." He smiled, closed his eyes, and adjusted his breathing to heal the hidden injuries in his body.

Six hours later, everyone stood up.

With the help of the elixir, Qin Xueluan, and meditation, everyone recovered to their best condition. Xu Yangyi was the last one to open his eyes, exhaled the turbid air in his mouth, raised his hand without any nonsense: "Go!"

"The target is to point directly at the wall of the honeycomb!"

Everyone came to the front of the dragon's mouth-shaped building.

In the dragon's mouth, there is a deep passage, with no end in sight, and no light emitting. It seems like the entrance of the devil, making people feel cold at the door.

"Everyone take a flash shadow talisman." Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and more than ten flash shadow talismans flew into everyone's hands.

"This talisman can make people move instantly, and the place of movement is within 3,000 meters. Don't use this thing easily unless it is absolutely necessary. Because no one can guarantee where they will be teleported."

Everyone took it carefully and stored it close to their body. Immediately afterwards, Zhao Wuye carefully took out a small seal and put it into the mouth of the dragon above. With a harsh "click" sound, the dragon's mouth slowly opened, and then, a burst of sound came from the entire passage. The voice of machine.

"Boom!" There was a low roar, and a dark iron rope fell from above. The iron cable extended in an elegant arc, hanging impartially in the center of the hole. One side is connected to the dragon's mouth at the door, and the other side is connected to the cave, spreading in who knows how far. Like the tongues of demons in hell.

Zhao Wuye's eyes flashed, he stretched out his hand to grab it and shook it hard. Suddenly, a melodious sound of the chain swinging echoed from the cave passage. He breathed a sigh of relief and made a magic spell with his hand. Immediately, the eyes of the dragon head at the door emitted two white beams of light, illuminating the surrounding area for more than ten meters. Inside the cave, there was also a faint white light.

"This passage is 1,800 meters long. There are 900 dragon heads in total." Mr. Zhao Wu smiled slightly proudly and looked back at the crowd: "The Zhao family has been operating here for hundreds of years, how could it be possible just now? There were preparations made.”

"One dragon head every two hundred meters. It is used for lighting. The old seal cannot be activated unless it is the Zhao family. There is a spiritual consciousness hidden in the dragon head. Even if the Zhao family uses strong methods to break it, the entire dragon head will explode with great power. ...It's enough to collapse the only passage leading to the wall of the honeycomb." He pointed at the top of the hole with a smile: "All the iron chains are hidden in the trenches above. If the faucet does not open, the iron chains will not appear... …Without this process, if you enter Huangquan Road rashly, there is only the word "death."

He looked deeply at everyone: "Six hundred meters from is Huangquan Road."

Xu Yangyi looked at the dark hole calmly. From here, there was a bend in front, and the bright light could not fully illuminate it. He nodded: "Why not use a magic weapon? Instead, use a mortal mechanism?"

"That's right, why did the Zhao family install this iron chain again?" Jun Man stood tall at the door and stretched out his arms: "The hole is only two meters wide, and you won't get lost if you touch the wall. This iron chain What’s the point of the chain?”

Zhao Fenglai smiled, his expression became solemn, and he stroked the iron chain with some emotion. After a long time, he sighed: "This chain... is called Deep Sea Sunken Gold."

"What?" Mao Baer's ears suddenly stood up: "The deep-sea gold that can dispel evil spirits and stabilize the mind?"

It looked at the iron rope with some disbelief and marveled: "One kilogram is worth three hundred medium-grade spiritual stones... This more than one thousand meter iron rope must weigh at least several tons... The Zhao family has spent a lot of money..."

"More than that." Mr. Zhao Wu's face also had a hint of sadness: "More than three hundred disciples died to build the only support on this road to hell."

"Fellow Taoist, have you never tried it..." Zhao Fenglai withdrew his gaze and looked at everyone with a hint of extreme fear, his voice trembling: "The feeling of climbing in the dark is like walking on an endless road. The long road at the end, and then, someone whispers to you softly in your ear, someone grabs the hem of your clothes from behind...every moment...every seems like countless ghosts and demons are surrounding you... …Even the shadows cast by the light are another kind of creature.”

"Don't talk about standing and walking while rubbing the wall." He smiled bitterly: "I... I brought five top-quality protective magical weapons back then, but I crawled out. I was so scared that I couldn't stand at all. All five magical weapons were broken. . And the three true disciples who followed me in stayed inside forever.”

He trembled all over, shook his head, as if he didn't want to think about it, and squinted at the hole that was not surprising at all: "The best way is to close your eyes and walk, don't look, don't think, don't go Listen. If you follow this iron rope, you will naturally reach the exit."

"It's useless to say more... When you go in, you will know... This iron rope is really the last straw to save your life... Remember, no matter when, no matter what happens, no matter what sound you hear... Don't let it go... pull it and never go over by yourself... Otherwise, you won't be able to walk out of this straight path..."

His voice was deep with sadness, and sadness with fear, like a weeping old man recounting his most terrifying experience.

The scene was silent. After a long time, he gritted his teeth, took several deep breaths, and shouted loudly: "Hi!"

Then, he held on to the chain tightly and walked in with his eyes closed.

Xu Yangyi finally smiled, walked up and patted Zhao Fenglai on the shoulder. Unexpectedly, the other party trembled all over and almost lost his legs and squatted on the ground.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, we haven't reached Huangquan Road yet. Don't be nervous."

Zhao Fenglai was covered in cold sweat, took a deep breath again, and smiled bitterly: "Don't blame me for losing my temper... You will know if you have walked it yourself... This road... is definitely not something that humans can walk, especially for the first time... ...that kind of hair-raising experience, you will be like me again. To be honest, this is my second time to go to hell. If the situation had not turned into a tiger, I would rather fight Leviathan again. Don’t want to go here.”

"Come with me." Zhao Fenglai took the first step. Zhao Wuye held the iron rope with a gloomy expression and walked in second.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, raised his hand, waved lightly, and everyone else filed in. Walking towards the cave leading to the underworld, step by step.

What is on this road?

Is it really so weird?

no one knows.

They only know that they have to get here by passing the alligator gar and killing Leviathan. Even if it is the underworld, they must go there!

Otherwise, they will be unwilling, restless, and confused! \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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