
Main text Chapter 193: Danxia Palace (XII)

The passage was not wide, and only two people could walk side by side. However, as soon as he entered, Xu Yangyi's eyes immediately saw something.


From here on, the whole place was filled with murals!

He was stunned, but immediately felt something was wrong!

This is... the doorway, and the light is absolutely bright. However, these murals... he didn't see them at all outside!

The murals were very beautifully carved, and they were typical of the ancient Chinese freehand painting style. They were well-proportioned, and they were painted.

I don't know who painted them. Each painting is a long scroll, but there is no word except for the painting.

"Wait a minute." He raised his hand, and everyone stopped.

Xu Yangyi came to the side of the first mural and looked at it. This mural, or wall sculpture, was about one meter long, which means... if calculated based on a distance of 1,800 meters, there are probably nearly two thousand wall sculptures here!

He looked at the wall sculpture carefully. The wall sculptures were basically all landscapes. It was a huge lake with willows swaying by the lake. An old man with white hair and a bamboo hat on his back is fishing in the lake.

Nothing strange.

"Fellow Daoist Xu." Seeing his expression, Zhao Wuye, who looked a little better, was not surprised. He turned around and said, "There is nothing strange about these paintings. When we first came here, we thought these paintings were hiding some secrets. We studied them for several years before Huangquan Road. In the end, we found that these are just ordinary wall carvings. There is nothing strange. The only thing that may be a little strange is..."

He paused: "The age is a bit strange."

"Age?" Xu Yangyi gently stroked the old man with his hand and asked calmly.

"Yes, these wall carvings can't tell anything by looking at them alone. But... they are in the prosperous Tang Dynasty... probably the era when Wu Zhao, the Empress Wu, was in power."

"What does that mean?" Fang Cheng turned around and asked.

Probably to liven up the atmosphere before entering the Yellow Springs Road, Master Zhao Wu quietly wiped his sweaty hands and smiled in the calmest voice possible: "It's still hard to tell now, so I'll keep you in suspense. There are a total of 1,820 murals, and the middle 900 or so are located in the Yellow Springs Road. But... I believe that with the mind of Fellow Daoist Xu, he will definitely find the problem after seeing the 600th and the last murals."

Xu Yangyi nodded, but did not leave. Instead, he reached out and tapped the rock wall gently.

"Solid." Master Zhao Wu's eyes flashed with admiration. Such a careful person is now... rare. Only such a person can live long and reach that supreme position.

At this moment, he had already decided in his heart that once he got out, he would do his best to make friends with the Xingtian Legion and Xu Yangyi.

"Not only is this place solid, but everything along the way is solid." With his mind determined, he introduced it in more detail: "This is the result of countless disciples' sacrifices. The entire passage is airtight. This passage has existed for a long time, but it was found by the Zhao family's dragon-seeking master. When it was unearthed, it already looked like this."

"Who dug it?" Xu Yangyi asked lightly, stroking his hand gently on the wall carving: "Who carved it again?"

"I don't know." Master Zhao Wu sighed: "The eight forbidden places are a huge mystery in themselves."

Xu Yangyi finally retracted his gaze and grabbed the iron chain: "Let's go."

Sixteen people walked towards the inside of the cave step by step. They didn't walk fast, because Xu Yangyi had to look at the wall carving bit by bit.

"This is the Battle of the Gods." After walking about twenty meters and looking at more than twenty wall carvings, he looked at a wall carving that was three or four meters long and said with certainty: "The characteristics of the characters are too obvious, it is impossible to make a mistake."

He snapped his fingers lightly, and a ball of fire spread at his fingertips. It was the darkest time between the two dragon heads, and it was not clear until the flames burned, and then he could see everything clearly.

The two sides were facing each other. The man on the left had a long beard and a head full of white hair. He rode an extremely strange creature with horns like a deer, a face like a horse, hooves like a cow, and a tail like a donkey. Almost in an instant, he confirmed the identity of this person.

Jiang Shang, Jiang Ziya, Jiang Taigong, Taigong Wang. The mounts were all different.

Behind him, the three-eyed Erlang Shen, the three-headed and six-armed Nezha, the bird-headed human Lei Zhenzi... everything was available. Such obvious signs were impossible to make a mistake.

And on the right were characters that Xu Yangyi was not familiar with. But most of them were in the form of monsters!

He vaguely recognized the shadows of the Seven Monsters of Meishan, and saw Su Daji, the ancestor of the nine-tailed fox demon, Wang Guiren, the jade pipa demon holding a pipa, Hu Ximei, the nine-headed pheasant demon, and the three demons of Xuanyuan Tomb, and then there was an overwhelming sea of ​​demons.

"From here, we enter the history of modern and ancient demons." A voice sounded beside him. Mudan came over at some point, watching with relish and explaining: "Before this, it belonged to the history of ancient mythology. Then in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, it began to enter the history of modern demons. At the same time, the history of demons is also the history of cultivation. However, now it should be called cultivation civilization."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "What is the difference between ancient demons and modern demons?"

"The biggest difference is that they are stronger." Mudan replied without hesitation: "The ancient demon has pure blood and a high level. At that time, it was an era when real golden elixirs were everywhere and Nascent Souls were as numerous as dogs. Incarnate gods The old monster can only charge into the battle, and only those realms after that can be called generals... Look at the three Xuanyuan Tomb demons in the lead, their realms are at least four or five levels beyond Nascent Soul... Those who can fight with real immortals like Erlang Shen, Even if he is not a demon, he is still on the verge of catastrophe."

Xu Yangyi nodded and continued walking forward. Peony quickly followed suit.

No one saw... after they all walked past, all the sculptures and eyes in this picture actually moved! Their eyes were as solid as they were staring in the direction they left.

Quiet, still that kind of quiet. The wall sculpture is still the same, except for the change in the eyes, there is no change at all.

Xu Yangyi walked at the end and looked at each picture with Mudan.

However, at the 230th picture, his brows furrowed.

This is a picture of a prison.

In the picture, a middle-aged man is lying on the ground, covered in blood, and he...has no legs!

He and Peony looked at each other, completely confused as to the meaning of this picture!

This is a mortal.

Practitioners will never use such troublesome killing methods to directly destroy spiritual consciousness. And the greatest punishment for a practitioner is not to cut off the feet, but to break the Qi Sea!

Almost no monk can bear the pain of falling from a high-ranking monk to a mortal again.

"The picture jumps too fast..." Xu Yangyi rubbed his blue chin, thoughtfully: "The previous picture means the completion of the Conferred God. It is not strange for the background of the Conferred God to appear in the Eight Jedi. If we say, prehistoric The era is real. So, that is the origin of the Demon Clan, and if the Conferred God Era really exists, they... are the ancestors of the Demon Clan's flourishing."

"Since the Conferred Gods, the demon clan has shown diversity. However, in the current practice world, any history books and official history practice all started from the Qin Dynasty. The wall sculptures of the Conferred Gods are here, and perhaps it can be said that they once existed under the Danxia Palace. It's a monster. Why did it suddenly jump to mortals when it yearned for these legendary ancestors?

"I, I think I know who he is..." At this moment, Peony's voice came over. Xu Yangyi looked up and saw that the other party couldn't help but glance at several murals. He pointed at one mural in astonishment and said: "Commander, come and take a look at this..."

Xu Yangyi walked over immediately.

It was a picture of a horse race.

In the painting, six horses are running, but the three people watching are all the same.

Not to mention the other two, one of them was a tall, crowned man in a wheelchair.

"This is a picture that expresses the scene of horse racing. Many paintings in ancient times expressed this..." Mudan said affirmatively: "And this scene is the most famous of all horse racing scenes. It is also the historical record of the 'strategy theory' The earliest application of checking..."

"Tian Ji is racing?" Xu Yangyi already understood after hearing the words "strategic countermeasures". He looked at the wall sculpture with some surprise: "You mean, of these three people, one is the Duke of Qi. The other is Tian Ji, and the other one is sitting in a wheelchair. Sun Bin?”

"More than that!" Mudan turned around, her eyes shining: "The first picture! Do you remember the first picture! It was torture! That's why the word Sun Bin came about! These pictures... all They are all about Sun Bin!”

"From Conferred God to Sun Bin?" Although Xu Yangyi understood that this was a fact, he still felt that it was cloudy and misty: "This jump is a bit too much."

They walked slower and slower, and were already at the end of the queue. But I have to admit that both of them became very interested in these wall sculptures.

Looking at the pictures one by one, they were once again sure that this was Sun Bin!

They saw the Battle of Guiling, the Battle of Maling... The wall sculpture completely explained Sun Bin's life in a short space of time.

However, when I saw more than 400 pictures. They were stunned again!

Battle of Chibi...

"This, this..." Mudan was stunned: "What, how did you jump from Sun Bin to the Three Kingdoms?"

Chaotic clouds broke through the sky, stormy waves crashed on the shore, a raging flame burned on the river, and countless buildings and boats burned down the river.

In the second picture, a bearded man with a feather fan and a turban stands between seven oil lamps... Anyone who has read this scene knows that this is Kongming borrowing the east wind!

"I know!" After an unknown period of silence, Peony suddenly jumped up and exclaimed: "I know! I know what it says!"

"Chibi." Xu Yangyi nodded and smiled, but Mudan grabbed his arm, and his face shone with excitement: "Tuan, leader! Let's go to the end! Let's go to the end! I bet! It's the end. A section of the wall sculpture is of Liu Bowen!"\u003c/dd\u003e

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