
Main text Chapter 194: Danxia Palace (Thirteen)

Xu Yangyi pressed her shoulder, smiled and made a shushing gesture: "Why?"

"Captain... I have different responsibilities from you. You are responsible for fighting, and I am responsible for developing connections! Taking on missions! Cat... Daoyou and I do this! Among them, there is one thing we must be familiar with, that is, familiar with most of the secrets of China! Especially those of celebrities! Only in this way can we judge the authenticity and danger of the secret realm! And credibility!"

Her eyes were flashing, and her voice was fluctuating: "You probably don't know... Before the founding of the New China, in the West In the provincial capital of Sichuan, Rongcheng, there is an unnamed temple next to the Wuhou Temple! That temple was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, but it was not man-made! Because it cannot be destroyed by man-made things! "

"No matter how it was smashed, even burned with gasoline, it would never be damaged at all! At that time, the Rongcheng Municipal Government was terrified, and it just so happened that... that was when the giant spirit came out of retreat. He didn't want to take care of this matter, but he saw the temple by accident. After taking a look, he personally wiped out a stone tablet in the temple! This matter is fully recorded in the Rongcheng M file! By the way... It was seven years ago! Seven years ago, I helped CSIB sort out the M files of various provinces and saw it once! "

Xu Yangyi immediately asked: "Why?"

"Because..." Mudan's chest rose and fell violently: "There is a line of words on the stone tablet enshrined in the temple... Almost all the practitioners in Xichuan know this!"

"First Jiang Shang, then Sun Bin. Five hundred years ago Zhuge Liang. Five hundred years later Liu Bowen!"

"That is to say... these four people... are actually the same person! One person reincarnated! Starting from Jiang Shang! When he was born, his bones were extremely poor. In order to achieve perfection Full, re-cultivated as Sun Bin, a genius, but unexpectedly, a disaster of fate occurred. Pang Juan broke his legs. As a last resort, he re-cultivated Zhuge Liang again, so Zhuge Liang loved to sit in a wheelchair. However, Zhuge Liang was burdened by Liu Bei. Burning the rattan armor army hurt his virtue again, and in desperation, he cultivated the last life, and the merits were complete, that is, the old predecessor Liu Bowen! "

"There is also a saying among the people that Zhuge Liang divided the world into three parts, and Liu Bowen unified the country. Captain, if I guess correctly! Then, the last picture must be Liu Bowen! "

These pictures are engraved with a legend.

A legend that has been circulating in China for too long.

But it is engraved here, engraved in Danxia Palace, it must be extraordinary!

The reason for Mudan's ecstasy is...If Sun Bin, Zhuge Liang, and Liu Bowen are indeed the same person! Once the authenticity of this legend can be verified, the history of the cultivation world will be pushed forward at least hundreds of years! Directly enter the edge of the prehistoric myth! The ancient myth system!

She couldn't believe it was true, but... this is Danxia Palace! It's one of the eight great forbidden areas! It must have a meaning if it's engraved here! It's definitely not for decoration!

Before she finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already placed a finger next to her lips and made a shushing gesture. She could even blow the rough finger in front of her with a breath. Her face turned slightly red, pursed her lips and lowered her head, and said awkwardly: "What, what's wrong?"

"There are more than 1,800 pictures here." Xu Yangyi stood up, staring at the uninterrupted wall carvings around him, and said in a deep voice: "Have you counted them?"

"The Romance of the Gods, 230 pictures."

"Sun Bin, 207 pictures."

"Zhuge Liang..." He looked over and said lightly: "Should we see how many there are?"

Mudan nodded mechanically, as if an idea had come to her mind, but she didn't think it through for a while. She followed Xu Yangyi's steps and walked forward in confusion.

Turning a corner, Xu Yangyi stopped, his eyes flickering slightly: "This one, Stars Falling on Wuzhangyuan, 212 pieces."

"Total, there are more than 600 wall carvings. Mudan, let me remind you again, there are 1,800 wall carvings here. 1,800 minus 600, how many equals?"

Mudan said in a daze: "1,200..."

"Let me ask you again, Liu Bowen, how many do you think it should be now?"

"More than 200... because the previous ones are... No, no! No! No! No!!" Mudan suddenly realized and screamed: "Then, then in the middle! The nearly 1,000 in the middle What is the wall carving! "

"More...more! One more story!"

"Yes..." Xu Yangyi smiled excitedly: "First Jiang Shang, then Sun Bin, Zhuge Liang five hundred years ago. Liu Bowen five hundred years later. But now, there is one more person in it!"

"Who could it be?" He took a deep breath: "In history, each of the four great men only occupied more than two hundred pages, and this person occupied half of the 1,800 wall carvings. Who do you think it is?"

Mudan was completely confused, but in her heart, the terrible guess just now made her tremble with excitement!

This folk legend...was engraved here! And...there is one more story!


Who on earth can compete for half of the country among Jiang Ziya, Sun Bin, Zhuge Liang, and Liu Bowen?

Which of these four people is not a hero who appears once every five hundred years! And there is actually one person whose page exceeds the sum of the four of them!

"We will know the answer soon..." Xu Yangyi looked at a picture in front of him, but a strange scene happened.

He couldn't see the picture clearly!

It was so close, but he couldn't see it clearly. There was a corner in front of him, and the light was a little dim. He could vaguely see... an oil-paper umbrella?

He took a deep breath. Similarly, he didn't think that this story was engraved here to decorate this passage. Anything that can be engraved in one of the eight great forbidden places must be absolutely simple!

Especially... if, that place below is really the place in his memory.

A giant monster, the top of the pyramid in the peak of the monks, would do such a thing when he is free? Could it be an artist?

"Captain, you! Look here!" At this moment, Mudan's voice came from behind, as if she had made a new discovery and was very excited.

Xu Yangyi pondered, looked around, and slowly turned around.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped! And a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

They... saw a total of 600 wall carvings!

In other words, they went at least 600 meters deep into this passage!

They walked 600 meters without realizing it!

"Swish..." A gust of cold wind, as if to confirm his thoughts, blew silently in the passage.

It seemed to blow through his clothes and his body, making him feel cold all over!

Because Dan Ling's gift of photographic memory was fully exerted at this moment... bit by bit!

Six hundred meters... The Zhao family reminded: After six hundred meters, you will immediately enter the Yellow Spring Road!

"Captain?" Mudan's puzzled voice came from behind, and a jade hand gently pulled his clothes: "Look! Here! It's incredible!"

Xu Yangyi's hand grabbed the iron chain in the air without hesitation, without looking back, and said coldly: "Who are you?"

"Captain?" Mudan was stunned for a moment, and continued to pull him, and the force was inadvertently increasing: "You, you look!"

Xu Yangyi didn't say a word, suddenly closed his eyes, and rushed forward three meters with all his strength!

He and Mudan... not the "Mudan" behind him now, but the real Mudan, have unknowingly walked to the intersection of the Yellow Spring Road!

At this moment, he felt cold sweat, and his palms were wet!

Too weird...

The human eye is not only able to see what is in front of it. In fact, the perspective captured by the human eye is very broad. As the saying goes, except for the focal point, the rest is "the corner of the eye."

And his corner of the eye was very sure that Mudan had not moved at all! Not moved at all!

However, right in front of him, less than 0.01 seconds after he turned around, Mudan had changed.

What made him so sure was that Mudan's hand... was still tightly grasping his clothes, and at the same time, the voice had turned into a scream: "Look! Look! Take a look! Captain, look!"

That voice had changed from Mudan's voice to a neutral voice that was neither male nor female, and finally... it became a purely terrifying male voice!

Yellow Spring Road...Even Xu Yangyi felt goose bumps on the back of his hand at this moment. He squinted his eyes and glanced at his elbow - Mudan's hand was placed there, but he immediately closed his eyes after seeing it!

A... woman with hollowed-out eye sockets and removed chin, with disheveled hair, was being dragged by his hand. While walking, she screamed desperately, "Captain, take a look!"

And her appearance... was obviously Mudan!

At that moment, he wanted to turn around and see if Mudan was still alive.

"No..." Then, he immediately made up his mind: "Now... I must not turn back!"

"Ayi..." At this moment, a gentle voice sounded, and this voice made his eyelids move suddenly, and he almost opened them. His body turned around reflexively and almost turned around!

This... was the voice of his mother in his memory!

"Xiaoyi, where are you going!" At the same time, a majestic boy sounded: "Come back, I will drive you to school."

Xu Yangyi's lips moved, his Adam's apple trembled several times, and he closed his eyes tightly, his heart full of bitterness.

One sentence evoked the feelings hidden in his dreams for countless years.

A gentle hand touched his hair, and the gentle female voice, with a hint of emotion, sounded in his ears: "You have grown so big... Come, turn around, let mom see... See if the boy has become handsome..."

A line of clear tears flowed silently. Xu Yangyi clenched the iron chain in his hand, and that hand shook like a stroke.

Just one glance, just one glance!

I won’t turn my head, but... I can take a look at the appearance of my parents’ hands in my memory...

Even if it’s an illusion.

In the not-too-dark darkness, he silently opened his eyes.

“Tears…” He stretched out his hand and wiped it in astonishment, with a bitter smile: “How many years…”

But, the next second, he suddenly woke up!

The hand that stroked his hair was now stroking his face! But, it was definitely not a human hand!

It was a monster hand covered with white hair and black nails half an inch long!

The flickering light found his figure in the passage, and behind him… there was nothing!

Only that rootless white-haired hand was touching his hair! \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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