
Main text Chapter 195: Danxia Palace (XIV)

He didn't know... Behind him, on the countless wall sculptures, people's eyes all glowed faintly, looking at him like a shadow. Move as he takes a step.

Ordinary people, if they encounter this kind of situation, will definitely scream, look back and run away immediately!

Xu Yangyi's first reaction was the same, but he held back.

"Fuck you..." He gritted his teeth and cursed fiercely. The dream in his heart was ruthlessly torn apart, and his lips were almost bleeding from the bite. He closed his eyes and continued to walk forward along the iron rope.

This road... is terrifyingly evil.

It was as if... he could read what he wanted most in his head.

Everyone thought that what he wanted was strength. However, he knew that if he was given a chance to come back, he would choose family love!

What immortality, what superhuman being! He doesn’t want them all! As long as the once ordinary self lives a life of knowing nothing.

"Zizz..." Just at this moment, a subtle zizz sound came, and the light outside, which was not very bright, flashed several times with the eyelids isolated, and with the "pop..." all the lights, at this moment, all Go out!

Even with my eyes closed, I can feel the outside of my eyelids changing from a hint of brightness to complete darkness.

"Breathe...breathe..." His slight breathing echoed in the empty corridor, as if he was completely isolated from the world at this moment.

Everyone disappeared, leaving only myself and the boundless darkness.

"Crash..." Suddenly, his eyelids trembled, because with this extremely soft sound, the iron rope in his hand shook slightly!

It was... it felt like someone was shaking the iron rope in front of me!

If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely ask who it is. However, Xu Yangyi still did not speak.

He firmly remembered what Mr. Zhao Wu said... no matter what he saw... what he heard... he could never look back. And now...he doesn't even want to open his mouth or open his eyes.

Vision, hearing, and smell are all unreliable now!

As if to make him remember clearly, five seconds later... there was another sound of the iron rope being shaken.

Crash...crash...In the darkness, the sound was even and calm. Crazy uniform! It's so calm that it makes your heart tremble!

Like a rope that is black and white and impermanent, it is caught in his hands.

"Do you want me to let go?" In this situation, Xu Yangyi managed to squeeze out a smile: "Get out!"

He held the iron rope hard and swung it back suddenly!

He didn't sway, though.

Even his heart was beating wildly at this moment. Drops of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and the hairs on his arms suddenly stood up!

Someone...there is indeed someone!

Someone is shaking the chain on the other side!

Or...there is something that is not human, shaking the iron rope spreading from the depths of darkness!

Because, this frightening darkness, he touched...the hand of another thing! The hand of another thing standing in front of me without saying a word!

"Swiss, swiss, swish..." A strange sound sounded in front of him, as if a strange and huge creature, in the darkness, in front of him, opened its mouth wide enough to swallow a person!

Those heart-stopping rustling sounds are the same sounds that come from this weird creature shaking the Lin family!

"Are you desperate for your life?!" At this moment, a roar sounded from his spiritual consciousness: "Open your eyes quickly! Boy!"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. The voice was familiar... very familiar... The elixir was something he could never forget, and he immediately remembered the source of the voice.

Bibo real person!

He didn't die? !

"Boy!" Master Bibo's voice was filled with incomparable fury and anxiety: "How did you end up in a place like this! Do as I say, don't look back, never look back! Damn it... the monks now are still Do you know what fear is?”

"Left foot, step back thirty centimeters, now, immediately!"

Xu Yangyi still didn't move.

After a second of silence, Master Bibo's voice became furious: "Boy... are you doubting whether I am real or not?! How dare you!"

"How did you die?" Suddenly, Xu Yangyi asked in an extremely calm voice.

Master Bibo's death was too strange, but as a real man, he lived for a thousand years, so he didn't believe it when he said he had no backup plan.

However, in a place like this, Master Bibo's voice sounded, and he didn't believe it even more!

If it is means that a trace of Bibo's remnant soul has been hiding in his body. If it is fake...the consequences will be unimaginable!

"I am having a direct conversation with your spiritual consciousness!" Bibo's voice was filled with incomparable anxiety: "Boy, please listen to me clearly. Even I don't dare to come to a place like this..."

"How did you die?" Xu Yangyi said this sentence word by word through his teeth.

Silent again, Master Bibo suppressed his anger and took a deep breath: "Whether you believe it or not, I was killed by someone. Who killed me is not your place to ask. Why, you are even less qualified to ask. Now you only need to know that Taoists say that people have three souls: one is the fetal light, the second is the refreshing spirit, and the third is the ghost essence. The true fetal light is hidden in your sea of ​​qi and will live and die with you. If you hadn't escaped death now, you wouldn't have survived. The real person will never show up!"

"So, you plan to seize the body?" Xu Yangyi advanced instead of retreating, taking another step forward.

He wasn't sure.

Is this Bibo real or fake?

What he did was too serious... As for the other party, there were two choices, one wrong step, in a place like this... he couldn't bear the consequences at all!

In a kaleidoscope-like environment... every mirror reflected his shadow.

"Bastard!!!" Master Bibo's voice has become hoarse: "Boy Xu... I tell you that that day, I first solved the mystery of Ming Shen Shiba, and then came to you! Is this enough!"

"I, the real person, watched helplessly as you two took action to snatch my inner elixir. Is this enough?"

"I watched you finally succeed, and several old ghosts of Jindan arrived. Is this enough?"

"I died in the Seven Star Demon Slaying..." He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath: "Now, come back to me!"

Xu Yangyi finally stopped.

However, he didn't go back.

"It's useless to say more... When you go in, you will know... This iron rope is really the last straw to save your life... Remember, no matter when, no matter what happens, no matter what sound you hear... Don't let it go... pull it and never go over by yourself... Otherwise, you won't be able to walk out of this straight path..."

He remembered clearly what the Zhao family said.

But, this Bi Bo... those few words just now gained him a faint trust.

It matched all his guesses about Jin Dan's real person, and...he told everything about himself, perfectly.

If not, Xu Yangyi would never waste a word with him.

"That's right..." Bi Bo's voice breathed a sigh of relief: "Now, don't look back, turn twenty degrees to the side..."

Xu Yangyi still didn't move.

"Brush!!!" At this moment, the living imperial weapon on his chest suddenly flashed with golden light!

Burning, burning that stings the skin! This feeling is extremely real. Xu Yangyi is 100% sure that this is a living imperial weapon! No illusion!

That feeling of flesh and blood cannot be erased no matter what!

At the same time, a sharp cry sounded in Xu Yangyi's ears, as if a glass was broken, and the sound of Bibo disappeared with a crash.

Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes. Looking at chest in disbelief.

Countless golden lights emitted from his chest. Light up everything around you. He suddenly saw...

He had turned around seventy degrees inexplicably!

If he turned another twenty degrees... he... would look back!

Illusion... He bit his lip. The blue waves just now... were actually still an illusion!

A... double illusion that can read minds!

This is probably the scariest place on Huangquan Road!

In an illusion without any light, it evokes the desire and ugliness in the heart of the human heart. Horrible...weird...any worries and worries in my heart will be infinitely magnified here! Forming a reality that is simply indistinguishable! There seemed to be thousands of mirrors in the darkness, forming a magical kaleidoscope here. Reflecting the heart of everyone who enters.

"A road can actually give me the choice of life and death..." He took a deep breath and tried to calm down: "Just now, whether Bibo was still alive and hiding in his body, or I turned around. To me It’s all a disaster. And I’m sure I’m going straight forward without even taking a single step.”

If the imperial weapon hadn't suddenly become powerful, and he had turned twenty degrees... the consequences would have been unimaginable!

"The second illusion in the illusion." He looked around cautiously: "The hands that suddenly appeared in the darkness are fake, and the shaking chains are also fake...The invisible creature standing in front of me is still fake! The introduction of the old monster Bibo The voice is the real trump card of Huangquan Road... There is only one step left, the last step, and I will turn my head... Is this really something that can be triggered by a secret realm? What kind of superb formation is needed to achieve such a profound insight into people's hearts? "

"Dong dong..." The silence was like a cave in a morgue, and his heart was beating like a drum. Eventually, the drums died down and finally died down.

"But... now, everything has dissipated..." He breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the Living Emperor Artifact flying up from his chest automatically, with a smile on his lips.

With his spiritual consciousness, he could clearly feel that something... that was indescribable to him, cold, and like a tarsal maggot... was quickly leaving him and leaving the place where he was.

The next second, the Living Emperor's weapon suddenly glowed with golden light! With a whoosh, he flew to the top of his head, and then, thousands of golden lights sprinkled down!

As the light shines on him, the place ten meters around where he stands is filled with brilliance! At the same time, a strange "zizz" sound, as if fire was poured with oil, sounded from the darkness in an extremely terrifying way, and then slowly faded away!

The wind blew inexplicably, and strange sounds like crying and laughing came from the wind and gradually disappeared from the ears. He couldn't tell what the sound was, but every sound made people have a splitting headache.

Some invisible things... slowly receded in the darkness, illuminated by golden light.

Here, silence returned again. \u003c/dd\u003e

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