
Main text Chapter 196: Danxia Palace (Fifteen)

Xu Yangyi took his hand back and wiped it on his clothes to wipe off the cold sweat. He leaned against the wall, took several deep breaths, and took out a cigarette to smoke.

His fingers were shaking a little, and he took several puffs before he calmed down completely.

He carefully identified it and couldn't tell where it was. However, he could clearly see that the Living Emperor's Weapon was hovering above his head, and a very faint golden light shield was covering him.

It was very faint, so faint that it would almost break at the touch, but the heart-shaking feeling on it was not fake at all. Xu Yangyi knew very well that he might not be able to blast open this light shield even if he fought for a hundred years.

His back hurt a little, and he stood up. His eyes suddenly brightened.

This... is the Yellow Spring Road.

This is the territory of the person who was mixed between Jiang Shang, Sun Bin, Zhuge Liang, and Liu Bowen! !

That story... that person, is hidden in this Yellow Spring Road!

No one can see it, but now, he can!

This thought instantly dispelled the extremely uncomfortable feeling just now. He took a deep breath, still did not look back, but... pulled the iron chain, did not turn around, and walked back step by step!

He wanted to see who was under the oil-paper umbrella...!

He wanted to see what the meaning of this story engraved here was!

Step by step, he retreated back to the place where he first returned.

Peony was no longer there. Now he could only hope in his heart that the other party had walked this terrifying road.

His eyes looked at the copy of the unclear wall carving without hesitation.

Under the golden light, it was like all demons retreating. The mural that was originally unclear was extremely clear at this moment.

That was a wall carving with the same style of painting.

But he never thought of the person on it!

On the wall carving, there was a fish biting a straight hook and was hung up by the old man.

This old man... was Jiang Ziya!

Jiang Taigong fishes, and those who are willing to take the bait!

Because, the hook is straight! It can't hook a fish at all!

That is a black carp.

"Black carp... black carp!" His breathing became rapid. He remembered a lot, remembering the black carp that covered the sky and the sun under the water when he woke up!

He quickly wiped the ring, took out the storage ring, and took out the piece of parchment that had been pieced together.

He looked at it again, and he hoped that he was wrong, but the scribbled handwriting on it told him without any doubt that it was the symbol of a giant fish!

Could it be... that fish... was the one that Jiang Taigong caught and released?

That fish... witnessed the meeting between Taigong Wang and Zhou Wenwang Jichang?

His heart beat faster. A terrible guess came to his mind.

If... there is really a lotus sea underneath, and that fish is really the one that Jiang Taigong caught, then doesn't it mean... it... has lived for more than 3,600 years! ! !

3,600 years of immortality! 3600 years of suppression... What a concept! !

It witnessed the birth of Chinese civilization!

It is even one of the earliest giant monsters in the world to come into contact with civilization!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a giant in the monster world! A big monster that coexisted with Su Daji, Hu Ximei, and Wang Guiren Xuanyuan!

It... may even know the true origin of the cultivation world, whether there is a prehistoric myth, whether... there is something in the legend of cultivators...


As long as it has witnessed the legendary battle of conferred gods, if this myth really has a source, then... the entire current cultivation civilization will be rewritten!

His heart was beating so fast. Xu Yangyi took out another cigarette, took several deep breaths, and then calmed down again.

Jiang Ziya... Sun Bin... Zhuge Liang... Liu Bowen, four reincarnations, and this green fish...

He stopped his divergent thoughts and continued to read on.

However, he was completely stunned by the second picture.

For a moment, he even suspected that he had seen it wrong.

That... is a classic wall carving.

On a vast lake, the blue waves and the picturesque scenery on both sides, under an oil-paper umbrella, a woman in a white dress and a woman in a green dress are taking the umbrella handed over by a scholar!

If he still can't understand what this wall carving represents, then he is unworthy of being a cultivator of civilization!

"This is... the Legend of the White Snake..." He stroked the picture in shock. This picture is exactly the same as the Legend of the White Snake in any book!

Everything in front of him is too incredible. He read it one by one until he saw the last one. Even he couldn't help being shocked in his heart.

Yes, this is the Legend of the White Snake.

But it is completely different from the Legend of the White Snake in his impression!

Bai Suzhen is definitely not a good person! This group of more than 900 wall carvings tells the story of Bai Suzhen meeting Xu Xian by the West Lake, Xu Xian indulging in, and marrying Bai Suzhen. Finally, the monk Fahai saw through the story, and Xu Xian immediately asked to get rid of the demons. In the end, Fahai got rid of the two demons, and Xu Xian became a monk, begging for alms to build a seven-story pagoda to suppress the two demons forever. It was called Leifeng Pagoda.

This is just one of the reasons. The second reason is... there is no green snake on it!

Instead, it is... a green fish!

If the wall carving is true, then the Legend of the White Snake is not one of the four great love stories in China, but... a true contradiction between humans and demons! It is definitely not two green and white snakes, but one snake and one fish!

His mind was a little confused. Ordinary things, placed in special places, are definitely not ordinary. Especially... when Xu Yangyi knew that there might be a huge black fish below, he saw such a group of murals!

The whole mural, according to the dynasty, started from the Shang Dynasty, to the Warring States Period, and then to the Three Kingdoms. On the way, it went through the Legend of the White Snake in the Song Dynasty and ended with Liu Bowen in the Ming Dynasty.

However, the whole group of murals was carved in the Tang Dynasty!

While thinking, suddenly, the living emperor on his head made a light "hum" sound, and the golden light covering his whole body disappeared instantly. A ray of light shone into his eyes.

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and looked at the mural next to him.

It was a man, in a magnificent bedroom, a man with an extremely ugly face, wearing a winged dragon crown, wearing a nine-dragon robe, with his hand on a bowl, and was talking to a thin man.

"Half like the sun and half like the moon, once bitten by a golden dragon." Xu Yangyi recited this poem almost without thinking.

If he guessed correctly... this scene was exactly the scene where Zhu Yuanzhang asked Liu Bowen to guess what he had eaten in the morning.

"Sure enough..." He squinted his eyes and looked at a mural that spread in front of him: "The whole plot has come to Liu Bowen."

"Liu Bowen... constitutes the last link of this thousand-meter story."

As far as his eyes could see, there was a growing light in front of him, and there were obviously many figures there.

Unconsciously, under the guidance of the living emperor, he actually looked at the wall carving and walked through the entire Yellow Spring Road unconsciously!

Taking a deep breath, he walked out of the darkness firmly. Outside, it was almost brightly lit. He habitually raised his hand to block some of the light, but in his squinting eyes, he saw people lying on the ground in front of him.

All of them were lying on the ground, as if they were asleep. Breathing was very even.

The only one who didn't sleep was Zhao Fenglai. He had red eyes, a dry look, and messy hair. He sat next to the passage and smoked one cigarette after another.

"How long have I been walking?" Xu Yangyi asked calmly, trying not to think about what he saw in the cave.

"A week." Zhao Fenglai's voice was hoarse, and then he smiled bitterly: "This time... no one was injured or killed, but... they also slept for a week."

"Are you okay?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Fenglai did not speak, but raised one of his hands, which was covered with bloodstains, obviously cut not long ago. And he held a small box in his hand.

It was the small box that contained the ground listening device.

"Before leaving, Lao Wu gave me this thing. If it weren't for him... I'm afraid I would be in a coma like them at this moment..." He took a deep puff, and his hand holding the cigarette was shaking: "I swear... I will never take this road again in my lifetime!"

"You can't imagine what I encountered..."

He seemed to want to laugh, but as soon as he smiled, two lines of turbid old tears couldn't help but flow down.

Xu Yangyi didn't laugh at him. The danger factor of this road is far beyond Leviathan! If the latter is still a visible threat, then you don't know when you will lose your life in the Yellow Springs Road.

Sitting down and stretching out a hand, Zhao Fenglai was stunned for a moment, and then threw a cigarette to him knowingly. Xu Yangyi lit it quietly, looked at the burning cigarette butt quietly, and didn't smoke it. After a long while, he smiled: "Sometimes, I really admire the wisdom of mortals."

"Addiction is a drug that can't be quit. Just like the pursuit of power by monks." Zhao Fenglai nodded with a haggard look, and looked at Xu Yangyi with dim eyes: "Are you okay?"

"The threat I received is more direct." Xu Yangyi took a deep puff of cigarette: "You are right, I will never take this road again."

This time, there is a living emperor weapon. Will he be so lucky next time?

However, he also clearly realized that here... is getting closer and closer to the real entrance of Danxia Palace!

The closer... the more dangerous! Murder is everywhere!

They are sitting in the passage now, and they can't see the wall of the honeycomb. He didn't ask. Instead, he smiled and raised his chin towards the sleeping person: "How long will it take?"

"It's hard to say. The shortest is three days. The longest..." Zhao Fenglai exhaled a puff of blue smoke, and a trace of grief flashed in his eyes: "Just sleep like this..."

In silence, the two smoked tacitly. After a long time, until the third cigarette, Xu Yangyi held the cigarette in his mouth, looked at the dragon head on the top of the cave and said: "Have you ever guessed what is under here?"

"No." Zhao Wuye replied lightly: "It's the residence of the gods, and any guess is wrong."

Restore 2 updates, and update three times irregularly in the future\u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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