
Main text Chapter 197: Danxia Palace (Sixteen)

Once again, he fell into silence. After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi said, "Tell me a story."

"Oh?" Zhao Fenglai's dispensable voice answered.

"How about the Legend of White Snake?"

There was a burst of laughter from Mr. Zhao Wu.

"I just met it inside." Xu Yangyi then made up a lie and looked back at the hole far behind him for the first time with a deep look: "But it's not the same as the Legend of White Snake I know."

"Haha..." Zhao Fenglai laughed dryly, turned around, turned his back to Xu Yangyi, and said lazily: "Why is it different? Did Xu Xian help Fahai collect the white snake?"

This time, it was Xu Yangyi's turn to raise his eyebrows.

Zhao Fenglai's voice was a bit strange.

"How do you mean I know?" Zhao Fenglai's voice became weird, and he shrugged his shoulders as if he was laughing: "What do you think?"

Xu Yangyi's expression became solemn again. The cigarette butt was extinguished in the palm of my hand!

Because... Zhao Fenglai's voice at this moment is the same as the "Peony" at the beginning! Starting to look half male and half female! Finally... it turned into a completely genderless voice!

"Zizzi...zizi..." At the same time, the dragon's head above his head began to flash, and the chain behind him, "crack...crack..." sounded very clearly and rhythmically!

It seemed like... there was a fierce ghost chasing after the soul, pulling on the iron chain, crawling out bit by bit!

"Official..." Following a strange sound of "Kakaka", Zhao Fenglai's head turned 180 degrees in the half-darkness like the flickering light of an electric light: "Because... Xiaoqing It’s just herring…”

"Guanren... do you know what the original Legend of White Snake was like..."

"Guanren, you... finally turned around..."

Triple illusion!

At this moment, he completely understood.

The first level is when he enters Huangquan Road. Let him feel strange clearly!

In the second level, holding a person's hand in the darkness, all kinds of strange phenomena accumulated, making the appearance of real Bibo extremely natural. And the third level... Sensing his cautious attitude, the sudden appearance of the Living Emperor Artifact, Huangquan Lu immediately and naturally created the illusion of leaving! Let him think that he has walked out of the road to hell. And the end, after "leaving" the cave and feeling most relaxed, he finally looked back at the entrance of the cave that he had "left"!

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth together. Is this... really an illusion that the formation can create?

Such insight into people's hearts... It's nothing more than saying that the Jin Dan Patriarch personally manipulated it!

"Swipe!" Everything in front of him was dark again. He only felt a little itchy on his face. He stretched out his hand and scratched it gently, but he caught a lot of hair in his hand!

"Swish, swish, swish..." Huangquan Road... Those who turn back will die! Behind him, countless hairs spread out like a tide!

A terrifying killing intent instantly locked onto him.

This was the literal killing intent that he had never felt before. It seemed like that killing intent was enough to kill him thousands of times!

"Whoosh..." Countless hairs wrapped around his neck, but he found that he couldn't move at all because of the killing intent!

"Shifang Red Lotus!" Without any hesitation, now, every second is life! He roared angrily, sacrificed himself, and the red lotus from all directions spurted out! But, those hairs were completely unfazed! Not a single sign of burning!

A hand gently touched his cheek from behind.

It was very light, very cold, like a dead body caressing his face from behind. And around him, there was invisible darkness!

"Click..." There was a gentle locking sound in the body. Immediately, he was surprised to find that all the spiritual energy in his body was locked! There is no way to use it at all!

On the neck, the hair suddenly tightened! The veins on his neck popped out, but he couldn't break free at all!

"Brush!" At this moment, a piece of golden light burst out from the chest again, and the half of the living emperor weapon suddenly rushed out. But this time, it wasn't as simple as spinning above his head.

A golden shadow instantly filled the space. The shadow of the Sui Star God he had seen once before shone brightly! Like the sun in the darkness, rising slowly!

An extremely dazzling light suddenly shot out from its clasped hands, and pieces of golden light were like a tide, quickly fading away all the darkness!

"Ha!" Xu Yangyi closed his eyes instinctively, and when he opened them again, he was covered in cold sweat.

A sharp pain came from his thigh. He did not look at it immediately, but jumped up like a carp. Immediately assume a posture to meet the enemy and look around with great caution!

Dan Ling, who had a photographic memory, reminded him of one thing repeatedly.

He was standing just now.

And when he opened his eyes, he was sitting with his back to the passage!

And he himself has no consciousness at all!

All around, there was silence. There was a warmth in his chest, and the extremely thin golden light shield still covered the top of his head. The Living Emperor's weapon hovered gently above his head, just as it had before he closed his eyes, unchanged at all.

He maintained the fighting posture for ten minutes before he relaxed a little.

This situation... is very similar to the weird three-year dream situation when he left Lianhai.

He breathed hard into his fist, and the wet feeling and tingling on his thigh repeatedly hit his nerves. He looked down and his eyes suddenly jumped!

A dagger was stuck in his thigh.

The elixir of photographic memory came into play again, and countless images flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

It seemed that he had gone back to the time when he was talking to "Zhao Fenglai", but... from the "memory", he was talking to the air, making a smoking motion towards the air, and then... looking back !

However, the moment he turned back, a sound of wooden fish suddenly sounded from half of the small box. At the same time, a gleam of clarity appeared in his eyes!

Then, without hesitation, he took out a dagger from the storage ring and thrust it into his leg!

The scene ends abruptly here. It was like reliving everything before.

"Sha..." His face was as sinking as water, and his hand grasped the handle of the knife on his thigh without hesitation. He gritted his teeth slightly and applied force suddenly, and he immediately pulled out the dagger.

Playing with the knife and flower in his hand, Xu Yangyi was not careless at all, and he did not dare to be careless at all, because just when the golden light flashed, he could clearly see his position from the wall sculpture.

In place!

Jiang Taigong is fishing and has not made any progress!

"That means... I was tricked from the beginning?" His eyes were cold and scary. He looked at the dagger in his hand and stabbed his left arm forcefully without any warning!

There was no scream, only the sound of gritting teeth was heard in the darkness.

He understood why he saw those pictures... The human body is a very special structure. The human eye has the function of preserving images. His eyes saw these pictures, but at that time, he was already affected by hallucinations, but his brain issued a "refuse to accept" command! However, these images do exist in my mind.

Once I woke up, these pictures, thanks to my gift of photographic memory, immediately ran through my mind in a whirlwind!

There was a sharp pain, and blood flowed down the sharp blade into his hand. He gritted his teeth and licked it.

Salty and rusty.

It wasn't until this moment that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Without any words, he gritted his teeth again, pulled out the dagger, cut off the sleeve of his camouflage uniform, and tied it to his hand.

His movements were a little slow and his head was slightly dizzy. These were symptoms after a large area of ​​bleeding. Even the ancestor of the Golden Pill would still be like this after bleeding so much.

The severe pain made his teeth tremble. It was because he had stabbed himself. The stupidest way is also the most reliable way. Because it's so simple that even a fool can do it.

"Pah..." He snapped his fingers. A ball of flame appeared, and with his fingers trembling slightly due to the severe pain, he took out a cigarette. He took a few puffs of the cigarette, and the strong nicotine rushed into his chest, which seemed to relieve the pain in his hands.

This kind of pain can be cured at any time with a healing talisman, but he has no intention of curing it.

He... wants to keep these pains to remind himself... here, what is real and what is virtual.

"Thank you." After a long time, he stood up and smiled at the imperial weapon above his head in a slightly hoarse voice. If it weren't for this thing, he didn't know if he could still come out.

He reached out and grabbed the small box. However, the moment his hand touched the imperial weapon, a white halo of light suddenly erupted from the small box!

"Brush!!" The invisible white halo rushed through the entire hole in an instant!

When this circle of light passed by, he heard again...those screams that were like ghosts. It was strange that he could feel those sounds, not in his ears, but directly in his mind.

Extremely desolate, extremely resentful, extremely terrifying, as if... the people on the countless wall sculptures are all living creatures!

However, he was not in the mood to think about this at all, because... a strange scene appeared in front of him!

He stood in front of the wall sculpture of Jiang Taigong fishing. At this moment, the first red light flashed in the still dark cave.

That was... the wall sculpture beside him, Jiang Taigong's fishing line, formed an arc. Only this part of the entire wall sculpture shines with an abnormal red light!

"This is..." His eyes flickered and he immediately turned his head to look!

Starting from this wall sculpture, every tenth wall sculpture will have a place flashing red! Moreover, this is just like the aisle lights when a superstar appears. They don't light up at the same time, but the stone sculptures light up one after another!

"Swish..." Silent red lights flickered one by one in the passages he could see. It’s like the lights are shining one after another before the concert!

However, their shapes are extremely irregular. Jiang Taigong's wall sculpture is an arc, and the next one is a hook... There are all kinds of them, and suddenly, all the shining stone sculptures make a low buzzing sound! The next second, as long as there was a red-flashing stone slab, all of them turned upside down like a secret door!

Behind it... there are countless extremely complicated talismans that Xu Yangyi doesn't recognize at all!

Grooves formed a formation that was in harmony with the sky, and above it... it was as if the energy of the spaceship hundreds of years later in a science fiction movie was connected, and grooves began to light up one after another!

"Whoosh whoosh..." All the red light seemed to be attracted by something at this moment, like hundreds of little red snakes, swimming in front of Xu Yangyi, intertwined together, as if they wanted to merge, but they were always missing something. , cannot be integrated at all.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's ring suddenly flashed with scorching heat, and then, an ancient parchment scroll suddenly flew out! Suddenly flew into the red light!

In an instant... like a magical chemical reaction, the red light seemed to have found its backbone! It rushed madly towards the parchment scroll! Forming a huge blood-colored aura ball! \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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