
Main text Chapter 199: Danxia Palace (XVIII)

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked very cautiously on the 100-meter-wide stone platform.

He didn't know how long he had walked. There was no sign of the end of the Altar of Heaven. Moreover, there was nothing else. It seemed that this was a dead and lonely road leading to an endless end.

Boring and lonely, like his shadow, followed him closely.

He didn't say a word, but just walked up step by step like a song with the loop button pressed.

"It seems that there is no change..." He looked up. At this moment, he was already hundreds of meters deep, and the endless thick fog lingered around him, like an immortal: "But it has changed too much..."

"Now, its total length is less than 50 meters wide." He took out a few more three-eyed spirit monkeys and released them: "The higher you go, the narrower it is. When it is as narrow as it can be, I want to see what tricks it can play."

Time passed like running water. He couldn't even remember how long he stayed here. His two legs were already mechanically moving forward. According to his memory, he had walked at least four or five thousand steps.

He did not stop, because he clearly saw that above... about one or two hundred meters away, the red light formed by the burning flames disappeared.

There was the peak of the Altar of Heaven!

Here, it was already narrow to a width of less than ten meters! It can be imagined that the peak... was probably only one or two meters away!

Who built this place? Aren't you afraid of falling to death? Looking down from such a high place would be terrifying, right? He was about to continue walking up after making a bad joke in his heart. Suddenly, a majestic and magnificent voice sounded in his ears without any sign!

"Mortals stop."

The moment this voice sounded, Xu Yangyi felt that his spiritual consciousness and Qi sea seemed to collapse in an instant!

For Qi training cultivators... this is the power of the heaven! The kind of terrifying spiritual power that clearly felt crushing everything made him sweat profusely!

Is there anyone?

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly became cautious. He never thought that there would be someone here!

This is... the Eight Great Desolate Places, a wall carving from the Tang Dynasty. How could there be someone here! If there was someone... how long had he stayed here? Five hundred years? One thousand years?

He immediately stopped and bowed without hesitation, saying, "Junior has mistakenly entered here, and I pay my respects to you, senior."

There was no sound.

Xu Yangyi had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and the other party's voice seemed to have no malice. However, this place was too strange. It was hidden in the Yellow Spring Road!

If he left according to the other party's wishes. How would he... get out?

Now, even if he knew that the other party was an unfathomable old senior, he had to go and try!

"Senior." After half an hour, Xu Yangyi clasped his fists again and said, "Junior has no malice, nor is he curious. He was just forcibly pulled in here by a red teleportation array. Please forgive me for disturbing you, senior. If you are willing to tell me how to get out, I will be grateful."

Saying this, his heart was also beating like a drum. On his seemingly calm face, his palms were full of cold sweat.

Secret Realm... In this kind of place, life and death are determined by fate, and wealth and honor are determined by heaven. The cultivation civilization will never care about what happens in the secret realm. Even if outsiders know who killed people and stole treasures, revenge will never be put in the open. This is the unwritten rule of the cultivation civilization.

In other words... if this senior wants to kill himself, he doesn't need to waste any effort! And no one will take revenge!

He can only pray that this senior is not an old monster. He is already riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off. It is better to risk everything, maybe he can fight for an opportunity!

Ten minutes passed again, and there was still no reaction. Xu Yangyi lowered his head, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly had an idea.

Maybe... there is no one here!

There are so many ways to leave a voice and a picture, maybe... this is a trick set by people!

He pursed his lips, narrowed his eyes, and smiled: "I don't know how long you have been practicing here. Now the outside world has turned upside down, why don't you tell me?"

Still no answer.

The light in his eyes became brighter, and his feet moved forward ten centimeters tentatively. Immediately, the voice like a god came immediately: "Mortals stop."

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but moved his feet to the right, and another voice came: "Mortals stop."

He did not stop, left, back, as long as he moved his feet, the voice sounded immediately.

Ten minutes later, he licked his lips lightly, and looked at the top of the thick fog in silence. At this moment, he was almost certain that there was absolutely no one on it!

This is a mechanism. As long as he moved his feet, the voice would sound immediately.

"But..." He pondered, "From the third sentence, I felt something was wrong with you."

"Cultivators are also human beings. But they are beyond human beings. We also have seven emotions and six desires. No one, no cultivator in history, does not talk to people after coming out of seclusion. No matter how used to it, you must talk to someone. Not to mention... this place is even more like a prison!"

"A person who can't get out has spent countless years in the same environment. Finally someone comes in. If you are a living person, what would be your reaction?" He smiled: "Chatty? Excited? Don't care about the level at all?"

All of these are possible, but it is impossible to be so indifferent, so casual, so... mechanical!

He did not speak, nor did he go up. Instead, he carefully manipulated several three-eyed spirit ape puppets to go up.

The puppets disappeared in the thick fog without a sound, as if a stone entered a large lake. After more than ten minutes, they walked back leisurely.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief. If there were people up there, these things would never come back.

Without hesitation, he immediately raised his legs and walked towards the top.

He wanted to see who was playing tricks here! What on earth was this place where mortals stopped!

More than ten minutes later, everything on the top was in sight.

There was a platform.

The platform, about one meter wide, stood alone in the vast sea of ​​clouds. Here, the fog was much lighter. Looking down from here, you can see the dense fog surrounding it layer by layer. It's like the eye of the sea! The center of the cloud vortex!

It's like climbing to the top of Mount Tai and looking far into the sea of ​​clouds. The sea of ​​fog and the feeling of being on top of the mountain are enough to make people's hearts sway and roar to the sky.

People who are more timid dare not stand on this platform at all, because this platform is barely one meter square, and all around it are the bottomless sea of ​​clouds! It makes this place like the Yunwu Yaochi in the fairy palace where the top treasures are placed!

And this place where people can only move their feet, there is something.

A... the tip of a broken sword!

It is inserted diagonally on the platform. One-third of it is inserted, forming a small crack.

Unlike ordinary ancient swords, this sword, even the tip of the sword is as wide as a palm, and it is not entirely called the tip of the sword. The length is about half the length of an adult's forearm. It lacks the aggressive and narrow sharp feeling, but instead has a kind of heavy sword without edge, and a round and natural roundness.

On it, there are some incomprehensible pictures carved. And the entire tip of the sword is full of rust. It was impossible to tell its original color, and it was completely unknown how long it had been here.

The voice of "Mortals stop" had been ringing like a reminder since Xu Yangyi stepped up, and every time, it made his spiritual consciousness feel like the end of the world. However, when it stepped onto this step, there was no sound.

Xu Yangyi did not despise it at all. Such a vast platform, such a mysterious space... The teleportation array hidden in the Yellow Spring Road brought him in just for this sword tip. If it was an ordinary thing, he would never believe it!

He did not take it directly, but manipulated the three-eyed spirit ape to take it up. Weirdly, this sword tip really looked like an ordinary thing, without precious light, and no magical powers. When several three-eyed spirit ape puppets put the sword tip in front of him, he was a little unbelieving.

Too ordinary... Ordinary to the point of being weird!

After pondering for a long time, he finally reached out and held the sword tip. At the same time! An extreme feeling of disgust came from his heart without any warning!

It was a kind of... unspeakable feeling. It was as if Xu Yangyi, or something on his body, some part, or bones, or blood, were all rejecting this thing!

Just like... sparrows and rice ears, snakes and badgers!

But at the same time, there was also a strange feeling of blood connection. If you really want to compare it, it would be... a couple who hate each other, obviously hate each other, but can't separate at all.

"What is this?" Xu Yangyi frowned. Although he didn't want to admit it, although he deliberately wanted to forget it, he remembered the scene of countless leaves coming out of his body more clearly than anyone else.

Could it be... his own blood?

At this moment, a crisp "click" sound came into his ears. He didn't care at first, but the next second, he immediately looked up and looked at the place where the tip of the sword was originally stored.

The sound... came from that crack!

There was no denying whether he heard it wrong, because, the next second, another crisp "click" sound came! It was as if something had cracked!

Xu Yangyi took a breath of cold air, and immediately grabbed the tip of the sword and rushed down a dozen steps without hesitation!

There are only two reasons for this sound.

This sword tip... has actually pierced through this thousand-meter altar of heaven!

It looks extremely magnificent on the outside, but in fact, once this sword tip is pulled out, this altar of heaven will immediately shatter like sand!

Another reason... is that this sword tip is actually suppressing something, and at this moment... this thing has been released by him!

Either way, it is an absolutely bad result!

"Ka La La La..." He jumped down less than a hundred meters, and the entire altar of heaven began to shake violently! From under his feet came a ka La La sound like a mountain breaking, from the beginning to now it has become a sound!

"Fuck!" Xu Yangyi's eyes were red. If he fell from such a high place, he would definitely die! If something came out, he would also definitely die!

He has sacrificed himself, used Xinghuo and Feng Wuhen together, but he is still a long way from the base!

At this moment... "Boom!" With a loud bang like a volcanic eruption, a ray of light suddenly illuminated the entire space from behind him!

He gritted his teeth and turned his head. In his eyes, there was a very thin ray of light, like a fairy spring, like a fire tree and silver flowers, which made the moon in the sky pale in comparison! \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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