
Text Chapter 200: Danxia Palace (XIX)

The most important thing is... from the moment this fairy spring erupted, there was... spiritual energy here!

"Swish..." The pure white, gas-like and liquid nectar that erupted turned into silver-white light raindrops all over the sky and fell one after another after erupting for a few seconds.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi took a breath of cold air, and he remembered an ancient legend.

"I've heard that... the altars of the monks usually have a maintenance array. The larger the altar, the larger the maintenance array..." He looked at the rain of light in front of him in shock: "And to preserve these altars... the array must be sealed together with the altar."

"The altar is a dead object, but the array... needs a lot of spiritual energy to support it. Only in this way can it still operate after dozens or hundreds of years..." He had already rushed to the top of the platform, his eyes brightened: "The method used by the ancient cultivators... has been recorded in the book, it is the magical power of 'sealing the gods'! Drain the spiritual energy of a space! Seal the altar, the array, the spiritual energy, and the spiritual stone together into a whole!"

This is the A-level information of the Yulin Guard. When it comes to exploring secret realms, Yulin Guards are second to none. It was only after he became the head of the group that he had the honor to read this confidential information.

Because it is too obscure, and... he remembers it very clearly. There is only one reason why this method is rarely seen!

That is... only when you reach the legendary Yuanying realm that you can't see now! You can open up space alone! Only then can you be qualified to do this kind of sealing method!

Otherwise, no matter how well it is sealed, it can't withstand hundreds of years of excavation by professional tomb robbers like the Zhao family!

In other words...

Xu Yangyi has already rushed up, sucked hard, and the spiritual spring flew into his mouth like a long dragon entering the sea: "What I am entering now is the way of conferring gods left by the ancient great powers at least above the Nascent Soul! And these..."

"Boom!" He stood on the crack that had expanded to one foot, and suddenly, the spiritual energy in his body immediately boiled! Like oil poured on a fire!

Every pore in his body was completely opened... desperately absorbing the gas and water!

"These... are the spiritual energy of the great power after being sealed for hundreds or thousands of years! And the countless spiritual stones left behind! Over the long years, the most refined semi-gaseous spiritual energy was formed! Now... all sprayed out!"

Not enough... not enough!

At this moment, he felt that the spiritual energy in his body was only 30% or 40% of the middle stage of Qi training, and in less than three seconds, it immediately increased to 40% or 50%!

"Fuck!" He cursed excitedly, then clenched his fist, a ball of red light flashed, and he was going to blast it directly! Completely blast this crack open!

However, when he was about to hit it, he paused.

Not knowing what he remembered, he showed a very reluctant but extremely hesitant expression on his face. Two seconds later, he gritted his teeth and put down his fist.

Can't... can't do this!

He closed his eyes and felt the spiritual power surging in his body! At this moment, only five seconds, it has reached six tenths!

As long as he stays for a few seconds, he can advance to the late stage of Qi training! Stay for a minute... maybe... he can reach the great perfection of Qi training!

Only one step away from building the foundation!

However, he pinched his fist with blood marks, and then he resisted the temptation of the great perfection of Qi training at the age of twenty-six or twenty-seven!

"I can't do this." He opened his eyes and took a deep breath: "Every realm upgrade is like turning from a child into an adult overnight. The spiritual power and spiritual consciousness are several times broader than before... And in order to adapt to the new body, the new Qi sea, and the meridians, the cultivator will have a retreat to calm the realm. It takes at least a few months, and at most a year..."

"I just mentioned the Qi training perfection, but... how long do I have to sit in the Qi training perfection?"

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the cultivator... must have his own beliefs!

What is a cultivator?

Ten thousand people have ten thousand explanations, but these ten thousand are ten thousand beliefs!

There are even late Qi training stages and foundation building stages that rely on Danye! However, the result is... no one has made an inch further!

The realm is there, but there is no heart of inquiry. It is not the power earned by oneself. If it is upgraded too much, the price is the life of the entire cultivation!

"Om..." At this moment, he felt a slight swelling pain in the meridians all over his body.

That is... the feeling of the Qi sea being filled!

In his body, the furnace formed by practicing the Eternal Pill Scripture King had already absorbed a lot of spiritual energy. He had read in the Eternal Pill Scripture King that this technique was to burn spiritual stones to provide spiritual energy, but now he probably didn't reach that level. He had tried too many times, but he couldn't make the spiritual stones melt in the sea of ​​qi, purify the purest spiritual energy and then feed back to the strange meridians in the shape of the alchemy furnace.

Taking a deep breath, he decisively left the gap.

He was confident that he could control the late stage of Qi training. But he didn't want to achieve the great perfection of Qi training, or even half a step of foundation building.

As if it was in tune with him, at this moment, the spiritual spring in the gap became smaller and smaller, weaker and weaker. After a few seconds, a splash of water bounced up and disappeared.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly, he walked over to feel it, and then smiled.

There was still spiritual energy inside, but it didn't support spraying out at all.

A sealing formation has been sealed for thousands of years, and what happened just now was its last glory.

"If I expect it to impact the great perfection of Qi training, or even half a step of foundation building, at this moment, it is even more insufficient, or it may become a mental demon." He smiled and touched the gap. In his heart, there was no regret, but a sense of relief.

"But now..." He retracted his gaze and looked at his body. In his body, every meridian that built the "alchemy furnace" was clamoring and rejoicing. The first time he was in the middle stage of Qi training, the full spiritual energy made him feel that he was full of energy!

A voice kept reminding him: Come on... now... don't hesitate...

He smiled, without any hesitation, and sat down immediately. He pinched the seal in his hand to run the King of Eternal Alchemy Scripture. His mind was quiet bit by bit.

Following his heart, he was ready... right here, to impact the late stage of Qi training!

The right time, the right place, and the right people were all there. This time, he had enough confidence!

In the mist, on the top of the altar of heaven, a young man closed his eyes and meditated. It was just a square meter, but he was not afraid.

Countless clouds and mists were lingering around him, and he seemed to be asleep, without any reaction. About half an hour later, the mist around him suddenly shook slightly.

It was an extremely unclear vibration, as if it was just an illusion. The mist was white, and it was even more pure white against the moonlight. However... just after this shock, these clouds and mists condensed into a glittering thing!

To break through the level, you need the assistance of external spiritual energy. Originally, there was no spiritual energy here. In fact, these spiritual energies were only sealed in the altar of heaven. Before Xu Yangyi absorbed the spiritual spring with all his strength, the spiritual spring gushed for at least ten seconds!

He... only stood on it for a few seconds and reached the peak of the middle stage of Qi training. After all, this is a seal left by an ancient cultivator above the Nascent Soul stage. Even these ten seconds are enough to support his advancement!

These most refined essences of heaven and earth that have been sealed for hundreds or thousands of years are scattered around. Now, as he advances, it is condensed by nature again!

Especially... Although the spiritual spring can no longer be sprayed, there is still pure spiritual energy under the crack! Even if the outside world is not enough, the spiritual energy below, which looks like dust to high-level cultivators, is as vast as a river to him, and is definitely enough to support him until the end of the advancement!

"Swish... swish... swish..." In the white mist, the light shines... One by one, tiny spiritual light spots quietly poke their heads out. Then, hundreds and thousands of light balls began to dance around Xu Yangyi. Twisting until a funnel-shaped spiritual vortex is formed. It is almost exactly the same as when he advanced to the middle stage!

Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness has come to the sea of ​​qi. However, now, his sea of ​​qi has long been empty, and his whole body is full of spiritual veins.

Rather than saying that he is in the sea of ​​qi, it is better to say that he is standing in a place surrounded by white mist. I don't know if it is a meridian or a sea of ​​qi.

His spiritual consciousness clearly felt that there was a layer of something that was almost invisible and extremely tough around him.

Physical barrier... The corners of his mouth curled up slightly. Then, he punched out without hesitation!

Outside, those light spots were spinning, but they had never rushed into his body like when he advanced to the middle stage. Suddenly, Xu Yangyi's body made a sound like glass breaking from the inside!

Breaking the barrier with one blow!

In the late stage of Qi training, just like in the middle stage, it also breaks the barrier with one blow!

At this moment, the light spots in the sky rushed towards Xu Yangyi as if they had heard a signal! In the sky, a shocking spiritual light storm formed! Even the surrounding fog was slowly blown away!

At this moment, above the thousand-meter altar of heaven, a huge spiritual light vortex slowly rotated, along with the surrounding fog, forming a vortex accompanied by thick fog and spiritual light with a radius of hundreds of meters! If someone was here, it would definitely be a spectacle!

Xu Yangyi did not open his eyes. The promotion to the late stage of Qi training is a benchmark in the Qi training period! It has a completely different meaning from the previous promotion!

The late stage of Qi training is the last hurdle before foundation building. Once you reach this step, you are qualified to impact the foundation building realm! The realm where you can fly in the air and use magic weapons! The realm called senior!

And the great perfection, half-step foundation building, these are actually the late stages, just for the sake of subdivision, according to the degree of proximity to the foundation building realm, divided into such realms. If you really want to say, there is still a qualitative difference between half-step foundation building and great perfection. Called half-step, you can already use some foundation building power. For example... spiritual energy release!

At that time... you will leave the stage of mixed use of physical skills and magic in the Qi training period! Truly enter the era of spiritual energy, supernatural powers, and realm as king!

Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness did not leave, because he saw something...

The base!

The base exclusively for foundation building cultivators!

In the vast spiritual energy around the spiritual consciousness, a platform of about 100 square meters, which was the same as the altar of heaven, also white, but more mysterious, had slowly rotated and appeared in front of him.

He was not a person who easily lost his composure, but when he saw this square, slowly rotating, white jade platform formed by countless spiritual energy, making a sacred "rustling" sound with each rotation, his heart also pounded. His fists were clenched tightly.

This is the platform.

Each realm will open up its own real cave on it. The magic weapon is nurtured in it. One realm is upgraded by one level, and if it reaches the Nascent Soul that is impossible to reach now, it will evolve into a real world!

Therefore, only after building the foundation can you be called a senior.

There is a world of difference between practicing Qi and building the foundation. \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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