
Main text Chapter 202: Danxia Palace (Twenty-one)

At this moment, suddenly, all the red lights flashed again. Before he could react, a huge teleportation array suddenly appeared in front of him.

Without any room for resistance, Xu Yangyi's eyes were blurred again. After a moment of dizziness, he opened his eyes and found that he was not in the Yellow Spring Road.

And the fur scroll had been restored to its original state at some point and was in his hand.

"Forced teleport?" Although the dizziness had passed, he still felt a little dizzy. He pressed the sun and put the fur scroll into the storage ring. When he closed his eyes again, the spiritual consciousness of the late stage of Qi training burst out!

These spiritual consciousnesses, like his outstretched hands, took everything within a radius of 300 meters into his brain.

The first thing he sensed was not the front, but the back!

Here... I don't know where it is. As far as he can see, it is a huge space, even far beyond the place where the Leviathan whale is. And here, at least hundreds of people have been stationed to rest.

There was at least four or five thousand meters of space, and there were rock holes all around, and there were hundreds of holes. Presumably, the others came in from these holes.

He nodded secretly, and sure enough... the final destination was all in the honeycomb wall.

Now, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

He seemed to appear in front of everyone.

He "saw" a young monk, at this age, it was not an exaggeration to say that he was a novice monk. However, he was wearing a cassock. He was leaning on a six-ring Zen stick in his hand. A string of bodhi seeds emitting a green light glowed faintly on his chest.

He looked very handsome and his expression was normal. Even though he was covered in blood and his left arm was missing, there was no expression on his face. Except for being calm, he was still calm.

Behind him, there stood ten men with golden skin and wearing monk's robes and shorts, like ten bronze statues. Many of them were already injured, but at this moment they clasped their hands together and chanted scriptures without saying a word.

"Three top forces..." Xu Yangyi's eyelids moved slightly. Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism are the top forces in China that are almost unseen. He remembered everyone's reminder: If there is a Nascent Soul, then it must exist in the three families!

This monk looks about the same age as him, and is also... in the late stage of Qi training!

"Bang..." Five meters away from the monk, as if touching an invisible barrier, the monk's lake-like eyes slightly raised, and looked at him calmly.

This is the opponent's defensive spiritual consciousness... Xu Yangyi made his spiritual consciousness show no aggression at all and bypassed the opponent.

Although he bypassed it, the monk's eyes did not move away. He looked at him for a full four seconds, then gently shook his Zen stick and lowered his head.

"Brother Fahui?" A bronze monk asked lightly.

"Nothing." The monk called Fahui said calmly: "It's just... another strong man has come..."

"Is he very strong?" Another bronze monk said like a piece of wood.

"Very strong." Fahui said without hesitation, and then added decisively: "Not weaker than the inheritor of the four swords protecting the mountain in front of Qingcheng... If there is no conflict, never provoke this donor. Amitabha."

"Him?" The monk who spoke before suddenly flashed his eyes: "Can he be comparable to the inheritor of the four swords protecting the mountain in front of Qingcheng?"

"Amitabha..." Fahui said a Buddhist name, and said solemnly: "Maybe... there are even better..."

"This person is one of the people I am least willing to be my opponent so far."

Xu Yangyi retracted his spiritual consciousness and looked to the other side. There were three young Taoists who were obviously not on good terms with the monks and sat a little far away from the monks. They all carried a long sword on their backs.

Not surprisingly, the three were in the late stage of Qi training, but when Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness swept over the three swords, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his spiritual consciousness! As if he was pricked by a needle!

"This is..." He took a deep breath: "Magic weapon..."

The three major sects actually took out magic weapons that can be used in the Qi training period!

It is obvious that these three young Taoists are definitely the best in the sect! I just don't know which mountain they are from, Qingcheng? Heming? Or Longhu?

"Even the three major ancestral temples have come." He calmed down and was about to leave. At the same time, a young Taoist raised his head calmly and looked at him deeply. At the same time, a spiritual consciousness containing unparalleled murderous aura suddenly rushed towards his spiritual consciousness that was leaving!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's eyes were closed and he jumped suddenly: "Spiritual consciousness attack magic power?"

Except for himself, he has never seen anyone use spiritual consciousness to attack magic power! This is the first time!

And...that spiritual consciousness is very strange, not strong, but...the offensiveness is obviously terrible! If you have to describe it, it's like a sword out of its sheath, bringing out a rain of swords all over the sky!

The sword may not kill people, but the scene is enough to suffocate people.

After being surprised, Xu Yangyi calmed down immediately. With a sneer, his retreating spiritual consciousness counterattacked without hesitation!

Want to fight head-on? Test my bottom?

Very good... My spiritual consciousness, Xu Yangyi, has never been afraid of anyone!

I didn't intend to cause more trouble. Since you took the lead, Xu is not a coward.

The young Taoist raised his head, and a faint smile also appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He also has enough confidence in himself!

The other party's spiritual consciousness bypassed and dared to counterattack. Then, Taoists never believe in laying down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha, especially... here!

"Bang!" The two people's spiritual consciousness collided without any tricks. The next second, the young Taoist frowned, his eyes suddenly opened, and he looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

However, his expression did not last for three seconds. Then, he pressed his head tightly and suddenly turned to the side to vomit!

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and his spiritual consciousness moved away again.

"Ling Xiaozi?" A young Taoist turned his head in astonishment, looking at Ling Xiaozi who was vomiting wildly in disbelief, and then looked at the figure in front of him in astonishment: "You just... used the state of sitting and forgetting without self?"

Ling Xiaozi's face turned green after vomiting, which was the basic manifestation of suffering from slight spiritual trauma. He said nothing, but nodded vigorously while vomiting.

The other two people looked completely solemn.

Ling Xiaozi, Wuweizi, Qingjingzi, Xuanchengzi, the three major Taoist ancestral temples, the contemporary inheritors of the four swords that protect the front mountain of Qingcheng Mountain. Although Wuweizi has passed away, he can definitely be said to be the best among his peers, and... others don't know, but they know it very well! Sitting and forgetting the self can enhance the strength of spiritual consciousness by up to one-fifth!

Especially... they are sword cultivators! Now almost lost sword cultivators! Sword cultivators emphasize that attack is the best defense, and every move is fatal. This is even more true for spiritual consciousness attacks! It can be said that there are peers who can beat them, but there are not many who can beat them in spiritual consciousness!

Unexpectedly... here, I actually met such a person! Under the collision of spiritual consciousness, Ling Xiaozi was immediately defeated!

"What is his identity?" Xuan Chengzi is a short and thin Taoist. Looking at Xu Yangyi's back, he frowned and said, "He looks unfamiliar... Ling Xiaozi, do you want us to kill him here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt his arm being pulled. Turning his head, Ling Xiaozi finally came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and shook his head.

"Don't provoke him." He took a deep breath and looked at Xu Yangyi's back solemnly: "This person is very strong. How can he be easy to deal with if he can come here? There were more than a thousand people who came in at the beginning, and now one out of ten is selected... This person, if you can avoid it, try not to provoke it."

"At this age, he has reached the late stage of Qi training, and his own qualifications are definitely not weaker than us."

Xu Yangyi's spiritual sense continued to scan over.

He saw a man wearing camouflage uniforms, with a proud look hiding fatigue. All the followers around him were injured. However, behind him, there were two old men who looked like dead people. The fluctuations on his body are hard to underestimate!

Half a step... to build a foundation!

And the badge on the man's chest explained his identity.

Nangong family, one of the five major demon cultivation families!

Among the five major demon cultivation families, except the Ming family, the others are double surnames. Nangong... said to be the second, there are definitely not many who dare to say that they are the first!

Just as his spiritual sense swept over, one of the old men raised his head and frowned at Xu Yangyi's back.

"Que Wu?" The camouflaged man raised his eyebrows: "Is there anything wrong with him?"

Que Wu thought for a while, then bowed and said: "Sixth Young Master, this person's spiritual sense... is terrifyingly strong, almost equal to that of this old slave. His spiritual energy is unstable, and he should have just advanced to the late stage. First, he has such spiritual sense just after entering the late stage, so this person must be strong. Second, he can be promoted to the late stage in such a place. This person has a deep blessing. If the young master wants to fight for the position of the head of the family in a few decades, he should pay more attention to him."

"Him?" The camouflaged man raised his eyebrows: "Compared to the eldest and the second, how are their qualifications?"

Que Wu seemed to think After thinking for a while, he said solemnly: "I don't know, but I can be sure that this person is very difficult."

"If you take action?"

"I am confident that I can take him down, but it will take a lot of time."

"If you and Quanliu take action at the same time?"

Quewu smiled confidently: "Within 20 moves, I will definitely suppress him."

"That's it." The camouflage man looked at Xu Yangyi deeply and sneered: "After entering, find a chance to ask him. If he doesn't agree, the two old gentlemen will trouble him to give him a one-way ticket to the underworld."

"I obey your command." The two old men said respectfully at the same time.

Xu Yangyi didn't know all this. His spiritual consciousness was scattered and he saw a team of strong-dressed men with the Xuanyuan family emblem on their chests shining brightly. There were seven followers, and each of them was definitely not a character to be messed with.

Looking over one by one... Everyone at the scene was silent. But all of them were injured. The atmosphere was very solemn.

Suddenly, his brows frowned slightly.

He saw a coffin... a coffin carried by four living people!

An extremely strange breath came out of the coffin.

Half a step to the foundation building, but it gave people an extremely terrifying feeling, as if... the person lying in the coffin, once he appeared, could immediately wipe out all of them!

But sometimes, he was too weak. It was as if he was not even in the initial stage of Qi training.

"That's Senior Blood Knife." A familiar voice sounded beside him: "He is cruel... He can't distinguish between good and evil, and has been wanted by the cultivation world for thirty years. I didn't expect him to appear here."

Xu Yangyi opened his eyes. He hadn't seen the Xingtian Legion yet. However, because he appeared in front of everyone, everyone saw him.

This voice belonged to Yao Xintan.

"How long have you been here?" This was Xu Yangyi's first question.

"Three days."

Three days... Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, and appeared again... The time here is not equal to that of the outside world, and he appeared again.

At first... he was in a coma for three years. Now, after staying in that space for several hours, three days have passed outside.

He opened his eyes and was about to ask questions, but everything that appeared in front of him made him swallow everything he said!

Spiritual consciousness is radar. Just now, he only let the radar scan the back and didn't scan the front at all. Now, opening his eyes, everything in front of him made his blood boil!

In front of him, a strange landform appeared.

This is a huge cave, which is many times larger than the place where Leviathan lived before! I'm afraid... it's three or four kilometers long! More than a thousand meters high!

It should have been a huge rock wall, but now, there are countless small holes on the rock wall, each of which is three or four meters in size, and it's dark inside, a typical honeycomb geography! \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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