
Main text Chapter 203: Danxia Palace (Twenty-two)

"This is..." He took a deep breath: "The wall of the honeycomb!"

He has actually arrived in front of the hive wall!

He was teleported directly from Huangquan Road!

"This is forced teleportation..." He squinted his eyes and looked at the wall of the hive. And at this moment, he felt a kind of... desire. And...a kind of crisis like facing a powerful enemy.

It was as if everything around him no longer existed. Perhaps, this moment only lasted a tenth of a second. But he definitely felt that, except for himself, everything around him began to blur as if being stirred by a giant hand, and everything was pulled apart, but in a moment, it returned to its original state.

"Buzz buzz..." The living weapon on his chest was shaking constantly, as if a drug addict had seen a long-lost drug. The feeling of excitement and anticipation spread silently to his mind, and at the same time It affected Xu Yangyi.

A call that seemed to come from ancient times was calling him deeply in these holes.

"We're finally here..." He took a deep breath and rushed through the Alligator Gar, Leviathan, and Huangquan Road one by one. He... finally arrived in front of what was suspected to be the main gate of Danxia Palace!

How many people have seen this door throughout the ages? How many people have ever walked in? But no one came out!

Now, change to yourself and become the Xingtian Legion. He... still has no idea.

"Captain?" Yao Xintan looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment. Even if he didn't know Xu Yangyi's psychological activities, he instantly felt that his commander's aura at this moment was powerful and scary.

"It's okay." Xu Yangyi smiled and raised his left hand, and gently touched the Living Emperor Artifact with his right hand. After a while, the excitement like a living thing calmed down.

His eyes changed from cautious to firm, and finally, he actually smiled.

"so what?"

"I come here just for peace of mind."

"No matter what... the Living Emperor Weapon has chosen me. If I don't go and take a look, I will feel uneasy and unhappy."

On the other side is the tip of the sword. However, the feeling it brings is an extremely difficult to explain feeling of rejection and anticipation.

It is also trembling slightly.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Yangyi gathered his mind and looked at Yao Xintan carefully.

There was deep exhaustion on the handsome face, and Xu Yangyi understood. It was not easy to walk out of that road. He said softly: "Are the others... okay?"

Yao Xintan sighed: "Fellow Taoist Yang...Fellow Taoist Gao...didn't come out..."

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes in pain.

Perhaps, he didn't quite trust these people at first, but... after two fights, people are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless?

Before entering the gate, Yang Xueqing, Gao Wuguo, Zhou Tingting, and Cheng Jianfeng, the four people who had agreed to go back together on the rooftop, were now separated from each other.

"Do you regret it?" In the silence, Xu Yangyi suddenly spoke.

After being stunned for a moment, Yao Xintan replied firmly: "I was scared, but I don't regret it."

"We said... only by going against the will of heaven can you show your true nature as a monk."

Xu Yangyi opened his eyes and shook hands with the other party vigorously: "The sky is soaring, and it is worthy of a hero's original intention."

Yao Xintan said what Xu Yangyi said back then, and Xu Yangyi said what Yao Xintan said at that time. However, the heaviness that had just arisen in their hearts was once again replaced by firm belief.

One million monks...20,000 foundations. How many people are frightened by the unknown dangers ahead of their spiritual practice? From then on, we stopped moving forward. A hundred years later, we were left with a handful of loess.

There isn't much time left for the Qi Practitioner who only has a hundred years to live.

Xu Yangyi turned around and looked deeply at the huge honeycomb wall in front of him. It is like a giant that separates all secrets.

"I will record all of this on the jade slip." He took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath: "This is the best gift for these four Taoist friends."

Yao Xintan's heart skipped a beat, and he smacked his lips as he looked at Xu Yangyi and nodded vigorously.

Xu Yangyi did not smoke again, but stuck the cigarette on the ground, then left, bowing deeply: "No drinks, no offerings, just a cigarette. I respect all monks who are undistracted, march forward bravely on the road of pursuit, and overcome all obstacles."

Yao Xintan felt that his eyes were a little wet and blinked hard.

Not moved, but touched. What moved him was not Xu Yangyi's attitude towards the four deceased members, but these words that touched his heart.

Who is not searching up and down this road?

Who is not using his life to gain opportunities?

The dead are gone, and so are the living. At this moment, all the monks who came here, whether good or evil, felt the weight of the word "cultivation".

A few seconds later, Xu Yangyi straightened up and raised his chin towards the coffin: "His cultivation level?"

Yao Xintan replied without hesitation: "The early stage of foundation building."

"How did he get in?" Xu Yangyi thought thoughtfully: "Master said that this secret realm can only be entered during the Qi training period. Building the foundation in half a step is already the top combat power here."

"He suppressed his cultivation." Yao Xintan glanced around and whispered: "It's not that there is no such secret method, or it is a magic weapon. And...he is not the only senior foundation builder who has sneaked in here!"

He pointed to the other side: "Our Yao family is not as good as before, but I have met many seniors. That woman, if I remember correctly, should be the chief housekeeper of the Zheng family in Nanhe. Senior Zheng Miaoxin."

Xu Yangyi followed the direction and saw a tired-looking woman who looked to be in her thirties. She was resting with her eyes closed and caressing the Persian cat in her hand.

"And that old man over there, he is definitely not half a step into the foundation building stage. I met him once fifteen years ago, he was the district manager of a certain side of Duobao Pavilion, in the early stage of foundation building. I can't remember exactly where it was, it should be in the Pearl River Delta area. I didn't expect... he also came here..."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly, remembering the appearance of the three people with a serious look in his eyes, tilted his head, and asked in a low voice: "Are they going to die?"

Yao Xintan nodded: "If not, they would never be willing to enter such a dangerous place."

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment: "How many cultivators are left here?"

"There are 123 people left, a total of 20 forces. The seven major families of the human race have all come in, and the five major families of the demon race have also come in. The three major sects are no exception. In addition, there is a scientific expedition team from CSIB. Finally... there is the old family Gao family in Kyoto Prefecture. The new first-class family Huang family in Modu, the family Zhao family in Modu, and the largest family in Xichuan, the Baili family."

"What about other families?"

Yao Xintan shook his head slightly, looking a little sad.

Xu Yangyi remembered all these names. Not a single one was forgotten.

Unexpected, but reasonable.

The last path of the giant gate converged here. Although he didn't want it to happen, it didn't surprise him.

At the beginning... thousands of people entered, and the gate was full of jewels and auspiciousness. Before arriving at this gate... only one tenth of them remained!

Next... the opponents of the Xingtian Legion, in addition to the monsters that may still exist, the biggest and most terrifying opponents... are these same kind!

Below, I don't know what kind of dangers and opportunities there are. But that... will be a paradise for all cultivators to kill people and seize treasures and restore ancient cultivators!

In the secret realm, life and death are not important!

"How did you get in?" Xu Yangyi asked as he walked with him.

Yao Xintan said: "Walk past the Yellow Springs Road, and walk another 300 meters to get here. There are hundreds of entrances here. We are the first one. After that, others arrived one after another in the day."

Xu Yangyi nodded and patted Yao Xintan on the shoulder: "Let's go. Go back to our own territory."

Xu Yangyi and Yao Xintan returned to the team together. Everyone's face was extremely solemn.

But there was no retreat.

How could they turn back after coming here!

"Captain. We thought you were missing. It took you so long to come out." Qin Xueluan smiled and put two things in his hands: "Here, what are you going to do?"

That is... two magic weapons, one is a small wooden sword, and the other is a pair of gloves wrapped in silver wire.

This... is the relics of Gao Wuguo and Yang Xueqing.

All the members looked at him silently. Xu Yangyi bowed carefully, giving the highest respect to the deceased, and took it with both hands.

"How did they die?"

Qin Xueluan sighed: "The incomplete bodies... walked out automatically... and fell down at the end of the Yellow Spring Road..."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "After returning, I will bury them with honor. I will personally go to their family and find qualified monks to lead them into the Xingtian Army."

His voice was very low, but after this sentence, everyone's eyes were no longer so solemn, and even a few people breathed a sigh of relief.

The most feared thing is that they have come to this world and left nothing behind.

They breathed a sigh of relief for Xu Yangyi's handling of the matter, and at the same time, they breathed a sigh of relief for their own existence value.

"Where are the people from the Zhao family?" Xu Yangyi looked at everyone in the heavy atmosphere calmly and asked.

"Here." Zhao Wuye's voice was a little hoarse, probably because he screamed too much on the Yellow Spring Road. He squeezed out a smile and said: "I am lucky to see you again."

None of them died, and they all walked out. Even the remaining few people were the same.

It's just... now, everyone's complexion and spirit are very bad.

Xu Yangyi looked at everyone, walked to the center, nodded, and was silent for two seconds before he spoke calmly: "Practice is against the will of heaven."

"I didn't want to say these words, but now, I have to say it."

"Before coming, everyone was prepared, ready to sacrifice. But everyone knows better that dangers also hide great opportunities." He paused and swept his eyes over everyone: "Rootless Nine-Bend Water, Ambergris, Demon Pill, which one can be obtained without much effort?"

"Now, seeing someone sacrifice, what? Are you scared?"

He looked at everyone's eyes, and the spiritual pressure on his body suddenly exploded! Sweeping the surrounding space like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves!

The violent breath even made many people around glance here.

"You... have advanced to the late stage?!" Mo Yeyu's eyes suddenly widened, and he said in disbelief.

"I, too, have my chances. I've gained a lot here." Xu Yangyi said calmly, but his voice gradually rose: "What I want is a solid shield and a sharp spear, not a sand castle that looks beautiful but will fall apart at the first blow. In your current state, how many of you can survive after you go in?"\u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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