
Text Chapter 204: Danxia Palace (Twenty-three)

"Don't you want to take a look! What's inside!" He suddenly turned around and pointed at the huge, silent wall of the honeycomb. His voice suddenly became louder: "You don't want to know that four fellow Taoists died on the way here. What’s hidden in this!”

"You...don't you have the heart to explore and find out why that door to the sky is! Why is the government blocking the news of Longsu Province! What is Master monitoring in the sky!"

"You..." He took a step forward: "Don't you want to do something for the four deceased fellow Taoists?"

"You never get something for nothing. If you want something, you have to pay something. You... don't you dare to go in and take a look?"

No one spoke, but the solemn and sad atmosphere slowly disappeared from everyone's faces.

Instead, there was a kind of silent determination that slowly climbed onto everyone's faces.

Xu Yangyi looked at everyone's expressions calmly.

If there is, he can't help but say it.

Except for him... no one knows that behind this is the real Danxia Palace! And in their current state, they will die or not after entering!

Sadness and frustration are diseases that are contagious among emotional humans. As a team leader, he can usually just be his team leader regardless of anything, but at this time, he must stand up!

The remaining passion in everyone's hearts swept away all the shadows left by Huangquan Road. Everyone's blood and strength are twisted into a rope! Only then can it be possible to come out of Danxia Palace!

Otherwise, dying here would not only be his dereliction of duty, he would also be the murderer of everyone else!

He's not very good at long speeches, but this is the best he can do.

"I'll take the first step." Xu Yangyi turned around and walked step by step towards the wall of the honeycomb that looked like a giant in comparison: "Even if there is hell inside, I must go and see it!"

He stopped and tilted his head slightly: "For the sake of a few fellow Taoists, and even more for myself."

"Man, why don't you take Wu Gou and capture the fifty states in Guanshan? My army only needs running lions, not cowering sheep!"

His back drew a long arc under the light. When he turned his back, he didn't see a trace of pride, which had slowly climbed onto everyone's faces.

"Who said that!" Before he finished speaking, Jun Man stood up first and sneered: "Captain, there is no need to provoke him. Jun admitted that he was being hypocritical just now. Although Danxia Palace is powerful and powerful, it cannot stop Jun. certain!"

His eyes had changed from dull and dull just now to heroic.

There is a hint of pride in his heroic spirit. This is not his pride, but the pride of a monk, the self-esteem of a monk!

Those who are willing to go further will never stand still. Therefore, their names can be remembered.

"Haha, even though Qin is a woman, she has been here for a long time, and she has never refused to let in. I would also like to send a message to Captain Xu, no one has died since ancient times, and his loyalty will be remembered in history. Others Qin doesn't know , Qin, a prostitute, is really not afraid of Danxia Palace." Qin Xueluan stood up suddenly, raised his neck and said with a smile.

"I'm not afraid of women, so what am I afraid of?" Yao Xintan lost all his energy and laughed loudly: "What's the point of us being here to mourn the spring and autumn? We will definitely send the secret of Danxia Palace to the four Taoists. In front of your friend’s grave!”

"I hope you won't accompany us." Mo Yeyu yawned. He seemed lazy, but his eyes were shining: "Captain Xu, you look down on us too much. Come on, let's go and have a look! Let's see who can survive. Come out. Mo is confident. Although my cultivation is not as good as yours, I am still very good at saving lives."

Voices sounded one after another, and Xu Yangyi, who was walking at the front, raised the corners of his mouth.

The feeling of having a companion... is really not bad.

No matter how you treat me, I, Xu Yangyi, will definitely treat you with the same attitude.

Follow me through this journey, we will have a next time, and a next time... A monk who truly seeks the truth will never stop at Danxia Palace! It won’t stop at the evil reputation of the Eight Jedi!

"Hahaha..." At this moment, a dry laugh rang out, and a figure in a white shirt and black trousers stopped in front of Xu Yangyi: "I thought who was making so much noise, it turns out it's you guys who are just starting out. Rookie. Captain Xu, long time no see... I really miss Ming very much..."

Myojin Twelve seemed to be standing elegantly in front of him, but in fact, his white shirt was stained with a lot of blood. His shirt had long since disappeared, and even the fan in his hand was missing. Her hair was originally tied up with a unique hair accessory, but now it was spread out, falling somewhat loosely on her shoulders.

Xu Yangyi looked at him for three seconds and then smiled slightly: "It seems that you old birds are no better off than me."

"Hahaha!" Ming Shen Twelve laughed up to the sky after hearing this. After laughing, he looked at him: "Ming Ming was looking for your breath when he came in. You were hiding so tightly. I really didn't expect you to come here. But... it’s okay.”

His expression suddenly turned cold, and with a gentle pull of his fingers, a white silk thread was connected to the seam of his fingernails. Immediately afterwards, a three-meter-tall coffin suddenly flew out from the Ming family's residence, and landed on the ground with a bang. Among the people, dust splashed all over the ground.

"The eighth coffin...the nine-orificed zombie, if you can die at its hands, your life will not be in vain..." Ming Shen Twelve's eyes gradually turned red. He could no longer suppress the murderous intention in his heart.

This killing intent was not actually directed at Xu Yangyi, but the journey was too tragic. Thirty-seven people from the Ming family entered, and only eight are left now! A full twenty-nine people were buried here!

This killing intent came from the irritability in his heart. It came from the dark demons of the obscure future. It came from the strong injustice that he was so embarrassed, but the other party was intact!

Only by venting can he relax his mood. So, he chose Xu Yangyi without hesitation.

At the scene, everyone just raised their eyes, and no one stepped forward.

Xu Yangyi looked at him quietly, and suddenly smiled: "Are you sure you want to fight with me?"

"Are you scared?" Ming Shen Twelve showed a perfect smile and untied his hair. Suddenly, his hair grew without wind and sank into the small holes in the coffin that could not be seen at all. Then, an unspeakable stench instantly permeated from the coffin.

"Twelve Brother." At this moment, a voice like warm sunshine sounded: "Why are you doing this?"

Xu Yangyi and Ming Shen Twelve both looked over.

The Ming family's station is not far from the Xingtian Army. It is a stone platform of more than 30 meters in size. The leader is actually a woman with a smile as beautiful as spring.

She wore her hair diagonally, covering half of her face. The remaining half was definitely not a beauty, but it was definitely not ugly.

It was a face with sharp contours like a knife and an axe. If it grew on a man, I'm afraid many people would say it was manly enough. But if it grew on a woman's face, this woman would have an extra contour called cruelty.

Ming Shen Twelve was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "What I should do, it seems that it is not your turn to manage, Sister Nine."

"If you want to kill someone, of course I won't care." Sister Nine leisurely took out a cigarette, and a spiritual pressure that was no less than Xu Yangyi's quickly spread in the field, and... this spiritual pressure was very strange. Because... this was the first time Xu Yangyi felt a spiritual pressure with temperature!

Cold! Both in the late stage of Qi training!

Wherever he passed, all the ground was covered with white frost!

"But you were killed, I can only take care of it." The woman took a puff of cigarette, frowned slightly and flicked the ash: "Come back."

"Killed?" Mingshen Twelve was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed: "Him?"

Xu Yangyi also smiled at him, as if this itself was a joke.

"He is at the same level as me. Except for the current head of the family, the next head of the family and the elders, the other bodies of the Ming family are all imitations. What I am waiting for is at most a high imitation. The power is not even one tenth of the real thing." Sister Nine crossed her legs on the edge of the stone platform, outlining an attractive arc, and chuckled: "With your ability to manipulate, it will take less than thirty moves for him to kill you now."

Ming Shen Twelve stopped smiling, and was stunned for a few seconds, gritted his teeth and said: "Late stage of Qi training?"

"This is impossible! He was only in the middle stage of Qi training before he entered!"

"Opportunities are determined by heaven." The woman was still smiling, and her warm smile and cold appearance formed a fierce conflict: "And it is a real late stage of Qi training, without a gimmick."

"You have reached the late stage of Qi training?!" Ming Shen Twelve was stunned for a few seconds, turned back and stared at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

How could this be possible?

Before I entered... I said I would kill the other party with my own hands, but I didn't's only been a few days, and I'm no longer the opponent of the other party?

Countless thoughts intertwined in his mind. Finally, after a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and walked towards his position without saying a word.

"Wait." At this moment, a voice sounded calmly: "Did I let you go?"

Sister Nine stopped laughing.

Mingshen Twelve suddenly turned around, with extremely vicious eyes, and a terrifying smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth: "Xu, I'm leaving, and there is still room for your cheap mouth to speak?"

Xu Yangyi looked at him like a dead man. The next second, without a single extra word, a golden orange fire dragon suddenly blasted out of his hand! The open big mouth completely locked Mingshen Twelve!

"Not good!" Before the magic power arrived, Mingshen Twelve was already extremely solemn! This move... was more than ten meters away from him, but even so, he felt that the hair on his body was twisted! As if... facing a giant dragon made of magma!

"Late stage of Qi training... This is definitely late stage of Qi training!" Cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back, and his heart was trembling! The first thought was not to accept the move, but... escape!

His intuition told him that he couldn't handle this move!

It's not impossible to kill someone of a higher level. Ming Shen Twelve didn't know how many times he had killed someone of a higher level. However, this seemingly wonderful word has a necessary premise.

That is, a genius facing an ordinary cultivator.

Now, who can come here and be protected by everyone is not a genius picked out of thousands?

The Dharma Assembly, the Four Swords of Qingcheng, the Third Young Master of the Baili Family, the Sixth Young Master of the Nangong Family... Once such a person surpasses him by one level, he will only be ravaged!

"In that case, you will die in the hands of a lowly person." Xu Yangyi said with a cold look, without a trace of pity. \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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