
Main text Chapter 205: Danxia Palace (Twenty-four)

Everyone at the scene looked at him solemnly.

Before, they just felt it, but now, after seeing Xu Yangyi take action in person, they knew that their feeling was absolutely right!

This fire dragon... is very difficult to deal with!

In particular, the other party's character is by no means submissive and hesitant, but he dares to fight and fight. If he disagrees, in the secret realm, the other party definitely has the murderous intention to kill him immediately!

"Amitabha..." The Dharma Assembly's eyes finally began to waver: "The poor monk remembered... that day, the Eighteenth Ming Shen was beheaded in Si Dalianchi. The Ming family offered a high reward to a certain monk. I think it was this Taoist named Xu. ”

"But, now, if it is not the Mingshen seed ranked in the single digits, the others..." Ling Xiaozi's eyes flashed and he mused: "I am afraid that he will definitely not be a match for Xu Daoyou."

At the station of the Nangong family, the Sixth Young Master stopped smiling, narrowed his eyes, and looked carefully at the roaring fire dragon heading straight for Mingshen Twelve.

"The other party is the Ming of the five major families of demon cultivators..." He murmured: "He actually did it when the ninth sister of Mingshen was there...that girl, even this young master has a headache..."

"Young Master." The old man behind him also looked extremely solemn: "This person is not easy to subdue."

"The pride is in the body and the murderous intent is in the heart." Another old man said in a deep voice.

The Sixth Young Master nodded slightly, but laughed strangely: "If it is an ordinary horse, what fun would it be to tame it?"

The people stationed at the Ming family were completely stunned.

How long has it been... how long has it been since no one dared to take action against the members of the five demon cultivator families!

Even in a secret realm, wouldn't he consider revenge after getting out?

"That's wrong!" A monk seemed to have remembered something and trembled: "He...he is a disciple of the Golden Pill!"

One sentence reminded everyone. Everyone then remembered that this disciple, Master Gu Song, kept a low profile, and he himself was also very low-key. But he is indeed a real disciple!

Of course he... killed people from the Ming family without any scruples!

Soon enough, everyone's thoughts just emerged. The next second, the fire dragon rushed towards Mingshen Shiba madly. The heat seemed to make the air explode. Mingshen Shiba was stunned for half a second. Suddenly she screamed heartbreakingly: "It's me, Sister Ninth!!!!"

At the same time, his hair turned into countless threads, completely covering him. Like a giant cocoon.

"Trapped in a cocoon?" Xu Yangyi looked at this magical power with a sneer. He had encountered it once on the Four Dalian Lakes, and it was an absolute defense. but……

That was then!

Now... his left hand has condensed red light.

If you want to kill me, you have to be prepared to be killed!

But then, the fire dragon stopped.

Countless golden threads were tied to the fire dragon. They were not burned by the Shifang Red Lotus. Instead, the two parties were arguing in the air!

The golden threads all came from Ninth Sister's mouth. Her eyes met Xu Yangyi's in mid-air for the first time.

"Taoist friends have serious murderous intentions." Ninth Sister didn't know when she had stood up. Her posture was very strange, like a huge spider, lying on the stone platform, and even her whole body was emitting a "soo" sound. "The slight trembling sound. He said with a solemn voice: "I don't care if my fellow Taoist kills my Ming family Mingshen sequence in front of me. Let's put aside everything in the past here and put aside our past grudges for the time being. How about that?"

Everyone's eyes flickered. This person... is really strong, and he has made it clear that he will not give the Ming family face. Ninth Sister... you don’t plan to pursue the case?

Xu Yangyi did not answer, sneered, and suddenly swung out his left fist. A very thin red light, with a heart-shaking spiritual energy, suddenly hit the Mingshen Twelve who were full of dead souls!

The people present took a deep breath, this person... had no intention of giving the Ming family any face!

"Ming Shen Zun Dao..." Ninth Sister took a deep breath cautiously, and countless green lights suddenly appeared in her seven orifices: "Cui Ning Bi!!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" Seven green beams of light flew out from her seven orifices and condensed into a large green net in mid-air at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye. With a loud bang, they collided with Canglong Qidian.

"Crash!" It was as if a huge typhoon was blowing inside. A huge pit one meter deep and seven or eight meters in diameter suddenly exploded, with sand and rocks flying around. The two magical powers disappeared there!

Xu Yangyi looked at Sister Ninth calmly, and nodded after a long time: "I'll give you some face."

Then, looking like a dead man, he turned to look at Mingshen Twelve, whose face was already white, and suddenly smiled: "Don't be alone."

He waved a finger in front of the other party: "Don't mess with me either."

Myojin Twelve's pale face suddenly turned red. That was the extreme embarrassment of being able to hold back your anger to the extreme!

This... bastard who he threatened to crush before coming here... now... dares to speak to him with this attitude in front of everyone!

But I... was like a child, without any resistance!

"You..." "Twelve!"

Two voices sounded almost at the same time. Mingshen Twelve was about to say harsh words, but suddenly, he was interrupted by an angry shout from Sister Ninth.

He gritted his teeth and turned his head and walked back, feeling extremely aggrieved. This kind of crushing slap in the face, so direct and loud, made his heart so angry that it almost burned to the sky!

And...she was stopped by Sister Ninth even though she said harsh words! A mouthful of blood was stuck in my throat, and I almost spit it out!

However, as soon as he turned his head, he was stunned.

Sister Nine...still in the spider's posture, but her hair has spread to four or five meters, flying everywhere!

"This is...a fighting posture..." He took a breath and looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief: "He...can actually make a seed ranked in the single digits of the Mingshen sequence...put on a full-strength fighting posture?!"

"Although Sister Nine ranks ninth among the top ten, but...she is one of the only three seeds that have awakened their innate magical powers...her not inferior to Brother Mingshen. He, he actually..."

He dared not think of anything else, and walked back to his base quickly without saying a word.

Sister Nine stood up completely, and her hair began to shorten and return to its original position. Looking at Xu Yangyi coldly, she clasped her fists: "Daoyou's strength is probably the best here. Sister Nine admires it."

Xu Yangyi sneered, sowing is impossible that there are no hidden dragons and crouching tigers here. I have no confidence in defeating the three foundation-building predecessors who suppressed the realm, and there are two half-step foundation-building...this is to make everyone pay attention to me. We are about to enter the honeycomb wall. After entering, the strongest will also be the most eye-catching!

In the unknown world behind, the more eye-catching, the easier it is to be targeted!

"Daoyou's strength is above Xu's, why are you still being modest?" Xu Yangyi sneered, bowed, and returned to his base.

The base of the Xingtian Legion was quiet. After a long time, Mao Baer said in disbelief: "I can't believe it... You are actually in the late stage of Qi training!"

I don't know how many eyes looked at him with red eyes. He smiled and said, "I've said it before, it's an opportunity."

"Damn, I want this opportunity too!" Mao Baer couldn't let it go: "Do you know who that is? One of the five geniuses of Mingshen's generation, Mingshen No. 9! Known as the Ninth Sister! Three of the five geniuses have realized their innate magical powers! She is one of them! If you kill Mingshen Eighteen, the Ming family may just issue a wanted order. If you touch her, the Ming family may fight to the death!"

"Since she started practicing, I heard that she has never lost among the same level." Jun Man took a deep look at the Ninth Sister: "Jun has also heard... She is very strong, terrifyingly strong..."

"She is a monster..." Mo Yeyu has also heard of the other party's name, He sighed, then looked at Xu Yangyi: "But... Captain, you are also a monster."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi waved his hand and said to everyone in a deep voice: "No matter what, now, entering the honeycomb wall is the most important thing."

He turned his head and looked at the Zhao family who had not yet recovered from the shock: "Master Zhao Wu, Fellow Daoist Fenglai. Next, it's time for you to show your skills."

Master Zhao Wu woke up as if from a dream, and looked at Xu Yangyi with fear and respect in his eyes. He coughed dryly: "This is natural... Jingluo Death Gate, Fellow Daoist, Zhao Mou said one more time, are you sure?"

"Sure." Xu Yangyi nodded.

"Okay..." Zhao Fenglai took a deep breath, without saying a word, took out the box containing the doll, pinched it, and suddenly, a white light flashed, and Zhao Ziqi, rubbing his eyes, appeared in front of everyone.

Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and everything in the outside world was isolated. He nodded carefully to the Zhao family.

Master Zhao Wu pursed his lips, his face solemn. He looked at the drowsy Zhao Ziqi, gritted his teeth, and quickly formed a spell with both hands. Zhao Fenglai, who was beside him, also formed a spell.

Their speed was so fast that only afterimages were left.

Two people formed a seal!

After more than ten seconds, drops of cold sweat appeared on their heads. Suddenly, one of them stretched out his left palm, and the other stretched out his right palm, and suddenly touched each other, shouting angrily: "Yin and Yang reincarnation, winding paths lead to secluded places!"

"Swish..." Half of the Bagua appeared in the hands of the two people, one black and the other white. With a burst of black and white light, the Bagua immediately condensed together. Then, it disappeared in the hands of the two people, but appeared behind Zhao Ziqi, slowly turning.

"Sha... Sha..." Silence is better than sound. After the Bagua rotated for 749 times, Zhao Ziqi opened his eyes.

At this moment, he did not look like a living person, and his expression was very calm. In his eyes, the pupils have turned into black and white gossips, rotating quietly!

Zhao Fenglai didn't have time to wipe the sweat off his face. With a light shout, a Fuxi gossip plate was thrown out, rotating just in front of Zhao Ziqi's face. In an instant, the projection of the honeycomb wall was immediately projected onto the gossip plate. At the same time, the picture turned into a light curtain and appeared in front of everyone in the Xingtian Legion.

"The Tongyou pupil... leads directly to the netherworld, and is the essence of the heavenly stems and earthly branches, the five elements and the eight trigrams, and the eight wastelands. Only one person can come out of millions of people!" Zhao Wuye panted heavily, and the seal just now seemed to have consumed a lot of his physical strength. However, he looked at Zhao Ziqi with infinite expectations in his eyes: "Any problems related to the gossip and feng shui... The Tongyou pupil can break all illusions and reach the heart directly!"

No one spoke, Xu Yangyi stared at the light curtain about one meter long and wide in front of him.

Sure enough... it was just as he thought!

The seemingly irregularly arranged honeycomb wall interfered with people's vision because of countless holes, but...

It is an octagon!

A regular octagon! \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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