
Main text Chapter 206: Danxia Palace (Twenty-five)

At the same time, everyone saw that the picture "projected" by Tongyou Tong was completely different from what they saw with their eyes!

In Tongyou Pupil... there are still those honeycombs, but they have different colors!

A total of... four colors!

In the center, there is a streamlined shape, one deep and one shallow, which constitutes the most primitive Tai Chi. On the outside, there are completely different dark textures. It constitutes a huge gossip! Thousands of meters of gossip!

"It's amazing..." Li Zongyuan looked at all this in astonishment, then raised his head and looked at the wall of the honeycomb outside. However, as soon as I raised my head, I realized that I couldn’t tell the difference at all!

"If you don't pass through Tongyou Pu, everything will interfere with your vision." Zhao Wuye smiled: "Fellow Taoists, please take a look."

He took a deep breath, his face suddenly turned red, and then, a mouthful of blood spurted onto the light screen. He quickly made a seal with both hands: "Green Dragon Opens Eyes!"

"Buzz..." There was a strange vibration in the air, and everyone raised their eyebrows. Because everyone feels that somewhere, there seems to be a pair of eyes really open, looking at themselves through countless distances and time.

"Interesting." Xu Yangyi said with a smile: "Sure enough, there are specialties in the arts. Such unbelievable magical powers cannot be achieved by the Xingtian Legion."

"Most of the secret realms are the relics of our ancestors, the dojos of our seniors... I will tell you the truth, the Xingtian Army lacks talents in this field." Zhao Fenglai immediately took over calmly.

"Don't worry." Xu Yangyi laughed: "I said that I will never break my promise when I go out and let Zhao Ziqi join the Xingtian Army."

Zhao Fenglai laughed twice and looked at the light curtain attentively.

After Zhao Wuye's blood was sprayed on, it seemed as if it had sprayed onto a real object. It was as if water was washing the glass, and then the entire Bagua plate... moved!

"Jingmen..." Mr. Zhao Wu's face was red, he drank softly, and turned his hand vigorously. Suddenly, the Bagua disk made a clicking sound, and a pointer pointed to the door of death! And this place happens to correspond to the scene gate of Bagua on the light screen!

At the same time, all the blood was left on the blood-stained light curtain, leaving only a red dot, shining brightly.

"This is it!" Zhao Fenglai's eyes flashed, he quickly closed his eyes and said goodbye. After a long time, he opened his eyes and said: "The 272nd row... the 532nd row! This is it! No... wait a minute !”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly discovered that the Bagua disk began to rotate crazily, and the pointer on it was swinging around, and it didn't stop for ten full minutes!

After a long silence, Xu Yangyicai asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

"I understand..." Zhao Fenglai opened his eyes, which were bloodshot, and gritted his teeth and said: "This passage... is not fixed. According to a specific time, there is a mysterious force that is manipulating all the entrances here. !”

"How long?" Peony asked hoarsely.

"I can't say for sure." Mr. Zhao Wu said thoughtfully: "Look again...the time to enter the hive wall is within this period of time. After exceeding it, what we step into is the real door of death!"

No one said anything, professional things are best left to professionals. At the scene, all the families fell silent. Xu Yangyi and the others took another path, but hundreds of people were massacred on the other path. After the training along the way, coupled with the reputation of Danxia Palace, there is no absolute certainty when entering the hive wall. Who can Neither will act rashly.

An hour later, a red dot flashed again. Zhao Fenglai took a deep breath: "No...even the time is not fixed...this hour, the entrance changed four times. The longest was twenty minutes, the shortest...only three minutes!"

Xu Yangyi looked at the light curtain and compass in deep thought, and after a long time, he said solemnly: "Observe for another day, if there is no change... Xingtian Legion, enter the honeycomb wall."

An hour passed again...two hours...a full eighteen hours later, everyone's expressions became extremely cautious.

There are no rules to follow!

No matter where or when it appears, there is absolutely no pattern! One second it was at the farthest east, and the next second it would probably be at the farthest north!

They know very well that here, there are countless cave entrances, and if you make a wrong step, there is absolutely only one word of death!

At this moment, a turbulence of spiritual energy came from outside.

"Someone has entered!" This thought flashed in everyone's mind. Xu Yangyi immediately removed the restrictions and formations surrounding the Xintian Legion, and everyone looked outside.

Five people, with faces as heavy as water, walked solemnly towards the wall of the hive, led by an extremely weird talisman monster.

Every time they took a step, countless golden lights appeared under their feet, forming a strange image of an old man on the ground. Obviously there is a very powerful protective formation.

In the sky, there was a woman in black in the center, her eyes closed tightly, her ten fingers quickly making seals, and a cyan aura blade, about ten meters long, was rising and falling in the air.

"Seven families...the head of the Mo family..." After seeing the people clearly, everyone looked at Mo Yeyu. Then, he looked at the red dots on the Bagua.

"They...went the wrong way..." Zhao Fenglai sighed, but had no intention of trying to dissuade him.

The path chosen by the Mohists is completely different from the path marked on the light curtain.

"Aren't you going to persuade me?" Qin Xueluan looked at Mo Yeyu and said, "That's your family."

"It's just the main family, we are just a branch." Mo Yeyu not only didn't try to persuade them, but also showed a gloating smile on his face: "They usually walk with their noses up in the air, and it's natural for them to die here."

The five people of the Mo family all got on the flying magic tools, and they chose the entrance of the 80th row. However, the one marked now is the 400th row!

"Continue." Xu Yangyi retracted his gaze and said calmly: "In another six hours, we... must enter."

The people outside are all the top families in China. If they can enter, others... may not be unable to enter!

Xu Yangyi can accept one day later, but this is his bottom line!

No one knows... whether there is a murderous intention behind it, or... a treasure house for cultivation!

Six hours passed quickly, and several waves of spiritual energy fluctuations sounded outside. Obviously, there were also families who couldn't stand it and took the lead in entering the honeycomb wall.

"Swish..." When the ban was lifted again, all the people in the Xingtian Legion came out.

Outside, there were still more than 40 people who had not entered.

"They..." Fahui's eyes flickered, and he said nothing.

Xu Yangyi waved his hand, Zhao Ziqi, the light curtain, had long disappeared, and now, only the Bagua compass in Zhao Fenglai's hand remained.

In the eyes of everyone, the Xingtian Army walked step by step to the honeycomb wall. Xu Yangyi nodded to Mo Yeyu, and suddenly, Mo Yeyu shook his hands, and more than ten hawk puppets appeared again. And everyone in the Xingtian Army jumped onto the hawk puppet, one of them holding a medium-grade spirit stone in his hand, and raised it to the center of the honeycomb wall.

Looking down, everything seemed so small. Looking forward... Below, I only felt that this honeycomb wall was big, so big that it was scary. Now, when I got closer, I felt... that was a huge pressure! Countless holes were dark, as if the Nine Netherworld that devoured souls!

However, no one spoke, and even the breath was barely audible.

"The last light spot has gone dark." Zhao Fenglai stared at the compass, seemingly calm, but his palms were full of cold sweat: "According to the observation of this day, at most ten seconds... the next passage will appear."

No one spoke, everyone was on guard.

"Sister Nine! They are going in!" Mingshen Twelve looked at the back of the Xingtian Legion in front of the honeycomb wall and gritted his teeth.

Sister Nine said nothing, no one saw that her hair had turned into countless endless silk threads, and every ten strands entered a hole!

And... half of her hair had disappeared without a trace.

"What's the hurry?" Sister Nine's eyes were cold, and she gritted her teeth: "Damn... it's all ideas... I don't believe that I, a worm-like silkworm, can't find a way out!"

One second... two seconds... the tenth second, another bright red dot suddenly appeared on the Bagua plate!

"Seven hundred and three rows! Five hundred and thirty-two columns!" Zhao Fenglai's pupils suddenly contracted! The next second, Xu Yangyi shouted in a low voice: "Let's go!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" All the spirit stones in everyone's hands were stuffed into the mouth of the Goshawk puppet. The puppets' eyes immediately shot out a foot of red light, and then quickly shot towards a hole!

"Swish, swish, swish..." As if soaring on the back of a giant whale, countless holes passed by quickly. Ten seconds later, everyone stood at the hole and the door!

"Here... is the real passage of the honeycomb wall..." Zhao Fenglai trembled with excitement, looking at the bottomless hole: "We, we are finally here! I, I can't wait to know what's behind this!"

Xu Yangyi didn't say anything else, but released dozens of three-eyed spirit ape puppets in one breath to rush into the dark hole. After entering the Danxia Palace, all his previous preparations came in handy.

No one spoke. After going through thousands of hardships to get here, everyone wanted to know where this led to and what secrets were hidden!

After more than ten minutes, Xu Yangyi's face changed slightly, and he turned around and said: "Everyone... there is a teleportation array inside."

"Teleportation array?!" Everyone was stunned.

"Yes, my puppet has entered. And..." He took a deep breath: "There is spiritual energy on the other side!"

No one saw that his hands behind his back were shaking slightly!

He kept talking to the puppet. Puppets cannot share vision, but... he can vaguely feel what the puppet touched!

Just now... the puppet stepped into the teleportation array, and on the other side, it did touch something!

It was... a flower.

A nine-petal lotus!

The lotus features are too obvious, he can't make a mistake at all!

But he didn't "feel" any water!

Lotus Sea... Lotus Sea!

In his heart, these two words were churning. The teleportation probably the end of the outer gate of Danxia Palace, and the real Danxia Palace!

Danxia...Inner Palace!

The last secret of the eight Jedi! First Jiang Shang, then Sun Bin, five hundred years ago Zhuge Liang, five hundred years later Liu Bowen's secrets! Whose secret is the "me" who saved me!

And... the secret of the living emperor's weapon that he is most looking forward to! \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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