
Main text Chapter 207: Danxia Palace (Twenty-six)

"Let's go! Captain!" Quan Ningyue suddenly paused the hammer in his hand: "The secret realm... this is the real secret realm of Danxia Palace! The previous ones... were just appetizers for it!"

The others didn't say much, but the expressions on their faces betrayed their hearts.

No one can cover up the expression of eagerness to try, and there is no need to cover it up at all!

However, they saw with confusion that Xu Yangyi turned around solemnly, his calm face, eyes like lightning, scanning their faces one by one.

"There's something I didn't tell you." Xu Yangyi lit a cigarette, leaned against the edge of the cave, and said calmly: "You decide whether to go on the next road or not."

"What are you..." Mr. Zhao Wu looked at him doubtfully. Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Xu Yangyi's raised hand.

"Here." Xu Yangyi stepped on the ground with his foot: "This is the main entrance of Danxia Palace."

There was silence, but after three seconds, he was interrupted.

"You mean! This, behind this," Mudan covered her mouth in surprise and took three steps back: "The body of Dandan Danxia Palace?!"

Everyone was confused.

No one knows what Danxia Palace looks like, and no one knows where the outer palace and the inner palace are. The journey along the way was extremely dangerous, but they always believed that they were still far away from Danxia Palace. Now Xu Yangyi told them: You are all wrong. What we just had was just an appetizer, and we are already standing in front of Danxia Palace!

" did fellow Taoist know about it?" Zhao Fenglai asked in disbelief.

"This is my business." Xu Yangyi stamped out the cigarette butt: "I'm just telling you this fact. After this teleportation formation, there is the real Danxia Palace, and I will go down."

No one answered, no one dared to answer.

The evil reputation of the Eight Jedi was so powerful that the people of the Xingtian Legion realized only after thinking that the place where the leader decided to test the sword from the beginning had already been aimed at the Danxia Palace itself! Saying it's about detecting the periphery is just an excuse!

Xu Yangyi didn't speak either.

At first, he really planned to detect the periphery. But... when we actually walked to the hive wall. He found that he couldn't do it!

The call of the Living Imperial Artifact, the countless secrets along the way, the curiosity in his heart, and the blood in his veins were all clamoring: Go down and take a look! Even if it’s hell down there!

He chose to follow his heart.

The people of the Zhao family were also confused. Danxia Palace... this name can even make the monks change their expressions upon hearing it! They never thought that they would actually dig in front of Danxia Palace! I never thought that behind this... is the real Danxia Palace!

"This... Taoist friend, are you sure it is Danxia Palace?" Zhao Wuye felt that it was still too unreal. Danxia Palace was too far away from the period of Qi training. He suspected that he had just heard a hallucination.

"I'm very sure. I even want to tell you that compared to the danger down here..." He looked into the depths of the cave: "It's just a drop in the bucket."

"The space below is very vast, and... there is a monster with a huge body. It does not know good from evil. It is a living creature."

With one sentence, everyone was shocked. After a long time, Li Zongyuan finally said in a trembling voice: "How many, how big is it?"

"At least a thousand meters." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "I have seen photos, and the place where it was taken is already over a thousand meters. I don't know how long it is exactly. Judging from the appearance, it may be a fish."

"A thousand meters..." Zhao Fenglai took two steps back, his face pale and bloodless.

The monks all knew what this meant.

Beyond the golden elixir stage! !

"Then..." Jun Man gritted his teeth and said, "Is there any chance?"

"I don't know." Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "According to the fellow Taoist who accidentally entered, no opportunity was found. However, the time he stayed was very short, only a few days, and the place where the teleportation array passed was endless. Look. After arriving at the giant monster, this fellow Taoist left immediately, so he didn't know."

"Finally." He looked at everyone: "These are all what the fellow Taoist said, so when Danxia Palace rushed out of the lotus petals, I decided to test the knife here. Is the place where the teleportation array passed is specific? , I can only say that I am very sure that is what the fellow Taoist said at the time, but I am not sure. "

"Everyone's mission is over here. Down below, I'm going to take a look. The conditions I promised you will be completed after I return to the Xingtian Army alive."

Dead silence.

No one spoke, everyone was thinking about something with flashing eyes.

After a long while, Quan Ningyue was the first to speak: "I also decided to go down and take a look."

She said firmly: "After the past... is the real secret realm. We have come to this point, and I can't bear to leave like this."

"Few of the qi-training monks, senior foundation-builders, and even the golden elixir ancestors know what's underneath. Since I've already reached the door, there's no reason not to take a look!"

"Wherever the master goes, I will naturally go." Li Zongyuan expressed his stance heartily. Anyway, if Xu Yangyi dies, he will die too, so why not go in together? At least... we can see what this eternal Jedi looks like before we die, right?

"You can't get rid of me!" Mao Baer stuck out his tongue: "There must be a big treasure down there! Do you want to take such a huge opportunity for yourself?!"

"I..." Mudan was about to speak, but Xu Yangyi shook his head: "Don't go."

"If something happens to me, you are the only one in the Xingtian Army who knows how to distribute my relics. If someone must stay in the Xingtian Army, it is you."

Mudan wanted to say something else, Xu Yangyi frowned, and a burst of spiritual energy sent her onto the goshawk puppet and flew downwards.

The more important reason is... she is too weak.

Without any self-protection power, Xu Yangyi could not protect himself, and had no time to take care of others.

"Say your opinion." Xu Yangyi glanced at everyone: "Those who are willing to go, follow me. But you may not come out alive. Those who are unwilling to go, go back to the Xingtian Corps to rest. Wait for us to come back."

One person after another stood silently on Xu Yangyi's side, all of them were from the Xingtian Corps. Fang Cheng was the first to stand up, followed by Yao Xintan and Zhan Twelve.

Gritting his teeth, Zhao Wuye also stood up. Only Mo Yeyu, Qin Xueluan, Jun Man, and Zhao Fenglai were left at the scene.

"You're crazy..." Zhao Fenglai stared at Master Zhao Wu with a complicated look, with envy, impulse, but more of fear: "Behind is the Danxia Palace! The main body of the Danxia Palace!"

"I know!" Master Zhao Wu was sweating profusely, as if he had made a life-or-death decision, his face was a little distorted: "But... if I don't come down for a walk, I'm already here... how can I be willing!"

Zhao Fenglai's eyes were red, and after a long time, he gritted his teeth: "You're really crazy..."

He bowed to Xu Yangyi: "Then... let's say goodbye... Fellow Daoist Xu, Zhao really admires you. At the same time... I also hope you come out alive..."

"Thank you for your good words." Xu Yangyi smiled calmly and bowed to Zhao Fenglai: "Have a good journey, be careful of others."

Zhao Fenglai nodded, said nothing, and flew down on the Goshawk Puppet.

"Captain." Jun Man spoke first: "Fearless, not ignorant of the importance. Here, Jun will not go, and at the same time, I also want to advise the captain not to go down."

"Thank you." Xu Yangyi sighed: "I don't want to go down either, but there is a reason why I must go."

Mo Yeyu pursed his lips: "Even if I lose my life?"

Xu Yangyi answered firmly: "If I don't go, the consequences will be more terrible than losing my life."

The living emperor weapon... its real secret, what it wants to tell me, is down here!

He must go down.

Once on the path of cultivation, it is impossible to turn back, and it is even more cultivate something that you don't even know.

From just now...the living emperor weapon...has made a roar-like sound, which echoed infinitely in his chest! He could hear that there was hunger, excitement, expectation, and...hatred spanning thousands of years!

Mo Yeyu sighed: "Then, take care, Captain."

"Thank you." Xu Yangyi looked at Qin Xueluan: "Fellow Daoist Qin, are you not going down either?"

"Yes." Qin Xueluan shook his head: "After entering the cave... my Blue-eyed Sky Centipede has warned me more than ten times. If I go in, I'm afraid I'll die. I agree with Fellow Daoist Mo. Being fearless does not mean not knowing the importance of the matter."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi wiped the ring on his hand, and the box of the Rootless Nine-Curved Water fell into his hand. He handed it over: "Keep it and wait for me to come back."

After a pause, he added: "If we haven't come back within five years, the Xingtian Corps will be disbanded. This thing, keep a part to compensate the fallen Daoists, and the rest, you can do whatever you want."

He said it very easily, and it didn't sound like a farewell between life and death. Fang Cheng glanced at him: "Junior brother, you look very relaxed. Are you lying?"

"I have been preparing myself mentally since I knew about this. Naturally, I am much more relaxed than you." Xu Yangyi smiled, then took a deep breath: "Everyone! Let's go!"

"Let's... uncover the last veil of Danxia Palace!"

Their figures gradually disappeared into the darkness of the cave. After watching them go away for a long time, Qin Xueluan sighed: "I envy them."

"Yes..." Mo Yeyu said with deep emotion: "But... it's too dangerous here. And the opportunity is unknown, I..."

"Don't say it." Jun Man's eyes fluctuated: "We... what we have to do now is to take care of the Xingtian Legion and wait for the captain and others to come back."

Xu Yangyi and the others didn't know these words. Because they had already reached the bottom of the cave.

There... there is a glittering teleportation array.

No one spoke, and entering here is the final chapter of Danxia Palace. No one knows what is waiting for them there. No one knows what opportunities are there.

In the dark, searching up and down, only the pure heart in the heart seeks the Tao.

"Everyone." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes, the last trace of awe in his eyes disappeared, replaced by an incomparable fighting spirit: "Xu, go ahead."

Before he finished speaking, he stepped into the teleportation array, a burst of green light flashed, and he disappeared out of thin air.

Everyone else took several deep breaths.

"Junior brother has left, what are you waiting for?" Fang Cheng laughed: "I'll go ahead too!"

After him, Yao Xintan and Zhan Twelve all stepped in.

The opportunity is unknown, but for Danxia Palace, one of the eight great forbidden areas, this curiosity and this seeking mentality made them take this step to break through themselves!

This step is just a small step, a step into the teleportation array. But it makes their Tao heart extremely firm at this moment! No flaws!

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