
Text Chapter 208: Danxia Palace (Twenty-seven)

First Jiang Shang, then Sun Bin, five hundred years ago Zhuge Liang, five hundred years later Liu Bowen.

Among them, the Legend of the White Snake suddenly appeared. And... the "Xiao Qing" who has always been with the White Snake has a great relationship with the green fish.

Xiao Qing... has no name... is she really a supporting role, or is it because her name is too old, too far away, and submerged in the long river of history.

The roaring call of the living emperor, the vibration of the sword tip, the thousand-year-old regret of a king, all the secrets will be solved here...

Who else carved those strokes on the Yellow Springs Road and asked people to go down and save him?

After a thousand turns in his mind, when Xu Yangyi opened his eyes, he just took a look and immediately looked at the sky in shock.

In the sky, there is a magic circle... a huge magic circle!

It was dark, but golden talismans were carved on it, and each one was enough to destroy Xu Yangyi ten million times!

"Who is so powerful..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath with emotion. The magic circle is boundless, covering the entire space. And this space...

His eyes flashed, and everything in front of him made him feel familiar and confused.

Lotus Sea!

It is indeed a lotus sea!

The boundless lotus sea...there is no end in sight!

There are no trees, no wind, no light around, and no stars in the dark night sky. Even if there are, they are covered by the huge magic circle without any trace.

Under all this, there are no mountains, no boundaries, and everything you see is a vast lotus sea!

"The lotus really here!" In his heart, a surge of blood rushed up.

It was here that he met the Eternal Pill Sutra King for the first time.

It was here that he saw the green fish that covered the sky and the sun.

It was also here...he was wiped out for three years!

All the secrets...are now in front of his eyes, waiting for him to uncover them. How can he not be excited? Not eager?

"But..." He stood still cautiously, his spiritual consciousness fully opened, observing everything around him. a lotus sea, but it doesn't look like a lotus sea!

There is no water!

When he came, it was daytime, peaceful, and fragrant. The lotus leaves were endless and green, and the lotus flowers were red in the sun. But now... it has completely dried up!

Withered lotus flowers grew out of the ground, covering the sun above. He stomped on the ground hard, and it was very solid. He could even see dust flying when he stepped on it, which showed that it had been dry for too long.

"No..." He sat down cross-legged with a deep thought: "Looking at the area and the number of lotus flowers here, it must be a sea of ​​lotus. But if it is a sea of ​​lotus, why is it completely different from what I saw that day? There is no water... How did the Baixi Chengtu come from? And the soil is completely different from what it looked like when it was dry."

"More importantly..." He took a deep breath, his eyes were extremely cautious: "Is that big fish... here? If it is, where did it go?"

Lotus flowers and lotus leaves grew out of small holes, but they all withered. When they were pinched by hand, they immediately turned into yellow fragments, which drifted away. Similarly, it is definitely not something that can be dried up in a short time.

Especially... there is no one around him!

All the people who were teleported together were separated!

The weirdest thing is... the living emperor weapon, which was extremely excited before, is completely quiet at this moment! Even the tip of the sword is the same!

He meditated for a long time in the same place. There is spiritual energy here. Although the spiritual energy is not strong, it is acceptable. He adjusted himself to the best state, but did not use any signal flare type means.

Not only him... now there are definitely countless people who have woken up, and similarly, no one has used similar means.

The reason is very simple, the people who rushed over... may not be his own people!

If the person closest to him is from the Ming family, it is hard to say that this is the place where he will die.

"Sure enough, they are all geniuses from the major families, and they are extremely careful in every step..." He smiled and licked his lips, and stood up: "But... at the same time, it also told me one thing."

"That is, no one is together! Otherwise, if there is a force with a large number of people, they would have sent a signal long ago."

He calmed down his thoughts and looked around. Is this the Lotus Sea... There is one thing that can prove it most accurately!

That... the huge lotus when he first met the King of the Eternal Pill Scripture! And the antique attic on the lotus!

As long as there is this thing here, then it must be the Lotus Sea without a doubt!

"But... this matter is simple to say, the current situation..." He frowned and lifted the lotus leaves around him, and with a light wave, those lotus leaves turned into golden flying ash.

This... should be the bottom of the Lotus Sea at the beginning, which can accommodate the body of the giant monster. You can imagine how deep the Lotus Sea is. Thousands of meters... tens of thousands of meters is possible!

And the lotus leaves that floated on the water at that time covered the sky... You can imagine how far the roots of these lotus leaves have grown!

Xu Yangyi looked around, and saw a forest of withered lotus leaves. The ground was filled with the remains of withered lotus leaves. The remaining lotus leaves were never more than two meters high. Those that were too long had already dried up and withered. But... the two-meter height blocked people's sight infinitely!

"This situation is extremely difficult." He pinched his hands and made a seal: "Dan Ding Building Spirit Method!"

"Swish!" A spiritual consciousness, with him as the center, swept like a storm! Even the withered lotus leaves around him danced.

The 300-meter-diameter radar greatly increased his reconnaissance power. It was very spiritual to keep using the Dan Ding Soul Building Method, but his storage ring was full of elixir to restore spiritual power.

As an alchemist of the last law, he still lacked elixir... It would be embarrassing to say it out.

"I am the only one within 300 meters..." He was about to put away his spiritual consciousness calmly, but suddenly, his spiritual consciousness stopped, and all his energy was focused on one direction!

The lotus sea was too huge to distinguish the east, south, west, and north, let alone where the center was. However... at this moment, in a place that he didn't know if it was the center, he clearly felt... an extremely rich spiritual energy!

"This is..." His eyes flashed, and without hesitation, but extremely cautiously, he grabbed the Goshawk puppet and flew to a height of about 1.78 meters.

Then... he saw an unforgettable wonder!

In the dark night, under the withered lotus leaves, a group of... a huge white object, just like the bloody meat in this hunting ground, was extremely eye-catching!

Even from such a distance, Xu Yangyi could "see" that this thing was ridiculously large. Then, he spread out his thumbs and index fingers with both hands and placed them in front of himself.

This is a method of measuring the size of distant objects in the basic knowledge of mortals.

After a long time, he retracted his hand, and ripples had already appeared in his heart.

"It's at least 4,500 meters long... and the width is unpredictable. What on earth is this thing?"

Without hesitation, he immediately ran towards that thing. He could find that others could also find that there... was where all the cultivators who entered the main body of Danxia Palace alive gathered!

He jumped over lotus flowers and walked for an unknown period of time, an hour... or two hours... six hours... Just as he was running at full speed, suddenly, a violent fluctuation of spiritual energy not far away was transmitted into his spiritual consciousness.

Someone in front of him took action!

His eyes flashed, and he immediately restrained his breath, and with the lightest movement, he slowly moved towards the place where the spiritual energy exploded.

Two late Qi training stages... and they were not ordinary late Qi training stages... As he walked, he felt the fluctuation of spiritual energy, and gradually formed an outline in his mind.

The two were equally matched, and these two... I dare not say that I can easily defeat any of them! Even if I can win, it will not be easy!

Silently, like a cat, he approached the place where the spiritual energy exploded. From the layers of withered lotus leaves, he could already see the two people who took action.

A man and a woman. The man was wearing a white coat and did not look like a monk at all, but when he waved his hand, pieces of bamboo leaves appeared and stabbed the woman like a sword.

The woman... was still an acquaintance.

Sister Nine!

She sneered, and a strange ancient corpse seemed to be alive. The man's bamboo leaves could not penetrate at all. He could only trap the other party, and Sister Nine's hair, like a spider weaving a web, gradually wrapped the surrounding into a cocoon! A cocoon with a radius of dozens of meters!

"Why is that, buddy?" The man in the white coat looked more like a doctor than a cultivator, his face calm: "Li and the Ming family have never had any contact, why do we have to fight to the death here? Why is the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind?"

"CSIB's lackey... since you are going to die, why do you need to know so much." Sister Jiu sneered repeatedly, holding a three-meter-tall ancient corpse in her hand, with a sullen face, wearing ancient armor, but extremely agile, with half-meter-long black nails on the fingertips like blades, once swept, the withered lotus leaves around fell one after another: "It is your good fortune to die in my hands."

"Daoist Mingshen said it lightly." The man opposite was not too afraid: "You dare to fight with Li here? Although Li's cultivation is not as good as yours, you want to kill Li, but it will take a lot of effort. If someone waits for it at this moment, hehe... the enemies of the Ming family seem to be no less than those of CSIB?"

Here... everyone has torn off the mask of hypocrisy, this is a Shura field of blood and fire. Only the truly strong can take the treasure and return.

Here, only the most naked and primitive jungle law is followed!

He smiled, strolled in the garden, raised his hand, and another piece of spiritual bamboo leaf flew out, and smiled slightly to the other side: "Did you say so? Daoist friend?"

The ninth sister's eyes suddenly jumped, and she couldn't help but look over. At this moment, the eyes of the cultivator surnamed Li flashed slightly, and a green snake shadow quietly evolved along the ground!

Xu Yangyi's brows also frowned slightly, but he immediately understood.

No one found him.

This cultivator surnamed Li is not the opponent of the ninth sister. But the other party is very cunning, this place... Indeed, there is no benefit. Before all the people are gathered together, once they start, killing the other party is a small matter, and someone is waiting for them, which is the biggest concern!

This is the other party's feint to the east and attack in the west.

What he wants is the moment when the ninth sister is distracted!

"Swish, swish, swish!" At this moment, part of the ninth sister's hair suddenly seemed to come alive, and before the ninth sister herself could react, it suddenly rushed towards the green snake shadow!

With a cry of surprise, a ball of green light bloomed on the ground, and the snake shadow flashed away. The cultivator surnamed Li couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and smiled bitterly: "The ninth sister of the Ming family... It's true that there is no false reputation under the reputation."

At this moment, the ninth sister's eyes flashed, and she stared at the direction of Xu Yangyi: "Which Taoist friend? You have been watching the show for a long time, right? Hiding your head and showing your tail, you are also a cultivator?"

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