
Main text Chapter 209: Danxia Palace (Twenty-eight)

The cultivator surnamed Li was stunned.

Is there really someone?

He had been prepared to die from the beginning when he met Sister Nine. A single cultivator had almost no chance of winning against a demon cultivator of the same realm. The Ming family... the most murderous demon cultivator family. He just fought hard, but he didn't expect that there was really someone?

No one around answered.

Sister Nine's smile became even colder: "Do you need me to please..."

As soon as the voice fell, countless black hairs around Xu Yangyi suddenly emerged from the soil, standing up like needles, like vigilant cobras, all aimed at Xu Yangyi!

I don't know when... Sister Nine's hair had detected the place where he was standing like a radar snake. And the voice of the cultivator surnamed Li just now made her completely alert.

Sister Nine did not launch an attack. It was not rational to make enemies here for no reason.

Especially... none of those who can enter here are mediocre! As far as she knows, several people are definitely not inferior to her!

In silence, the monk surnamed Li secretly wiped the cold sweat from his head, bit his lips tightly and looked around.

If no one was there... he must be the one to die!

After an unknown amount of time, a "rustling" sound was heard, and a tall man appeared in front of the two.

"Life is full of encounters." Xu Yangyi smiled and bowed: "Daoyou, what a coincidence."

"It's you?" "It's you!!"

A voice of doubt and a voice of surprise were heard at the same time!

The monk surnamed Li suddenly let go of his heart, and without saying a word, he turned around and fled to the other side of the lotus leaf. The ninth sister's expression changed, and she looked at the direction where the monk surnamed Li left with a flickering look, but she did not speak.

"Why are you here?" Sister Jiu's hair quickly shrank back, and she squinted at Xu Yangyi: "I didn't expect...Xingtian Legion actually came in alive."

Xu Yangyi smiled faintly: "Why am I here? It doesn't matter. If nothing happens, we should just meet and miss each other."

Sister Jiu's face was calm, and she smiled slightly: "Since you are here...why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

Xu Yangyi's mouth curled slightly, his eyes swept around like a knife, and he said calmly: "I want to remind you of something."

"I don't want to cause trouble here. But..." His voice turned and became extremely cold: "Not wanting to cause trouble doesn't mean I'm afraid of trouble."

"If anyone dares to provoke me here, I don't mind fighting him a few moves."

Sister Jiu pursed her lips and unexpectedly said nothing.

As for Xu Yangyi, the two had fought once, and she was also afraid of him in her heart.

Xu Yangyi casually bowed to Sister Jiu and turned away. At the same time, the ninth sister spoke in a calm voice: "Wait."

When Xu Yangyi turned around, he was already smiling dangerously: "Do you have any advice?"

The ninth sister took a deep breath: "The Ming family can forgive everything in the past."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows with a smile.

"But..." The ninth sister took a deep breath: "There is one thing you must return to the Ming family."

"From now on, I will pretend that I never knew about the Eighteenth Old Man, and the Ming family will naturally cancel the wanted order. And..." She showed a deep smile: "Here, there are tigers and wolves around, and the Ming family can even... cooperate with the Xingtian Legion."

Xu Yangyi looked at her coldly, and sneered for a long time: "You want that fur roll?"

The ninth sister's eyes flashed, without denying or confirming.

"You have one minute to decide whether to speak or not." Xu Yangyi looked directly into the other person's eyes: "After one minute, any obstruction will be regarded as a provocation by me."

Sister Jiu finally sneered: "Daoyou is really confident."

The two people's eyes collided like swords in the air, and Xu Yangyi nodded: "You can try."

Silence, after this sentence, both of them fell into silence. Sister Jiu's eyes were thoughtful, and Xu Yangyi did not urge her. Time passed slowly.

The silent second hand seemed to ring in the air, ten seconds passed, twenty seconds, thirty seconds, forty seconds passed.

"Give me the fur roll, I am willing to share its secret with you." After 52 seconds, the ninth sister finally made up her mind and said, "A generation of Mingshen has a total of 20 wives. Old Eighteen and I are born of the same mother. This thing was originally found by me, but he stole it. Even if you don't kill him, I will tear his tendons and bones out."

Xu Yangyi finally smiled: "Isn't he your brother?"

"That kind of trash..." The ninth sister sneered: "How worthy is he to call me brother?"

"How is it? How is the decision?" She seemed not to want to waste a moment on the beheaded Mingshen Eighteen. She looked at Xu Yangyi coldly and said: "If it weren't for me, no one could unlock the restrictions on it. You will never know its true face."

Xu Yangyi's expression did not move. After a moment, he touched the storage ring, and an old fur roll flew out and floated in the air. The ninth sister's eyes lit up. He did not hand it to the other party, and said calmly: "Evidence."

"This is the premise for us to continue the discussion."

"Your caution disgusts me." Sister Jiu snorted coldly, and without further ado, she lightly scratched her finger, and a drop of blood immediately flew towards the fur roll.

At the moment when the blood drop touched the fur roll, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, right in front of him... He felt that this piece of fur roll had strangely hardened!

"Swish..." A sound like a spring silkworm spinning silk came, and the "fur" began to peel off bit by bit. He stared at it for a few seconds and said in a deep voice: "Is this silk?"

"Yes." Sister Nine looked directly into his eyes: "It is a silk... the restriction method that has been passed down for thousands of years in the Ming family. If it is not the blood of the Ming family, it must not be unlocked."

Xu Yangyi turned his eyes and smiled at Sister Nine: "Aren't you afraid that I will take this thing away?"

"It doesn't matter." Sister Nine also smiled back: "Do you think that a drop of blood can unlock all the restrictions?"

In the secret confrontation of words, neither of the two little foxes took advantage. That drop of blood "hardened" the entire fur roll by half, but stopped.

Sister Nine did not speak, but just looked directly at Xu Yangyi. Several drops of blood spun on the fingertips, but they did not hit him again.

Xu Yangyi pondered for a few seconds, and the spiritual power circulated on his fingertips, cutting off half of the half-soft and half-hard fur, and flicked it into the air. At the same time, the two seemed to have a telepathic connection. Sister Nine's eyes flashed, her fingers moved slightly, and several drops of blood fell on the fur roll in Xu Yangyi's hand.

The two people who shared the same bed but had different dreams completed their first attempt to gain trust without saying a word.

The blood beads seemed to seep into the water, and the silk on the half-fur roll in Xu Yangyi's hand began to fall off layer by layer as if it had encountered boiling water.

In a moment, the silk thread was completely detached. And the thing in his hand had turned into a...


It was a small shell of something unknown, not very hard, but with a very strange texture. It was reddish in the dark blue, as if... it was temporarily broken off.

This shell was very flat, but on its back, four routes were outlined in white, cyan, and purple. The end points of the routes were all painted with white, cyan, or purple dots of different colors.

"Very good..." Sister Nine took a deep breath: "I like to cooperate with people who keep their promises... Although those who do not keep their promises when cooperating with me are already dead..."

"Don't use the name of the Ming family to pressure me." Xu Yangyi smiled indifferently, but there was a murderous intent hidden in his smile: "If you dare to kill one Mingshen Eighteen, you will never care about killing one more Mingshen Nine Sister. Do you want to try?"

"Hehe..." Sister Nine's mouth curled up, but she didn't laugh.

At least, the first step, the cooperation between the two was quite pleasant.

Sister Nine didn't talk nonsense anymore, but wiped the storage ring on her hand, and a toad sculpture that looked like jade but not jade flew out of it and fell to the ground in a rotation.

On the toad's head, a foot-long incense was lit, and at this moment, the incense had burned more than half, leaving only one third!

A strange fragrance suddenly filled the space. Sister Nine's face quietly spread a touch of excitement. Even though she was very cunning, she couldn't hold back at this moment.

"Wait... Daoist friend..." She took a deep breath and licked her lips: "There is still an hour... You will see a wonder that you will never forget..."

Xu Yangyi did not speak, his spiritual power was always running at the peak, staring at the jade toad.

Time passed by minute by minute. After about forty minutes, two streams of red liquid suddenly flowed out of the toad's eyes! And the incense on the top of the head burned violently! Even made a "buzzing" sound, igniting a series of dazzling sparks!

"Swish..." At the same time, a blood-red formation loomed under the feet of the two people! As if it had always existed here, it was awakened at this moment!

The formation is not big, about twenty meters. And the place where they stood was in the center!

And...this formation is definitely not all the formations Xu Yangyi has ever seen!

He didn't know how to describe it. If he had to, this formation gave him a desolate and ancient feeling, as if it had been carved countless years ago. The brushwork and the structure constructed by the spiritual energy seemed not to be something of modern cultivation civilization!

"What is this?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he immediately stepped back a few steps. The ninth sister seemed to be startled and jumped out of the formation at the same time.

"No need to rush." ​​The two looked at the formation cautiously, and the ninth sister gritted her teeth and said, "The Ming family is a thousand-year-old family. The research on the eight great forbidden areas is definitely among the best among the hundreds of families in China. This formation is a sealing formation, and there is no danger..."

Before she finished speaking, the next second after the two jumped out of the formation, a green light column with a diameter of more than 20 meters! It rushed out from the formation on the entire ground!

"Boom!!!" The majestic spiritual energy erupted instantly, and the green light column drew a dazzling light in the dark night! Straight to the sky!

The withered lotuses and countless golden debris around were actually lifted up as the pillar of light lit up. However, compared to this huge pillar of light, they seemed to be just butterflies around the giant green tree.

The whole night was illuminated by this green pillar of light. At this moment, everyone in every place saw this extremely gorgeous pillar of light!

"This is..." In a withered lotus, Fahui's eyes quietly opened, looking at a green light rushing straight into the sky at an unknown distance, and took a breath of cold air: "Fortune."

In another lotus pond, the sixth young master of the Nangong family suddenly looked up at the green pillar of light not far away, his eyes flashed, and he said nothing. The camouflage uniform behind him suddenly collapsed, and the muscles on his back bulged wildly as if they were alive. After a few seconds, a pair of black wings whistled out, and he rushed towards the green pillar of light with his human form!

Three silver stars lit up in the sky, and three sword lights whizzed in. On each sword stood a solemn young Taoist priest.

Everyone knew what this was. In any secret realm, people were looking forward to it because of their existence.

Gongfa! Dan medicine! Secret treasure!

You can call it anything you want, or there is a more straightforward way to call it.

Good fortune! Chance!

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