
Text Chapter 210: Danxia Palace (Twenty-nine)

Xu Yangyi and Sister Nine were both breathing fast.

This was not an ordinary opportunity...

This was a gift from Danxia Palace!

It was an affirmation of their step-by-step breakthrough of the crocodile gar, their angry slashing of Leviathan, their bravery in the underworld, and their final arrival here!

Zhang Guangyao was fortunate to survive the Yongle Great Blue Hole, so there was the Floating Cloud Ancestor of today. Danxia Palace, like the Yongle Great Blue Hole, was one of the eight forbidden areas, so it was not impossible for another Floating Cloud Ancestor to appear!

"Is this what you said about no danger?" Xu Yangyi glanced at Sister Nine indifferently. If they were a second late for this instantaneous burst of spiritual energy, they would be immediately washed into ashes!

Sister Nine snorted coldly: "This is what the family rumor said, how can I know the real situation? Besides..."

She looked at the light column with a fiery gaze: "Fellow Daoist... do you think... is it still the time to care about this kind of problem?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak, because... everyone felt it, everyone saw it! In the 20-meter-square cyan pillar of light, there is a group of extremely pure and vast spiritual energy, and... a looming figure, floating in it.

It is impossible to compare... the spiritual energy of the cyan pillar of light is already magnificent and boundless. But compared with the things inside, it is... a qualitative difference!

If you have to make a metaphor, you can say that the outside is a stone skin wrapped in jade, and the inside is the authentic ice-type imperial jade!

The kind of spiritual energy that makes people palpitate, makes people's hair stand on end, and makes the spiritual energy of this piece of heaven and earth boil, as if returning to the original creation of the world. Although it is still unclear, it is enough to make the two people's hearts beat wildly!

"So, the white, cyan, and purple symbols above... represent the opportunity of Danxia Palace?" Xu Yangyi stared at the object in the light column and said in a deep voice.

"That's right..." Sister Nine licked her lips and laughed hoarsely: "There are nine in total, six white ones, two blue ones, and only one purple one!"

"This is the only blue opportunity that this palace can find."

Xu Yangyi fell silent, but he was extremely alert in his heart.

The light column... I don't know how long it will take to disappear!

And now...someone has rushed over! He clearly felt that a figure 300 meters away was like thunder and lightning, with an incredible speed! Rushing straight towards them!

This is just the first one.

There are countless people on the way.

"It looks like...there will be a fierce battle."

"Swish..." The light column finally showed a trend of weakening. In just three seconds, the blue light that spread to the sky was only a thick one, and the things inside were already clearly visible.

However, its power did not weaken! seemed to be condensed into this ray of spiritual light, making people feel that the sea of ​​qi was trembling at a glance!

No one wanted to try its power. The two of them, with their spiritual energy running to the extreme, just stared at it intently.

When the light column was only a thumb-thick strand left, the thing finally removed all its veils and appeared in front of the two of them. When Sister Nine saw the thing clearly, she immediately took a breath of cold air: "Oh my God... How could this... How could it be this kind of thing!"

"This is... the sky-repairing stone!"

An irregular stone the size of a fist was quietly suspended three or four meters above the ground. It was crystal clear, without a trace of impurities, but it was not transparent, but a colorful color.

Red, yellow, green, blue, white, colorful, countless spiritual energy lingered on it, flowing endlessly, Xu Yangyi only took a glance, and immediately felt the spiritual power in his body fluctuate, as if he had heard the holy singing and was cleansed.

"Heaven-Repairing Stone?" Xu Yangyi asked symbolically about the unfamiliar name. Sister Nine bit her lips tightly and said, "This... is a real spiritual object... Fellow Daoist Xu, I won't hide it from you. This... can be called an SSS-level spiritual object! Do you know... what is above the magic weapon?"

"What is it?" Xu Yangyi asked in a deep voice.

"Spiritual treasure!" Sister Nine's eyes flashed: "When cultivators reach the late stage of foundation building, they can use magic weapons. However... the art of refining can refine a killer weapon that surpasses magic weapons, and that is the spiritual treasure!"

"I don't know the specific power of the spiritual treasure, but I accidentally read the ancient books at home and found that the power of the spiritual treasure is more than ten times that of the magic weapon! Daoyou also know that whether it is a magic weapon or a spiritual treasure, you must first find its embryo, then slowly nurture it, supplemented by various natural treasures, and finally find a refining master to forge it..."

"Several of our major families have been nurturing magic weapons since the foundation building period, but at most they are B-level embryos, and only the seeds of the first sequence have this honor. This sky-repairing stone..." She looked at the light column that was only as thick as a finger with a fiery gaze, and her voice trembled a little. Without waiting for her to finish, Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Could it be a spiritual treasure embryo?"

"More than that!" Sister Nine bit her lips, her eyes red: "And... it is the legendary SSS-level spiritual treasure embryo! The highest embryo! There has never been an official record! Only rumors remain in the world!"

She tried her best to stabilize her emotions and said in a trembling voice: "It really deserves to be one of the eight great forbidden areas... The danger is extremely great, and the benefits... are definitely worth the risk!"

At this moment, the thumb-sized spiritual light finally ended. At the moment when the heart-shaking spiritual pressure erupted and disappeared, without any nonsense, Xu Yangyi's body was like an arrow, and he went straight to the sky-making stone!

Ninth sister did not even pause. In an instant, her hair moved without wind, and her speed was no slower than Xu Yangyi's, and she rolled towards the sky-making stone frantically!

"Let go!!!" At the same time, a golden spiritual arrow lit up a hundred meters away, like a morning star, with a roar, murderous aura, extreme excitement, and shot at lightning speed! Even the air in the sky was divided into two sides!

"Nangong family's falling phoenix arrow?" Ninth sister's eyes flashed, and she flashed to the side without hesitation. However, at this moment, she saw Xu Yangyi in her peripheral vision without any hesitation, and pounced on the sky-making stone!

"He's not afraid?!" Ninth sister rolled on the ground and looked at Xu Yangyi in shock. The falling phoenix arrow magical power is one of the Nangong family's signature magical powers! Follow like a shadow, and never stop until death! There is no such low-level problem as shooting off the target!

At this second, time was almost frozen, and Xu Yangyi's face was not hesitant at all, but full of determination. His figure was like an arrow shot from a bow, drawing a blurry black shadow in the air. However, the moment he held the sky-repairing stone, the Falling Phoenix Arrow would definitely hit him!

The opponent's figure was reflected in the stunned pupils of the Ninth Sister. This move... the spiritual energy is so abundant, it is obviously the opponent's full strength. I dare not take it head-on, but he dares!

Isn't he afraid that the sea of ​​qi will surge under one blow, and he will not be able to fight for the next few minutes?

What's the difference between this and death?

Or does he think... the names of several major families are just a cover? The Nangong family's full-strength attack also made him indifferent?

"Swish!" In a flash, Xu Yangyi's hand had already grasped the sky-repairing stone tightly.

"Boom!" At the same time, the huge arrow hit Xu Yangyi head-on and hit the opponent completely!

A golden light burst out like a tide, and the ground seemed to be hit by a small storm! Countless dead branches and leaves were rolled up and blown away, and the dust on the ground actually formed a miniature tornado, blowing people completely unable to see anything!

The arrow seemed small, but it was actually several meters long! In anger, the person who came from a distance was already anxious. This arrow was his full strength! Condensed all the spiritual energy of the person who came! Even the genius Qi training monk will be seriously injured next!

"Swoosh..." A figure, with wings on his back, stopped five meters above this space after a few seconds. Even when he arrived, there was still a whooshing sound in the air, and his red eyes stared at the scene full of dust.

"Ge La La..." A low and harsh mechanical sound rang at the scene. The puppet of the ninth sister had come to her side at some point, looking at everything in the field with a gloomy face.

Never expected... the other party actually dared to pounce on it!

Here, grabbing treasures is important, but no one has ever said that whoever gets the treasure first will own it.

Although treasures are good, it is important to enjoy them while alive.

"Get out..." The man in the air gnashed his teeth and stared at the dust: "Give the Heaven-Burn Stone to this young master, and this young master promises you to keep you safe for the rest of your life."

The dust dispersed with the wind, but when Xu Yangyi appeared, the man suddenly shrank his pupils: "You... How is it possible?!"

Xu Yangyi's clothes and pants were torn in many places, but he didn't have a single scar on his body! The spiritual energy was not weakened! At this moment, the powerful spiritual pressure of the late stage of Qi training has been completely radiated!

However, his hands were empty, and the Heaven-Burn Stone was still in place.

"How could it be..." Sister Nine looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment. She couldn't believe that someone had a direct collision with the Falling Phoenix Arrow without any injury!

Xu Yangyi was silent. At the moment of the collision, he summoned the Shadow Wall without hesitation. However, the power of this arrow was so great! It was far beyond his imagination!

The shadow wall was directly blasted apart, turning into black tattoos, forming a strange ghost head smile on his upper body. It must continue to be nurtured before it can be used. However, it blocked the full force of the Falling Phoenix Arrow for him!

He still underestimated the foundation of several major families.

What hurt him the most was the Bu Tian Stone... He couldn't hold it!

It seemed to be in the same place, but when he grabbed it, he could only feel that he had grasped an extremely pure spiritual energy! Auras rose rapidly from the fingertips, and in an instant they formed the Bu Tian Stone again, still in the same place!

"The magic of the Lingbao embryo..." He took a deep breath and calmed down his lost mood.

He knew very well that the opportunity was only in that moment just now. If he couldn't get it, he would have to fight hard!

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