
Main text Chapter 211: Danxia Palace (30)

"Amitabha..." At this moment, with a chant, Fahui held the Zen stick in one arm, his face expressionless. He walked over leisurely.

With every step he took, all the withered lotus leaves parted. He did not stretch out his hand to push away a lotus leaf, but directly opened a passage and walked straight in front of everyone. With a gleam in his eyes, he took a deep look at the sky-repairing stone and chanted a long Buddhist name: "Amitabha... I never thought that such a legendary thing would exist here."

"Did you shoot the arrow?" Xu Yangyi raised his head and asked the man in the air calmly and almost coldly.

"So what?" The man was stunned for a moment, and sneered: "Such a rare treasure, you are qualified to get your hands on it as a mere A-level legion leader?"

"It's a sin to have such a delusion." He looked at Xu Yangyi as if he was looking at a dead man: "You should be thankful that you didn't get the Bu Tian Stone, otherwise, you would be a dead man now."

Xu Yangyi nodded, stopped talking nonsense, put his hands in his pockets, closed his eyes and meditated.

Now... no one can do anything!

I don't know how many people came here... No one wants to be a mantis catching a cicada while the oriole is waiting behind.

"Nangong Xiaoran..." Sister Jiu glanced at the camouflage man with cold eyes: "I didn't expect that the dog nose of the Nangong family is as sharp as before."

Nangong Xiaoran snorted coldly and ignored her at all.

At this moment, three cold stars appeared in the sky in an instant. The three swords of Qingcheng came together. As soon as they arrived, three eyes immediately looked at the Bu Tian Stone in the middle, and they became hot in an instant. Then, after looking at everyone at the scene, they wisely sat aside and meditated.

No one dared to attack first.

"He is here too." While meditating, Ling Xiaozi's spiritual consciousness said to Xuan Chengzi: "If you take action later, leave him to me."

"Junior brother..." Xuan Chengzi was silent for a moment: "This is not the time to act on impulse. This thing is most likely the legendary sky-repairing stone. If we use it to make a sword pill, we... not only have a golden elixir, but also a primordial infant."

Ling Xiaozi smiled slightly and stopped talking.

Time passed by minute by minute. Ten minutes later, with the sound of rustling lotus leaves, three monks in white coats appeared at the scene in silence.

CSIB scientific expedition team.

Three late Qi training!

Like everyone else, they just glanced at the scene, said nothing, and sat down to rest directly.

Ten minutes passed, half an hour passed, an hour passed... Four hours passed, and everyone came here.

Five people from the Ye family, four from the Yi family, eleven from the Buddhist sect, seven from the Ming family, three from the CSIB expedition team, six from the Nangong family, and three from the Daoist sect. Plus the six from the Xingtian Corps... there were hundreds of people when they came in, but only forty-five found the real passage.

All those who were not qualified were excluded from the honeycomb wall.

Quan Ningyue, Zhan Twelve, Li Zongyuan, Mao Baer, ​​and Fang Cheng all stood behind Xu Yangyi. Fang Cheng and Quan Ningyue looked at the Bu Tian Stone with a burning gaze. Their breathing became much heavier.

"Yang, Yang Yu..." Mao Ba Er's voice was trembling: "This, this, this is an opportunity... a real great opportunity... compared to it... the Wugen Jiuqu Water is not good enough... take it! You must get it!"

"That's right! Captain!" Quan Ningyue's expression was also very solemn: "Once you get it... I think Master will definitely do his best to help you create a real magic weapon!"

Fang Cheng also spoke solemnly: "I once heard Master say... There are about three things that can be used as Lingbao embryos since the inheritance, one of which is the Bu Tian Stone! However, Master also said that even he has never seen a Lingbao embryo."

Xu Yangyi nodded, looking at the Bu Tian Stone with a fiery look. He must get this treasure!

However, the scene was equally dangerous!

In the seemingly calm scene, everyone was looking for an opportunity to take action, competing with patience.

After pondering for a long time, a look of determination flashed across his face, and he said to the people of the Xingtian Legion in a deep voice: "After the battle starts, I can't take care of you. You may be scattered, Zhan Twelve."


"I'll give you a special task." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he glanced at Nangong Xiaoran calmly: "Do you have the ability to disappear instantly to avoid being tracked?"

This is a necessary ability for an assassin. Sure enough, Zhan Twelve nodded: "Yes."

"A magical weapon that creates interference? For example, a cloud of dust is raised in front of the opponent to interfere with the opponent's vision and spiritual consciousness?"

This is also an assassin's personal item. Zhan Twelve nodded: "Yes."

"Very good..." Xu Yangyi smiled, whispered a few words to Zhan Twelve, and then said to everyone: "Don't worry... Soon, someone will be unable to hold back..."

As if to confirm his words, a voice with a faint smile suddenly sounded: "Why, everyone, don't you know what this is?"

No one spoke, but the eyes of everyone at the scene became cold.

Someone stepped forward... This means that the chaos is about to begin!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and his spiritual power circulated throughout his body, quietly recovering from his sitting position to standing. His seemingly lazy eyes never relaxed, but he never relaxed his attention to any disturbance in the field.

Everyone at the scene was like this.

And those who dared to step forward now... had absolute confidence in themselves and their families!

"Everyone is sitting there, but they don't have any thoughts about this thing? So..." A young man, wearing a retro Chinese tunic suit, although it was stained with blood, looked like an unsheathed sword, he stood up with a smile, He cupped his hands and said, "Ye is so disrespectful."

As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body suddenly turned into green leaves and suddenly disappeared from the place. At the same time, without any warning, the five members of the Ye family pounced on them almost at the same time. A formation diagram in their hands spread out against the wind, and they grew when the wind struck them! In an instant, the size changed from a few feet to a width of more than ten meters! Countless talismans sparkled on it and sank to everyone's feet in an instant!

"A replica of the Yaoguang Diagram, the Ye family's magic weapon?" Mao Baer stood up with a loud cry, his eyes widening: "They actually brought this thing out?"

"The clan's magic weapon?" Xu Yangyi asked with a frown.

"Why do you think Ye, Yi, and Mo are called the top three families of the human race?" Mao Baer was so nervous that he started talking around: "Each of them has a magic weapon that has been passed down for thousands of years to suppress the clan! Even compared to the legendary dragon that sees its head but never its tail. The Lingbao is no less powerful! It is said that it has the power to kill the Jindan ancestor! And the Yaoguang Tu... is the magic weapon of the Ye family!"

It stared at the field, gritted its teeth and said: "Even if it is a replica, its power must not be underestimated! This fellow Taoist... I am afraid he ranks very high among the heads of the Ye family!"

Before Mao Baer finished speaking, "Amitabha..." a Buddha chant sounded, and then, a big golden hand from the sky covered the monk surnamed Ye without any mercy, as if he would be crushed immediately if he didn't stop. For fly ashes!

"Vedo holds the pestle." Puja's face was still as calm as a lake. As this hand appeared, the Bodhi rosary around his neck suddenly collapsed and divided into dozens of shining green dots that rushed towards the five Ye family members.

Like fireflies flying all over the sky in the dark night, they are accompanied by bursts of Sanskrit chanting when they fly out. Immediately afterwards, the rosary flew faster and faster! You can even see traces of flames rubbing in the air!

But that's not all!

At the same time, a black ancient corpse, covered with armor and black aura, moved like wind, with ten nails like ten sharp swords, appeared strangely behind the monk surnamed Ye, and then the black nails suddenly Skyrocketing! Go straight to the heart of monk surnamed Ye!

The monk surnamed Ye's eyes were glaring, but he didn't even take a step back. He said hoarsely: "The clan elders protect me!"

The next second, he created a strange magic formula with both hands, and a circle of circular flames quickly formed between his hands. Then, a black handle of unknown objects slowly appeared in the flame magic circle. The monk surnamed Ye grabbed the handle and pulled it hard. With a "swipe pull pull" sound, an umbrella studded with pearls and emeralds suddenly appeared!

"Boom, boom, boom!" In the flash of lightning, the umbrella had just been opened, and those rosary beads hit the umbrella like a meteor shower! A series of fiery red circular spiritual power ripples exploded violently on the umbrella surface! Even the ground shook slightly from the impact of those beads! The withered lotus leaves all around were falling in pieces!

This barrel full of gunpowder is just short of a spark. And the Ye family was the first to light the fuse!

As soon as this fuse was ignited, the three major forces, Ye Family, Ming Family, and Buddha Sect, took action almost at the same time!

"The fourth brother of the Ye family is so brave. For such a grand event, a certain family comes to help Brother Ye." With a long laugh, the fourth family joined in without hesitation!

Before the words were spoken, a narrow and slender sword like a poisonous snake flashed suddenly, like a white light in the dark night, and the sword was shocked!

"Yi Laowu!!" The monk surnamed Ye gritted his teeth. Without saying a word, his spiritual power exploded. Suddenly, a two-meter-high green ancient tree appeared behind him. He shouted suddenly, and the leaves flew down, and then, he heard the sound of jingling jingling and tinkling like rain hitting a pipa behind him!

The fifth eldest son of the Yi family, a tall and thin young man, had already stabbed dozens of swords in an instant! The sword was pointed at the vital point, and it was to kill the opponent with a quick killing move!

Here, there are no humans or monsters, only interests and opponents!

"What are you looking at! Give it to me!" As the fifth child of the Yi family roared, he slapped the Tianling Cap, and a small white jade sword about a foot long flew out with a scream! In the next second, one will turn into ten, ten will turn into hundreds, and hundreds will turn into tens of millions! It was like opening a sword box, and countless sharp swords formed a green lotus behind him!

"Nianhua Sword Technique... Qinglian Smile!"

"Swish, swish, swish!!" The sword fell like rain! The sword was pointed at the nearest monk named Ye. The sword light reflected Ye Laosi's face brightly.

In the overwhelming rain of swords, Ye Laosi gritted his teeth and suddenly roared at the other side: "What are you waiting for! If you don't take action now, then when will you wait!"

The next second, three soaring sword lights went straight towards Yi Laowu's head, heart, and Qi Hai Three Elements!

Three Swords of Qingcheng!

Everyone's eyes flashed, the Ye family... indeed had allies! But at this moment, he suddenly attacked!

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