
Text Chapter 213: Danxia Palace (Thirty-two)

Two half-step foundation builders!

Even Xu Yangyi's face became solemn. And all the people in the Xingtian Army came behind Xu Yangyi.

However, Zhan Twelve was not seen.

Two old men, as if they were about to be buried, suddenly appeared behind Nangong Xiaoran. They were wearing scholar's gowns, one black and one white. On the black gown, there was a white bird pattern embroidered. On the white gown, there was a black fierce dog pattern embroidered.

These two people had wrinkles all over their faces, their hands were in their sleeves, they didn't even raise their heads, and their white hair was scattered on their shoulders. Their eyes were narrowed so that they couldn't see anything, and the whole person was like a dead person who had been buried. If you ignore that they are still breathing.

"One..." With his white hair flying, Que Wu slowly raised his corpse-like head, looked at Quan Ningyue without any emotion, and then turned to Mao Baer: "Two..."

"Three..." "Four..." Finally, Quan Liu glanced at the unconscious Cheng Fang: "Five..."

"Five ants..." Que Wu smiled coldly: "I will send you on your way."

"I?" Quan Ningyue laughed: "If you haven't entered the foundation building stage, I'm afraid you will never be able to enter the foundation building stage in your lifetime! How dare you call me this seat?"

Que Wu's smile became even colder: "When a man is about to die, his words are good... I don't think so. Then..."

"Let me send you off..." Quan Liu and him are like twins, the two of them... unexpectedly reached a distance of more than ten meters in the air!

This is not the flight of the predecessors of the foundation building stage, but the half-step foundation building has already possessed some abilities of the foundation building stage, such as short-distance semi-flight. For example... physical skills have been almost eliminated, and spiritual power is used completely for attack.

"Captain, go deal with that eagle-headed man." Quan Ningyue gritted her teeth: "Leave this to us!"

Xu Yangyi looked at Quan Ningyue with a solemn face, and then looked at Mao Baer, ​​Li Zongyuan, and Zhao Wuye beside him. He said in a deep voice: "Can you stop two half-step foundation-building masters?"

"Try your best..." Mao Baer was so depressed that he dug his claws into the ground: "This thankless job... Damn, how much gold does it cost me to repair the equipment! Only you are willing to let a cute pet like me, Pikachu, transform into Mewtwo..."

Zhao Wuye looked a little unnatural, but he was not an ordinary cultivator either. Would an ordinary cultivator do such a crazy thing as digging through Danxia Palace? After his face changed several times, he gritted his teeth and said: "Since it has come to this point... I will naturally sacrifice my life to accompany you... But after we go out..."

"I will choose the Zhao family for the next auction of elixirs." Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi said lightly.

Zhao Wuye's eyes flashed. For this sentence... What if he fought with a half-step foundation-building master once?

"Please, everyone." Xu Yangyi bowed deeply, his eyes fixed on Nangong Xiaoran.

"It seems... you don't quite understand the power of half-step foundation building..." Nangong Xiaoran sneered: "Well... if you can rush over, I will give you a chance to fight me."

Xu Yangyi smiled, said nothing, his figure had turned into a residual shadow, with black flames all over the sky, he jumped up without hesitation, and slashed at Nangong Xiaoran with his sword.

"Boy, you are so brave." Que Wu said faintly: "It's a pity that you are too immature."

In his hand, a faint green light suddenly flashed, and with a "go," a green light shot towards Xu Yangyi's front like lightning!

This is the second biggest difference between foundation building and Qi training! Spiritual energy is released!

When you reach the foundation building, you no longer need physical skills, just raise your hands and feet, and your magical powers will leave your body to hurt the enemy. If you have to make a metaphor, that is the difference between a peerless swordsman and a first-class swordsman. While the first-rate swordsman was still confined to the sword technique, the peerless swordsman was already using the sword energy!

"Dang!" The spiritual light did not hit Xu Yangyi, and Xu Yangyi did not stop for a moment.

At this time, you must trust your teammates.

A rotating eight-diagram plate was shaking in the air, barely blocking the spiritual light. Zhao Wuye's face was livid, and his hands quickly made a gesture, and the eight-diagram plate shot out countless white lights in the air. At the same time, he shouted: "Go!"

"A trifle." Que Wu looked at the eight-diagram plate mockingly, and lightly tapped his finger: "Break."

"Bang!" The entire eight-diagram plate broke in response, but the next second, Que Wu's smile solidified.

Because... as the eight-diagram plate broke, a misty mist fell, forming a white magic circle between Zhao Wuye, Mao Baer, ​​and him.

The magic circle spread very quickly. At first, it was just a little bit, and then it was a piece! Dozens of meters... hundreds of meters... even reached more than four hundred meters and it didn't stop!

The Ninth Sister was controlling the corpse puppet to kill Yi Laowu, but suddenly she felt a chill at her feet, and immediately jumped away, looking at the Xingtian Army in surprise.

"That is..." Her eyes flashed: "Two old dogs of the Nangong family?"

Xuan Chengzi's swordsmanship towards Ye Laosi was as fast as a sword, and at the same time, this wave of spiritual energy fluctuations made him and Fahui turn their eyes at the same time, saying in disbelief: "Is it a confinement array guided by blood?"

"This array... If the holder of the array does not take the initiative to open it, no one inside can go out... It can be said to be a battleground of life and death..." Fahui's eyes moved slightly: "It seems that... This donor and the Nangong family are going to fight for life and death..."

Que Wu's eyes flashed, and he tentatively ejected a spiritual light, but when the spiritual light touched the edge of the array, it disappeared immediately.

His face finally turned completely cold, looking at Zhao Wuye as if looking at a dead person: "Since you want to die, I will fulfill your wish."

The magic circle is six hundred meters in size. Before Mr. Zhao Wu could finish what he said, suddenly, a strange sound of "Gla la la" came quietly into his ears.

Cat Baer's body quickly grew in size and bulged, and his dog's face roared ferociously: "Pi-ka-qiu-transformed!!"

A few seconds later, a three-headed giant dog thirty to forty meters in size suddenly appeared on the scene. The three dog heads spurted out a creepy smell of sulfur. The fur all over the body is covered with hunting flames!

Que Wu's expression finally showed a trace of solemnity, but before he could finish his emotion, he suddenly discovered that another strong spiritual energy burst out in the scene!

"Hundred Soldiers Hall..." Mr. Zhao Wu's belly bulged as if he was blowing air, and even his eyes were bloodshot, and he shouted loudly: "Qianshan Snow!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" From his mouth, countless white aura flying knives shot towards Quewu like raindrops. At the same time, Mao Baer looked up to the sky and roared, and fire pillars of more than ten meters long were sprayed out from the three heads. Qi Shao Xiang Que Wu!

All this is a long story, but actually it takes less than ten seconds. Xu Yangyi saw everything in his eyes and suddenly accelerated!

He knew very well that the team members and Master Zhao Wu were trying their best to delay him!

He...can kill Nangong Xiaoran in no more than sixty seconds! Otherwise, the other team members would not be able to hold on for a minute under the half-step foundation building of Wia!

"Want to leave?" At the same time, Quan Liu's sneer sounded in his ears: "Stay here for me!"

He made a slight move with his left hand, and above Xu Yangyi's head, a golden spiritual cloud emerged in his hand. Then, it turned into countless spiritual golden needles and shot at Xu Yangyi quickly!

Xu Yangyi still didn't stop. Nangong Xiao Ran proudly stood on the spot with his hands folded. The two of them were building a foundation in half a step. It was impossible for Xu Yangyi to reach him.

Just rely on those shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the Xingtian Army?

There are two in the middle stage of Qi training, and the two demon clans are still in the early stage. Their strength is so frighteningly low, how dare they stand in front of me?

He didn't see that Li Zongyuan had completely inflated at this moment, like a balloon, with pimples all over his face, and his size had expanded to four or five meters, and Quan Ningyue had jumped on its back at some point!

What's even more weird is that Quan Ningyue's hands were completely dismembered. They were not dismembered by others, but opened by themselves from the inside!

Inside... they are all circles, talismans carved by the master of the weapon refiner, Grandmaster Gao Muya in the later stage of foundation establishment!

Jiuyin Jue meridians, in order to save her, all the meridians in her body must be replaced! Quan Ningyue is more appropriately said to be a semi-puppet than a human being!

At this moment, silver light emitted from the talisman on her arm, and a surge of spiritual pressure comparable to that of the Foundation Establishment stage swept across the entire place in an instant!

This is her trump card!

Quan Liu suddenly stopped moving. All the spiritual energy in his body stopped, and those golden needles all turned into golden spiritual energy and dissipated in mid-air.

Everyone else was also stunned!

Even the coffin was suddenly opened, and an extremely old hand stretched out.

This is...real foundation-building spiritual pressure!

Yi Laowu looked at Quan Ningyue in surprise. At the same time... he also saw Mao Baer, ​​who had transformed into a three-headed monster, and Master Zhao Wu, who was flashing white light all over the place.

They... also saw, standing on top of a thirty to forty meter toad, with her hands fully open, circles of blue runes filling the air in front of her hands, and the spinning spring condensing to the moon.

"This is..." Yi Laowu took a deep breath and quietly evacuated the scene. He never expected that the battle between the Xingtian Army and the Nangong family would turn out to be a real life-and-death struggle!

There were no unnecessary words in the ceremony. He shook his cassock and formed a golden whirlwind to protect himself in front of him. He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi, who was holding Yan Yue and his body had become an afterimage: "This donor Xu... wants to kill donor Nangong?"

Nangong Xiaoran was also shocked. In an instant, Que Wu was trapped. Quanliu faces the threat of foundation-building spiritual energy!

This is so unscientific!

He didn't expect that... two people in the middle stage of Qi training, and two in the early stage of Qi training, actually trapped two half-step foundation builders!

This... is obviously these people's trump card! The killer move at the bottom of the box! All of them are used at this moment, indicating...

He trembled all over, and without hesitation, his spiritual power circulated throughout his body, and the giant bow appeared again.

"Young master, be careful!!!" Two angry shouts, birds, five dogs and six dogs roared in unison. However, another loli shouted loudly and scolded her!

"Spirit-killing cannon!" Quan Ningyue Loli's face showed no trace of innocence and cuteness at this moment. Instead, she stared at Inu Liu, her hands formed something like a cannon, and she said word by word: "How dare you move?" , Quan Mou dares to fight. Do you dare to try?"

Quanliu, I'm really sweating profusely at this moment!

These ants... actually risked their lives to trap them!

These ants... can actually make their captain face the Sixth Young Master!

Closer... closer... Xu Yangyi's figure pulled out a long afterimage in the dark night, with a trace of blood eyes, locked on the eagle-headed Nangong Xiaoran in front of him!

Kill one person in ten steps, leave no trace behind in a thousand miles!

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