
Main text Chapter 214: Danxia Palace (Thirty-three)

"Shoot the sun!" A roar came from Nangong Xiaoran's mouth, and the bow was instantly filled with thousands of golden lights.

However, at this moment, Xu Yangyi suddenly quickly formed seals in his hand.

Alchemy Spirit Building Technique! Shocking!

The next second, Nangong Xiaoran's mind suddenly shook, as if a giant hand reached into his mind and stirred it wildly!

"Ah!!!" He let out a hoarse scream. He had almost never experienced this kind of pain. The eagle's eyes instantly turned red. He held his head and screamed in pain: "Spiritual consciousness attacks! Spirit, spiritual consciousness attacks supernatural powers. ……you!"

The golden light on his bow suddenly faded away, and Xu Yangyi's knife was already at his neck!

"Young Master!!!" When Que Wu heard Nangong Xiaoran's scream, he turned around immediately. He was so shocked that he almost didn't need to think too much. An antique mirror immediately appeared in his hand, and when he looked at Mr. Zhao Wu, a beam of light appeared in his hand. Faint green light burst out, and in an instant, Zhao Wuye's whole body seemed to be burned by flames, and he immediately screamed.

"Open... formation!" Que's eyes were wide open. This was the sixth young master of the Nangong family, one of the five demon cultivators! Ranked fifth in the clan leader sequence! If something goes wrong with the other party...

He didn't dare to think about it at all!

"Dream!" Zhao Wuye was covered in smoke, but he let out a weird smile: "If you have the ability, kill me now!"

"Very good..." Que Wu was so anxious that he pinched the magic formula and a blue bird suddenly rushed out of the mirror and rushed towards Mr. Zhao Wu like crazy!

"Boom!" Mao Baer's huge body blocked the opponent. This time, there was no scream, only a shrill wail.

On its belly, a bloody hole was pecked out by the green bird!

Quan Liu's whole body was cold, and behind him, Quan Ningyue's spirit-killing cannon was aimed at his heart. He knew... He knew very well that after this shot, Quan Ningyue would have absolutely no power to fight back, and might even go into shock. However, he didn't dare to risk not being able to withstand this shot!

Lightning and flint, the blade reaches the neck!

"Sha..." At this moment, a golden light burst out from Nangong Xiaoran's chest, and his ferocious expression calmed down for a moment. Then, with a "dang" sound, Xu Yangyi's blade unexpectedly cut to the ground. On the golden mask that appears!

Time seemed to stop at this second, and the next second, there was a crash! The entire mask turned into pieces!

Xu Yangyi secretly screamed, "It's a pity. Each of these geniuses has their own protective magic weapon. If the Shocking Soul Breaker fails once, the opponent will be on guard next time!"

"Buzz..." A black talisman quietly flew out of Nangong Xiaoran's body and kept spinning around him. Presumably, this is what prevents spiritual attacks. When Nangong Xiaoran was shocked, the eagle head let out a roar and roared to the sky. Then, his whole body suddenly spun like a top, and countless feathers attacked the opponent indiscriminately!

"Feather falls into the three realms!!!" In his heart, it can be said that the souls of the dead are really at risk at this moment. He never expected that the opponent actually has the magical power to attack with spiritual consciousness! He is not even qualified to learn this kind of magical power!

I almost... almost ended up with my head on the ground!

His heart was beating wildly, and the horror between life and death made him use all his magical powers!

As he rotated, his body rose higher and higher! And those feathers suddenly carried a hint of sword-like sharp aura!

"Golden Front Enters the Sea!!" Without a trace of hesitation, the two magical powers were combined into one. The advantage of the Nangong family was super long-distance sniping, so he brought along two diners who were half-stepping into the foundation. Now, he must drive Xu Yangyi away from him, who is obviously fighting in close combat!

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, without any hesitation at all, he made a hand seal again and suddenly pressed it on the ground!

"Boom!!" A ten-meter-high sandstorm immediately rose from the ground! Nangong Xiaoran's figure spinning in mid-air was instantly surrounded by sand and dust in a radius of ten meters!

"Be careful!" Quan Liu couldn't help but exclaimed loudly. Jiang was still too old, and he could already tell...the dust...wasn't right!

These dusts were not magical, and he did not feel aura in them! It's a kind of magic weapon...a magic weapon specially made to blind eyes!

There was dust in all directions. Nangong Xiaoran put his hands together and pulled, and a folding paper fan appeared in his hands, and the ink characters on it glowed red. Without hesitation, he raised his fan and fanned towards the sand and dust surrounding him!

"Young master, no!" Que's heart jumped out of his chest. At this moment, leaving is the best option! The blinding method is just blinding! Ignore him and get out of here immediately!

The opportunity has been lost. The most important thing now is to stay hundreds of meters away and take advantage of the Nangong family's long-range sniper advantage! Instead of staying where you are and fighting the opponent's deception!

"A fan...calling for the wind!" Nangong Xiaoran heard their voices, but something was urgent! The knife just now completely made him lose his position.

He didn't expect that the members of the Xingtian Legion were so brave that they were not afraid of death and really trapped the two half-step foundation builders!

He also didn't expect that Xu Yangyi was so ferocious that he would really dare to behead him with a single blow!

He didn't even expect that... the other party actually had a trump card, a spiritual attack, which almost... made him return to the underworld!

The great terror between life and death, he was indeed a little confused at the moment. However, he is also a genius of the Nangong family. At this moment, a blue demon pupil opens above his head. This demon pupil can capture everything 180 degrees from the front! Let it have no place to hide!

"Brush!!" With this blow, the dust in front instantly disintegrated. However, a black blade of light shone in his eyes as it disintegrated!

"Your weakness... is that you have too few magical powers!" Nangong Xiaoran felt relieved. Seeing someone... Seeing someone is good. He didn't believe that he, Nangong Xiaoran, the fifth patriarch of the Nangong family, would fall in such a place!

"Two fans... Burning flames!" He took a deep breath, and the next fan, fanning with all his strength at the person in front of him!

"Swish..." In the air, a flame more than ten meters wide flashed in an instant with the power of a fan. In the sky, a black knife light and the red flame formed an extremely sharp contrast!

"Young Master!!!!!!!!!!" At the same time, Que Wu screamed hoarsely. Quan Liu opened his mouth wide and looked at the sky in disbelief.

This sound made Nangong Xiaoran, who had just calmed down from the terror of life and death, finally feel something wrong.

There was no flame... no black dragon on Xu Yangyi's knife.

He just chopped with a knife.

There is a problem... He didn't have time to think about it. The flame immediately annihilated Xu Yangyi's figure, and the other party let out a suppressed cry of pain. At the same time, he felt that the whole world was spinning.

Hey... What's going on...

How can I see my body... There are so many people, why are they getting farther and farther away from me...

Why can't I feel anything... The world is getting darker...

The moment the world was completely dark, Nangong Xiaoran finally remembered what was wrong.

He saw that his body... was headless. And... he saw... two Xu Yangyi...

"Puff!!!" A fountain of blood spurted high!

Xu Yangyi stood behind Nangong Xiaoran, holding a knife in one hand, and his whole body was sprayed with Nangong Xiaoran's blood. But his face was expressionless.

"Shua La La..." The headless body was still standing in the same place. Until the moment Xu Yangyi put away the knife, Nangong Xiaoran's head fell to the ground with a "bang".

He was angry and died with his eyes wide open.

I can't figure it out... He didn't understand in the end, how could he die? Why are there two Xu Yangyi?

Silence, death-like silence.

Everyone's eyes were shocked to see Xu Yangyi grabbing Nangong Xiaoran's head, and many people's eyes were a little straight. I couldn't believe what I saw.

"This...this..." The monk surnamed Li from CSIB was trembling with his lips: "Nangong family...Nangong Xiaoran...was beheaded? He, he, he actually did it! He actually did it!"

"Heh..." Sister Jiu and Yi Laowu stopped their hands at the same time, looking at Xu Yangyi covered in blood in great shock.

"Fifty-two seconds..." Sister Jiu took a deep breath: "Fifty-two seconds...beheaded Nangong Xiaoran..."

"If you say this out, I'm afraid it will really turn the world upside down..." Yi Laowu looked at Xu Yangyi deeply: "What I care more about is how there are two of him?"

At this moment, a voice with a hint of surprise sounded in the scene, and the coffin was completely opened. Two words made everyone suddenly realize!

"Qianhuan." A pale hand grabbed the edge of the coffin, and an old man withered and skinny skin crawled out of the coffin like a dead man.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly, worthy of being a senior who had established his foundation... Although he suppressed his cultivation, his vision was still there.

That's right... it was Qianhuan!

Six people came in from the Xingtian Legion, and Que Wu only counted five, because Zhan Twelve had hidden early in the morning.

He was carrying Xu Yangyi's Qianhuan.

Zhenlingpo was Xu Yangyi's first attempt, and he didn't expect to kill his opponent with this move. The opponent was definitely not a waste, and this move was just to startle the snake, and he only needed to force the opponent to mess up his mind!

The sandstorm that followed was not a magical power, but Zhan Twelve's magic weapon. At the beginning, Xu Yangyi asked the other party if he had it.

The other party's answer was: Yes.

Nangong Xiaoran never dreamed that there were two people hiding in the sand. One assassin who made a living by hiding turned into Xu Yangyi's appearance, and the other was Xu Yangyi himself.

Zhan Twelve was in front, and Xu Yangyi was behind Nangong Xiaoran. When the opponent swung away the sandstorm in front with the first fan, it was Zhan Twelve who appeared! Therefore, his sword could not swing the black fire dragon at all!

And Nangong Xiaoran was completely relaxed because he saw Xu Yangyi.

The real Xu Yangyi used the sickle of the god of death to cut off Nangong Xiaoran's head at the moment when he relaxed!

The masters fought, and the victory or defeat was decided in an instant. The price of a little slackness was his own life!

The scene was deadly silent.

I don’t know how long it took, and a voice of extreme anger sounded like crazy: "Junior! I want you to pay with your life!!!"

Que Wu was almost crazy.

The Sixth Young Master... was killed in front of him!

He and Quan Liu were trapped by four cultivators in the early and middle stages of Qi training! Trapped at the risk of their lives!

They thought... the Sixth Young Master was at least on par with the other party.

They thought... they could support as soon as possible and quickly kill the cultivator in front of them.

I never expected...

Fifty-two seconds.

Just fifty-two seconds!

Nangong Xiaoran's head fell to the ground!

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