
Text Chapter 215: Danxia Palace (Thirty-four)

"Little bastard... If I don't peel you off, I will be in vain for my kindness to the Nangong family!" Que Wu went crazy. Young Master Nangong died here. After he returns, they will definitely be buried with him!

As his voice became trembling with fear and anger, his body began to change unconsciously.

His white hair grew wildly, and his face became sharp. The layers of clothing began to fall apart. The claws are getting sharper and sharper. In anger and fear, he has begun to become a full-scale demon!

"Fifty-two seconds...fifty-two seconds..." Quan Liu's voice was full of disbelief. He would never have imagined that the talented young master would be beheaded within fifty-two seconds!

If he encountered half-step foundation building like them, he would admit it. But no!

But a monk who is also in the late stage of Qi training!

Who is to blame?

Do you blame the young master for being too stupid?

it's not true! Nangong Xiaoran is not stupid, he rarely loses in his fighting skills! Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to enter the patriarchal sequence! Still such a high ranking!

Blame the opponent for being too cunning?

Maybe that's the case... The series of strategies just now caused a slight slack, and it was this slight slack that allowed Xu Yangyi to kill his opponent instantly! If it weren't for the fact that it was Nangong Xiaoran who was killed, he would almost applaud him!

"He actually...really killed Nangong Xiaoran..." Mingshen Twelve looked at everything in front of him in astonishment, and then his whole body shivered.

That was Nangong Xiaoran... a single-digit ranking... Even Ninth Sister would not easily provoke the other party, not to mention that this time the other party brought two half-step foundation builders, and now... two half-steps... Didn't even build the foundation to protect him? Was he killed on the spot by that man named Xu?

He couldn't help but shudder when he remembered that he had provoked the other party and wanted to kill him openly.

"So what if I kill him..." Ninth Sister bit her lip gently: "Fortunately, I stopped him at the beginning, otherwise, the head placed here now would not be his..."

She turned to Myojin Twelve and said coldly: "It's you."

"This son... is absolutely extraordinary..." The fourth son of the Ye family sighed, remembering Xu Yangyi's figure deeply for the first time. Almost without thinking, he whispered to the others: "If we can get out alive, I want all his information!"

Qingcheng Three Swords, at this moment, no one spoke.

Nangong Xiaoran, they knew each other. I also know that the other party is extremely difficult to deal with. And he also brought two people to build the foundation half-step! It can be regarded as the force that is least willing to be provoked here.

However... right now, right in front of their eyes, they were cut in two!

"Ling Xiaozi." Xuanchengzi said solemnly: "Before, I thought he was very strong... Now, let me correct you."

"This person is not only a good person... his overall strength is even stronger!"

He said with profound meaning: "You just lost to his spiritual consciousness once. If you can, don't care about it. It's best not to care about it. This person... is not easy to mess with."

The scene fell into complete silence as Nangong Xiaoran's head fell to the ground.

Everyone knew that someone would definitely die, but no one expected that the leader of the Nangong family of the five demon cultivators would be beheaded!

Gazes focused on Nangong Xiaoran's dead head. The Dharma Assembly chanted the Buddha's name softly, and looked at each other with Ye Laosi, as if they had made an appointment, and they took back the rosary beads and umbrella in unison. Ninth Sister made a gentle move, and the corpse puppet returned to her side. She and Yi Laowu snorted coldly in unison, and turned their eyes to Xu Yangyi with deep meaning.

"Huh..." At this moment, an exhaled voice came from behind, and Fang Fang woke up. His healing ability is so amazing that the wounds on his body are now almost full-grown. And when he opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him, he immediately gasped: "Junior brother! This is..."

He didn't finish speaking because Xu Yangyi made a silencing gesture to him.

Xu Yangyi walked to him and helped him up, and whispered: "The brawl... is like this, one by one, looking for every opportunity to eliminate dissidents. Nangong Xiaoran is dead... but Que Wu and Quan Liu are not dead! And! ...They are frantically retaliating against the Xingtian Legion."

"Junior brother?" Fang Fang suddenly raised his head, thinking that he heard wrongly.

Only after fighting against the opponent in person did he know how difficult the opponent was.

Xu Yangyi shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice: "So... now the target of everyone is on me."

"In the battle between the Xingtian Army and the Nangong Family, no one has much strength left. You see Quan Ningyue's hands are shaking... We are the best targets to eliminate... It's OK to have one more strong person here, but in the end, Well that’s a dead strong man.”

Fang Fang didn't speak anymore, but tried his best to mobilize his spiritual energy. Even he could feel the murderous intent hidden in those seemingly peaceful eyes.

Even if Que Wu and Quan Liu can't kill the Heavenly Legion, they... can still take advantage of the opportunity to take action. Here, there is no morality in the world, only the law of the jungle.

Suddenly, a roar echoed throughout the audience.

"I want all of you to be buried with me!!" A huge skylark suddenly appeared within the confines of Mr. Zhao Wu. It was about thirty meters in size. It uttered a sharp neigh at the sky and rushed towards Mr. Zhao and the cat crazily. Come on eighty-two! Huge skylark, almost crazy! A hoarse scream came out of its mouth, and the speed was so fast that even the ground was churning because of its rush!

Mingshen Twelve’s eyes flashed and he moved his hands. But she was immediately pressed down by Sister Ninth, who shook her head gently.

"It won't be time..." Ninth Sister said softly.

"Junior brother?" behind the ceremony, a bronze man asked. Fahui's expression did not change, and he shook his head: "Wait."

Que Wu, Mao Baer was already less than ten meters away from the pale-faced Master Zhao Wu. Xu Yangyi immediately shouted: "Unlock the restriction!"

Mr. Zhao Wu gritted his teeth.


How to untie it!

It is impossible for ordinary restrictions to trap an old monster that has only half-stepped its foundation! This kind of person has some qualitative differences from the Qi training period! This magic circle is a restriction set by his essence and blood. Even if it is to be untied, it will not take more than a second!

And ten meters... For foundation building in half a step, it really can be reached in the blink of an eye! It takes less than a second!

"Damn... I didn't expect that I, Mr. Zhao Wu, would die in this..." Mr. Zhao Wu's face turned pale. He could already feel that the other party had taken on a demonic form. He was half-stepped to build up his foundation and face the huge pressure brought by him. That kind of... power that seems to make a person's body collapse!

He absolutely couldn't bear it.

The cat next to him, Baer, ​​had already fallen to the ground unconscious after his stomach was punctured. Even if he was not punctured, there was nothing he could do in the face of the almost insane killing blow of an old monster who was half-stepping the foundation!

Xu Yangyi didn't say anything. When he mentioned Yan Yue, his spiritual power circulated all over his body and he rushed towards Master Zhao Wu's restraint.

If he goes there, nothing will happen. However, never stop going just because it seems to have no effect!

He treats me like this, I treat him like this! Although there are thousands of people, I will go.

He clearly felt that the meridians in his body after the war were like water pumps, extracting the little spiritual energy left in the meridians. At the same time, his spiritual consciousness was fully opened, and the Alchemy Spirit Building Technique was not closed. He knew very well that once Nangong died, there would be a pack of wolves around him, and others would not mind getting rid of him at this moment. After all, he who killed Nangong Xiaoran was too conspicuous at the moment. It's so conspicuous that people can't help but notice it.

Now, before, Que Wu was on the verge of going crazy, Zhao Wuye and Mao Baer were in danger of being killed, but after that, everyone seemed to be in harmony. If the Xingtian Army loses more troops to Que Wu and Quan Liu, Danxia Palace... they won't be able to get out!

"Huh?" At the critical moment, an old voice that was about to be buried suddenly sounded, coughing violently: "Ahem... I still don't know... when can I call myself myself after half-stepping the foundation?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an ancient bronze mirror as big as a palm appeared in front of Mr. Zhao Wu and Mao Baer. And Que Wu's huge body suddenly rushed over. However, the next second, everyone's pupils jumped.

That mirror... seems to have no limit! It even took in Que Wu's entire body! Then, the space where Que Wu originally stood fluctuated, and Que Wu appeared inexplicably in the same place!

"Dharma, magic weapon! This is a magic weapon!" The cat Baer was about to die, but everyone thought it had fainted. Who would have thought that its dog ears moved, its eyes narrowed slightly, and after seeing everything in front of it clearly, it swooped up and roared fiercely at the skylark, as if its whole body was full of energy.

"Come! Come here! Fight with me for three hundred rounds!"

What a picture of a dog fighting a man.

Mr. Zhao Wu wished he could kick this bitch to death, but he had no time at all.

Que Wu across from him looked at himself in astonishment, and then his red eyes suddenly looked towards the place where the old voice came from.

There, an old man with a cane and a hunchback, as thin as a monkey, waved his hand gently, and the ancient mirror emitted a dazzling light.

"Go away... cough cough..." The old man coughed twice: "I hope you won't die... If you were outside... I would have killed you thousands of times... cough cough..."

"Blood knife?" Ninth Sister's eyes flashed slightly: "Why did he suddenly appear?"

"He should just come here to seek life extension. He doesn't value the Sky Mending Stone too much..." Ming Shen Twelve also felt strange: "From the beginning to now, he has not found any allies, but now he appears..."

Before he finished speaking, he found Sister Ninth looking straight at him and wondering: "What?"

"You just said..." Ninth Sister gritted her teeth and said, "He didn't find any allies?"

Ming Shen Twelve nodded.

Sister Ninth turned her head and stared at Xu Yangyi: "You are wrong... It's not that he is not looking for... I finally understand... He is observing. Observing who is qualified to be his ally... But, unexpectedly... no I chose the Buddhist sect instead of the Taoist sect, but actually..."

"You mean he chose the Xingtian Legion!? This weak chicken legion, except for the leader, is only in the middle stage of Qi training?!" Mingshen Twelve's eyes widened suddenly and he looked at Ninth Sister in disbelief.

"Otherwise... what do you think he is doing now!" Sister Ninth said through gritted teeth: "Why should he help that man and the dog to rescue him? Is he merciful? Fart!"

There was throbbing pain in her heart.

The Xingtian Legion... In other words, Xu Yangyi is too eye-catching. Now is the best time to get rid of them. Unexpectedly... the blood knife also walked in here alive! And show up at this joint! He also interfered in this matter!

$$$$$$$Sorry, there was a sudden power outage in the community today. I was supposed to call at 8pm, but it turned out to be an hour early.

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