
Main text Chapter 216: Danxia Palace (Thirty-five)

Senior Blood Knife’s true form has arrived!

Although, he suppressed the realm. However, foundation building is foundation building. Although spiritual power can only be used to the extent of Qi training, spiritual consciousness and magical powers that come with the magic weapon can be used! And this ancient mirror is obviously no ordinary ancient mirror. Senior Blood Knife is in the early stage of foundation building, and the magic weapons he can use in the early stage are by no means ordinary.

It can be said that if they really want to fight with a bloody knife, half of them will die.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mr. Zhao Wu immediately made a seal, and ten seconds later, the magic circle disappeared without a trace. Yunque stared at the two of them fiercely. He didn't want to leave because he knew very well that if he left like this... there was only one word of death!

After returning, the Nangong family will never let him go!

However, staying is still a dead word!

He has absolutely no intention of fighting against the senior foundation builder, even if the other party suppresses his realm!

"Wait..." A fierce light flashed in Xuedao's eyes: "Do you think that I am too old to kill a bird or a dog?"

"Yes..." Que Wu returned to his human form, his teeth clenched loudly, and he had ten million thoughts in his heart that would tear the Xingtian Legion apart, but he didn't dare to show it at all.

"Let's go..." Quan Liu gritted his teeth, Nangong Xiaoran was dead, and the Nangong family had no backbone. If they stayed here, Xue Daoye had intervened, and they could only die.

"You two!" A man heard this, his face turned pale, and he gritted his teeth and said: "The Sixth Young Master died on the spot, let's go back like this..."

"I said..." Quanliu said each word from between his teeth: "Let's go!"


"No buts!" Quewu's palms were pinched to bleed, and he was terribly jealous: "If you want to fight a real foundation-building senior who has suppressed his realm here, you want to die, and I won't accompany you!"

"Let's go..." Quan Liu gritted his teeth and whispered: "After we go out... we will be separated forever. We will never go back to Nangong's house again. Only in this way can we escape with our lives from our ancestors."

He turned to look at everyone: "The sooner we get out, the better it will be for us!"

No one dared to say anything anymore. The Sixth Young Master was dead and the only way to return to the family was to be buried with him.

A few hours after entering the Danxia Palace, the sixth young master of the Nangong family, one of the five great demon cultivator families, was beheaded and was eliminated first.

The scene was eerily silent. Everyone's vigilant eyes stayed on Xue Dao. After a long time, Xue Dao smiled and looked at Xu Yangyi with satisfaction: "Little friend... I have a few words to say to you... ahem..."

Xu Yangyi cupped his hands and said, "Senior, please speak."

"I came to Danxia Palace to find something. It is said to be a magical elixir that can extend life for a hundred years. I have heard through channels that there is something suspicious in Danxia Palace. You and I, Take it, what do you think of this deal?"

He was talking about discussing, but the mirror calmly shone on Mr. Zhao Wu.

Xu Yangyi smiled and cupped his hands: "Senior's orders will naturally be followed."

"I like sensible people." Xuedao coughed twice and waved, and immediately, Nangong Xiaoran's storage ring flew into Xu Yangyi's hand. His thin face full of wrinkles curled up his lips: "This...I will give it to you as a meeting gift...ahem..."

Xu Yangyi did not look at what was in the ring. His face was respectful, but he was sneering in his heart.

Xue Dao, Mao Baer told him, is definitely not a good person, and what happened now proves that he is definitely not a kind person!

Asking Xu Yangyi to help him find something, he obviously took a fancy to the Xingtian Army, but he was just helping him, and he would never help the Xingtian Army get anything!

The "deposit" is the storage ring of Nangong Xiaoran who Xu Yangyi killed.

The other party's attitude is very clear. If you help, you have to help. If you don't help, please sleep here.

As for whether the Xingtian Army is willing?

It’s a joke. When it comes to Qi training, there is a world of difference between a Foundation Establishment monk and a tiger. If a tiger eats a rabbit, do you need to consider the rabbit’s thoughts?

No one else knew what he was thinking, but everyone present looked a little gloomy.

This is a kind of recognition.

"This old ghost..." Ye Laosi snorted coldly: "Turns out he is looking for allies... I really thought he was fearless and didn't need allies when he came to Danxia Palace."

"Amitabha." The Dharma Council recited the Buddha's name and looked away from Xu Yangyi.

They didn't care at all how domineering Xue Dao was, they only knew that Xue Dao's attitude at this moment was tantamount to recognizing that Xing Tian Legion was qualified to cooperate with him. In other words, qualified to "help" him.

He didn't even take a fancy to the other people, the Ming family, the Ye family, and the Yi family. Even the Taoist and Buddhist sects have no choice! But I feel that this Xingtian Legion, which has the lowest strength on paper, is even better!

This was a silent but loud slap in the face to many geniuses present.

"Senior." Xu Yangyi cupped his hands and said, "However, this sky-repairing stone..."

Everyone's eyes tightened in an instant.

"This thing..." Xuedao said nonchalantly: "It's not of much use to me. Now I just want something to extend my life."

He paused and smiled: "However, it's not bad to store it here with you."

"This old man is immortal!" Mr. Zhao Wu was so angry that his eyes were spitting fire: "If he finds something to extend his life, the Sky Mending Stone... he still has to take it away!"

"Amitabha..." This sentence caused a cold snort. The Dharma Assembly looked neither happy nor sad, and said in a deep voice: "Senior, where did you put the monks who have been waiting here for half a day?"

Xuedao sneered twice: "If you are willing to face me and this fellow Taoist, come and give it a try."

"Oh?" Ninth Sister also stood up. Other things can be given away, but things like the Sky Mending Stone must not be given away!

This legendary treasure can be used as a clan-suppressing artifact by even several big families!

Blood Knife may not care about the Sky Mending Stone and only pursues things that extend life, but there is no way they don't care!

She glanced at Xu Yangyi: "Fellow Taoist, are you sure you want to face all the other monks with Senior Blood Knife?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, he was noncommittal and did not speak.

Xuedao's pupils shrank silently, and suddenly a flash occurred in his mind, and he immediately understood that he had done something wrong.

This young monk is quite powerful. If he doesn't stand by his side later... he will face so many geniuses alone...

Although he had made complete preparations for Danxia Palace this time. However, he used to be so aloof, how could he ever pay attention to the Qi Practitioners? What he did or said at this moment could not change his habits, so he naturally made the choice as a "Foundation Building Monk".

Either do something for me or die.

As for what he wanted, it was his turn to be discussed by a group of qi-training monks present?

However, he is now a "qi-training monk."

He can only use the spiritual energy from the Qi training period, which really arouses the anger of the public. Everyone present is the genius of one force. Once they are really united, they will never be afraid of him!

"Ahem..." His thoughts suddenly changed. He coughed twice and let out a long sigh in his heart. If his lifespan had not expired, he would have risked his life to get the Sky Mending Stone. However, now, he just wants to extend his life! Everything else is illusion.

"In that case..." He turned abruptly and smiled slightly: "I don't care much about this sky-mending stone, but if something that extends life appears..."

He paused and his voice became gloomy: "If anyone blocks me, I will definitely beat him to pieces."

No one objected.

Except for him, everyone at the scene didn't care about life-extending things.

"Then." Xuedao glanced at Xu Yangyi: "I will tell you how to get this treasure... It can also be regarded as a deposit for you to keep your promise..."

"Senior, do you know how to get treasure?" Suddenly, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Of course..." Xue Dao twirled his pale beard and said with a smile: "After all, I am a foundation-building monk. Although my friends are in major families, of course, if we are not in the realm, there are many things that the families will not tell. Everyone. I happened to read in an ancient book how to collect the Heaven-Building Stone. I was just observing whether this treasure is as expected. It turns out that it is indeed the case."

"Senior, please clarify your doubts." Ninth Sister smiled and said, "If I find something to extend my life, I will definitely give it to my senior."

Xuedao smiled noncommittally: "I like sensible people... Everyone, please look around."

He pointed at the dark night around him and said: "Even though it is dark here, there is still light. Just now, all of you have magical powers that can be described as sparkling trees and silver flowers. But have you... have you carefully observed its shadow?"

Without waiting for anyone to reply, he casually summoned a ball of fire and approached the Sky-Mending Stone. Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up. Not only him, but everyone saw that no matter how the fireball danced, the shadow of the Sky-Mending Stone... did not move at all!

"This is called the Mirror Array." Xue Dao said with his hands in his sleeves: "The sky-repairing stone above is impossible to obtain, because it is just..."

"The shadow cast by the real thing." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "So, the shadow below is the main body, and the Sky-Mending Stone above is just a shadow? No wonder I can't catch it below."

Xuedao nodded appreciatively: "I choose Fellow Daoist Xu, and I also believe in my own vision."

He slowly approached the Sky Mending Stone and calmly stretched out his hand.

It was an arm that was so thin that only the bones were left. He took a deep breath, and the hand was suddenly filled with spiritual energy. He faced the shadow of the Butian Stone and thrust it down hard!

Suddenly, a strange scene happened.

His hand actually inserted directly into the shadow, groping as usual. After a few seconds, he raised his brows and shouted: "Get up!"

The scene was completely silent. Xue Dao's hand stretched out from the shadow little by little. About one-third of the way out, a ray of colorful rays of light suddenly flashed out of the black shadow!

"Brush..." This light is like an aurora, pure and clear, without a trace of impurities! The sky, the earth, and the little bit in the night are all dyed with colorful colors!

"It can be so transparent..." Mao Baer greedily took a sip of the glow. In an instant, he shivered all over and let out a kind of /slutty/panting that no dog could make: "Ah, officer. Very cool people”

No one paid attention to him. No one had the time to cast their eyes on him now. Everyone was looking at Xue Dao's arm with burning eyes.

As his arms grew taller and taller, the colorful rays of light below cut through the darkness of the shadow, almost forming a palm-sized colorful fountain!

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