
Text Chapter 217: Danxia Palace (Thirty-six)

"Swish..." As Xue Dao's hand went higher and higher, the colorful rays of light could no longer be concealed, and everyone's faces were all colorful.

At the same time, a pure five-element spiritual energy gushed out from the shadows. Anyone who felt it felt that their cultivation had actually improved a little!

Xuan Chengzi's eyes flickered, and one hand had already pressed the hilt of the sword.

Fahui had no expression on his face, but his hand that was pinching the rosary was getting faster and faster.

This piece of sky-repairing stone... a legendary item. Nine out of ten leaders of various forces present are destined to advance to the foundation-building stage! Once advanced, this sky-repairing stone will be immediately placed in the sea of ​​qi for nourishment, which is not only of great benefit to cultivation, but also in the late stage of foundation-building, there will be more legendary spiritual treasures!

No one is willing to give up this opportunity!

Xue Dao simply ignored the atmosphere of the scene that was surging again, and sneered in his heart. He was a foundation-building cultivator, and he entered here by suppressing his realm. In everyone's eyes, he was the heretic. If the Qigong monks united, he was no match for them. But if they fought here...

Once he found the life-extending item, all these opportunities... would be his!

In a hundred years of life, he even had a chance to achieve the Golden Elixir!

However, at this moment, he frowned.

"No..." He said in a deep voice: "There is something underneath."

Everyone's expression immediately became serious. This... is Danxia Palace! There were so many murderous intentions along the way. If they were told that the Bu Tian Stone was placed here for them to take, they would definitely not believe it!

Blood Knife took a deep breath and pulled it with all his strength!

"Hua La La!!!" With a sound, the Bu Tian Stone was already in Blood Knife's hand. But everyone's eyes did not look at the Bu Tian Stone at all, but looked at the bottom of the Bu Tian Stone... the chain that was integrated into the Bu Tian Stone!

"Is this... a chain?" Ye Laosi looked at the chain in disbelief. He took a breath after just one glance: "Demon Suppression Divine Stone... This thing is made of Demon Suppression Divine Stone!"

"Demon Suppression Divine Stone?!" Yi Laowu was also stunned and immediately asked: "Are you sure you didn't see it wrong?"

"Go and see for yourself!"

Yi Laowu walked forward, took a few glances, and looked at the chain in shock: "It is indeed the Demon Suppression Divine Stone... How is this possible... The Demon Suppression Divine Stone, as the natural enemy of the seal demon clan, has disappeared for hundreds of years! Not to mention such a long chain, even one gram is not available!"

"The point is not the Demon Suppression Divine Stone." Xu Yangyi also took a look and was quite surprised. This is a whole chain made of Demon Suppression Divine Stone. If it is put outside, the value is simply inestimable!

He looked at everyone: "If Xu remembers correctly, the function of the demon-suppressing stone... is to suppress demons."

"Any demon, with only a few kilograms of iron chain, can't move anything below the Golden Core Great Perfection. Ladies and Gentlemen... Such a big iron chain. Who is it used to suppress?"

This sentence made everyone change their faces!

"Young friend, are you saying... This is a seal?" Xue Dao's face also became cautious. He pulled the iron chain with his hand, pulled it out, and shook his head: "If there is a seal, it has been dead for many years. The demon that can be suppressed by such a big demon-suppressing stone is extraordinary."

Xu Yangyi smiled and said nothing. At this moment, everyone's pupils shrank, looking at the iron chain in disbelief.

The iron chain... moved!

Just now, the iron chain moved obviously.

And Xue Dao didn't move at all!

"Swish!" Everyone immediately moved ten meters around the iron chain. The sudden change made everyone's nerves tense to the extreme!

There is something... underneath!

Something is pulling the chain!

"Senior." Xu Yangyi saw that Xue Dao was still pulling the chain, and said in a deep voice: "Now... it's better to let go."

"I want to let go!!" When Xue Dao turned around, his whole face revealed an extremely anxious look: "But, but it sucked me! I can't let go!"

What? !

Everyone looked at the chain in shock. It... actually sucked a foundation-building cultivator and couldn't let go?

"Hua La..." The chain made a second movement, this time, it was much more obvious than the last time. It was as if... something that had been sleeping for a thousand years was awakened below!

At this moment, Xu Yangyi felt that three places on his body were heating up! It was so hot!

One... was the living emperor's weapon, which was shaking wildly on his chest at this moment! Fortunately, the amplitude was small, otherwise it would have been discovered long ago!

The other... was the half hard shell, which was also shaking wildly!

The third one... is the tip of the sword. If it weren't in the storage ring, it would probably rush out at this moment!

It was as if... there was something calling them down here!

"Swish!" Blood Knife couldn't hold it in any longer, his face was full of horror, because... he found that the chain, the chain at the bottom of the Bu Tian Stone... was shrinking down! !

"Help, help..." He looked at the palm-sized shadow in horror, his voice was trembling, and he didn't have the bearing of a foundation-building cultivator at all. The next second, his voice completely broke out and turned into a scream: "My friends! Save me! Help!!!"

"Swish!" The chain suddenly shrank back into the shadow! With Blood Knife's heartbreaking scream, his feet left a few feet deep marks on the ground, but he couldn't stop the situation at all!

Everyone was stunned. No one thought there would be such a change!

No one went forward, and everyone was retreating.

"Senior brother..." At this moment, Fang Fang came up to him, his face was frighteningly pale: "Let's... let's go, let's go now!"

Xu Yangyi came back to his senses and Su Rong looked at him: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know!" Fang Fang was already covered in cold sweat. He gritted his teeth and took out his hand. On it, a bloody rune was beating.

"This, this is the warning talisman that Master drew for me... Once, once a situation occurs that Master cannot save, this talisman will appear, and..." His voice was trembling: "This shadow is unusual. ...I am half a wolf demon, and a wolf's sense of smell is hundreds of times stronger than a human's! I smell it...I really smell it..."

His body started to tremble, Xu Yangyi pressed his shoulders and said in a deep voice: "Brother, don't panic, what do you smell?"

Fang Fang's chest rose and fell violently. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths before gritting his teeth and saying, "The demonic aura...the demonic aura that is so thick that it cannot be dissolved...I fucking swear, I have never smelled such a strong demonic aura!" I have never smelled such a terrifying evil spirit!”

"Junior brother! Let's go! There is something down here! There is something alive! This seal is alive! The thing he sealed is not dead! The blood knife... is dead!"

As if to confirm his words, at this moment, the blood knife has been pulled to a place less than one meter away from the shadow!

"Sanyang Kaitai!!!" He was completely panicked! With a scream, three suns suddenly appeared above his head, and his whole body seemed to be rejuvenated! The muscles swelled, and those wrinkles were smoothed out by the muscles. There’s even a rosy tint!

"Drink!!" He shouted suddenly and pulled back with all his strength. However, nothing happened at all!

And his reaction seemed to anger the things below. In an instant, the chains clattered and flew into the shadow with the bloody knife at several times the speed before!

"Help! My friends!! Help me!! Save me!! Save..."

The chain came from the shadow, and was connected to the Sky-Mending Stone. And the blood knife is being pulled closer to the shadow at a very fast speed! At this moment, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed and he stepped forward! The speed instantly reached the peak it could reach!

"Dang!" There was a crisp sound!

The Sky Mending Stone was firmly grasped in his hand. In his other hand, he held a small box.

The Living Emperor's Weapon actually cut off the iron chain, but it was not a blood-saving knife. Instead, he only cut off the piece of the demon-suppressing stone chain that was connected to the sky-mending stone. After grabbing the Sky Mending Stone, within a second of Xue Dao's eyes changing from surprise, to horror, to resentment, the voice stopped abruptly.

The blood knife was dragged in by the chain and was never heard from again.

The scene was so weird that even though Xu Yangyi was holding the Sky Mending Stone, he didn't attract attacks from others.

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Laosi came back to his senses and looked at Xu Yangyi with fiery eyes: "Fellow Daoist Xu, you..."

He didn't finish. this moment...the whole land began to rumble!

"Swiss, swish, swish..." All the dead branches and leaves were shaken around, as if a magnitude 4 or 5 earthquake was violently occurring in this endless space!

No one stood upright. At this moment, no one was in the mood to pay attention to the Sky Mending Stone. Instead, they looked at the earthquake under their feet in shock as the entire space nearly collapsed!

"It's too late..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and clutched the equation: "It...has woken up."

Before he finished speaking, all the light spots on the two hard shells in his and Ninth Sister's hands shone brightly. At the same time, on this land, nine light pillars lit up in no particular order! Straight to the sky!

"Buzz buzz!" The entire dark night was dyed in three colors, white, green and blue. When these light beams lit up, the box in Xu Yangyi's hand began to vibrate crazily!

Xu Yangyi's hand didn't use any force, but it... led Xu Yangyi's finger to a place!

That... is where Xu Yangyi saw the huge white object first!

"Equation!" During the earthquake, Xu Yangyi turned around and gritted his teeth: "Take everyone and leave here!"

"What about you?!" Fang Fang asked anxiously.

Xu Yangyi paused: "I still have things to do."

"Junior brother!" Fang Fang wanted to slap him: "What matters more is opportunity or life!"

"You don't understand..." Xu Yangyi was silent for a few seconds, with a hint of determination in his eyes: "There are some things... I have to figure it out."


He kicked the equation violently. And I, using all my strength, rushed towards the white object I saw at first!

The getting bigger and bigger!

Just now, if it was only level four or five, now it has reached level seven or even eight!

"Fuck!" Ninth Sister shouted angrily, her feet a little bit, her hair divided into several strands, and each strand was wrapped around a member of the Ming family. And on her back, two butterfly-like wings suddenly grew! He dragged several people to a distance of four to five meters!

However, the next second, her expression changed.

"Everyone..." Openings were torn out in the ground, and from those openings, countless water flows rushed out like a tsunami! !

"Boom!" With a loud noise, countless water columns with a thickness of tens or even hundreds of meters suddenly rushed out from the entire space! Spread out in the sky, forming a terrifying rainstorm!

Not just one...but dozens of them! Hundreds of them! Even thousands of them! It's like turning this place into an ocean in an instant!

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