
Main text Chapter 218: Danxia Palace (Thirty-seven)

Noah's Ark, the flood destroyed the world. Now, in this space, this is the scene. And those lands, continents, are becoming one piece at a speed visible to the naked eye, then turning into isolated islands, and finally disappearing into the vast water.

"Oh my god..." Yi Laowu and the Yi family were sitting on a flying puppet canary, staring at the scene below in stunned silence: "Is this... Gonggong crashed Buzhou Mountain... …”

"Amitabha..." The Dharma Assembly recited the Buddha's name. All the rosary beads he was holding were suddenly disconnected. He looked at the rosary beads scattered all over his body in astonishment, closed his eyes and smiled bitterly: "Buddha... bless the disciples and their party to escape today." sky……"

"I saw...I saw...there is something unspeakable hidden underneath..."

Below, it has already become a vast ocean. They couldn't even believe that they were standing on land just a few minutes ago!

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and flew with all his strength to the place indicated by the Living Emperor Weapon!

He knows more than everyone else! So, he probably guessed what it was.

This... is Lian Hai!

In other words, this is the real lotus sea!

A lotus leaf, a lotus leaf, seemed to be soaked in water and came alive. It grew gracefully from the bottom of the water. It grew and blossomed at a speed that people could not see clearly. In less than ten minutes, the entire water surface was truly beautiful. It's restored to the way it looked when Xu Yangyi came here a few years ago!

exactly the same!

Xu Yangyi clenched his hands tightly, right here... right here!

Countless times, he dreamed of coming back here, where he lost three years of his life. When he saw the withered lotus sea, he only felt that this place might be related to the real lotus sea, but he never thought that this was indeed the lotus sea!

Because, three years is definitely not enough to dry up the water in the Lotus Sea. It... is indeed as vast as the sea!

However, the lotus sea is still there, but hidden underground!

"So, what exactly are the chains of the Sky-Mending Stone?" He can't take care of other people at all now, this place... is too big! Now, he is sitting on the skylark chaser that the ancestor Gu Song gave him. The speed of this magic weapon is indeed ridiculously fast! However, in less than half an hour, this place has completely changed! There's no way to find it!

From his point of view, in the dark night, lotus flowers were in bud, with lotus leaves touching the sky, and the water ripples reflecting green. The end could not be seen at all. He could only pray that Equation and others left safely.

And he... was getting closer and closer to that white object!

At this moment, he suddenly felt his body sink. Then, Chasing Skylark seemed to have lost his spiritual power supply and suddenly fell into the water.

"Aerial ban?" Xu Yangyi was stunned for a second, and then immediately reacted. However, when he fell into the water, he activated Shifang Honglian without hesitation!

"Boom!" A circle of white-gold flames formed a huge whirlpool in the water. This is his instinctive reaction, regardless of whether there is danger or not!

Moreover... the sea of ​​​​lotus has appeared... where does the ground lead to? Can hold so much water! It must also be...

It can accommodate that giant fish!

Passing by the Alligator Gar and Leviathan, he had a feeling that this place... might have been transformed into an alien ecosystem by the opponent!

Without any pause, he fell into the water and immediately swam towards a lotus leaf. Just like in his "dream", the lotus leaf was still as huge and still as resilient. When he climbed up to the surface of the water, he took a closer look and saw that there were countless fish with their bellies turned over on the water.

"Fish?" He looked sharply. He remembered clearly that the last time he came, there was not a single fish in the water!

He waved, and a fish with its belly turned white flew into his hand. It was very smooth to the touch, with no scales at all!

As soon as he turned it over, his eyes immediately flashed.

This fish... has the face of a woman!

"This is Red Rooster." A woman's voice suddenly came from behind him. Without any hesitation, he slashed towards the back with the Broken Dragon Platform, but was stopped by the other party.

"Why, in this case, shouldn't you be happy when you see someone you know?"

"How did you get here?" Xu Yangyi threw the fish into the water, turned around, looked at the woman and said, "I remember that I didn't see a single person along this road. Is that right? Ninth Sister?" "

The reason why he didn't continue to take action was that he saw other people.

Everyone is here... here, it seems to be the center of this lotus sea. Although everyone is soaked, there is nothing unusual. On the contrary, some people looked around in shock.

"If I say..." Sister Ninth paused: "We don't know either, do you believe it?"

Xu Yangyi looked into her eyes for a few seconds and nodded. Without saying anything, he jumped towards a lotus leaf where everyone from the Xingtian Legion was.

Sister Ninth thought for a moment and then followed. Xu Yangyi just glanced at her and didn't say much.

The scene was very silent, and everyone was looking around. The changes were so strange. In an instant, the dry land was covered with sweet rain, and in the blink of an eye, the mulberry fields turned into a sea. Everything was unbelievable.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, looking at everyone looking around in surprise.

There was no immediate answer, but after a while, Zhan Twelve nodded: "It's okay. We don't know what happened. After entering the water, we all sank for a while, and when we climbed out of the water, we were already here. "

The magical power of space... Xu Yangyi secretly clenched his fists. He was sure, very sure, that... there were definitely living monks here!

Whether it’s a human race or a demon cultivator!

All the secrets...are hidden in this lotus sea.

Who am I who saved me at the bottom of Danxia Palace? The secret of the living imperial weapon. The secret of the giant fish, they... seemed to have inadvertently found a key to the last secret of Danxia Palace. Among a thousand people, only about twenty people were left, sitting silently on the lotus leaves.

Everyone is sitting on the lotus leaves and meditating. The chaotic battle before and the consumption of spiritual energy after the space change are all extraordinary. At this moment, before Danxia Palace reveals its last secret, everyone must do everything possible. Prepare.

I don't know how long it took before Xu Yangyi opened his eyes.

He was still in the same place, but sitting in front of him was not a member of the Xingtian Legion, but a woman.

Ninth sister.

"The so-called vicissitudes of life are nothing more than this." Ninth Sister saw him open his eyes, smiled slightly, smoothed her hair casually, and said lightly.

Xu Yangyi looked at the sky. It was still dark and still a magic circle.

"I meditated for about eight hours." He pondered: "Did anything happen?"

"Of course it happened..." Sister Ninth looked away: "But, I think we'd better talk about it first."

Xu Yangyi did not speak, and Ninth Sister also fell silent, as if thinking about something. After a long time, she gritted her teeth and whispered: "I feel... we seem to have opened a seal."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi was noncommittal, looking at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose.

"It's very possible..." Ninth Sister gritted her teeth, turned her back to everyone, and took out the hard shell: "I don't know what kind of shell this is... The ten points on it should be among the ten seals. So. However, if you open one of these ten places, it is possible to break the seal, and there are living creatures in this secret realm..."

Before Xu Yangyi could speak, she continued: "There must be...otherwise the death of Xuedao would not make sense. I have heard that the Demon-Suppressing Divine Stone locks the Qi Sea of ​​the Demon Clan. In other words, this The seed chain must be locked on the demon clan..."

At this point, she shuddered: "I have a guess..."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "I would like to hear the details."

Sister Ninth took a deep breath: "Here... there may be something terrible sealed here, but it has been too long, and the seal has weakened, and it is not dead yet. Therefore, it can let its evil spirit be revealed to someone." Some places...for example, along the chains locked in the body to the ground? "

"So, it started a long escape operation, chaining together some genius treasures and demon-suppressing divine stones, and then trying to let the carapace in our hands, which is the 'treasure map' here, be revealed intentionally or unintentionally... ...And once the monks get the treasure map, they will definitely come to search for the treasure. Once we search for the treasure, we will immediately find that these are extremely rare treasures, even the best ones, I believe. , the treasures sealed in several other places are definitely not under the Sky Mending Stone!"

"Speaking of which..." she said faintly: "Did the Sky Mending Stone fall into your hands in the end?"

Xu Yangyi smiled calmly: "You can come and grab it."

Sister Ninth squinted at him for a while and sneered: "Now is not the time...Okay, let me continue. As long as one of these seals is unlocked, the thing in that seal may have escaped and ascended to heaven. In other words, …”

"We are on the back of a terrifying thing." Xu Yangyi continued calmly.

Sister Ninth looked at his expression for a few seconds before nodding and saying, "That's exactly it."

"So..." Xu Yangyi looked at the scene: "What is it waiting for?"

"Once you are out of trouble, you should immediately look up to the sky and scream. How can you be so silent?"

"This is exactly what I want to say... Fellow Daoist Xu, what I just said is only known to you and I. And what follows is what fellow Daoists from the Dharma Conference discovered in the past few hours." Sister Ninth took a deep breath. Tone, look at the huge white object: "Do you know... what is this?"

Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes for a few seconds and shook his head: "It's too big to see the whole thing."

"This is a fish slough." When Sister Ninth said this, her body was trembling a little: "Length, 4832 meters... width, 673 meters."

"I have never heard of a fish that can shed its skin! Moreover, once it sheds its skin, it only means that something has happened to it!"

Xu Yangyi's face also became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Evolve."

"That's right... when a fish jumps over the dragon gate, it must shed its skin! If nothing else, I can hardly imagine a monster body that is more than 4,800 meters long! If it is the one sealed underground... what a state this is! It’s not an exaggeration to call him a demon god!”

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