
Text Chapter 219: Danxia Palace (Thirty-eight)

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

In fact, he knew more than the ninth sister.

Fish molt... He took several deep breaths and looked at the mountain-like thing.

Is it you...

The thousand-meter giant monster that I once glimpsed... You... stayed at the bottom of the lotus sea after all?

He stood up silently and walked towards the white hill.

"Is anyone going into the water?" The ninth sister followed him, and Xu Yangyi asked in a deep voice.

"Who dares?" The ninth sister replied with an expressionless expression: "The situation is unclear. What I can think of may not be what others can't think of. In addition, the two major religions of Taoism and Buddhism have existed for more than 2,000 years... They may know more than I guess."

This place is strange and abnormal, with endless lotus leaves everywhere, and lotus flowers rising and falling one after another. Only here... This place is nearly 5,000 meters long and 700 meters wide, there is no lotus, no lotus leaf. There is only an endless pool of green waves.

As if... this is the center of Danxia Palace.

Xu Yangyi walked to the nearest lotus leaf, where several people were already sitting. The Three Swords of Qingcheng, Fahui, Ye Laosi, Yi Laowu, and the leaders of the remaining forces were all there.

He did not speak, but from here, he seemed to be a giant standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at Mount Everest!

The extreme size and the extreme smallness here constitute a more extreme shock!

You can't see its length, width, head and tail, or dorsal fin... All you can see are pale, and you can't see how thick the scales are. They are shoulder to shoulder, giving people an incomparable visual impact!

No one spoke when they saw Xu Yangyi coming. Now, no one has time to ask about the Bu Tian Stone. The change in Danxia Palace and this huge fish molt make everyone feel like a mountain is pressing down on their hearts, and they are extremely heavy.

The existence of fish molts means... this monster has existed. In connection with the chain and the change in the world just now, no one is stupid, and everyone has thought of something.

"How did Master Fahui know that this is a fish slough?" Xu Yangyi asked in a deep voice while looking at the fish slough.

"There is a secret method in Buddhism, called Bodhisattva Opening Eyes." Fahui nodded slightly at him: "This method allows me to observe a distance of 10,000 meters in a few seconds."

Xu Yangyi pondered and looked at the white mountain: "Can the time of sloughing be determined?"

"No." Fahui sighed: "But it is at least more than 300 years."

Xu Yangyi nodded, looking at the huge fish slough, and suddenly a strange feeling arose in his heart.

Something is wrong... He frowned slightly.

No... There must be something that is overlooked... Something very important... He concentrated on thinking for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he rushed straight to the huge fish slough!

Yes... He finally found something wrong!

How can this fish slough float on the water!

It is definitely not sealed. Such a heavy fish slough must weigh millions of pounds! The water flowing in from the fish's mouth and gills cannot turn the fish slough into a ship!

Seeing him flying up, everyone's eyes flashed, and no one said a word.

At this time, it is best to have a vanguard.

Xu Yangyi jumped to the top of the fish slough, without any hesitation, holding the Blue Dragon Wending, and suddenly struck down!

"Boom..." A sound like a bell sounded, very light, and fleeting. His eyes flashed, this fish slough, hard to a terrifying level! His Blue Dragon Wending was almost invincible during the Qi training period, but now, it didn't even leave a white mark! Not to mention making it vibrate!

"Come on, a few more people." He raised his chin towards the leaders of the forces on the lotus leaf: "I am not enough alone."

"What are you going to do?" Ye Lao Si frowned: "Even if this fish slough has been separated for hundreds of years, it is impossible for us to penetrate it with our strength. Its existence has surpassed the magic weapon. I even suspect that it is close to the spiritual treasure. If you want to see the inside, you can only enter from the mouth. But..."

He smiled jokingly: "Do you dare to go into the water?"

Xu Yangyi smiled more sarcastically: "There is no need to penetrate it at all."

"Just now, I just tested the hardness of the fish slough. This kind of hardness, its quality is far beyond my imagination. Have you ever thought about how much weight is compared with this hardness..."

Before he finished speaking, Fahui had stood up and took a deep breath: "Master Xu is talking about... how it floats on the water?"

With one sentence, everyone stood up in shock!

A word awakens the dreamer!

Before, everyone was paying attention to the fish slough, and no one thought about how such a heavy thing could float on the water!

There is only one explanation...

There is something below... supporting it... supporting this huge mountain to float on the water! The center of the lotus sea!

"Heh..." Sister Jiu took a breath and immediately looked at her feet. She couldn't help but take two steps back. Right under her feet... something was supporting this huge fish molt mountain...

Silent fear quickly spread across the scene. Everyone looked at their feet with great vigilance, as if some monster would suddenly jump out from the bottom of the infinitely deep water in the dark night!

Silence, a deathly silence. After five minutes, Fahui said solemnly: "I will lend a helping hand to the donor."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stepped out in the air. A white lotus appeared at his feet. He stepped on the white lotus step by step and walked to the fish slough. He looked at everyone solemnly: "Dear donors, now, we are trapped at the bottom of Danxia Palace. We can only get out if we find a way out. Teleport when we come. The formation has been annihilated under the water. We should not miss any chance."

"That's right..." Ninth Sister gritted her teeth and flew forward. Next to them, Yi Laowu and Ye Laosi looked at each other, said nothing, pouted, and also jumped up.

Although they have different thoughts now, they know better than ordinary people on big issues of right and wrong.

Xu Yangyi's whole body spiritual power was circulating, and a small amount of red light appeared on his fist. Sister Ninth had already stood on top of the corpse puppet, and she didn't know what secret technique she had used. The corpse puppet's body shrank strangely, but its right fist increased by more than five times! Braving black lights.

Yi Laowu opened his mouth and spit out a small hammer, which was good at facing the wind. In an instant, it rose to about 1.5 meters. Ye Laosi carefully took out a withered yellow branch and made a seal. The branch glowed with faint light.

"Get ready..." Xu Yangyi finished speaking softly and suddenly raised his head: "Fight!"

"Boom!" Everyone's magical powers all bombarded the fish slough. This time, the sound of "buzz..." was still like a bell, but it was far away and long, and the sound shook the sky! The entire fish slough, under the full bombardment of everyone, paused slightly, and with it as the center, a huge circle of ripples was formed. "Ripples..." The water waves spread layer by layer, and countless lotus flowers swayed.

At this moment, everyone's pupils shrank!

A black shadow swam out from under the fish's slough in fright... followed by... ten, a hundred... thousands of them! One hundred thousand! million!

Countless black shadows, too numerous to count at all, just like the flies that have been driven away from a corpse in summer! Spread out in all directions!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi looked at each black shadow attentively: "Fish!"

Yes, it's a fish. At this moment, they are standing on the white mountain, looking at the edge thousands of meters away, and countless schools of fish are swimming wildly out!

"These fish... held up this fish slough?" Ye Laosi looked around in shock. At this moment, the color of the water surface turned black because of the thousands of fish!

The scene is so weird... a fish that has been shed for at least hundreds of years is actually densely guarded by millions of fish! In this situation, a monk with trypophobia would probably go crazy with fear!

Even among them, no one, including Xu Yangyi, dared to say anything. This was the first time they saw that there were as many fish as locusts in a tropical jungle! With such a number... anyone in the water could be killed alive by these millions of fish!

The soles of their feet, and even the lotus leaves under their feet, could feel the undulations caused by countless schools of fish scattering away from the water. No one made a sound, everyone was staring at the soles of their feet.

At the same time, a sound of "la la la" came from the entire mountain of fish sloughs.

"What is this sound?" Yi Laowu frowned and reminded: "Everyone, did you hear it?"

He didn't need to ask any more, because in the next second, the sounds of lala were everywhere! Covered throughout the fish slough!

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. His spiritual consciousness was stronger than the others. He was the first to "see" that a scale on the fish's body had disappeared.

It disappeared very neatly, as if... falling from the same place.

Without saying a word, he was the first to fly towards the lotus leaf!

The second person to wake up was the Dharma Conference. He gasped: "Let's go! This fish slough is in pieces! It is held on the water by a school of fish! It seems to be complete, but it has been broken into pieces! If it were not held by a school of fish, it would have sunk to the bottom of the sea!"

Before he finished speaking, with a "click", not far from them, another fish scale fell down, revealing the dark hole of the National People's Congress. Everyone will leave the fish shed with all their strength without saying a word!

The sound of "crashing" went from being slight to filling the entire sky! At first, fish scales fell off one by one, and then they fell off one by one!

Like a hollowed-out tree or a house with its backbone ripped out, each fish was frightened away. This huge fish slough, which had stood for hundreds of years, finally began to collapse.

"Plop..." From the exposed part of the water, fish scales fell off piece by piece, creating waves several meters high in the water, and the giant white mountain slowly disintegrated. Everyone was already standing on the lotus leaves, looking up, it was a spectacular scene.

They were like passengers on a ship, and this big ship with lotus leaves sailed to the Three Gorges, only to see the surrounding huge mountains collapse and huge rocks smash into the water. The mountains collapsed into hills. Hills collapsed into mounds. Getting smaller and smaller. No one could believe that there was a huge white mountain here just a moment ago unless they saw it with their own eyes. this moment, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank!

Right there, where all the fish sloughs had disappeared, a black rectangular object suddenly appeared in the water!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and his spiritual consciousness exploded.

He saw it clearly. But because he could see so clearly, he could hardly believe his eyes!

That's... a bronze coffin!

The coffin was locked in the water with ten iron chains and hidden in the belly of the fish! At this moment, it is slowly sinking to the bottom of the water!

"Ha..." He took a deep breath. Under the Danxia Palace, which had been thousands of years old, there was actually a bronze coffin hidden from an unknown age!

Who is inside?

Is... is that "me" at the bottom of Danxia Palace?

Who buried him here?

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