
Text Chapter 225: Danxia Palace (Forty-four)

His consciousness weakened bit by bit, and everything in front of him was darkness. The blood in his seven orifices flowed out uncontrollably. From the moment he fell into the water, it flowed out like spring water, forming a blood-red line in the water!

Are you going to die? For the first time, he felt that the underworld was so close to him. Suddenly, his eyes flashed and became brighter. He saw the days he had experienced...playing in front of his eyes like a revolving lantern at an extremely fast speed.

He saw his parents... saw the giant crow... also saw entering the heaven... and saw Su Lianyue...

He saw a lot, and the world seemed to slow down at this moment, allowing him to enjoy this moment.

"A revolving door of random memories..." He suddenly wanted to laugh. In this life...he ended up accomplishing nothing...but as soon as he opened his mouth, all that poured into his mouth was cold sea water.

"Gudu... Gudu..." A series of bubbles popped up, and he sank deeper and deeper into the water.

At this moment, suddenly, a blue light appeared from the bottom of the water. It was not big, but it quickly enveloped him. At the same time, it floated upward at an extremely fast speed!

Xu Yangyi can't see or hear, but he can feel it! His spiritual consciousness became clear in an instant! Just like pressing the resurrection button after dying in the game!

He couldn't even see...under the water...a huge black figure locked by countless chains. At this moment, it opened its eyes...

"Green Lotus Demonic Technique... Lotus Reincarnation..." A woman's voice floated up from the water: "I... can only help you..."

"After all...I...have waited for this day...for too long...for too long..."

"Three thousand and six hundred years...just passed by like this...whatever...two sticks...the last two sticks..."

" must not disappoint me..."

No one can see that at the very bottom of Danxia Palace, there is a black shadow nearly five thousand meters long! It was locked by five chains, and these five chains were of five colors: black, white, purple, green, and red!

But at this moment... three of these five chains have dimmed, leaving only the last blue-red chain!

However, on the previous black, white, and purple chains, a vague Buddha wheel was slowly turning, as if it was being repaired!

Xu Yangyi didn't know all this, but he suddenly opened his eyes, and his first reaction was to rush up!

"Pounce!" His head came out of the water and he shouted: "Chasing the clouds!"

"Whoosh!" The skylark-chasing magical weapon in the sky was originally extremely sluggish, but at this moment, it seemed like a new life, rushing down suddenly!

He grabbed Zhuiyun's paw, turned over and jumped on the bird's back. Wherever he looked, Fahui and Qingcheng looked at him in shock.

not dead!

He is not dead!

They know how powerful the protective objects of the Buddhist and Taoist sects are. Didn’t you see that Ninth Sister and Yi Laowu have no voice now? Several of the top aristocratic families in the spiritual world don't know whether they are alive or dead, but they can still hold on!

However, this person didn't have such a powerful amulet as theirs, and he still didn't die!

They clearly felt how powerful the blow just now was!

If... the current secret technique of suppressing the sect has a spiritual attack, then the... just now can no longer be called an attack, it is a pure spiritual killing!

The winner is death or life!

"Fellow Daoist Xu...Fellow Daoist Xu!" Zhao Wuye was also stunned, but the next second, he cried with joy: "Great! Great! You are not dead! You are not dead!!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and said, "Speak!"

"What was the supernatural phenomenon just now?"

Mr. Zhao Wu's lips were trembling: "The Green Underworld Fire... is as big as a wheel! Fellow Daoist Xu! It's the Green Underworld Fire! I'm right! I'm right! I guessed it right! Hahahaha!!"

His nerves were a little bit troubled by the great joy and sorrow at this moment. First he cried with joy, and now he laughed wildly.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "No time! Give me the exact answer!"

"Okay!" Zhao Wuye gritted his teeth and said: "There are three unsolved mysteries in the world. One is the Death Hill in India. The second is the Tunguska Explosion. The third... is the Apocalypse Explosion!"

Apocalypse Big Bang?

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly shone.


How many secrets are hidden in these two words?

"The first sign of the big explosion of the apocalypse, the ghost chariot and the bird stopping at the astronomical platform! This is his first move!"

"The second sign is snow falling in May! This is his second move!"

"The third form, the clouds rise vertically and horizontally, changing from white to purple, this is his third form. And the fourth form..." Mr. Zhao Wu became more and more excited as he spoke: "Qingming ghost fire, as big as a wheel. This... is Its fourth form!”

"I can deduce that the fifth type is the Big Bang itself! This has been an unsolved mystery in the world for thousands of years!! Its power... is enough to raze everything to the ground!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flickered.

Five styles?

Not Six Styles?

If not... then... Wei Zhongxian, who is divided into six pieces, has one more trick?

No...why would he choose such a weird method? Why is the apocalyptic explosion that has never been solved for eternity performed at the bottom of Danxia Palace?

Or... what is he choosing? Or, what does he... want to show others?

In...the sixth form that never appeared?

He spoke concisely and quickly enough, but at this moment, Wei Zhongxian's mouth opened again: "Eclipse..."

The fifth pose...the last pose...before Mr. Zhao Wu finished speaking, it had already arrived!

The apocalypse explodes and the true body arrives!

This... is the last move!

No time to think!

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, glanced at everyone with his red eyes, lowered his voice, and said word by word: "Give me time."

Four words, extremely heavy, but at this moment, some people did not think for more than 0.1 seconds!

"Junior brother!!" With a painful roar, Xuan Chengzi looked at Ling Xiaozi in shock and rushed out! The aura throughout the body is surging wildly!

The aura explodes! !

From now on, this person will no longer exist in the world. His spiritual consciousness, sea of ​​energy, skin, flesh, and bones have all disappeared!

No one could have imagined that with these four words, Ling Xiaozi would actually choose to explode the sea of ​​qi!

"No self, no sword." Ling Xiaozi uttered four words, turned around, took a deep look at Xuan Chengzi, and moved his mouth.

There was no sound, but Xuan Chengzi could see clearly.

Those are three words.

Stay alive.

Extremely simple, yet extremely heavy.

It was as simple as a touch of lips, but so heavy that a monk with a promising future exploded into a sea of ​​anger.

"Amitabha..." The Dharma Assembly was also deeply shocked. At this moment, his eyes were sunken and he was almost out of human shape, but he still raised his hands tremblingly and clasped his hands together, using up all the remaining strength in his body, towards Lingxiao The figure of Zi recited the Buddha's name.

This sword has surpassed the thoughts of the sect.

At the Dharma Assembly, those worshiping are real monks.

"Boom!!" A ball of fiery spiritual energy exploded in front of Wei Zhongxian! I don’t know if it worked or not, but Wei Zhongxian didn’t say the second word out of his mouth!

Xu Yangyi cupped his hands deeply, his voice was a little hoarse, and said to Mr. Zhao Wu: "Continue!"

Mr. Zhao Wu was equally shocked, but he knew better that time is life now. He immediately said: "This is the art of reincarnation of dead souls... This kind of art has disappeared for nearly a thousand years! It was abandoned by the cultivation world because it was too cruel and the requirements were too unique."

"Choose a person who is born with a yin year, a yin month, a yin day, a yin hour, and if it is a woman, he will be imprisoned underground on the day he is born. If he is a man... he will be castrated and then dismembered to death. In fact, it is also a corpse puppet in essence, but it is definitely not Ordinary corpse puppets use the magical powers of monks during their lifetime, and this kind of corpse puppet can be infused with any magical power! And... when it is hit by strong spiritual energy, it will automatically generate a counterattack!

So that’s it!

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, no wonder Wei Zhongxian came back to life from the dead, no wonder his magical powers are not at all like those during his Qi training period!

"Especially..." Mr. Zhao Wu shuddered: "This kind of corpse puppet is usually used for suppression and sealing. Therefore, the magical power attached to it will be extremely powerful!"

Xu Yangyi's mind started to work quickly, seal? Repression?

What is he... suppressing?

The "me" who saved me? Or...something else?

There was no time to think about it anymore, he must cherish the time that Ling Xiaozi bought with his life!

"However, the corpse puppets reincarnated from dead souls are already beyond ordinary corpse puppets! There must be a control center! Captain, do you remember when Ye Laosi died..."

"You mean that thing in his mouth?" Xu Yangyi's mind suddenly lit up. In other words, the lower half of the Living Emperor Artifact is controlling Wei Zhongxian? "

"This is the greatest possibility!" Zhao Wuye gritted his teeth and said: "If this doesn't work, we will wait to die!!"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi rushed forward!

All things seem to form a circle and come to an end here.

Living Imperial Artifact... Imperial Artifact... It's because of it! I came because of it, and now I will end because of it!

The thing you want to take is the thing that blocks you!

If you sow melons, you will reap melons, and if you sow beans, you will reap beans. Karma is never a good thing.

Wei Zhongxian spoke very slowly, and it took him about five seconds to read two words.

And his chance only lasts five seconds!

He had no confidence in surviving the next eclipse that happened just now!

The next eclipse will be the strongest move! The Apocalypse Explosion, the world's three most unsolved mysteries for all eternity, was personally restored at the bottom of the Danxia Palace through the hands of Senior Foundation Architects and through the supernatural powers designed by unknown powers! That kind of power... I can't even imagine it!

In the blink of an eye, he calculated the distance as quickly as possible.

Eight seconds!

He rushes in front of the opponent and still has eight seconds!

Without any nonsense, the whole body's spiritual power was poured into Chasing Skylark crazily, and Chasing Skylark almost turned into a ray of blue light! Shoot away!

Of all... those who are still alive, at this moment, no one can speak, and their eyes are fixed on Xu Yangyi's back.

Fly on Wei Zhongxian's head! Pry open the mouth that swallowed Ye Laosi and take out the Living Emperor Weapon! Otherwise, all bets are off!

During the ceremony, he pursed his lips tightly and stopped chanting for the first time. The palms of my hands were covered in cold sweat.

Xuanchengzi and Quan Ningyue gritted their teeth. Quan Ningyue had already crossed her hands on her chest as if praying, and her lips were trembling.

On the lotus leaf, Sister Ninth, with only a slit left for her eyes, was holding on to prevent her consciousness from disappearing. She was lying in a pool of blood, staring at Xu Yangyi with her bloodshot red eyes.

At this moment, there is only him between heaven and earth!

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