
Text Chapter 226: Danxia Palace (Forty-five)

No one knows that under the water, a faint and faint spiritual consciousness is also paying attention to this place.


"The last one..."

"Three thousand six hundred years... are coming to an end..."

Closer... closer... Xu Yangyi could already see Wei Zhongxian with a Buddhist wheel appearing on his head, hands, and left foot.

Black, white, purple, green...corresponding to the four types of magical powers, four apertures several meters wide surround the surroundings. At this moment, Wei Zhongxian is so powerful that his power is comparable to that of Jin Dan! It’s hard to tell that it’s just the early stages of foundation building!

"Eclipse..." Ling Xiaozi's explosion had passed, and Wei Zhongxian was unscathed. The first word came out from his emotionless mouth.

"Fuck your mother!" Xu Yangyi was extremely anxious. He was still hundreds of meters away from Wei Zhongxian! This distance is too late!

stop! Stop! Stop it!

In his heart, there was a crazy cry.

Unwilling, unwilling! We’ve obviously made it this far! But he was killed by this inhuman old gelding!

How could he die here when he had not avenged his great revenge and was the King of the Eternal Alchemy Sutra?

"Give it to me..." His hand pointed forward: "Shut up! Shut up!!"

The next second, he didn't expect that countless vines suddenly grew out of his palms! The speed is several times faster than his Skylark Chaser! It grows when the wind blows! Each one is as thick as an arm! There are countless barbs on it! In an instant, Wei Zhongxian's mouth was choked!

"This is it!" Li Zongyuan was already almost out of his mind, but at this moment, he suddenly sat up.

Beside him, Mao Baer sat up in fear and looked at this scene in disbelief!

During the ceremony, Xu Yangyi looked at Xu Yangyi in shock: "The demon...he...he is not a pure human...but I have never heard of such a number one figure among the half-demon!"

"Such a character, whether human or half-demon, should be famous!"

However, this blockage is only temporary!

In the blink of an eye, Wei Zhongxian's mouth was just like when he devoured Ye Laosi, his upper and lower jaws fell off, and he opened his mouth to a terrifying degree like a snake, and opened his mouth again.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. It seemed that as long as he was truly disturbed, he would have to start over!

And this... there was five seconds in between, but it would take him... at least seven seconds to cross the distance of nearly a kilometer!

"Buzz..." Wei Zhongxian's mouth was filled with golden light, and he could already see the whole picture of the small box!

How to do how to do!

Is there anything... that could actually interfere with it again? Just once! Once is enough!

After one time, he can rush in front of the opponent!

He subconsciously touched the storage ring. There was no way that anything inside could harm this foundation-building corpse puppet!

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

No...there's one more thing!

"Eclipse..." At the same time, Wei Zhongxian easily bit off the arm-thick vines, and a vague word came out of his mouth.

"Whoosh!" Almost at the same time, a silvery-white thing popped out of Xu Yangyi's hand and stabbed Wei Zhongxian in the head!

That's... the tip of the sword in the strange space of Huangquan Road!

As soon as the sword tip popped out, it was daybreak.

It didn't turn into daytime, was pitch black, with only countless purple talismans in the sky, and suddenly...infinite starlight flashed!

Rays of golden light hung down from the sky, and suddenly, on the water, white lotus flowers with spiritual energy floated up!

A feeling that no one could ignore, that could even be called sacred, came to this space quietly but fleetingly!

However, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly widened!

He remembered a sentence.

What Master Bibo said to him in Sidalianchi that day!

"The sky is full of stars, the rootless lotus, the golden light is like gauze, and it is powerful in Xuanyuan!"

"This...this, what is this!!!" The Dharma Assembly, under this pressure, fell down and was covered in cold sweat.

Horrible... too scary! This invisible feeling is like a god descending to earth!

Xuan Chengzi also knelt on the ground, his teeth trembling: "What is this... It's so terrifying... A certain family has never felt such a terrifying feeling..."

The tip of the sword turned into a bright golden light and rushed towards Wei Zhongxian at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye!

"Boom, boom, boom!" The palm-sized sword tip on the water surface caused a huge wave of nearly a kilometer! No warning, no reason! In the middle of the huge waves, a little golden light arrived first, and then, Xu Yangyi rushed behind like a god!

Wei Zhongxian's voice stopped for the first time.

There was a hint of sanity in his eyes! Looking at the sword tip, for the first time, he spoke his conscious words.


The speaker was unintentional, but Xu Yangyi's heart had already stirred up huge waves!

The Apocalypse Explosion... The Living Emperor's Weapon... If the tip of this sword is that thing...

A terrifying guess that made one's hair stand on end suddenly appeared in his mind. but! There is no time to verify at this moment, because... life and death are just a matter of seconds!

"Ding!" Before Wei Zhongxian could finish his words, the tip of the sword had already been nailed into his forehead!

"Ah!!!!" A high-pitched scream suddenly tore through the entire sky!

Wei Zhongxian screamed, and suddenly the spiritual energy throughout his body shook unsteadily! But, the next second, that hellish sound sounded again!


The third time, the third time it sounded!

Xu Yangyi's whole body has turned into an unclear afterimage! He is less than 20 meters away from Wei Zhongxian's shadow!

Three times of blocking, three times of acceleration! Life and death, just at this moment!

However, Wei Zhongxian's last move came faster than everyone imagined!

"Ling... um... gu..." When the next word was read out, a terrifying wave suddenly flashed in the sky!

The clouds cracked, as if the sky also cracked. A terrifying fiery red mushroom cloud loomed in the cracked clouds in the sky. Ten thousand red rays of light fell, reflecting the ground into a brilliant red glow!

At this moment, under the intense red light, Xu Yangyi's figure could not be seen at all! Not to mention how far he was...!

"Amitabha..." Fahui closed his eyes, chanted a Buddhist name for a long time, and said nothing.

Xuan Chengzi sighed to the sky: "Junior brother... I'm sorry, senior brother still can't survive..."

Closing your eyes is darkness, this is the best way to ignore death. However, after a few seconds... ten seconds... the terrifying explosion of spiritual power did not appear!

"Could it be..." Fahui suddenly opened his eyes, with extremely surprised and expectant eyes, staring at Wei Zhongxian!

"Oh my God..." Zhao Wuye covered his mouth, his whole body trembling.

"Thank God, the Holy Mother of Allah, Mary, Jesus Christ..." The cat-eight-two-dog face was completely shocked, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

"This... this..." Xuan Chengzi's lips trembled, looking at the scene in front of him, suspecting that there was something wrong with his eyes!

Xu Yangyi, his face was already flushed, one foot stepped on Wei Zhongxian's mandibular teeth, and one hand supported Wei Zhongxian's maxillary teeth! The whole person was stuck in that huge mouth!

That mouth had been stretched out of shape! Looking from here, Wei Zhongxian's face could not be seen at all, only an exaggeratedly stretched mouth could be seen!

In the sky, the huge fireball had quietly retreated!

Blood dripped from Xu Yangyi's hands and feet. At first, it was just one drop, but after a moment, it immediately turned into a stream!

"Damn..." Xu Yangyi's eyes were a little red. This monster... the upper and lower teeth were as sharp as knives! Now, he was holding a sharp blade that was pressed down with all his strength! Under his feet, he was stepping on a blade that was closing up with all his strength! The spiritual energy of the foundation-building cultivator was not something he could resist at all. The blood on his hands had already dyed half of his body red!

"Take the hub!!!!" Zhao Wuye roared, and Xu Yangyi's eyes, which had been a little dizzy, lit up again. With all his strength, he reached into Wei Zhongxian's mouth with his other hand!

However, as soon as he exerted force, blood suddenly spurted out of his seven orifices! It was as if someone grabbed him and squeezed him hard!

The explosion just now... Although it was retracted, he was the closest to Wei Zhongxian and was affected the most!

Now, he already felt that his body was torn apart! His internal organs were in pain as if they were burning! Every meridian was clamoring with pain and collapse. If it weren't for the strong willpower supporting him, he would have fallen down long ago!

No... I can't hold on for that long. In a flash, he understood this matter, and his hands and feet were all shaking violently like a stroke!

Ten seconds at most!

When he couldn't hold on any longer, he would be bitten in two!

This time flashed through his mind, and he searched for the box with all his strength.

However, the more anxious he was, the harder it was to find, and the upper and lower teeth were getting closer and closer! From the beginning of one person's height, it has now become half a person's height! He has already felt the coldness of the other party's upper and lower teeth!

"Fuck!" He squeezed every bit of spiritual power in his body, and at this moment, the hand that reached in finally touched something.

Round... familiar feeling, he felt relieved in his heart, and pulled it out with force!

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt that the strength of the upper and lower teeth was crazy increasing!

Just like... the other party also knew that he must not let him pull this thing out!

What to do!

The blood on Xu Yangyi's hands and feet had flowed to make him a little dizzy, and every extra second of persistence was torture. He bit his tongue hard, making his eyes suddenly clear, and looked carefully at the place where his hand was holding the box. Then he compared his position.

A flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Willing to give up... willing to give up... unwilling to give up, how can I get it?


He suddenly withdrew his whole body from Wei Zhongxian's exaggeratedly large and deep mouth!

Except... the hand holding the box.


With a muffled groan, Xu Yangyi took a breath and a pain he had never felt before came from his left arm!

At the last moment when his left arm lost contact with his body, he was determined and used all his strength to tear off the lower half of the living emperor's weapon!

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