
Text Chapter 227: Danxia Palace (Forty-six)

It was...the feeling of a part of the body leaving the human body.

"Fellow Taoist!" "Leader!" "Potato!" "You..."

Countless exclamations suddenly sounded. Everyone saw that after Xu Yangyi withdrew from Wei Zhongxian's mouth, he was fine, but his left arm was completely blank!

"Heh...heh..." A gasping sound came from between his teeth. The pale lips trembled.

He was covered in blood, seriously injured, and lost his left arm. However, he did not look at his wound at all, but immediately looked at the corpse puppet.

Wei Zhongxian stopped moving.

He... just froze in place. Five seconds later, the four Buddhist chakras all over his body suddenly burst into light that filled the sky!

"Sand..." The corpse puppet's facial features were all open, and streaks of pure white aura slowly rose from the facial features into the sky, as if the person had evaporated.

Endless and boundless, from a little further away, you can only see a sky-reaching white spiritual energy beam, rotating in the boundless lotus sea.

That kind of violent aura that makes people's hearts tremble, sweeping through all the nearby spaces! On the sea, it was like a tornado blowing across, waves rising and falling one after another, and the lotus flowers around them all leaned back!

"This is..." Fahui suppressed the feeling that his body was about to collapse, gritted his teeth, covered his face with his monk's robe, and looked at the scene quietly. I saw a white aura in the center, surrounded by black, white, green and purple auras, making the sky colorful.

"Did you succeed...?" His eyes were a little red, no one wanted to die. Even if this scene dazzled his eyes, he couldn't bear to blink.

However, everything he saw was colorful and he couldn't see clearly at all!

Xuan Chengzi didn't speak, but just covered his face. Now... the spiritual energy is rushing towards him like the Yangtze River! He looked at the colorful aura from between his fingers. Although it was dazzling, he still refused to leave.

Countless pairs of eyes, holding back the colorful aura that confused their pupils, looked over the sea without lotus flowers. Even if they have never seen this situation, they have heard from family members that this is the leakage of spiritual energy after the seal is broken. I don't know who could have made Wei Zhongxian into a corpse puppet. Hundreds of years later, when the corpse puppet was destroyed, the spiritual energy was leaked like this.

However, at this moment, the corpse puppet suddenly made a frightening sound. The sound was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly!

"Wake up... she... wake up... she wakes up!"

This was its last scream in this world. After this, a dazzling white light flashed in the sky. Everyone finally couldn't bear it anymore and closed their eyes.

The white light flashed away, and when everyone opened their eyes, Wei Zhongxian had no aura left in his body. At this moment, he was really dead. Return to hundreds of years ago again, and completely return to the underworld.

Immediately afterwards, he fell suddenly like a puppet whose strings were cut off!

"Bang!!" In the pool, waves as high as a person splashed! His five limbs that had been dismembered were completely separated this time! There is no longer any black spiritual energy connecting it.

"Amitabha..." The Dharma Master looked sad. He glanced at the dead bronze figures on the lotus leaves, then turned to the corpses on the lake: "You deserve to go to the eighteenth level of hell."

"The Dao Ancestor is above..." Xuan Chengzi, the only one of the Four Swordsmen in Qingcheng who survived, looked sad but with a hint of relief. He sighed, closed his eyes and meditated without saying a word.

"Shashasha!" The endless light is still hovering in the sky, rushing straight into the sky, like flying spiritual butterflies. Everyone looked at the spiritual energy light beam spinning and releasing in mid-air with extremely complicated feelings.

Time and the picture seem to have stopped at this moment.

For those who are still alive, a feeling of escaping from death arises spontaneously.

Win... win!

They... survived in the hands of the old monsters in the early stages of foundation building!

After experiencing the five forms of divine power, they finally survived!

Out of a thousand people, only ten are left! However, they stood strong until the end!

"Won?" Mr. Zhao Wu stood on the lotus leaf blankly, looking at the scene with his whole body trembling.

"Ha..." Mao Baer, ​​Zhao Ziqi, Li Zongyuan, Quan Ningyue, and Fang Fang all relaxed at this moment, and they all fell on the lotus leaves without any image.

"It's good to be alive..." Fang Fang glanced at the dark sky and finally closed his eyes.

He couldn't stand it any longer.

The scene was eerily quiet. I don’t know how long it took, but the Dharma Councilor stood up and bowed deeply towards Xu Yangyi: “Donor, Songshan Shaolin Temple will remember this kindness.”

Xuan Chengzi's eyes flashed, he was actually from Songshan? No can last for so long!

However, this thought only flashed through his mind. He struggled to do it and also bowed deeply: "Xuanchengzi... on behalf of the deceased Qingjingzi, Wuweizi, Lingxiaozi, thank you Taoist friend... …”

"Thank you, fellow Daoist, for avenging the three junior brothers of Pindao."

Ninth Sister, Yi Laowu, did not speak. Their eyes narrowed into a line. They took a deep look at Xu Yangyi, imprinting his shadow in their hearts, and then closed their eyes.

This person they didn't want to be their enemy.

Not only are you cruel to your enemies, you are also cruel to yourself!

I really don’t know... Ninth Sister closed her eyes and sighed silently. I really don’t know... where did this monster come from...

No one knew that at this moment, under the water, the last iron chain on the black shadow, the red iron chain, collapsed suddenly!

And the Buddha wheels on the other four chains completely disappeared.

It was very quiet under the water. Very quiet.

I don't know how long it took, countless bubbles slowly emerged from the bottom of the water. Silently, unconsciously...

On the surface of the water, Xu Yangyi lay on the chasing skylark, the pain of the broken arm tortured every nerve in his body. But he didn't have much time to feel the pain.

Xuan Chengzi, the Dharma Assembly bowed to him, he accepted it, took it for granted, and had a clear conscience.

If it weren't for him, no one at the scene would have survived!

But now, he has more important things to do!

Living Emperor Artifact.

The long-cherished wish was finally fulfilled at this moment.

For it, he did not hesitate to find Bi Bo Zhenren, did not hesitate to find archaeological experts, and in order to unlock its secrets, he did not hesitate to go to the bottom of Danxia Palace in person. Now, it is finally time to unlock all its secrets.

At this moment, the half box on his chest suddenly emitted a golden light, and with a whoosh, it suddenly flew out of his chest automatically!

The next second, this golden light, from a trace, turned into a piece! In the end, it was all over the sky!

"Swish, swish, swish..." In the sky, the purple talismans have become the background, and at this moment, endless golden light is sprinkled. They are cheering, jumping for joy, and are overjoyed for this reunion after a thousand years!

The golden curtain slowly fluctuates in the sky, transparent, pure, sacred... but with an inviolable pressure, as if the gods have descended.

"Dong..." Somewhere, a light wooden fish sounded, and then the whole sky here, silently but audibly sounded a wooden fish sound.

At the scene, corpses were spread across a hundred meters, but as these wooden fish sounds appeared and slowly struck, the bloody smell... actually faded, and the tension of the battle was unconsciously brushed away from people's hearts, replaced by a kind of post-war tranquility and purity of the soul.

"Swish..." With the sound of the wooden fish, a white word slowly appeared in the sky.

It is not big, but it can occupy people's eyes.

It is not majestic, but it can fill people's hearts.

That word, with a mysterious charm that no one, including monks, can describe, is like an ink painting, slowly unfolding.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly. He didn't expect that the combination of the two living emperors could produce such a wonder. Seeing that the word in the sky was already looming, he couldn't help but whispered: "Tao...Tao?"

However, as he read out this word, the whole space began to tremble!

It was different from Wei Zhongxian's magical power just now. This time... there was no magical power! Just this one word! It made the space tremble! It was as if Danxia Palace could not bear this word!

"This is!" Fahui was already like dying, and seeing this scene, he suddenly jumped up with a power that he didn't know where it came from!

Cold sweat dripped from his head drop by drop. The monk's robes all over his body were blown without wind! Looking at everything in front of him in disbelief!

"Heh... this... this... this, this is impossible... it, it's just a legend..." Xuan Chengzi, at this moment, forced himself to jump up with his seriously injured body, and he felt his heart beating faster and faster!

They came from the three great sects from afar, and some ancient secrets were passed down from generation to generation. It has been too long, no one has ever seen it, and it has even become a legend!

"Daojing..." Xuan Chengzi was trembling all over, and suddenly knelt down devoutly on the flying magic weapon, his voice hoarse, his face fanatical: "Disciple, Disciple Xuan Chengzi! Welcome the birth of the Taoist Emperor's Artifact!!!"

"Dong Dong Dong!" This is not the sound of a wooden fish, but Xuan Chengzi kowtowed desperately on his own magic weapon. Blood soon flowed down his forehead. But he was completely unaware!

Living Emperor Artifact... These three words appeared in the hearts of Xuan Chengzi and the Dharma Assembly.

This is... the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth where the Living Emperor Artifact truly appeared in its entirety... Fortunately... Fortunately, this is at the bottom of Danxia Palace! Otherwise, if the fusion is in the outside world, such a strange phenomenon can be seen on the foundation building!

Xuan Chengzi's eyes were filled with Xu Yangyi's figure, and only the passion of his believers remained in his mind. At this moment, even if Xu Yangyi asked him to die, he would not say a word!

As he was knocking, he suddenly remembered something and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. A silver sword ball was stained with blood and buzzed.

He had already looked at Fahui with obvious murderous intent.

And Fahui's murderous intent was no less than his!

Just now, the two super sects worked together, but now, the living emperor weapon was born, and the battle for the orthodoxy! This is a battle that is more supreme than losing one's life!

"I can't believe it..." Fahui coughed up a mouthful of blood: "Friend Xu... actually has a living emperor weapon..."

"No need to say more." Xuan Chengzi and Fahui were both burning their lives at this moment. Xuan Chengzi waved his hand, and the sword ball flew in front of him: "The struggle for the orthodoxy is only about fighting."

"If you want to attack fellow Daoist Xu, first step over the body of this poor Taoist!"

Fahui's face was uncertain, he never expected... never expected! Under the Danxia Palace, Wei Zhongxian's corpse puppet actually hid such a thing! In his current situation, he is definitely not a match for Xu Yangyi and Xuan Chengzi! And Xuan Chengzi must be determined to protect Xu Yangyi, as he said, until his death!

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