
Main text Chapter 228: Danxia Palace (Forty-seven)

"Donor, why get excited?" Fahui gritted his teeth and said, "Maybe... it's not a Taoist imperial weapon?"

"We are all wise people." Xuan Chengzi sneered, and then, in his seven orifices, spiritual light rose: "The body and the Tao are united, paralyzing my little trick. Fahui, you can't do it."

"Again, if you want to do something to fellow Daoist Xu, first walk over the poor Taoist's body!"

Fahui looked at Xu Yangyi with a seemingly calm face.

What to do?

How to deal with it?

If he took action, not to mention that there was Xuan Chengzi next to him, in his current state, he would definitely not be Xu Yangyi's opponent. Not to mention, this is the opponent's living imperial weapon! What power it has is unknown!

Get out all this to the sect, this is the best choice.

The struggle for the orthodoxy is far more cruel than the killing on the battlefield! Throughout history, the three schools of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism have been fighting for thousands of years. If one of them gained power, it would be full of compassion not to kill the other two.

Just as he was extremely hesitant, a golden light also shot out from the body of Wei Zhongxian in the water!

"Om..." With a mysterious sound, the golden light flew to Xu Yangyi's feet, and instantly spread out into a sky full of light. A huge black and white Tai Chi was formed in the blink of an eye, slowly rotating with Xu Yangyi as the center!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, he saw... He was at the center of Tai Chi, and in the two-yin and yang eyes of Tai Chi, the upper and lower parts of the living emperor's weapon were also slowly rotating with it!

At this moment, it was like two green dragons surrounding the dragon ball in the center, and with each rotation of the Tai Chi diagram, the upper and lower pieces of the living emperor's weapon emitted two completely different lights, one black and one white, as if splitting the yin and yang. With each flash of light, outside the Tai Chi diagram, four phantoms that were tens of meters high were slowly condensing!

Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise! ​​

Just as the four phantoms appeared and disappeared, the golden curtain in the sky slowly fell down, forming a series of golden gossips!

"Taiji gave birth to two yin and yang... two yin and yang gave birth to four symbols... four symbols gave birth to eight trigrams..." Xuan Chengzi's blood was boiling at this moment, and his pale face was flushed. He coughed violently: "This is... the emperor's own choice... he chose fellow Daoist Xu..."

Looking around, the purple talismans in the sky were dim and could not be compared with the nature of the golden light. The talisman array that filled the sky was like a background.

As far as the eye can see, the golden light is dazzling, as if arriving in the kingdom of God. Below, the huge eight trigrams rotated, as if the golden light and the eight trigrams formed the sky and the earth, people and things.

In this quiet moment, the upper and lower parts of the emperor on the two yin and yang eyes finally made a joyful sound. With a "ding" sound, the two pieces of the emperor shot out from both sides at the same time! Above Xu Yangyi's head, a pure and holy white light bloomed!

"He Dao...He Dao..." Xuan Chengzi was so excited that his face turned red: "I never thought...I never thought...the ancient legend was actually true! I, Xuan Chengzi, actually saw this scene in my lifetime!"

He was shaking like a sieve, but his eyes never relaxed Fahui.

Fahui's face was ashen, but he did not move.

"This is...the body and the Dao are combined...the living emperor is not a rumor...When the abbot asked me to pay attention, he only mentioned it briefly. I think the abbot did not expect this legend to be true...Yes, yes...If it is not true, how can those ancient books record it in such detail?"

"Buzz buzz buzz..." In the white light, a small object surged up and down, and with every rotation of it, the second word appeared in the sky!

Like smoke, like mist, hazy, seeing flowers in the fog, but everyone can see what the word is.


Daoist Canon!

This is the real secret of the living emperor weapon!

"Dao Zang..." Xu Yangyi looked deeply at the strange phenomenon in the sky at the bottom of Danxia Palace. This was his secret, accompanying him through the most difficult initial stage of his cultivation years. He, however, had never known much about it, despite the decryption of Bi Bo Zhenren and the inference of human experts. However, everything was like looking at flowers in the fog and the moon in the water, always separated by a layer of gauze.

But... now, the Living Emperor's Artifact is finally complete! The secret hidden in it is finally about to emerge in front of him.

"Swish!" A golden beam of light suddenly dropped from the sky! It enveloped Xu Yangyi without any deviation!

Before he could sigh, he was immediately enveloped by this beam of light!

"Boom!" A golden light wave suddenly flashed from where Xu Yangyi was standing! And every inch of space swept by the light wave was completely still!

The water surface... stopped fluctuating. The fish under the water stayed in place strangely. All people, breathing, and heartbeats stopped!

Fahui, just raised his hand to do something, his hand just hung in the air, the monk's robe itself was lifted up by the white light waves of the spiritual energy, but now, it was strangely floating in the air, the whole person was like a sculpture.

Xuan Chengzi glanced at Fahui, the sword ball was spinning on his finger, but now it has completely stopped, even his eyeballs are no longer moving.

Others, Mao Baer, ​​Li Zongyuan, Quan Ningyue, maintained their original state and stopped in place. At this moment, no one in the world can move.

The idea of ​​"action" was erased... Not only people, but the idea of ​​the operation of this space was erased!

At this moment, except Xu Yangyi, the consciousness of "action" of others was erased.

At the same time, in the white light, the small box finally showed its true appearance!

It's not a box... When the Living Emperor's weapon is combined into one, what appears is... a silver-white sword!

The sword was not big, very small, about half the size of his forearm. It was completely black, and not only was it small, it was also unusually narrow. At most, it was only one and a half fingers wide of his. However, in such a small area, there are countless complicated patterns carved!

"Is this... your true face?" Xu Yangyi did not immediately pick up the sword, but observed it carefully. Even if he had no knowledge of history, he could still tell that the patterns on the small sword were older characters. It is even far from the current writing. The pattern has a rough and wild flavor, which is definitely not the delicate feeling that the Daming Palace carefully crafted.

The most important thing is... breath!

If we say that the living imperial weapon is accompanied by mystery, resentment, and unspeakable imperial power. Then this sword... returns to its original nature, with countless feelings, and the first sense is only four words.

murderous look!

Be brave!

Simplicity to the extreme, and concentration to the extreme.

"This is not a sword..." Xu Yangyi finally walked up and gently held the sword suspended in the sky: "This is a dagger."

Just when he held the sword, his eyes suddenly swayed, because in just an instant, endless words rushed into his mind crazily!

"This is..." The sudden huge amount of information made him dizzy, and a feeling of vomiting emerged spontaneously. Suppressing the dizziness in his brain, he immediately examined these words, but at a glance, his eyes Suddenly it gets hot! Looking at the sword in his hand in disbelief!

He closed his eyes, and the ups and downs of his chest proved how uneasy he felt at the moment. I had thought before that half of the Living Emperor's Artifact would give him a powerful killing weapon like the Eternal Alchemy King. Now, I gave up my left arm and risked my own death to enter the Danxia Palace. If the two living emperor weapons were combined into one, what would happen?

He had made many assumptions, but he never expected that this gift would be so generous!

It was enough to make up for the cost of losing his left arm and being seriously injured!

"Sendai Foundation Establishment Pill..." After a long time, he opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and clenched his fists tightly: "It allows the foundation builder to build the foundation of Sendai... It can be called a perfect foundation... What is Sendai? ? What does it mean to build a perfect foundation?"

This was the first thing he saw, but... the words in his mind were definitely more than this!

"The Eternal Pill... The King of the Eternal Pill Sutra does not need to take the elixir. After the foundation is established, the spiritual energy furnace in the body is fully formed, and the essence of the spiritual stone is extracted to directly absorb the spiritual energy... It costs a lot of money... Often a country Raise a monk who is the King of the Eternal Alchemy Sutra, but the higher the level of this method, the greater the power.

"The Eternal Pill is a necessary elixir for cultivators of the Eternal Pill Sutra... It can speed up the smelting of fire in the sea of ​​​​qi, increasing it by more than one level..."

He sighed: "I see... The furnace system cannot be fully achieved until the foundation is established. No wonder I am still practicing ordinary meditation."

This was the first thing he noticed. However, the prescriptions in my mind at this moment are definitely not these two! But there are dozens of them!

The effect of each one can be said to be the right medicine for the situation! It seems ordinary, but for a monk in the Qi training period, it happens to be right above the life gate! For example, the Spirit-Inducing Pill can increase the speed of a monk's practice, or the Spirit-Eating Pill allows one to focus on absorbing a certain type of spiritual energy. Another example...the insight pill that can increase spiritual awareness by 20%.

And... the most important thing is that these pills... all have no side effects!

He counted more than thirty kinds of elixir recipes. It may not seem like much, but all of them are the essence of the Qi training period!

The strange thing is that it is only limited to the Qi training period.

If that alone was not enough to excite him. Although the elixir is good, it is not impossible to receive it now. But... what comes next is what really makes him excited!

Supernatural power!

A total of...nine magical powers. The quantity is not much, but the quality is frighteningly high! It can be called the most worth learning magical power during the Qi training period!

Especially... these nine magical powers were actually compiled into a set! After the nine magical powers that originally seemed completely different were integrated together, they were actually connected to each other and truly became a whole!

Nine stars are falling!

This is the name of this nine-style magical power.

"Who did this?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. He was able to integrate so many magical powers that seemed completely disconnected. His understanding of the word "cultivation" was probably extremely profound, and his use of spiritual energy was also wonderful. To the extreme. He asked himself, even his master Gu Song Laozu couldn't do it!

At least... after the founding of the People's Republic of China, when the era of Dharma Ending was recognized, I had never heard of a Jindan master who created his own supernatural powers. Not to mention the fusion of the magical powers of nine great powers.

The reason why he must be one of the nine great powers is because... among the nine magical powers, the number one one is... the Six Eclipses of the Apocalypse!

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