
Main text Chapter 229: Danxia Palace (Forty-eight)

"Sure enough, there is a sixth eclipse, not just five eclipses!" Xu Yangyi suppressed the excitement in his heart and thought: "And I... can only see the cultivation method of this move. I can't see the remaining eight magical powers at all. Name and cultivation method. Is it because my realm is not enough? Or are there any conditions required?"

However... being able to learn this magical power is enough to make money back!

This trip to Danxia Palace was what impressed him the most. Even compared to those big families and the three major forces, his trump cards are still too few.

Xuanchengzi, the Dharma Assembly has been able to sustain for so long under Wei Zhongxian's terrifying magical power, and all its trump cards have been revealed. As for him, he only does the same thing over and over again. However, once he learns the Six Eclipses of the Apocalypse, his trump cards will greatly increase! The killing ability is by no means the same!

This magical power is definitely not something that Wei Zhongxian or a foundation-building monk can display. It is the characteristic of a dead soul reincarnating into a corpse puppet. This is because someone powerful infused the Six Eclipses of the Apocalypse into Wei Zhongxian's body!

In other words, this... is a magical power that can be enhanced with the realm, just like the Canglong Aspirations and the Ten Directions Red Lotus. If he uses it now, he will never be able to change hundreds of thousands of square kilometers like that powerful one, but... he can't wait to try what kind of power this heaven-destroying magical power will be in his hands. Got it!

"If you want to reach the power of the powerful one behind Wei Zhongxian..." His eyes flashed and he looked at Xiaojian with endless yearning: "Golden elixir? Or... Nascent Soul?"

"But..." He licked his lips excitedly: "Rongshen Baojian... you can try it."

When the four great magical powers of the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra are integrated with the Six Eclipses of the Apocalypse, the magical powers that appear will be Xu Yangyi’s signature and unique magical powers! How powerful it was, just thinking about it made him eager!

He didn't know how long he had been looking at these words, they were all-encompassing. Not only does he have the magical powers and elixirs that he is in short supply now, but he also has four top-notch techniques!

The so-called top... there were four words on it, which almost made his heart beat.

Directly to Nascent Soul!

Immediately, he suppressed this fluctuation.

Not to mention the danger of changing the cultivation method, his meridians have become this weird now, and whether he can repair them again is the biggest question.

Especially... The King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra was written by the semi-immortal Wei Boyang. In that distant ancient cultivation era of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he never believed that Nascent Soul would be the pinnacle of Wei Boyang.

It was a gamble, but he took it willingly.

The purple energy is awe-inspiring, the sky is against the canon, the universe is righteous, the Great Dream Sutra!

This is the name of these four mental techniques.

"Although I am not available now. But... in the future, once I build the foundation and get the fire, the furnace system in the body will be built. The Eternal Alchemy King will be fully activated. How many spiritual stones will be consumed by then is unknown...' A country Raising someone? 'I'd better make plans for this first." After pondering for a moment, he decided not to worry about it or look at these four mental methods. He believed that just by relying on the words "Direct to Nascent Soul", this would be enough. The four-door mind method will definitely fetch a terrifying sky-high price at auction!

When his eyes swept over the last line of words, "Swipe..." a slight sound sounded between heaven and earth. The golden curtain in the sky and the black and white Tai Chi Bagua on the ground all disappeared into space as if they had never been there before.

The lotus sea is still the lotus sea. The beauty is still the same, the sea is still the same.

Fahui's fingers shook slightly twice, and then his eyes began to move. He immediately felt something was wrong and looked at Xu Yangyi suddenly.

"Disappeared...disappeared?" He took a shaky breath and looked at the sky and the sea in disbelief.

How is this possible...just now...the golden curtain that filled the sky just now, the black and white Bagua Tai Chi on the ground...this is clearly a sign of the appearance of the Dao Sect's Living Emperor Artifact! But... why did it disappear?

He pursed his lips and seemed to have a calm face, but his eyes were actually searching everything around him.

On the other side, Xuan Chengzi also couldn't believe his eyes. He was very sure that he did not blink, but at this moment, all the visions disappeared.

Not only these two people, but Quan Ningyue, Zhao Wuye, Mao Baer, ​​and Zhan Twelve all looked around in astonishment. No one knew what had just happened.

"Just now..." Mr. Zhao Wu looked at Mao Baer with a little self-doubt: "I..."

"You're right." Mao Baer's eyes flickered, looking solemnly at the world in front of him, where everything seemed unchanged: "No one is wrong... It's just... our 'memory' was 'quieted' just now. So... maybe a few hours have passed now, maybe a minute has passed."

"How could..."

"Nothing is impossible..." Mao Baer squinted his eyes and said: "Just now, I was trying to make a mark. You know, this posture is very coquettish. I just lifted the third leg... Now, my back leg feels like a cramp. It hurts! Judging from my perception, which has been marked for decades, this is the only possibility."

"Don't forget where this is. Nothing is impossible here. Only the unexpected."

Zhao Wuye took a deep breath, nodded, and suddenly came to his senses: "What you mean by marking is..."

Mao Baer coughed slightly, and his face was inevitably a little embarrassed: "It's just urination... This is just a dog's living custom... Can you not ask such a non-technical question?!"

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but stood there thoughtfully.

He recalled everything carefully, from the Danxia Palace's Baixi map, to the lotus leaves that rushed out, to the throbbing of the Living Emperor's Artifact... He closed his eyes and gently stroked the storage ring, where the white dagger lay silently.

It's over... everything is over...

The Living Emperor's Artifact is finally complete, but the countless puzzles in the Danxia Palace seem to have been solved one by one, but in fact, nothing has been solved.

Living Emperor's Artifact... where did it come from? Why is there an extra white snake in that story? Who is at the bottom of the Danxia Palace? Who carved the Yellow Spring Road? Who built the thousand-meter altar? Who is the "she" that Wei Zhongxian said before his death, "she woke up"? Who is the me who saved me? Is it the person who imprisoned Wei Zhongxian? Or... is it him?

The most important thing is... the real secret of the Living Emperor's Artifact, there is no real answer at the bottom of the Danxia Palace, which makes him feel like a thorn in his throat, and he can't feel relieved unless he speaks it out.

"No." He took a deep breath and shook his head: "There are some problems, but at my current level, it's better not to pursue them."

At this moment, a figure came to his side. Seeing him in deep thought, he didn't speak, let alone disturb him, but stood there respectfully. Like the most competent bodyguard.

He had tried to move as lightly as possible, but in such a place, no one could really let go.

"Daoyou." Xu Yangyi forced himself to cut off his thoughts and raised his eyebrows: "Is there something?"

Although Xuan Chengzi was seriously injured at this moment, he was extremely respectful and half-knelt on the flying sword: "Xuan Chengzi, I am willing to submit to Daoyou. Let me drive you!"

Xu Yangyi did not express his opinion. Xuan Chengzi's sudden loyalty was not what he expected. However, he could roughly guess some clues.

Dao Zang...Dao Zang. With a word of Tao, I guess...Xuan Chengzi knows something...

No matter what he knows, he never wants the other party to tell it. However, he is more suspicious of Xuan Chengzi's loyalty. Qingcheng Mountain! One of the three major ancestral temples of Taoism! Taoist Zhang Tianshi's cultivation is here! The other party, as one of the four swords guarding the front mountain and one of the inheritors, suddenly told him that he was willing to be under the name of the Xingtian Corps?

By the way, what is the Xingtian Corps compared to one of the three major Taoist ancestral temples?

I'm afraid that the mountain master can crush the Yulin Guards of a province with just a little finger.

Before he spoke, his eyes suddenly flashed.

"Daoyou." He just spoke to Xuan Chengzi, and Xuan Chengzi immediately bowed and said: "I dare not, Daoyou can call me by my name in the future."

Xu Yangyi nodded without comment: "Just now, did you notice that the purple talisman array in the sky flashed?"

Xuan Chengzi looked up at the sky without any consideration. After watching for a few seconds, he shook his head: "No... no..."

Before he finished speaking, the purple array in the sky flashed together!

Fahui suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky cautiously. Everyone else, except the dead and the unconscious, raised their heads.

Having just experienced a great battle with Wei Zhongxian, everyone is still in fear. If... a monster like Wei Zhongxian comes out at this time, no one can get out alive!

"Swish... swish..." In the sky, there is a purple magic circle covering the sky, but since everyone entered, it has not moved. Like a brilliant background. And at this moment, it moved for the first time!

A series of purple brilliant lights wandered in the entire magic circle! After the flash just now, the light of the magic circle began to fade slowly!

"Do you know this formation?" Xu Yangyi's remaining little spiritual energy was completely condensed at this moment. He asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." Xuan Chengzi was also cautious, and a sword ball flew around the two of them. At the same time, Fahui's eyes suddenly condensed, and he stood there as if he was possessed by a demon. He was silent for a long time, and then... his whole body was shaking!

Visible drops of cold sweat flowed from his head, his lips were trembling, his face was as white as paper, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

A few seconds later, he turned his head like crazy. He, who never lost his composure, screamed at the top of his lungs: "Run! Run! Get out of here!!"

"What are you running for?" At this moment, as soon as he finished speaking, a woman's voice suddenly resounded throughout the space.

"I just got out of trouble. This is the first time I've seen a living person in thousands of years. Isn't it too rude for you to leave like this?"

"Besides...if you leave, how can I repay you for saving me?"

Every word and sentence she said made the whole space tremble!

The empty voice came from all directions, like a giant speaking to everyone. And with these words, the lotuses in the sea of ​​lotus bloomed in an instant!

A faint fragrance came into the mouths and noses of people who had no intention of appreciating it at all. Then, a finger-sized green flame ignited in the wick of each lotus!

"Swish, swish, swish..." Just like the Lantern Festival, this place was instantly illuminated by the strange green flames!

The green color was reflected between the lotus flowers, dyeing the originally snow-white/pink lotus flowers into a dark green color. Looking around, the lotus flowers that looked like fairyland in the last second, looked like ghost lights on the long street in the next moment!

Xuan Chengzi shuddered suddenly, and his face was reflected in green. He looked around in disbelief and said in a trembling voice: "Words... words come true?!"

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