
Main text Chapter 502: Holy War Begins (Part 2)

What I wrote before:

As you know, I don’t like PS very much, but before the New Year, I’ll do some PS~

Monster has reached 502. From the joy in the beginning to the confusion in the middle, and now I feel that I have finally found the way, it has been more than half a year. I hope all readers will like it and subscribe. Thank you.

You watch for ten minutes. For five minutes, it will take the author at least an hour and a half, and even longer for Kavin.

If you like it, please come and watch the official version. After all, subscription is what the author pays for...Thank you


As soon as this name appeared, there was a slight tremor, as if it was connected to something in the void. Then, with a long horn, a white light point condensed on the name, and it suddenly rushed towards St. John's Cathedral. .

At the same time, with the sound of rustling, infinite white-gold holy light flashed on St. John's Cathedral. It's not a mass, but it looks like a continuous mountain peak, hundreds of meters bright, like a golden page.

In a moment, the golden light settled. A white parchment made of spiritual light appeared over St. John's Cathedral, a hundred meters in size. Someone seemed to be writing in the void, and there was a dense rustling sound. Ansas Tagul's name was the first to appear on the aura parchment.

At the same time, the Tagule family's light beam burst again, and a second name appeared.

"The Tagule family, 'Midnight Rose' Vivian Minos Angelina. A half-step grand duke."

"Tagule family, 'Twisted Dorothy' Dorothy Bidili. Marquis of Great Perfection."

"Tagule family, 'Night Crow' Stuart G. Alsace. Half-step Grand Duke."

One name after another appeared one after another, and St. John's Cathedral, dozens of kilometers away, seemed to be telegraphed by heaven and man, recording all the names above.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi asked doubtfully.

"This is the list of the Tagul family." Zhenren Yue said in a deep voice: "After the jihad horn sounds, the major families enter the pilgrimage stage. This stage, to put it bluntly, is tribute. The major vassal families pay tribute to the Lord. Everyone contributes the genius treasures or holy medicines or magic weapons they have collected in the past ten years, which can improve the strength of the contestants. In other words..."

He glanced at Xu Yangyi: "In the last few days, the strength of all gladiators will reach a higher level. They will be stronger and more terrifying than before."

Xu Yangyi nodded calmly.

Master Yue looked at the eight names that had appeared in the beam of light and said calmly: "However, geniuses and treasures are hard to find, precious magic weapons are even harder to find, and holy medicines are hard to come by. Therefore, these real things will be concentrated on one or two people." . They are the most powerful swords of the major families."

"The strongest character will, of course, appear last. According to the unwritten rules, this is a table sorted from weak to strong. The last two must be the strongest. One of them must be a member of the Tagule family for ten years. The strongest person...huh?"

Before he finished speaking, he paused and frowned unconsciously.

The beam of light stopped.

The name below is shining with golden light, but it is never shown.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi clearly felt that the extremely strong spiritual energy on the surrounding skyscrapers all produced a shocking fluctuation. Even the monks below could faintly hear the exclamations.

"Eight people?" He said solemnly: "Only eight people from the Tagul family go into battle?"

"No..." Zhenren Yue's face looked solemn: "It was the ninth person who had something unexpected happen."

"Before the list is determined, anyone in the family can challenge the participants. As long as they win, they can enter the holy war list." He looked at the golden light above and said: "This is... someone is challenging the ninth candidate. "

Xu Yangyi clenched his fists. If we look at the rankings, the ninth position is already the second strongest candidate in the Tagul family. Who is it that temporarily challenges the opponent?

No one spoke, and after a full hour, the light pillar finally vibrated again. But this time, a person's gray name appeared.

"'Blood Drinker' Talomitheus."

Then, the name turned into cracks and shattered into the light pillar with a crash, while another name took his place in the shining golden light.

"The Tagule family, head of New York, Tamamo-mae."

In New York, I don’t know how many people watched this scene. At this moment, everyone lost their voice.

"Gray? The challenge was successful? And he was killed?!" "Isn't it possible... Lord Talomisus, the blood drinker, is a monster half-step into the realm of an archduke!" "Histor Tamamozen is only a middle-term marquis, but he can actually Defeat Half-step Archduke? "Unbelievable...It's unbelievable!"

"Your heartbeat is speeding up." In the sky, Zhenren Yue looked at the light beam intently: "Nervous? Afraid?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head with a bloodthirsty smile on his lips. There was no fear in his heart, only a cold murderous intention.

What is supposed to come will always come.

It seems that more than one person wants to settle a grudge over the Holy War.

However... I am still in the late stage of foundation building. If you want a living imperial weapon on my body, have you asked me about the three-foot Qingfeng in my hand?

"Buzz..." At this moment, the light beam flashed again, and the last name of the Tagule family appeared.

The last...and the strongest!

On the ground, countless eyes were cast on it.

Swish… The golden light outlined a name in the beam, and this name instantly made the people of New York boil!

In a remote street, a man with a tattered cowboy hat on his head and a beard stared at the name in the sky in astonishment. After several minutes, he took a sip of beer in his hand.

"Dang!" In the Covenas branch, a white-haired old man crushed the wine glass in his hand.

On the rooftop, in the clouds, several pairs of eyes stared at the name like flames, and even thought they had seen it wrong.

New York was shocked by this name and silent.

"Bloody Moon!"

After several dozen seconds, everyone at the entrance of the gathering point screamed, "How is it possible! This, this is the titleless Grand Duke!" "No, it's impossible... The titleless Grand Duke is only one step away from the Grand Duke. Are they going to join the holy war?"

"Could it be someone with the same name?" "Even more impossible! He has been famous in Europe and America for 117 years. Who dares to impersonate his name?"

"The Holy Covenant will not allow it! This is the Holy Covenant of the Vatican. Only 30 copies are produced each year. Any one of them is extremely precious and directly linked to spiritual consciousness. If Tagul plays any tricks on the name of Bloody Moon, it will never be recorded."

As if responding to his voice, the spiritual light parchment scroll paused for only one second and immediately wrote the name of Bloody Moon.

"It's really His Excellency Bloody Moon..." "My God, how did you do this?!" "How could Bloody Moon be recorded by the Holy Covenant?!"

In the sky, this time, not only Xu Yangyi, but even Master Yue, looked cautious.

"A very strong opponent." After a few seconds, Yue Zhenren commented: "My dear son-in-law, be careful, this guy may be your strongest opponent this time. There is no one else."

"A virtual Grand Duke goes into battle? Will the Vatican allow it?" Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice.

"Impossible," Yue Zhenren immediately said decisively: "Unless he is downgraded to the level of a half-step Grand Duke."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly, and neither of them asked why.

If you don't kill the tiger, you will suffer from it.

The other party... also came to this battlefield with a vengeful heart.

"Swish swish swish..." In a blink of an eye, all ten names of the Taguler family appeared, and the parchment scroll was closed. Ten names burst into golden light, flashing from top to bottom, like the bright sun in the sky.

In addition to being shocked, the monks of the entire New York looked at these ten names with reverence.

The ten strongest people of this generation of the vampire family that has been passed down for thousands of years!

Seven half-step Grand Dukes! Two marquises are perfect! A mysterious middle-stage marquis!

Xu Yangyi looked deeply for a minute, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Instead, he felt relieved.

No worries.

Master Yue looked at him with interest: "What do you think of seeing these monsters?"

Xu Yangyi smiled indifferently: "I am confident that I will live for two hundred years and will be able to travel three thousand miles."

"Okay." Master Yue raised his eyebrows and laughed: "For cultivators of our generation, we can only go against the will of heaven, and there is no retreat."

Xu Yangyi's eyes, seemingly calm, passed over the names of Tamamonomae and Bloody Moon.

Silence is better than words.

"The list appears, and the holy war will begin within three days." Master Yue's face was also extremely cautious: "Tonight, you will take a good look. The real top combat power in Europe and the United States. On this side of the sea, the real monsters of the cultivation country."

No need to say anything more. The solemn atmosphere, the dark clouds pressed down on the city. The call of the Jindan realm, everyone is fighting with their backs to the water, and no one will hold back. On the stage, no one would care about his title as a great spiritualist.

Revenge for revenge, grievance for grievance.

"Swish, swish..." As the ten lists of the Tagul family appeared, every beam of light, at this moment, all vibrated.

"Buzz, swish..." The buzzing sound came one after another, and names that were enough to shock European and American monks kept appearing in the air. Red, white, green... At this moment, all the families who decided to join the war handed in their letters of request.

"'Undead King' Paris Jones. Half-step Grand Duke." "'Gray Nightmare' Faolon Dion. Marquis Great Perfection." "'Alien' Sharon Gu. Nova. Half-step Grand Duke." "'Mountain Hammer' Magni Bronzebeard. Half-step Grand Duke."

In a dark attic that seemed to have collapsed, Zhu Hongxue's pale face looked coldly at her own name above.

Her expression was normal, but there were two teeth marks on her neck.

"Daughter." An old voice came from behind: "I hope you don't mind me calling you that."

"Of course." Zhu Hongxue turned her head and half-knelt on the ground respectfully: "Your Excellency, it is my honor to be able to fully join the Taguler family."

Her pale fist unconsciously clenched on the ground.

Xu Yangyi...

The revenge of the living emperor weapon in the past, the hatred of blocking her from advancing to the avenue in the past, now, it is finally time to break it.

Of course, there is also the coveted living emperor weapon on you.

It's really hard...I have kept this secret for so many years, and now it is finally mine. You have advanced to the middle stage of foundation building in decades, and it must be thanks to this legendary magic weapon, but your good luck should also end...

Italy, a branch of the Alps. Matterhorn.

Here, it was already snowing heavily. Any creature would freeze in the sub-zero temperature. However, no climber knew that in a snow-covered cave on the Matterhorn, the sound of digging resounded throughout the cave.

The cave was not too big, about 300 meters. Along the cave, every 20 meters, there was a man on guard, with a shining clan emblem on his chest. There was only a wolf head on it.

Fifty meters inside, there was a neatly mined cave entrance, with talismans shining around it, and a green light curtain, like a film, covering the cave entrance. No one knew what was underneath.

However, at this moment, in front of the cave, a huge wolf was squatting there, with a white body and a black head and limbs. Facing the wind and snow, his eyes were looking straight in the direction of New York.

Suddenly, a red, burning page flashed in front of it. A flash of heat flashed in its eyes, and then it grabbed it in its hands.

Just a glance, and then the crazy wolf howl resounded throughout the Matterhorn.

"A place in the holy war..." It gritted its teeth: "The elders have approved me, father, I will not embarrass you!"

"And X...if it weren't for you...would I have come here from New York?!"

"You are a great spiritualist, why didn't you tell me at the beginning! Are you deliberately trying to make me look bad? Such a great humiliation...even if I leave my family, I will tear you to pieces in the holy war in front of everyone!"

"I, Savidian VII, swear here!"

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