
Main text Chapter 503: Holy War Begins (Part 3)

New York, above the colorful lights, is a magnificent scene.

Eight beams of light, a full forty-eight names, illuminate the sky.

Any one of them is a super-powerful man who is famous in Europe and America. Some of his subordinates have killed dozens or hundreds of people, and some have killed hundreds or thousands of people. There are also Chinese prisoners like Zhu Hongxue who slaughtered thousands of people at a time and had blood on their hands.

"Swish, swish, swish..." Golden light, green light, red light, white light... thousands of times more gorgeous than the neon lights in New York on the ground. At this moment, it shines into a colorful ocean.

In the ocean, there is boundless murderous intent.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but stared at the sky. It would be a lie to say that he was not worried about fighting with so many top masters. However, he was more excited.

An excitement that comes from proving his own way and what he has learned.

He ranks first in the Covenus family. His realm is the second lowest among all people. Only one level better than Zhu Hongxue.

However, Zhu Hongxue ranks last with the middle stage of the marquis. And there is no realm in the end. He never thought that the Taguler family and the holy weapon would make mistakes.

"Excited?" The night wind blew the clothes of Master Yue. The entire New York cultivation world was in a solemn silence, making all the monks' scalps numb with excitement. Master Yue asked calmly.

However, he did not give Xu Yangyi a chance to answer, but smiled and said: "Of course... This is the first time I have seen the grand scene of the holy war, and I am also very excited. What is cultivation? Freedom? Freedom? Doing whatever you want?"

"All of them, but not enough."

"I think that what I cultivate is to control the heavens and the earth, and I am the only one in heaven and earth!"

"What I cultivate is to look around the universe and sigh that Bai Xue buried the sword without any rivals. What I cultivate is to bleed and float at the command. What I cultivate is... a word of strength." He stretched out his arms with emotion, feeling the murderous night wind blowing across his body: "Stronger than heaven and earth, stronger than gods and Buddhas, stronger than this world! Only in this way can a man's life be worthwhile. Only then will people remember the name of this real person hundreds and thousands of years later."

"Even if this real person was dead at that time, he will live forever."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath.

In his heart, the desire to become stronger and stronger has become more and more firm with the words of Yue Zhenren.

"Yes... I have been practicing till now. I cannot be summed up by the word revenge. Sometimes I am also confused. What kind of power is pushing me forward step by step. I have never thought of stopping, nor have I ever looked back." He looked at the vast night sky with a star-like gaze, and said with emotion: "I led a million soldiers to the West Lake and immediately reached the first peak of Wushan. Only after practicing to this point can I be considered to have a clear conscience."

The two of them fell silent. After a long time, Yue Zhenren smiled and said: "Yes, it's a pity that when this Zhenren understood this, it was too late. It seems that the battle in Nanzhou has greatly helped you to strengthen your heart of cultivation. It seems that you have returned empty-handed, but it is a blessing in disguise."

At this moment, all the names hummed together.

Under the attention of all the cultivators in New York, everyone's name trembled, and then disappeared from the light column. Turned into white balls of light, all gathered in the night sky. Then... a magnificent will came across time. It descended on the whole of New York!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's body and mind were shaken. Not only him, but even Master Yue beside him was trembling slightly. Countless cultivators below, those at the Earl stage, all knelt on their knees. Those at the Marquis stage, all half-knelt on the ground. Only a few Jindan did not kneel down, and everyone bowed respectfully.

"This is the Pope of the Vatican! Above the Grand Duke... the true ruler of the Prince level!"

Xu Yangyi suppressed the fluctuations in his heart and also half-knelt on the ground.

Not fear, but respect.

Respect for the other party for overcoming difficulties and reaching the top of the global food chain today.

There was no sound, and all the white balls moved at a speed that even Jindan could not catch, as fast as lightning. For a full minute, each white ball wrapped with everyone's name stopped.

"Drawing ceremony." Master Yue's spiritual consciousness transmitted: "Tonight will determine the order of all battles."

In the dark, a beam of golden and white holy light lit up. Then, two small balls jumped out without warning.

Then, with two snaps, the white ball turned into white spiritual light and broke, and two names, one pure white and one green, appeared in the air.

"X. Against, 'Son of the Giant Bear' Esorn. White Deer."

Xu Yangyi was stunned. He didn't expect that the first one would be him.

"Yes, sir." A calm voice came from the top of the Empire State Building. As he spoke, Esorn. White Deer's name turned into a white stream of light and shot into his body.

"Yes, sir." Xu Yangyi immediately stood up and clasped his fists. Similarly, X's name also turned into a stream of light and entered his chest.

At the same time, he clearly felt that five extremely powerful spiritual energies swept over him slightly.

"Five Grand Dukes." He calmly let the five eyes look at him: "New York is indeed worthy of being the world's largest city."

After a long time, the eyes slowly retracted. As if commenting on their strength.

In the Villa of Covenas, the two old men breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other, and nodded.

"The elves are not easy to kill. They did not participate in the past few sessions. This time, they finally couldn't help it. Even if X loses, he will not lose his life." An old man said lightly.

"Yes... the great spiritualist, even in the middle stage of a marquis, is by no means inferior to the level of a grand duke. Covinas finally won him over, and his holy medicine is extremely effective. He must not die in a holy war. This loss is too great. It makes me heartbroken just thinking about it." Next to him, a wolf with pure white hair handed over a cocktail: "Or?"

Pure white, without a trace of color, like silver waves. And, it's a female voice.

The old man took it, took a sip, and then let out a long sigh: "Tell me... if I let that useless brat from the seventh generation come back, would he treat X..."

"You are worrying too much." The voice behind laughed and said: "X can't pass the first level. The elves are not easy to kill, but they are definitely not weak. Have you forgotten that in the legend, the impaling Duke Tepesh of the blood tribe attacked the elves? Was the clan's headquarters, "Natural Dream Woodland," driven out by the four great druids? Even the five Holy Spirit Totems were not dispatched, and ten of the Blood Realm inheritors that the Blood clan was proud of were killed."

"The strongest talents in the Elf Royal Court Guards are called Archdruids. Among the Archdruids, there are five great Holy Spirit totems: giant bear, crow, python, silver wolf, and white deer. Only those who have obtained these Only with the protection of the Holy Spirit can you add the name of the Holy Spirit after your name. Ethorne, with the White Hart Crown, even your son Savidian VII's chance of winning is not more than 50%. In this year, at least. No matter how strong X is, he is only in the middle stage of Marquis."

"Hmph!" At the same time, the Vampires spread out in New York. Zhu Hongxue's hands were tightly grasping the balcony guardrail, and streaks of red aura corroded the guardrail to pieces.

"You bastard... you are not so lucky!" A trace of heartbreaking murderous intent flashed across her expression: "You were the first one! You even met a friendly elf. And you are the top expert in the Royal Court Guards. Even if It seems that everyone is within fifteen! You really... saved a dog's life!"

"So, have you given up? My daughter?" The man's voice sounded leisurely, and he smiled happily: "You know, I value you very much now. If you are unhappy, I will be sad."

Zhu Hongxue suppressed the anger on her face and forced a smile: "It's just that some flies are so lucky that they can't kill them with their own hands."

"Really?" The voice smiled slightly and said ambiguously: "Perhaps, you still have the slightest hope of meeting him."

Zhu Hongxue was stunned for a moment, and then she actually chuckled: "Your Excellency, this joke is not funny at all."

"The Marquis is strong in the middle period. Normally, he is a superior figure. But here, he is just a maggot, and everyone has an extremely strong fly swatter in his hand. He should not think about how to win, but how to win in this game. It’s better not to lose too badly if you’re still hanging on under a fly swatter. It’s also thanks to the elf that you met first, otherwise…”

"So, how did you escape from him?" Before she could finish her sentence, the voice behind her interrupted her with a smile.

Zhu Hongxue was slightly startled, and then she became thoughtful.

Their conversation was nothing in front of the real prince at this moment.

In the sky, white balls jumped, and names appeared one by one. Everyone found their once-in-a-decade opponent.

A series of cold and hot gazes quickly found each other at the scene, colliding like swords, and then left suddenly.

Ten minutes later, the draw was completed, and above St. John's Cathedral, the white aura parchment that recorded everyone's names was fluttering like a battle flag.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but looked at the parchment with a thoughtful look, focusing on a few names.

Tamamo Mae VS "King of the Dead" Paris Jones.

Savidian VII VS "Twisted Dorothy" Dorothy Videl.

Bloody Moon VS "Faceless Man" Romo Anders. with all qualifying. These names formed the largest tree diagram. Forty-eight names were clearly visible, divided into left and right competition areas. In the end, one of the twenty-four left and right competition areas was selected to enter the finals.

He is in the left division, and...if he wins, Savidian VII also wins, and he will meet him in the top sixteen!

Zhu Hongxue and Bloody Moon are in the right division. Only one of the two can appear in the finals.

In the sky, the Pope's consciousness suddenly faded, and then an old voice sounded: "In three days, the Holy War will be held at the New York Arena. Please come on time."

"You live and die at your own risk. The Vatican is not responsible for anything."

Xu Yangyi and Yue Zhenren looked at each other calmly, and they could see the determination in each other's eyes.

"Holy Whip, Lawrence Enzos." Master Yue said in a deep voice: "After entering the Third Armor, you must let the Forbidden Spirit Pill break through the restrictions of the holy weapon under his nose. I will arrive in an instant, as long as you block it Three seconds. I will also give you a defensive magic weapon. I have planned this for ten years, so you don’t have to worry."

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

Everything sounds perfect. But...if he enters the top three, he will have to rob the Vatican, the sacred artifact of this Catholic holy land, in full view of a middle-stage golden elixir, two legendary demon hunters, and the Vatican Crusaders. Just thinking about it makes people's scalp numb.

"What if the Vatican pursues China?"

Master Yue sneered: "The ancestral court of Taoism. Can the Vatican turn up nonsense?"

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