
Main text Chapter 504: New York Monk Arena

Three days passed in a flash.

During these three days, Master Yue personally adjusted Xu Yangyi's body and explained some of the confusions in cultivation. After cultivating to the late stage of the Marquis, Xu Yangyi himself also had his own unique insights. Under the two phases of verification, Master Yue's high-level insights, plus his analogy. He actually felt that the late stage of the Marquis, which he had just promoted, was more stable.

Three days later, at twelve o'clock. Xu Yangyi had adjusted his mood to the calmest level. The spiritual energy in his body was unobstructed. As the clock struck twelve, a soft platinum holy light suddenly flashed under his feet. Then, his figure disappeared in the magic circle constructed by the talisman under his feet.

In front of his eyes, he was slightly dizzy. The next second, a hot wave of air washed over his skin, and in his ears, there were pieces of deafening cheers, and the discussions that were as quiet as possible but still very noisy, seemed to ignite the air here.

He opened his eyes and what came into view was a huge ancient European and American style arena. It was the size of a football field, with a total of fifteen circular stairs.

There were exquisitely carved sculptures, each 20 meters tall, all of which were armored knights. They held a torch in their left hand and a shield in their right hand. On the shield, there was a cross surrounded by an eagle. In their left hand torches, a huge flame of 30 to 40 meters shone through the sky, eclipsing the stars in the sky.

The red flames pulled out the mottled years and reflected the huge arena of 600 square meters in the center. The floor with swaying shadows could not see the color, but one could see broken spider web patterns and dark blood spots. Reflected in the dozens of huge torch statues around, it was sacred and solemn.

The place where he appeared was the main stage of the Covenus family.

"Swish..." At the moment he was teleported, the giant statue behind this area, the torch in his hand "boomed" and ignited a hundred meters! Countless unclear talismans floated in it. The giant stone statue with a face actually raised its head with a "kaka" sound. With a slight sound of falling sand and stones, two red lights shot out from its eyes, covering Xu Yangyi.

At the scene, the originally fierce discussion and the flames of excitement suddenly quieted down. But the next second, a deafening noise broke out!

"Your Excellency the Great Spiritualist!" "The first battle of this session! Your Excellency the Great Spiritualist X is here!" "My God... This is the first time I have seen a great spiritualist!" "Your Excellency the Great Spiritualist is on stage in person! It has never happened in decades!"

These are the screams of the earl monks who were brought out by the family to see the world. At this moment, anyone on the list is a top European and American powerhouse. Perhaps they are very weak in this holy war, but if any one of them is released, they will be the characters that the European and American cultivation world will raise their eyebrows.

Even the Great Spiritualist X, who has the lowest realm on the surface, is the same.

Not to mention that he is a mid-term marquis, even the identity of a great spiritualist and the Holy White Cross standing behind him are enough to make anyone respect him.

Compared to the earl's excitement and excitement when he saw the high-level monks, the monks of the marquis period were much calmer. Countless eyes lingered on this great spiritualist who had recently become famous in Europe and the United States. Xu Yangyi smiled and looked up. Except for the Taguler family, almost everyone smiled and nodded to him.

"That's Mr. X." Among a group of dwarves, a dwarf with a small braid on his head and a golden ring on his braid, his beard was as long as his, and it was as golden as the wheat field on the ground: "Are our people in the same group with him?"

"Hahaha, it's true. But so what?" A dwarf with two beard braids beside him laughed: "Even if the strength of the son of the giant bear may be around twelfth or thirteenth. He has no chance of qualifying. Look... He is even weaker, fragile and easy to break than our smallest blacksmith. Like a dried corn stalk... This Mr. X is also dazzled by his strength. His strength comes from his smart brain and profound knowledge , not...”

He glanced at Xu Yangyi with contempt: "His weak body. And the strength that exists in fantasy."

"Confidence swelled, and he had no idea what he was facing. Within an hour, Esorn will win - of course, this is to consider the face of the Holy White Cross. "The braided dwarf bumped his elbow and said, "It is precisely because of the existence of the Great Spiritualist and the Holy White Cross that Mr. X's identity is a big problem, but fortunately, this problem does not belong to us. Look at those elves who claim to be noble, their faces are as ugly as eating dog shit, hahahaha!"

Not only him, everyone is paying attention to the actions of the elves. Just after X appeared, the entire elves, even the handsome man sitting on the front row of the Grand Duke's seat, who was as handsome as the sun god, couldn't help but frowned.

And behind him, almost all the elves gathered together, whispering about something, and the argument seemed very intense.

"Esorn must not lose. At the same time, we must not hurt the Great Spiritualist! The guys from the Holy White Cross are very vindictive." A woman wearing an extremely beautifully carved headband on her head, with no pupils in her eyes, only faintly shining whites, like two bright moons, said in a deep voice: "Don't forget, Mr. X himself is a top expert in herbal pharmacology. I don't think I need to elaborate on how much help a great spiritualist who can call on the Holy Shadow can bring to the elves who are close to nature."

"Athoun will lose? Are you kidding? This joke is really bad!" An Archdruid with green leaves on his shoulders and a white wolf headdress frowned: "I don't think this is a fair battle. Just like knowing that the little white rabbit and the big bad wolf stand together, even if the little white rabbit jumps bravely, it will never be the opponent of the big bad wolf. The difficulty lies in the safety and victory of Mr. X. This is a game. Farce! Real farce.”

"He's just a weak old spiritualist. Oh, my God, I can't believe that Ethorne's bestiality would tear him to pieces when faced with such a delicate body - this is the most precious thing in the world. Fragments!”

"Ethorne and Mr.

At the same time, a late marquis from the Covinus family, whom Xu Yangyi had never seen before, smiled and stretched out his hand, shaking it firmly with his: "Mr.

"Mr. The Moon God will guide you to victory! Don’t worry, the Son of the Bear is ranked eleventh in our survey.”

With a faint smile on his face, Xu Yangyi shook hands with everyone.

The warmth in my hands is still there, but the smile on my face never reaches my heart.

This is silent contempt.

Not just Covinus, but the whole place.

No one expected him.

The reason why it is sincere is because there is no suspense in the battle and the outcome is already known. There is no conflict of interest. If he had not been a great spiritual master, he would not even have this hypocritical, charity-like comfort.

Maybe... there will be applause and encouragement after his defeat? To prevent him from being completely unable to step down?

Is this the biggest irony?

Man... he really does have two faces. Even human-like creatures are the same.

At this moment, suddenly, the entire hourglass burst into a white-gold light. All the golden sand particles flew out, and instantly, a golden light curtain spread across the entire arena.

All the chatter and voices watching the show stopped in an instant. Instead, there was a cautious look full of murderous intent.

"The fourth holy war begins now." An old voice came from the first row.

Among the five phantoms, one is not, but a real person.

It was an old man, his face was full of wrinkles and even age spots, but when he spoke, you could hear pindrops happening around him.

This is respect for the Grand Duke.

Lawrence, the Holy Whip, is based in New York and is the person in charge of guarding the sacred artifacts. His status is even higher than that of the Paladin Jeanne!

"I reiterate once again that once you enter the arena, you are responsible for your life and death." He paused and turned slightly to the side: "Mr. X, are you sure?"

Everyone looked over, and Xu Yangyi stood up and solemnly clasped his fists: "I'm sure."

"Plop..." A young marquis sitting on the dragon's seat couldn't help but laugh. The voice was so soft that no one noticed.

Lawrence's eyes glanced calmly. He nodded and sat down.

Ethan was not asked at all.

This was a one-sided battle in itself, but he very much hoped that Mr. X could temporarily change his unwise choice.

He didn't seem to know what it meant for the Archdruid to have the Holy Spirit after his name. As long as the change is made now, he believes that under his auspices, no one in the audience will object to a great spiritualist withdrawing from the competition, even if there has never been such a precedent before.

The words "Great Spiritualist" are enough to set a precedent.

"The rules of the Holy War are that there are no rules. No one is allowed to interfere with surrender or not, unless the opponent nods. Otherwise, I will not lift the restrictions. Any items or magic weapons belonging to the monks can be used. Now... please two of you. Admission.”

Xu Yangyi dodged and appeared in the field like smoke. Immediately, a burst of tacit applause sounded.


Xu Yangyi turned a deaf ear, with a subtle smile on his lips.

Is it ridiculous?

In a moment, we will let you know who is ridiculous.

There is no reason in the world, only when you can't beat with fists can you make sense.

At this moment, on the other side of the arena, countless green leaves were surrounding, and green auras were swirling in the arena, and then another figure appeared.

This is a handsome man with long white hair and nearly two meters tall. Two elk have long antlers sprouting from their heads, and their clothes are not suits. It is a product woven together from leaves and cloth. And the other party was also looking at him.

This time, there was no applause. But there is a silent respect that is more fervent than hypocritical applause.

In comparison, the laughter just now seemed like it was given to a clown.

"Then, the betting begins."

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