
Main text Chapter 505: One to Eighty-Five

Following this voice, two motionless figures appeared in the entire sky with Lawrence's wave. All are zero.


Xu Yangyi was a little stunned. He had never heard of such a link. But it looks more like it has been done multiple times.

"Mr. . And the betting part is how the Vatican New York branch recovers the initial capital."

Xu Yangyi nodded, looked at the still lake-like figures in the sky, and smiled: "Then why no one moved this time?"

The young man's lips moved, but he lowered his head and said nothing.

Xu Yangyi thought for a while, and then he started laughing.

Yes... who wouldn't be afraid of offending the great spiritualist by placing a bet in front of him? Is this possible?

Lawrence obviously thought of this and coughed slightly. Suddenly, the light curtain around them solidified, and they could no longer see outside.

The moment the light curtain solidified, the whole place that had been calm suddenly seemed to be boiling.

Just like a pot of water going from ice to boiling point in an instant.

"Three thousand middle-grade spiritual stones." A man from the Tagule family immediately shouted with a trace of rosiness on his face: "Mr. Eshorn wins."

"Ten thousand middle-grade spiritual stones. Aesorn." "Five thousand middle-grade spiritual stones, Aesorn." "Four thousand middle-grade spiritual stones, Aesorn."

It was as if he was afraid that the restriction on the sky would be released in the next second. The sounds of betting came and went, and before the light curtain closed, they were completely two extremes.

In less than thirty seconds, on both sides of the sky, one side was zero, and the other side had skyrocketed to more than four million mid-grade spiritual stones!

"Twenty thousand middle-grade spiritual stones. Ethorne." A man from the Covinas family smiled at the pale dragon wearing a black mask beside him and said, "A trick?"

The pale dragon did not speak. After a few seconds, he raised his hand: "Five thousand middle-grade spiritual stones, X."


"At least save some face for Mr. X." The Pale Dragon sighed: "After all, I was the one who invited him here."

"There are eight major families at the scene, and there are five or six small families. There are about ten marquises in each family, and now it is four million. It is equivalent to an average of three to four thousand middle-grade spiritual stones for a marquis to buy him. Anyway, we You can’t look too ugly, I don’t lack this spiritual stone.”

The Marquis monks were one-sided, and all the earl-level monks were also inspired.

"Three hundred middle-grade spiritual stones! Ethorne! This is all my belongings!" "Five hundred! Ethorne! I'm willing to risk it!" "Two hundred!" "Eight hundred!"

Along with the numbers, Ethan's voice echoed throughout the hall.

Three minutes later, the light curtain became transparent again. When Xu Yangyi looked up, he laughed.

Gambling capital, one side, six thousand. The other side... 5.12 million!

Odds of 1 to 85!

Completely one-sided!

This is the person who just congratulated himself on his victory!

This is the person who just gave me applause!

But now, when the light curtain became transparent again, everyone in the audience looked slightly embarrassed, especially the people of the Covinas family. No one expected that the odds were so high!

"You all really think highly of me." He smiled leisurely: "It's nothing better than hiding your ears and stealing your bell."

"I am here to force you to win." At this moment, a voice came. Xu Yangyi looked up and saw that it was Zhu Hongxue.

The eyes of the two people collided in the air like knives, and then moved away lightly.

"Okay." Lawrence's face was slightly unnatural. Yes, it was a chance to make money for nothing. The result was very obvious. Why should he suppress Xu Yangyi? However, he never expected that even Xu Yangyi's Covinus family would not suppress him. He didn't leave any face at all.

"I declare that the fourth holy war, the first battle, begins now...!!"

"Boom!" As soon as he finished speaking, Aesorn, who was opposite Xu Yangyi, burst out with endless green aura!

Like a tidal wave, it swept across the entire hall.

In the spiritual energy, everything seems to be growing, and there seems to be a group of beasts roaring. It was as if what he was facing was not a person, but a great piece of nature, a magnificent biosphere.


Xu Yangyi almost laughed and said calmly: "Your name is Aisoun?"


"Don't worry, I'll be gentler too."

Athoun was stunned for a moment, and then a burst of unhappiness suddenly surged in his heart.

A great spiritualist, what we respect is your brain and your craftsmanship, not your fighting ability!

"I don't know how high the sky is." He snorted coldly in his heart: "Then... I'll let you know what a real warrior is like!"

His body lay down, crawling on the spot like a wild beast. Then, in less than two seconds, infinite green aura surrounded him. His figure grew sharply, and his hairs spread wildly. In a moment, a hair that was ten meters long appeared. The two-headed lion appeared in front of Xu Yangyi.

One of its mouths is burning with fire, and the other mouth is filled with ice. It is an extraordinary horse, and the three-story monster overlooks everything in front of it.

"Artemis's Garden of Ten Thousand Beasts." Xu Yangyi's figure was reflected in the four golden pupils, and Athonn lowered his body - this was the harbinger of the beast's attack, but he still hesitated: "X Sir, are you ready?"

"This move will instantly cause the surrounding spiritual energy to become polarized. In the middle stage of the Marquis... he will turn into ashes if he is not careful."

"Pfft..." A young man from a half-dragon family finally couldn't help but laugh: "Before the battle, I explained the power of the moves to the other party! Are you afraid of crushing the rag doll too hard? It's so ridiculous !”

Xu Yangyi smiled, and the next second, his figure was no longer where it was.

"Huh?!" At this movement, more than a dozen people in the field let out a soft sigh almost simultaneously. A few of them almost stood up!

Fast... so fast!

Xu Yangyi's body had undergone thousands of miles of transformation, and there was not even an afterimage left in the air! What's the color.

It's the color of his figure! No shadow at all!

That's not what shocked them. What shocked them was... the five white lights coming out of the five fingertips in Xu Yangyi's hand made these virtual princes who saw clearly feel a hint of threat!

"Brush!" Without any reaction time, Ethorne, who was the first to bear the brunt, saw five snow-white rays of light, more than twenty meters long! It seemed as if it was cutting open the entire sky and grabbing at him crazily!

This is definitely not the murderous look that flowers in a greenhouse should have!

At this moment, he knew that he had made a huge mistake!

This great spiritualist... is by no means a great spiritualist in the ordinary sense! His physical skills and magical powers are astonishingly strong!

"This kind of murderous intent... this kind of murderous intent!!" The huge lion, with the hair on its neck standing upright, then looked up to the sky and howled wildly, with extremely cautious eyes: "This is a true master who has been on the battlefield for a long time!"

"You only know now?" Xu Yangyi laughed with a fighting spirit that was finally released: "It's too late!"

"Split the sky!!"

"Boom, boom, boom!" Countless white claw marks exploded, forming a bright silver ball with a radius of twenty to thirty meters, completely covering the giant lion!

"Kakkakkak!" All the surrounding ground suddenly collapsed with the claw marks shining!

"Sha..." A marquis stood up. An expert would know if there was anything there when he stretched out his hand. He also saw that this great spiritualist was definitely not a showman! But there are real materials!

The speed of the body and the trajectory of the moves are all telling everyone that the little white rabbit in your eyes is a giant dragon under the skin!

"Buzz!" At the same time, a vine grew rapidly under the white light, carrying green aura, growing higher and higher, even reaching forty or fifty meters. Then there was a soft "pop, pop, pop" sound, and countless colorful flowers bloomed together.

"This is... the garden of Artemis..." A half-dragon marquis became completely solemn and took a breath: "The elves' third strongest defensive move... Athoun... actually... Was he forced to do this?"

"It's not over yet..." Xu Yangyi has never been a forbearing person. Taking revenge when he has a grudge is his principle. It is impossible for him to vent his anger on everyone, let alone roar in front of everyone before the game: I am strong.

This is so disrespectful. Not worthy of his status. He is not a shrew.

But...Ethorne in front of him was the best place for him to vent his anger.

His left hand was raised at the same time.

"Roar!!!" A tiger roar resounded throughout the audience, roaring to the sky, shaking all the earl and monks. Many people even broke out in a cold sweat.

Immediately afterwards, the joints of Xu Yangyi's arms cracked, muscles exploded, and even his suit burst into pieces. Two white lights that were far more powerful than before were directed towards Ethorne.

"Not good!!" Aisoun's golden pupils suddenly became sharp. He was the first to bear the brunt and fully felt the killing intent of this move!

The other party is really going all out! And he had no intention of leaving him a chance of winning!

So strong!

The faces of all the marquis in the audience were completely solemn at this moment. The golden shield can completely release the spiritual power and spiritual pressure inside, but it will not release the power. Each of them felt the power contained in these two moves!

"This is... top-notch physical skills!" A half-woman, half-bird with a golden body from the Siren family stood up and looked at the field in astonishment: "This is not scary enough... but... it has been fought for more than ten years now. Seconds, he...can hold on?"

Charlie, who had been laughing so hard before that he couldn't stand up, was shocked. The laughter he covered his mouth felt like he was being strangled in his throat. He raised his head in disbelief and looked at the battle on the field: "No...he is just a human being." The Great Spiritualist..."

What does top physical skills mean?

Everyone in the room, even the earl, knew it.

That represents a top-notch body that matches physical skills!

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to support physical skills for such a long time! I'm afraid the blood vessels will burst and the muscles will be torn apart in a second or two!

Among the elves, Saxin did not stand up, but just looked at the field in shock. He couldn't believe that Xu Yangyi, who he thought was a delicate flower just now, was so violent in his attacks!

Just press down Ethorne and beat him!

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