
Main text Chapter 506: First battle (I)

"Boom!!!" There was a muffled sound, which was the sound of Rikong hitting the huge vine wall.

Immediately afterwards... in front of everyone, this defensive move, known as the third strongest among the elves, actually... visibly dented several meters inward!

Athoun's eyes widened suddenly behind the vine wall. He never expected that X could break this move to such an extent!

"Is this really a great spiritualist?" He looked at the wall of vines in front of him that was getting more and more curved and torn to the extreme. He listened to the knocking on the door outside like a god, and shook his head in disbelief. He shook his head: "I must have seen it wrong... How could a great spiritualist have such a powerful body!"

"Huh?" Xu Yangyi frowned.

It didn't break?

The next moment, another crack in the sky came!

"Crash!" There was an earth-shaking muffled sound, and the vine wall suddenly shattered ten seconds later!

Countless vines were blown away, flying into the air and becoming dots of light, flying past Ethorn's shocked eyes. He was still looking at the green auras flying everywhere in disbelief. At the same time, a sharp whistling suddenly sounded in front of him.

It was the sound of endless white claw marks clawing at him.

"I can't imagine..." He took a deep breath and crouched down to the ground like lightning. Then, a black figure, more than three meters long, appeared on the fingertips with white claw marks, like a butterfly piercing a flower, and it was extremely light. Jumped out. It was so fast that its sharp claws pulled out sparks on the ground!

That's a black panther.

After landing, vines quickly filled a ten-meter radius around his body. However, he was shocked to find...

The other party did not pursue.

The dark and satin figure slowly turned around and looked at Xu Yangyi with extremely solemn eyes. After a long time, he uttered the words: "Why?"

Why not pursue?

Xu Yangyi smiled, rubbed his knuckles, and said, "I said so."

"I'll show mercy."


The whole place was as silent as death.

Even people with no eyes can see that X is very strong, very strong! Definitely not the weak great spiritualist they imagined! He is not a monk who only knows how to master knowledge but does not know how to kill enemies!

This... is a practitioner who, like them, walked out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood!

"Did you...see it?" The three marquis of the Siren family couldn't help but stood up and looked at the scene with astonishment. A half-naked harpy woman's eyes were extremely complex, and her hands were tightly grasping the armrest: "Yes No...I saw it wrong?"

"Of course..." the woman next to her responded as if she was living in a dream: "I... thought I was wrong..."

The entire Covinus family was stunned.

Everyone, including the Pale Dragon, looked at the field in disbelief. A marquis opened his mouth slightly, his lips were slightly trembling, and a layer of embarrassing bodily fluids secreted from his palms.

I... seemed to have shaken hands with the other party just now... and said I believed the other party?

However, everyone knows that it is impossible for a great spiritualist to go to the battlefield in person! All you need is one word! How many people are willing to sacrifice their lives for you? ! Why are you still practicing so well? Are you going to heaven?

Everyone knew the handshake just now and the false encouragement. However, reality gave them a hard slap!

Bless me?

encourage me?

Yes, congratulations on seeing the essence through phenomena. I really have the ability to win this game!

"Is this really one of those great spiritualists in the ivory tower?" Finally, a newly promoted marquis spoke in a daze. Only then did everyone in the Covinas family think like wild horses with prolapsed anus.

Immediately, an old man in the first row of the Covinas family coughed lightly and clapped softly.


The voice was monotonous, revealing the indescribable embarrassment held in his chest. But it brought everyone back to their senses.

Immediately afterwards, the second sound, the fifth, the tenth... the one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand applauses sounded! Everyone applauded in unison.

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable!" A marquis from the Tirasong family clapped mechanically: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that the Great Spiritualist has such a strong fighting power!"

The dwarf family, the dwarf Marquis with one braid and two pigtails, his mouth wide open, his eyes round, like a puppet on strings, stared at the field, unable to say a word. Both hands were possessed, and they clapped desperately along with the tsunami of applause from the audience.

What's wrong with this world?

Should I wear a pair of glasses? oh! Damn it, practitioners are not myopic!

"Unbelievable, is this really a great spiritualist?" A hoarse voice in the cloak of the Black Witch family said: "No wonder... no wonder he has the confidence to come to the Holy War. He really wants to kill with his own strength. Top three!”

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today and someone told me that the Great Spiritualist would join the Holy War, I would have slapped him out." "With strong strength and rich knowledge, this worthy of being the opening battle. "The outcome of this battle is unpredictable."

The count and monk also applauded vigorously. Many people's faces turned red. What they thought was an anticlimactic opening battle turned out to be a close match! The Great Spiritualist and the Palace Guards, the top experts with the name of the Holy Spirit, are actually on par! This answer is crazy!

After a long time, the applause stopped. This time, it’s not about giving him a hand or giving him a step up, but from the bottom of his heart, treating him as an equally strong person as a member of the competition!

In the field, Essorn looked directly at Xu Yangyi, his eyes changed from regret to caution, and finally, he regarded him as a great enemy.

"I was wrong. I sincerely apologize to you." Black Panther looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "I should not have mercy on an equally strong man. This is an insult to the top strong man."


He half-crouched down, his hair stood up, his eyes changed from gold to green, and a green rune slowly lit up on his forehead: "Mr. X, I Essorn. White Deer, will use all my strength to defeat you!"

"Boom!!!!" As soon as the voice fell, a tsunami-like green aura rushed out! And these auras spun around him into a huge green vortex, the humming white deer, the soaring eagle, the roaring giant bear, the elegant python... accompanied by the small flowers that suddenly emerged under Essorn's feet, all spun together.

At the same time, around Xu Yangyi's body, a violent aura that was not inferior in any way, or even more violent, roared out! Behind him, there seemed to be some huge plant, stretching its branches and leaves. The inexplicable sense of heaviness and oppression made it difficult for many earls to breathe. However, no one lay down, and they all looked at the two people in the field with extreme excitement.

It was possible to make the earls at the scene breathless just by using spiritual pressure! This battle is definitely a collision between Mars and the Earth!

Probably the strongest great spiritualist in history, VS, natural forest, palace guards, successor of the Holy Spirit!

At the scene, you can hear a pin drop.

Countless eyes were opened to the maximum, and no one wanted to miss a wonderful moment of analyzing the opponent.

"Wild growth." As Esorn spoke solemnly, his body melted like ink, and at the same time, pieces of black fog that could not see one's hand in front of one's face began to spread strangely on the field.

"Look carefully, this is the strength of the Elf King's Guard." A marquis mentor of the dwarf clan said to the earl behind him in a deep voice: "They are hunters of nature. The scary thing is that they can not only come and go freely in the forest, but also turn all environments into places suitable for them to hunt. For example, now..."

"The ranking of the elves has always been close to the top ten. If they draw a good lot, they will indeed be in the top three. They can change into any animal at the same time, and with the concealment of the environment, they are natural assassins. I think that in some environments, even the blood clan's lawbreaker assassins are not their opponents." The people of the Covenus family also explained to the earl who they brought out to gain experience: "Don't underestimate the top ten... Everyone here, in any place in Europe and America, is enough to make people kneel down! The top fifteen... That is already the top group of people in Europe and America."

Xu Yangyi's expression became solemn.

All around, the black fog became thicker and higher, really like ink covering more than 500 meters, and at the same time, it was rising rapidly, pulling this place completely into the dark realm.

At the moment when the black fog completely permeated the entire golden shield, eight green eyes lit up instantly, dimly illuminating the surroundings, dyed with a miserable green color. Then they disappeared immediately. Almost at the same time, a sharp aura suddenly attacked Xu Yangyi's throat!

"So fast!" Xu Yangyi retreated suddenly, and the white lightning brushed his throat. But at the moment he dodged away, the eight green eyes lit up again in the darkness.

Nothing could be seen, only one after another, the low roar of the beast, even the sound of saliva dripping on the ground, and... the kind of oppressive feeling that made people's hair stand on end.

He did not move.

Suddenly, in the darkness, the sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded! This time, there was no respite, and even the darkness seemed to ripple.

"Swish!" The still space obviously shook out a soul-stirring semicircle, and the air was broken. It was as if the night raised the robe of the god of death and waved the sickle of extinction.

"Faster..." A little fire of faith in Xu Yangyi's chest exploded, and the spiritual energy that was four times stronger than that of the monks of the same period instantly permeated his body. This time, the blade did not move forward, but the wind of the knife had already made his hair and clothes rustle!

But, I can't see it!

I only know that something is coming, but I can't see where it is!

"Closer, closer!" He looked at the front with great solemnity, as if he could smell the stench in the black robe of the god of death. Just 0.1 seconds later, there was a quietness in front of him. However, the nerve called "crisis" was tighter than the most fully drawn bow! In a split second, he squatted down like an antelope hanging on a horn.

The huge invisible wind blade almost scraped past his scalp.

There was a loud "bang" behind him! The jumping gravel even hit his clothes, but at the same time, a sharp spiritual energy broke through the air from the left and back of his body!

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