
Main text Chapter 507: First Battle (Part 2)

It was a pure black arrow.

Aura Arrow.

Sharp, silent, harvesting life. It's more than one meter long. Directly shot Xu Yangyi's chest and abdomen.

Between the lightning and flint, Xu Yangyi's figure flashed, and he flashed again, and the place where he was suddenly exploded in the next second!

However, this was only the beginning, because in the next second, he clearly felt that countless spiritual energy was solidifying from all directions, and the bowstring was full of Buddha. Then hundreds of spiritual energy arrows were moving crazily towards He cums!

Dense as stars! As fast as a shower!

"Fuck!" He cursed secretly, using his physical skills to the extreme. His body was like a nimble eagle, flying quickly among the arrows. There were muffled sounds of "fighting" on the ground, and the splashing stones even hit him.

"No, he should know that such an attack is useless against me." The moment he stepped on the ground, his mind was racing: "The attack just now was a comprehensive range attack. There is only one place where he can Play this kind of undifferentiated AOE.”

His eyes suddenly flashed: "I know."

"Hey!" The fish intestine sword suddenly took action, and ten purple fire dragon marks were immediately displayed on it.

"The commanding heights." Purple flames boiled on the sword. When the sword was swung out, the fire dragon boiled: "You are in the sky!"

"Ten Directions Purgatory!!"

"Boom!!!" Purple flames roared out in the darkness, but as soon as they rushed out, they collided with something unknown in the darkness. Ten fire dragons seemed to be imprisoned on the ground, roaring and tumbling around Xu Yangyi. Three seconds later, the purple flame exploded instantly! The fierce wind swept away the endless black mist in an instant, but it solidified again in less than a second.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi completely saw what was in the darkness.

In front of him, he didn't know when it was covered with invisible black threads. Under the flames, the cold light of death is reflected. There were endless sights in all directions, trapping him in this place.

Targeted strike!

In just a few minutes, Ethan drew a target of death here!

"Three minutes." He walked to the spider silk in deep thought, flicked it with his hand, and the spider silk buzzed like strings: "The time it takes for the entire layout to be completed. The black mist cut off the aura, and the eight eyes suddenly shined. Extinguish. This is not a mistake, but the absolute darkness brought by the physiological reaction creates the environment for your real killer.”

"If someone pays attention to the eight eyes, I think it is just a bait. However, the real killing blow comes from the headspace. The troops are divided into two groups to lure the enemy deeper. As expected of the elves, they do not teach secret techniques, and every step is carefully The calculation can force the opponent into a blind spot on the battlefield in a few minutes. I think..."

He moved his feet calmly. The moment he landed, he felt as if his feet were stuck to the ground and his movement was restricted.

"These should be spider silk. This is your third line of insurance. Now in your eyes, am I nailed to my limbs? A lamb to be slaughtered?"

There was silence in the darkness, and Ethorne was silent for a moment: "Mr. X, I don't want you to get hurt. You still have a chance to withdraw now."

After saying this, his voice became cautious: "These spider silks are sharper than the blade. You should understand your current situation. As long as I take action, you can't escape at all, you can't leave the place, let alone know that I am in the air. where."

"I think you misunderstood." Before he could finish speaking, Xu Yangyi interrupted him rudely again and sneered: "I mean, you don't have time to use it."

His figure rushed out like a rocket, and this time, the target was the endless spider silk in the darkness.

"He doesn't want to live anymore?" In the sky, a pair of golden pupils suddenly opened, and he looked at Xu Yangyi in shock as he jumped three meters high: "If you break through the siege net, you will only end up being torn into pieces! No one can break through the wild growth. Surround the net! Attack at full speed? Does he want to be cut into pieces?"

After being stunned for two seconds, he suddenly reacted. An unspeakable anger rose from his chest, and his furious roar made the space tremble: "You dare to threaten me?!"

"Are you betting on whether I dare to kill the great spiritualist?" He gritted his teeth and watched the figure draw a graceful arc in the air: "You are insulting this battle!! If you go to the arena, you will die. Wake up! Mr.

"Okay...since you want to die...I will make it happen for you!!"

"Buzz..." The eight legs of the spider in the darkness moved together, and all the threads were stretched to the extreme. Just waiting for the moth to fall into the trap.

He didn't see that a sneer appeared on Xu Yangyi's face.


He would never have such dirty thoughts!

Just now, that seemingly inadvertent flick had been clearly detected by the great spiritualist's spiritual sense, which was several times more refined than that of ordinary monks. These spider threads cannot cut through the body built by thousands of miles of travel!

It will hurt him, but it will never cut him into pieces like tofu!

"Collapse!" With a crisp sound, Ethorne's narrowed eyes saw the first spider thread bending into an arch. The hand under the spider thread was dripping with blood instantly. However, in less than a second, he was not at all what he expected. It looks like the bones are broken and the tendons are broken! After a soft sound, the spider thread broke!

Blood gushed out from a wound several centimeters long. Xu Yangyi didn't pause at all and rushed towards the countless spider silk prisons above.

In his rage, Ethorne was stunned as if a basin of ice water was poured on his head.

He looked in disbelief at the spider silk that was as tight as a bow string a second ago, but now it was falling like cut hair. However, he had no time to think about it. Immediately afterwards, there were muffled sounds one after another, and the spider threads almost broke in response!

"Bah!" Xu Yangyi's body was covered with bloody cuts, turning him into a bloody man. It seems scary, but actually it's not serious at all.

"This is... top-notch physical skills!" Ethorn gritted his teeth. He finally understood that the other party was not threatening him at all, but that the other party had the strength to break through from the beginning!

"Langus Spider's Bow!!" He immediately reacted. As he shouted, all the spider silk in the sky gathered on his claws, forming a black, five-meter-long giant bow, and a The dark spiritual arrow has appeared on the bowstring.

"Crack, click, click..." The bow was drawn to the full moon, but it did not fire. He put away all his contempt and knew better that he still had one last advantage, which was that Xu Yangyi couldn't see him at all, let alone know that this life-threatening bow and arrow had been aimed at him.

"Swish, swish, swish!" After Xu Yangyi's figure broke through the last spider silk prison, it spread its wings like a roc, raising black ripples in the air.


So, let’s see what the ultimate insect looks like!

"Eat dreams."

Following his soft voice, Shi Meng, who was boredly pushing his spiritual energy into balls in his dantian, suddenly started shouting excitedly.

"Boom!!" The black mist was like a cocoon, wrapping Xu Yangyi over and over. Half a second later, a sound of spreading wings sounded in the endless darkness, and then, four blood-red eyes lit up at the same time!

White eyeballs, golden pupils, bloodshot. Like the eyes of the devil!

"Si..." Ethorn gasped. He clearly saw four huge wings appearing on Xu Yangyi's back, each with an eye the size of one meter!

And almost as soon as he appeared, four eyes were focused on him!

How can this be! !

Athoun almost wanted to look up to the sky and roar, this is a secret technique not taught by the elves! Unless it is recognized by the Holy Spirit, you will never see clearly what is inside! However……

What the hell is this? ! Where did the monsters come from! Break the cobweb prison first, and then see through things that only the Holy Spirit can see through? !

"Kill!!!" The moment the last advantage was lost, he roared. The moment the bow and arrow were about to shoot out in the darkness, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mind.

"Ah!!" The bow and arrow in his hand had no spiritual energy supply, and instantly turned into thousands of strands and collapsed. He held his head and shouted. It was as if someone had inserted a hand into my mind, stirring it wildly.

Aland Cauldron's Self-Heart Technique, Forced Interruption!

However, at the same time, not far in front of him, an extremely violent spiritual power struck!

The distance of five hundred meters can be reached in an instant for the Marquis monk!

Xu Yangyi also saw clearly that the person holding his head and sobbing in front of him was not a human at all, but a black and red crow!

Suppressing the blood boiling in his heart, he considered the combination of Lin Zi Jue and close combat, infinite weakening and infinite fear. This time, he did not intend to use it. This is one of his trump cards.

"Split the sky!!"

White marks instantly filled the air. However, in this unforgettable moment, Ethorne raised his head and screamed. The crow's body turned in the air, and a white bear more than 20 meters high appeared instantly.

"Roar!!!" Above the white bear's head, the moon pattern shone gently, and the spiritual energy violently caused the surrounding black mist to explode dozens of meters away!

"Boom!!" Looking from the outside, we could only see that the huge light shield was shaking. Several marquises from the elves suddenly stood up uneasily.

"The wild growth barrier is trembling?" A female elf looked at the light shield in astonishment: "The battle inside...has reached such a fierce level?"

"A great spiritualist..." Another handsome elf held the armrest tightly and looked down in disbelief: "Can he actually fight on a par with Ethorne?"

"Crash..." From above, the black mist looked like a rolling sea, and a loud bang that shook the entire auditorium resounded through it. Everyone is a little weird. This first battle, which was originally hopeless, turned out to be so intense!

"Roar!!" When the bear's paws clap, they are filled with fierce flames. However, the hands that came forward also brought up the blue aura that filled the sky!

"Boom!!" The bear's paw and the human hand collided, and the huge wind pressure caused black mist to swarm up all around. It seemed that the bear's paw was several times bigger, but instead, Ethorne was punched and knocked back three steps!

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