
Main text Chapter 508: The Call of the Holy Spirit

"This is impossible!!" He roared angrily, and the bear's paws danced around him into a blue light circle of more than 20 meters, while the opponent's fists became stronger with each punch, bombarding him like an overwhelming force.

"Dong dong dong!" You can't see clearly the speed at which the fists of the two sides met. You can only hear a muffled sound like a drum. Dozens and hundreds of blue aura circles exploded in the air. If it weren't for Lawrence's light, The hood is dead here. Now, there can't be any living things around them for 200 meters!

Athoun became more and more frightened as he fought. This was the support of the spirit of the beast. In this state, although he has only practiced ordinary physical skills, he can handle high-level physical skills practitioners! However, now, he has retreated again and again, and now there is no way to retreat!

Xu Yangyi, on the other hand, became more and more excited as he fought. He discovered that with the blessing of Dream Eater, the opponent's punch speed, direction, and intention were completely clear to him! Although Dream Eater was only at the second level, he was far from having the skills to kill enemies in person. But this point fits perfectly with his physical skills.

In this fit situation, he even felt like a fish in water. Enjoying this fight.

"Roar!!" Suddenly, with a loud noise, Ethorne suddenly stepped back more than ten meters. Xu Yangyi also took several steps back, but he recovered faster than Ethorne and shot forward again like lightning!

"Brush..." A flash of inspiration flashed, and Athoun quickly recovered from his retreat, without any elf elegance at all. The long silver-white hair is loose. One of the deer's antlers was broken, and his red eyes looked at the cyan figure with shock and a hint of fury.

"You..." He tightly covered his left hand with his right hand. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed and he could see clearly. Ethan's left hand was turning gray, and then became stiff in patches.


After more than 20 minutes of fighting, Bai Shichun was finally triggered! And this time the additional petrification effect is even worse for Ethorne!

"Such a powerful physical skill... You, you have mastered such a wealth of knowledge! Where can you find the time to practice physical skills?! This is completely unreasonable!!" Athoun gritted his teeth and looked at Densei with some red eyes. The coming figure. More than twenty minutes of hand-to-hand combat. The elves are not strong in physical combat, but after the beast spirit attaches to itself, it is definitely not weak!

However... even though he was not weak, he was completely shattered by the shadow in front of him. There are no other magical powers. In other words, once the physical training is successful, all the physical skills and supernatural powers will be integrated into one stroke and one kick. Raising the arms and kicking the legs are all magical powers.

Crows, bears, snakes, tigers... any beast that is stronger than physical combat has been attached to it in these twenty minutes. I never expected that I couldn’t do anything to the other party! The opponent is just like a humanoid tank! Primitive weapons are completely helpless!

In the blink of an eye, Xu Yangyi had already entered the ten-meter life and death range, and his fingertips were filled with five white lights. Ethorn looked up to the sky and roared, his whole body suddenly expanded, and in the light, a mammoth more than ten meters tall appeared, raised its giant feet and stepped towards Xu Yangyi.

"Is that it?" Xu Yangyi sighed, Athoun was also extremely tough, and would never take a step back even if he fought head-on with his physical skills.

But it's not enough.

In terms of physical skills, the opponent is not strong enough!

On his left leg, patches of blue light had spread. The moment the mammoth approached, Ethorn suddenly felt that the sky was turning blue.

There was a roar that he had never heard before, which seemed to be... the "dragon" in Eastern legends. Then, a brilliant half-moon green light appeared in front of his eyes.

"The dragon steps on the mountain!"

"'s not green light!" Ethorn seemed to be possessed by a demon, watching helplessly as the green light struck. What is reflected in the pupils is a cyan claw!

Yunlong explores his claws!

"Brush!!" A 100-meter-long cyan arc blade flashed through the air and collided with the mammoth. In an instant, the mammoth roared and flew backwards. Its teeth were broken, fragments flew everywhere, and blood flowed from its mouth.

"Shasha" At the same time, all the surrounding black fog was shaken, and a 100-meter hole was actually kicked out by this kick. Everything inside was completely visible from the outside.

"Heh..." "Zi..." "How... is this possible? Ethorn is already in the state of being possessed by the spirit of the beast, and yet... he was beaten like this by X?!" "Moreover, this is a duel of physical skills. ! Ethorn, who is possessed by the spirit of beasts, actually lost? "

All the elves in the audience stood up at this moment. I couldn't believe my eyes at all.

"This guy!" The pale dragon of the Covinus family had an extremely serious expression on his face, tapping the armrest nervously with his long fingers. The people around him were equally solemn and said in a deep voice: "Mr.

"Boom!" Black fog filled the air again, blocking the audience's sight. The huge mammoth vomited blood and flew out - it was really hit by a claw for dozens of meters. In mid-air, it slumped into a human form, and then hit the light barrier with a loud bang.

"Pounce!" Ethorn fell to the ground upside down, and immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. But before he could react, a foot stepped in front of him.

Xu Yangyi's voice was emotionless: "Stand up."

"Otherwise, admit defeat."

Ethan was leaning on the light shield covered in blood. For dozens of minutes, he, as a half-step Duke, would be forced to this point by a late Marquis. He never thought.

"Why don't you speak..." Xu Yangyi twisted his waist and whipped his legs like whips. Countless cyan spiritual energy roared in the air, and even made a crackling sonic boom sound.

"Dang!" However, just when this kick was about to kick Ethorne's neck, he suddenly realized that... the kick could not go in.

At some point, streaks of white mist-like aura emerged around Ethorne's body, wrapping him in the center like an egg.

Athoun did not speak, and all the wounds on his body were glowing with green light, and they recovered in less than five seconds. No scars can be seen. However, his chest was heaving a bit.

"I'm very curious." Ethan lay on the ground, supporting his body, and blood dripped to the ground drop by drop. He didn't look up. His white hair was dancing in the wind: "What kind of experience did you have to have such terrifying strength in the late Marquis period?"

"I can feel that your body is actually stronger than me with the spirit of the beast. Originally, I could enter the top fifteen in this holy war, but I am sure that you are definitely among the top five... Human life is limited, but you have accomplished something that is simply impossible..."

He spoke neither quickly nor slowly. However, in the process of speaking, Shi Meng behind Xu Yangyi suddenly trembled slightly, and an extremely strong sense of crisis appeared in his mind.

"This is..." He looked around intently, and finally landed on Ethorne.

It's the coercion that appears on the other side.

As the spiritual energy around his body became stronger and stronger, the pressure became more and more terrifying. He is still a Half-Step Grand Duke, but... he seems to be in a different realm from other Half-Step Grand Dukes!

Just like... the bloody moon he encountered that day!

"This is... the Grand Duke's pressure!" He took a deep breath, immediately stepped back thirty meters, and looked solemnly at Ethorne, who was holding his hands on the ground.

"Brush! Swish, brush, brush!" Suddenly, all the green runes on the opponent's body lit up, and Ethorn looked up to the sky and roared. Visible to the naked eye, streaks of white aura converged from his whole body to his forehead, and from his pores , millions of white lights burst into the sky! All the darkness was drained out in an instant!

"Buzz..." The infinite white light even passed through the illumination set by Holy Whip Lawrence himself and spread throughout the venue!

"Mr. Click to express my apologies.”

"Let us decide the winner in the most perfect manner!"

"I, Aesorn, a citizen of the White Deer Tribe, call out the name of the White Deer King to end you!" He opened his arms and his whole body was enveloped in streaks of white light: "Please respond to the call of my people. Calling! Malorne, King of the White Stag!”

"Brush!" Behind him, a huge stag totem, a hundred meters high, suddenly shone.

At the same time, as if from beyond the sky, a "yo yo" sound resounded in everyone's ears.

"This is..." A female elf looked around in astonishment, then looked down at the light shield with fiery eyes: "The Holy Spirit is calling!"

"Athoun has summoned the Holy Spirit!!" "What's going on inside? Athoun is at a complete disadvantage?" "Isn't the strategy we have formulated not to call on the Holy Spirit unless absolutely necessary?"

I don’t know how many elves, even the earl, have noticed the problem.

Calling on the Holy Spirit in the first battle is the Acehorn family's trump card. Is this really the great spiritualist with a ratio of 1:85? That great spiritualist who looks extremely weak?

"Holy Spirit." At the scene, countless people's eyes became serious. Only streaks of white light could be seen hitting the sky, turning the bottom into a sea of ​​holy white.

In the white ocean, spiritual energy that is so rich that it has become substantial is slowly rotating like a whirlpool. With Ethorn as the core, a heart-shaking spiritual energy is slowly condensing. But this time, even the five figures in the first row cast their gazes.

"Holy Spirit Reliance?" The shadow of the old man in the front row of the Tagule family murmured: "It's not easy... I haven't seen it in sixty years, right?"

"The foundation of the elves is the Holy Spirit. They were originally five tribes in the Amazon and have existed for more than a thousand years. It was not until three hundred years ago that they were completely unified and formed the Nature's Dream Woodland. Among all the elves, the most unique Only talented people can be given the blessing of the Holy Spirit. Once the Holy Spirit responds to this person's call, he will incarnate and attach himself to him." He glanced at the venue with indifferent eyes: "I don't know how long the Holy Spirit exists, let alone its realm. . The only thing that is certain is that every Holy Spirit is at least half a step into the prince."

Behind him, a vampire said in a deep voice: "Sir, are you saying that what Mr. X will face Prince Banbu?!"

"No." The old man's shadow shook his head: "How much power all holy spirits can exert depends on their own abilities. If Prince Banbu's strength comes to a marquis, Mr. X will not be the first to die. In the marquis period, The most Ethonn can do is one blow. This blow will consume all his spiritual power. In other words, if Mr. X blocks this blow, he will definitely win."

"Watch carefully. The next five minutes will be when the first battle will decide the outcome."

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