
Main text Chapter 509: Malorne, the White Stag King

In the light, Xu Yangyi's face was as gloomy as a lake, and he squinted his eyes and looked around.

The holy white light disappeared. Instead, a white mist appeared. In the sacredness, with an invincible and extremely noble feeling, it diffused from the white mist.

Something is here...

I don't know what it is, but his intuition tells him that it is very scary.

"Swish..." In the white mist, two golden lights suddenly lit up. Then, the whole white mist shook gently.

Then, with a long breath, the sea of ​​fog rolled up.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but looked at the arena under his feet.

Just now, with the exhalation and inhalation, the fist-sized gravel on the ground floated up together, and then hit the ground heavily.

"Kora... Kora..."

It was as if the devil was knocking on the door.

The whole audience could hear the pin drop, and all kinds of unclear eyes were looking at the center of the arena.

Gradually, a shadow appeared in the black fog. Three seconds later, everyone saw the shadow clearly.

That was a majestic male deer.

Not big, the same size as all male deer. The only difference... was that it had a series of extremely gorgeous blue runes all over its body. And its horns were not antlers, but two huge branches. Much larger than its body! The whole set of antlers was more than 20 meters long! It looked like a bone butterfly growing on the head of a white deer.

On the branches, there were flowers and leaves, and green light swirled around like vortexes. From time to time, you could see flowers blooming and withering, leaves falling, and fruits ripening. Even dozens of spiritual butterflies shuttled between the antlers.

"What is this?" Xu Yangyi took a step back, and for the first time, his body took a defensive posture. He felt that this seemingly sacred deer had a strong aura of a great duke.

"Holy Spirit. Malorne, the King of the White Deer." The White Deer opened its mouth, and it was Esorn's voice: "The elves, the people whose names are followed by the name of the Holy Spirit. The most perfect form."

"I only have one attack. That's right, I still have at least two-thirds of my spiritual energy in my body, but if I continue to fight like I did just now, you will only use it up and slowly defeat me. So..." The White Deer raised its head, neighed to the sky, and countless flowers bloomed under its feet.

It lowered its head suddenly, and its golden pupils looked directly at Xu Yangyi: "Let's decide the outcome in one move."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "As you wish."

The surroundings were quiet, and the first battle was about to be decided, which was related to their next round of opponents. Especially Xu Yangyi's next opponents, the Black Witch Family and the Siren Family, were even more solemn.

"Boom!" Esorn suddenly stopped his front hoof, and the gullies under his feet were broken, and wild flowers and vines grew out of the gullies. At the same time, the surrounding ground sank.

Xu Yangyi looked very solemn. He knew it with just this one move. Although this white deer is not big, it is definitely not a creature of the same level as the white bear and mammoth before.

"Yo!!" The white deer howled to the sky, arched its body, and then rushed over with a green light all over the sky!

"Crack, crack, crack" The horns on his head grew wildly, thirty meters... fifty meters! Half a second later, it grew to more than a hundred meters like an animation! Sharp bone spurs grew out one by one. This is no longer a horn, but a huge wall of thorns!

Blue-green lines spread from the horns, and everyone realized that these horns...actually outlined a huge deer head. Wherever the body passed, the green light remained, and the shadows of countless bears, tigers, leopards, and snakes inside seemed to disappear with the wind. The whole ground was shaking, and wherever it passed, it pushed up a dozen meters high sand and stone waves like a bulldozer.

It seemed to be facing the whole nature in front of it, the endless wall of thorns, and the wild roars. Xu Yangyi stomped his feet hard, and the ground beneath his feet exploded like spider webs. His muscles suddenly swelled, and all the spiritual energy flowed into every piece of flesh and blood.

"He is going to face the Holy Spirit head-on?" This scene made all the elves exclaim. Almost all the people who had just sat down stood up and stared at the scene below that was about to hit the earth.

"Impossible! The power of the Holy Spirit can move mountains and fill the sea! Even if this is a distraction, there are no more than five marquises in Europe and America who can resist head-on!" "If he can take it head-on! Doesn't it mean that his strength ranks among the top five marquises in Europe and America?!" "My God... Even the elves dare not do this! Is he crazy!" "Once you can't resist, the end result is to be torn into pieces immediately! This..."

This is the best opportunity to test the upper limit of Qianli Bulixing! Xu Yangyi turned a deaf ear, his eyes were like swords, his body squatted, and then, like lightning, he rushed over without hesitation!


"Boom!" There was no time for others to be shocked. The next second, with a loud bang that shook the sky and the earth, two figures, one white and one blue, had already collided with each other.

"Hmph!" Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and groaned. At this moment, he deeply felt that he was not hitting a deer, but a wall, a huge wall tens of thousands of meters thick! In other words, facing thousands of beasts running wildly!

"Hard enough!" His teeth were grinding and clacking. The impact force like a landslide and tsunami came, and he even heard the wailing of his arms that were overwhelmed.

Essorn also felt his state. He lowered his head and burst into an extremely excited cry, and the talismans on his body shone again. The hair on the white deer that was scattered to the ground blew up. With a roar, the huge wall of thorns actually pushed Xu Yangyi back. Wherever he passed, it was like a land aircraft carrier crushing it, and it was plowed by the wall of thorns and it was impossible to see its original appearance.

In the audience, all the words of the elves seemed to be strangled and stuck in their throats.

It didn't break!

The expected situation of being knocked away or broken into pieces like a broken rag doll did not happen! On the contrary, Xu Yangyi was now frantically pushed back by Esorn. His muscles bulged, his eyes were a little red, and his veins bulged. However, he blocked the strongest attack!

"He..." An elf swallowed his saliva and spoke with a very complicated mood: "He... actually blocked Malorne's trampling with his flesh... Is this still a human? I'm afraid only the top five people in Europe and the United States can do this?"

"Is this a human or a humanoid monster?!"

In front of the elves, the figure as majestic as the sun, no one could see his face clearly. At this moment, his eyes slowly opened for the first time and looked at Xu Yangyi deeply. He said the first sentence.

"Not bad."

"Very strong."

Xu Yangyi didn't know anything about the outside world. He looked calm, his body tense like a bow, but he could not resist the force of the rocks in front of him, and the ground was stretched into long gullies. As the debris flew, he saw that he was getting closer and closer to the light shield behind him!

Once he hit the golden elixir shield, he never thought he could escape, and at that time, he would definitely become a meat pie with thousands of holes.

Sure enough... the flesh alone is no match for the Holy Spirit. He sighed in his heart, but he was quite satisfied. If it were other cultivators, the impact force of the planetary fall just now would have been gone long ago.

"Stop. I'll spare your life." Xu Yangyi looked directly at the two red eyes in front of him and gritted his teeth.

Esorn seemed not to hear it, and there was no turning back after the arrow was shot. In response to Xu Yangyi, the entire huge antler lit up in the roar.

"You're looking for death!" Xu Yangyi shouted, and one hand had already pressed on Esong's head, with black air lingering around his fingertips: "Apocalypse... Bone erosion!!"

"Yo Yo!!" Esong let out a shocking roar. This was not indirect damage, but a direct contact with the carrier of Apocalypse Six Eclipses. In an instant, his two huge antlers shone brightly, and they actually wilted a little!

A burst of heart-wrenching pain came into Esong's mind. He had never expected that a seemingly ordinary claw could cause such damage.

Xu Yangyi frowned.

This claw... The damage to Esong was higher than he expected!

And, for some reason, when this claw grabbed him, he actually felt an unspeakable hunger in his body.

Eat it!

Suddenly, a low voice sounded in Xu Yangyi's mind. His eyes shrank slightly, and his body grabbed Esong's head again without any hesitation.

"Erosion of blood!"

"Boom!" Five black lights burst out, and this claw was like a leather, and it actually grabbed the head of the white deer. In an instant, the whole body of the white deer raised a little white spiritual light.

That was not white spiritual light.

But...the antlers that were a hundred meters long were like a sand castle encountering a strong wind, and they were weathered quickly!

Aura of sand!

At this moment, the man who was like the sun god who was calm just now, suddenly stood up!

"This is..." His eyes were like two suns, shining brightly and looking directly at the scene: "Human Pillar?"

No one answered him, and everyone at the scene was stunned. As a powerful tribe in Europe and America, the elves are too many people who know the power of the five great holy spirits. However, one of the five great holy spirits, the incarnation of Malorne, the king of the white deer, is now weathering quickly?

"My God..." An earl monk looked at the sky in astonishment. There were white spiritual light spots there, but in the next moment, all the spiritual light spots rushed down like a storm.

The target is not Esorn, but Xu Yangyi!

"He... is absorbing the incarnation of the White Deer King?" The Pale Dragon looked at this scene in disbelief. If it hadn't happened before his eyes, he wouldn't believe it at all!

It has never happened in hundreds of years!

Even he couldn't do it!

He didn't want to believe it, but, if it wasn't absorption, what was it?

As the spiritual light points fell like rain, Xu Yangyi's body actually had complicated and noble tattoos, starting from his hands, spreading to his heart and back.

"Energy conversion law?" The only witch sitting in the second row of the Black Witch Family, who was not wearing black but red, pressed her hat and took a breath: "This is no longer annihilation, this is absorption... This X... The identity is probably very deep!"

The Holy Whip Lawrence took a deep look at the man who looked like the sun god. Feeling the other party's gaze, the man came back to his senses, and then smiled bitterly: "It's useless..."

"This is the conquest of the Holy Spirit, and our Grand Duke can't get involved at all."

"Once it starts, it will never end."

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