
Main text Chapter 510: Return of the ticket

"Swish..." Infinite white light converged on Xu Yangyi, and Ethorn seemed to be "weathered" faster and faster. Ten minutes later, with a white light shining, Malorne's spirit body all disappeared, and Ethorne Thorne stood in front of Xu Yangyi dumbfounded, his body trembling.

No one could care about the terror he had just felt.

He was in extreme fear physically and mentally, and he had never felt that death was so close to him. But I couldn't shout a word.

He could feel the Holy Spirit roaring, struggling, roaring, and resisting in his body. However, there is also an existence in the opponent's body, which is more advanced, more terrifying, more powerful, and more perfect.

It was that thing that ate up Malorne's distraction in one bite!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi trembled, finally retracted his hand, and looked at his arm covered with tattoos in astonishment. Like Ethan, he simply couldn't stop. There was something in his body that was calling, hungry, and roaring for him to eat the Holy Spirit stored in the other person's body.

And he could also feel that the White Deer King in the other person's body also wanted to eat him. It did not retreat, but kept fighting, roaring, and entangled, but in the end, he won.

There was silence at the scene, and after a long time, it exploded!

All the marquis went crazy and had no idea what was going on.

"Isn't this the Holy Spirit? This is the first time I've seen it! Such a powerful Holy Spirit, the royal guard of the elves! How could it be gone?!" "If I read it was absorbed by Mr. X?" Are you kidding? Although I think so too! "He... 'ate' the Holy Spirit?"

The noise boiled instantly, and even the Marquis asked his fellow Taoist in astonishment. It's not that they can't suppress their curiosity, but the five holy spirits are the last trump card of the Nature's Dream Woodland. They once killed Grand Duke Tsepeshi! It has become a consensus that no one has set foot in the ancient Amazon forest for hundreds of years. Now, it was broken by a great spiritual teacher and student!'s not about defeating, it's about eating. It was absorbed! This is more shocking than defeat!

"Quiet." Holy Scourge Lawrence, the only real person among the five archdukes present, coughed lightly. Although the sound was soft, within five seconds, the scene was audible.

He looked at the field. Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness was almost intact. Opposite of him, Ethorne, the summoning of the Holy Spirit just now had consumed all his spiritual energy.

Now, I'm afraid one punch can knock him down.

"X wins." His voice sounded, and no one refuted it.

The first battle was beyond their expectations. They no longer knew what to say. First of all, Mr. Next, it was even more sci-fi. The Holy Spirit, known as the foundation of the elves, was actually absorbed!

"I still thought what I saw was an illusion..." A count shook his head and sighed. However, before he could sigh, his face turned pale the next second.

"What's wrong with you?" the person next to him asked doubtfully.

He did not see that he was not the only one who turned pale, but that there were too many marquis monks present who all turned pale at this moment. Even some marquis' faces were extremely green.

Because...a pleasant "ding-ding-ding" sound sounded in the sky. The two red numbers began to rotate crazily.

One to eighty-five.

Six thousand versus more than five million.

Now, it's time to collect debt.

The sound that used to be pleasant now sounds like a note of urgency.

"Don't..." An earl monk covered his heart with one hand and clutched the armrest with the other. Like him, there were countless people at the scene, all looking at their heads with pale faces.

I was so intense just now that I forgot that I had placed a bet before. I thought it was a sure win!

As a result, people dare not look at it at all. Those tinkling sounds seemed to resound through their souls.

"Haha..." A smile finally appeared on Lawrence's old face. Dark horses do not appear every year. It can even be said that dark horses rarely appear, but this dark horse turned out to be dark to the end! It directly smashed the first game!

The bookmakers and bettors will probably suffer huge losses!

"When..." When two voices sounded, a countess cried on the spot.

"Oh my God! I'm not alive anymore!!" She covered her face, not pretending to cry, she was really crying, and she could see the crystal tears sliding down her face: "This is all my savings in the past ten years! It's a whole Two thousand middle-grade spiritual stones! Wuwuwu..."

Before she had finished crying, screams were heard one after another in the earl area, "Oh my god... I really want to die!" "Ethonn lost? Me, where is my thousand spiritual stones? Just, just gone?" "How can I lose?! I have saved so little for so many years! Suddenly, I lost it in one battle?" "I guess I have to work hard to have the resources to practice."

Everyone at the scene can understand their feelings.

Because... the number on the right has changed from 5.12 million to zero.

And on the left is a terrifying 1.02 million!

"Stake, six thousand, eighty-five times, equal to 510,000. The winner takes all, and the dividend is 10% of the stake, 510,000. A total of 1.02 million medium-grade spiritual stones. Mr. I think you need the services of the Holy White Bank of the Holy White Cross.”

One million and two thousand!

None of the earls at the scene could laugh, because this was all their hard-earned money. The feeling that they had just watched an incredible game and that the ticket price was worth it disappeared in an instant.

This ticket price... is too expensive!

For the earl stage, a cultivator from a top family would be lucky to get fifty middle-grade spirit stones a month, and a cultivator with the top talent would get one hundred. One million and two hundred thousand would take them ten thousand years!

Even the marquis was extremely jealous at this moment. The resources of the marquis were a hundred times that of the earl, and the top talents were hundreds of times more, but one million and two hundred thousand... this was equivalent to the turnover of a large family for several years!

"Congratulations." The blood clan next to the pale dragon laughed uglier than crying, trying to maintain elegance, and his words were more sour than oranges in spring: "In one battle, you will earn at least three hundred thousand."

The pale dragon also had some feelings. He really just wanted to save face for the other party. He never expected that he didn't need to save face at all. Mr. X actually won a million prizes!

Xu Yangyi looked at the numbers in the sky and smiled.

He smiled happily.

Especially when he saw the faces of most people at the scene who didn't dare to curse even though their mothers had died, how should he put it...

This feeling was very refreshing.

Look down on me?

Two-faced in front of people and behind their backs?

Then, sorry, I will accept this money.

"Please go to rest first, Mr. X. Wait for the second draw notice. If you want to watch the next game, it will start in an hour." Lawrence said with a smile.

Xu Yangyi nodded. The most urgent thing now was to figure out what happened just now. He was about to leave when another voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Mr. X."

It was very strange, but Xu Yangyi was startled.

These three words carried a hint of the pressure of the Grand Duke!

"You can call me Antonio. Black Crow." The voice said slowly: "This Grand Duke is now the leader of the Natural Dream Forest, the late Grand Duke."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and glanced around slightly, and found that no one was looking at him. He understood that the other party did not want others to know.

"If possible, the representatives of the elves are waiting for you in your lounge."

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to refuse, he smiled slightly: "Don't worry, we can afford to lose a clone of Lord Malorne, the King of the White Deer. But you, don't want to find out what happened?"

"Don't you want to be in the top three? Get the opportunity to observe the holy weapon? Why can the tattoo on your body devour Lord Malorne's clone? If you don't figure it out, can you really practice with peace of mind?"

Xu Yangyi hesitated for a few seconds and finally nodded.

"Very good." Antonio smiled and said: "The elves are looking forward to the visit of a great spiritualist. Goodbye."

Xu Yangyi was about to leave, but found that in front of him, a tall figure stood on the step in front of him like a mountain, looking down at him.

This is a white man.

About two meters tall, no shirt under the suit, only a bunch of messy chest hair, bald head, very rough features. Three scars on his face almost spanned his entire face. Looking at Xu Yangyi, his eyes were cold, ruthless, and full of murderous intent.

"Savidean VII." Xu Yangyi looked at him for a few seconds and sneered: "I didn't expect you to be able to come out of torture."

He had never seen the other party before, but the spirit would not recognize the wrong person.

Savidian VII pulled a seemingly respectful arc on his face, stepped aside the aisle, walked to the side of Xu Yangyi, grinded his teeth and smiled: "I called him twice just now, but Mr. X didn't respond. Is there any grand duke suggesting that Mr. X can go to their side, so you want to leave the Covenus family that has been so kind to you?"

"You should use honorifics to this seat." Xu Yangyi glanced at the other party: "In addition, if there is any nonsense, save it for when we meet."

"Tsk tsk... so ruthless." Savidian VII licked his lips: " However, if there is, I'm afraid we don't need to tell them when we meet. "

Xu Yangyi stopped: "What do you mean?"

"Nothing else. It's just that I still think it's better for Mr. X to know some things first." Savidian VII's eyes were filled with the heat of revenge. He lowered his head so that Xu Yangyi couldn't see it, and grinned: "Mr. X, you probably don't know the rules of the holy war? Not on the surface, but inside."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi simply found a place to sit down, and the earl next to him immediately made a big circle. Savidian VII also sat beside him with a sneer: "Yes, no one would have thought that a weak great spiritualist could devour the seed player of the elves. I'm afraid it's someone with ulterior motives..."

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