
Main text Chapter 511: Seventy-two pillars and Jinchūriki (I)

At this point, he laughed dryly: "Of course I'm not talking about Mr.

"Savidion VII." Xu Yangyi looked at his hands: "I heard that there is a rule for holy war."

"A bloody battle." He raised his head and looked at the other party indifferently without a trace of emotion: "To the death. Within the rules, once provoked, there is no room for taking it back, regardless of whether the other party accepts it or not."

His eyes were electric: "If you think you can kill me, just go ahead and propose a bloody battle. If you can't..."

"Then go wherever you came from."

A flash of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Savidian VII, and then he smiled: "I made a mistake. I just wanted to tell Mr.

Xu Yangyi remained calm, and Savidian VII continued: "Mr. On the list, there are often only one or two people who are the real seeds, and the others are there to assist him if he encounters them. In order to prevent him from accidentally killing some weak and unseemly wild dogs, the return vote appears. "

"When the two sides meet, the family decides that the stronger side will advance, and the other side will simply admit defeat. It's a pity..." A vengeful smile finally appeared on his face: "In the semi-finals, if you can win at that time, you will encounter Fuck me.”

"The only returnee in the left half of the Covinas family!"

"So?" Xu Yangyi asked calmly.

"So, if you don't want to get hurt, quit immediately! This is for the sake of your body. Who makes you more precious than high-grade spiritual stones now." Savidian VII did not miss the expression on Xu Yangyi's face, licking it like a wolf He pursed his lips and said, "Believe me, this is the most pertinent proposal for you. After the top six, the intensity is completely different from before. That is the elite among the elite."

"Weak people..." He looked directly at Xu Yangyi: "Maybe they will be torn into pieces in front... or even eaten bite by bite, Jie Jie... Mr. If I can't stand at that time, the next opponents will be stronger each time, and I can't guarantee that I can stand at that time, let alone..."

He glanced at Xu Yangyi as if he didn't care, and smiled "gently" without any concealment: "How much more is he a great spiritual magician with great honor and wealth?"

Xu Yangyi looked over with a smile, and after a few seconds, said calmly: "Get lost."

"Hmph." Savidian VII stood up, suppressing the contempt in his eyes and glanced at the other party: "Does that mean you don't agree to return votes for me? I understand the humiliation in your heart, but you are provoking Ke Wen The decision of the Nas family. You have just advanced to become a great spiritual master, and you don’t have much support from the Grand Duke yet.”

"I will bring your words to the Senate in their entirety."

After saying that, he turned around and left. The moment he turned around, murderous intent flashed across his face.

"Shameless yellow-skinned beast..." His fists clenched loudly: "You'd better pray that you don't meet me..."

"Otherwise...I swear, I will tear you to pieces in front of everyone!"

His face changed, and he walked up to the phantom at the front of the Covinus family, and said with great respect: "Father, I have conveyed this to Mr. One person wins the vote. He stubbornly and arrogantly believes that the name Savidian is not as strong as his."

The shadow exudes a faint light and the majesty of the Grand Duke. It does not want others to see it, and others will never see it. After a long time, I heard a cold snort.

"Child." The shadow seemed to be smiling: "Do you know what is the most disgusting thing in the world?"

"I don't know, Father."

Xuying paused, and his voice was full of displeasure: "That is a person who has no ability but thinks highly of himself."

"Generally speaking, I call this kind of person a stupid pig. However, sometimes this stupid pig turns out to be a golden pig." Xuying tapped the table gently and said in a deep voice: "The Covinus family has nothing to do with him. You are already generous enough. We were originally sure that you would be the one to return the ticket, but because of his outstanding performance in the first game, we are willing to give him a chance to avoid internal strife among the members of the Covinus family. …”

"Click..." A palm print was lightly sunk into the tabletop, and the face of Savidian VII behind the shadow already had a bloodthirsty and indifferent smile.

Yes, he only told half of it, and even said that he was falsely preaching the imperial edict!

He was also surprised at the speed of this bastard's cultivation, but he was so arrogant that he could never compare to him! However, after the Council of Elders evaluated it, they decided to give the other party a chance. However, it is necessary to choose between him and him.

Why? !

I am half a grand duke, and a mere late marquis?

Need to select?

Where does this bullshit selection come from!

And...from the moment he stood here, he never wanted Xu Yangyi to get out alive. More than anyone else, he hoped that Xu Yangyi would lose before meeting him.

He was scared, really scared. He walked here with overwhelming anger and walked out of that barren mine in the Alps. If the other party accepts the return of votes for him here...he will never tolerate this happening!

Therefore, he completely concealed the fact that there were two returnees. Even if he is discovered, he is not afraid at all. After all, the person coming this time is Savidian VI! His biological father! The Full Moon Grand Duke of the Covinus family!

Everyone... don't leave a way out... He suppressed his murderous intention, breathed slightly, and thought to himself, "Stay alive... See me alive... I swear, I will let you see the real hell!"

"Your breathing is very disordered." Xuying turned his back to him and said calmly: "My child, what I give you is trust. I hope that you will not betray my trust."

"Yes." Savidian VI suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and answered respectfully.

Xu Yangyi didn't even know what he was doing and walked out with a normal expression, not caring what Savidian VII said. Now he just wants to know what happened just now.

What's going on with that feeling of hunger?

Why was he able to absorb Malorne, the King of White Deer? A family with a Grand Duke in charge, as an ancient race of elves that has been passed down for thousands of years, has a rich heritage that he can never absorb now!

He Xu Buji walked outside the door of his lounge, his spiritual consciousness suddenly appeared, and he looked around. No following people or spirits were found. Then the door opened.

There was no one inside the door. There is only one crow on the table. However, the moment he closed the door, the black aura surrounded the crow, and in less than a second, he turned into an old man wearing a leaf cloak.

"Your Excellency, the Great Spiritualist." The visitor was an old man. He bowed gracefully: "I hope I didn't disturb you."

The two nodded and sat down. As soon as they sat down, the old man immediately said excitedly: "Please, Mr.

Xu Yangyi took off his coat, and his muscular body was covered with black tattoos that showed no signs of disappearing.

"As expected!" The old man's trembling fingers gently touched the tattoos, and then he closed his eyes, as if he was considering something. After a long time, he opened his eyes as if he had made up his mind and said in a deep voice: "Mr. the Holy Spirit!"

"There is an extremely powerful Holy Spirit inside you!"

Holy Spirit?

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. He was too unfamiliar with this word.

"How come I have the Holy Spirit inside me?"

"Yes... there must be!" The old man's face turned red with excitement, and then he sorted out his thoughts before saying: "Mr. Nothing can be leaked, because this is a matter of life and death for the elves."

Xu Yangyi nodded and swore an oath together with the old man. There was a slight tremor in the void. Then, the two opened their eyes. The old man took several deep breaths and then said: "I am the high priest of the elves, Stanford Shiroji. I am in charge of all the secrets of the elves. As the longest-standing race on earth, the word we are exposed to the most is jinchuriki."


Xu Yangyi frowned, why does this word seem familiar...

"You don't know whether to read comics or not. Once upon a time, there was a comic called Naruto that used this word. Many people thought it was fictional, but..." the old man's expression became more and more solemn: "It... is real. of."

"First of all, let's start with the three words Jinchūriki. The most important thing is the word pillar. Its original meaning is not a pillar, but... a container!"

"Perhaps, you have also heard of something. Its name is called 'King Solomon's Code.' And in this code, if ordinary people understand it, they will say, 'Seventy-two demons are sealed.' However, In the words of true astrologers and paleontologists, they would say, 'The seventy-two pillars sealed the devil.'"

"They are strictly sorted according to the rank of familiar, devil, prince, president, earl, marquis, duke, king, general, cabinet minister, grand duke, and emperor. The last one is called Jie Pai, and the first the famous one. Baal, the Lord of Destruction, is also said to be the incarnation of Satan.”

Xu Yangyi did not interrupt and listened quietly to this historical secret.

"Seventy-two pillars, seventy-two containers, that's because all demons come to the world and are possessed by human bodies. From that time on, any body possessed by non-human, extremely powerful creatures, this person, It’s called ‘Pillar.’ The full name is ‘Jinchuuriki.’ As for the jinchuriki, that’s a term coined by the author of the comic. The original meaning of pillar is ‘a container that carries power beyond the world’.”

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly, and after hearing this, he had a vague guess in his heart.

"People who are detained by pillars will have similar tattoos on their bodies. Laymen call them 'devil tattoos.' However, this kind of tattoo is not only used by demons. It may even be evil spirits, heroic spirits, or even angels. . Now, it’s collectively called the Holy Spirit, and this one in you is different from all the pillars!”

Stanford's voice trembled: "I think, it, it should be the pattern of 'symbiosis'! Rather than simply 'dependence!' There is a very, very powerful person in your body, even surpassing the White Deer King at its peak. The most powerful Holy Spirit! However, it is very strange now. It doesn’t seem to be sleeping next to you? But it is very far away?”

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath.

"I think I know what this is."

"It's just that I don't understand why he swallowed the White Deer King?"

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