
Main text Chapter 516: The Six Strongest and the Remnant Wolf Poison Spirit (Part 2)

"But I may die in the holy war." Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter. I'm dying soon, so why should I be afraid of the holy war." Antonio laughed: "I promise to save your life and take you away from here."

Xu Yangyi still didn't agree immediately.

"Your Majesty, are you really just trying to prolong the fate of the elves? With the Holy Spirit in charge, even if there is only one left, others will not dare to act rashly."

Antonio's eyes drifted away: "I believe you should know what a human pillar is."

"As the origin of the elves and the source of power, the human pillar contains extremely rich and profound things."

"Why did it appear? Where did it come from? Every holy spirit has its own legend, Greek legends, Nordic legends, Chinese legends... Are there any myths that exist with them?" He looked at the sky outside the window with burning eyes: "As a cultivator, as the longest-lived race in the world, you cannot understand inheritance and self. You are still too young."

"Inherited knowledge, derived from the self, the secret of cultivation... These are simply too much for this Grand Duke to control... Its appearance makes this Grand Duke firmly believe that this world... Myths may not be just myths!"

Of course not only!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and did not say the crucial information about the death of the immortals in the Ming Tombs left by Wukong. Instead, he hesitated and said, "Quetzalcoatl?"

"That's right!" Antonio's black spiritual energy surged: "Quetzalcoatl! The oldest god in existence! Lord Malorne, who is two thousand years old, said it exists, so it must exist! Quetzalcoatl, who is who knows how many years old... must know a lot, those ancient memories!"

"There are always some races and some people who want to be witnesses of history. In this impetuous era, most people are unwilling to do it. It doesn't matter, I can do it..." His eyes were a little vicissitudes: "There are always people who yearn for the unknown and knowledge. This is the root of a cultivator. If you forget this, then no matter how strong you are, you don't deserve to be remembered in your heart."

Xu Yangyi was a little absent-minded.

I have to say that he didn't expect this answer. In this world of cultivation where strength is respected, there are actually such people. But, think about it carefully, who is not like this?

This is a desire for knowledge, innate and inextinguishable. Some people pursue martial arts dominance, while others pursue fame that will be passed down through the ages. The former remembers their name, while the latter remembers their tribe and their brain.

Which is better?

No one knows.

"Do you accept my explanation?" Antonio asked Xu Yangyi with a smile.

"Everyone has his own way of expressing his value." After several seconds, Xu Yangyi nodded seriously: "Although I don't quite understand your explanation now, I agree with it."

"Then, let's start." Antonio took a deep breath, waved his hand gently, and the sophisticated box opened silently.

Inside, there was only a pen. A bottle of black ink.

"There is a holy spirit on the highest peak of the Alps." Antonio picked up the pen and said with emotion: "It wakes up once every three hundred years and sleeps once every three hundred years. It sheds a feather every six hundred years. It has no name, but is called the 'white dragon.'"

"Its feathers, plus the SSS-level treasure meteorite gem, are made by the most profound treasure master in ten years. This area of ​​less than one gram is covered with more than ten thousand runes. This is the tip of its pen."

Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly silently.

A pen with such a great origin, this favor is really a big debt.

"This is the juice of the World Tree." Antonio only explained a little about the bottle of black ink. But this sentence is enough.

The World Tree, in the whole world, only the natural dream forest of the elves, the Moon Goddess Well has a seedling.

As for the efficacy?


Or rather, all the efficacy is unreal, it has been deified. It grows one meter every ten thousand years, and it has been this tall since the elves were founded. It has not grown so far, and it is also a sacred object that the entire elves swear to defend.

He snapped his fingers, and suddenly, a white light flashed above, breaking the restriction a little. A stream of extremely refined spiritual power came out of the box. At this moment, Xu Yangyi seemed to see the lonely pure white shadow on the Alps, and he couldn't help shivering all over.

The realm gap is too big... This... I'm afraid it's a monster that is infinitely close to the Nascent Soul, or... already the Nascent Soul!

The golden light passed, and Xu Yangyi's shirt disappeared without a trace.

"Humph, you only know how to instruct others every day, and you don't know how to give some benefits!" The box said no, but its body was very honest to let the pen dipped in ink and fly in the air.

"It may be a little painful. But I think you can bear it." Antonio's handsome and flawless face showed a deep smile, and then he pointed his fingertips, and the quill pen flew over like lightning, and a ball of holy white light exploded in Xu Yangyi's dantian.

"Boom!" In an instant, a sharp pain was transmitted from his body. He couldn't explain what he felt, it was as if there was a body in his dantian, and this point had made a hole in the body, and something was about to grow out of the hole!

And this thing, with the appearance of this hole, immediately had a heart-to-heart connection with his body!

China, Nanzhou City.

Xu Yangyi had no idea that at this moment in Nanzhou, the Gusong Zhenren Qingtian Palace was always in the sky. The ground was pitch black, and a lot of black land seemed to be boiling like bubbles, without a trace of life, and... was spreading very slowly towards the entire Longsu Province.

In the sky, on huge flying magic weapons, countless practitioners and researchers were paying attention to the huge plant below.

It seemed to be dying, but in fact, it locked all the vitality in its body, waiting for the moment when the man returned in glory.

He was it.

However... at this moment, all the researchers took a breath. Because... this plant that had not moved for decades actually trembled slightly!

One of its branches and leaves silently stretched out, and the "kaka" sound resounded throughout the space.

"Move?! It moved!?" "The wolf poison that has been the same for decades actually moved?!" "Is it going to wake up? Report to Vice President Zhang immediately!" "Incredible... This is an ancient living fossil!"

All of this could not be transmitted to the West. At the same time, Antonio had already tapped Xu Yangyi's shoulders and arms with four consecutive strokes.

Where the strokes fell, green flowers, the size of fingertips, appeared on Xu Yangyi's body. As each flower opened, he felt more and more that something in his body was about to revive.

Green lines spread out from the flowers, intertwined with a strange black devil pattern. Xu Yangyi now looked like a vengeful demon from hell. At the same time, he gritted his teeth and his body was shaking. He endured the pain of tearing his body.

And Antonio, with each stroke, a crow's foot wrinkle appeared on his face. After four strokes fell, this Xuying realm was already panting.

"Blue and white pattern, the Holy Spirit in your body is a plant? It's quite rare... In the elves, there were originally three plant Holy Spirits, all of which were the first to die in the hundred-year devouring of the Holy Spirit..." Antonio panted and raised his hand again: "The plant Holy Spirit is very weak, but as long as you don't encounter other Holy Spirits, there will be no danger to your life. The following is the most important stroke, which will activate all the lines."

"Any Holy Spirit, as long as it exists on the body, will definitely leave traces. These traces are its gift to the human pillar, so that the human pillar will not die in the process of growth. Holy Spirits are hard to find, and carriers are also hard to find. These gifts are usually not triggered at all, and only we, the elves who have been in contact with the Holy Spirit for thousands of years, have the key to this secret treasure cave!"

"These gifts are called 'God's gifts.' Remember, any Holy Spirit has its most special talent. Among God's gifts, there may be no others, but there must be an extremely practical talent in the main body! This requires you to explore it yourself."

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and nodded.

Although it hurts, it's not as bad as forging the left arm at the beginning.

The tip of the white quill pen condensed a black light, piercing the heart like lightning.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka!!!!" A green blue flower bloomed on his chest, and Xu Yangyi immediately heard it clearly. In his body, it seemed as if the world suddenly collapsed. The "body" that was already full of cracks, was completely cracked with this stroke!

At the same time, in his body... an extremely powerful force that he had never felt before, burst out!

These forces came so violently that he looked up to the sky and howled. Infinite green light gushed out from the seven orifices!

"Boom!!!" With a loud bang, a picture of hell appeared in front of Antonio.

"Swish..." He looked at the huge plant phantom in front of him absent-mindedly. It was more than ten meters high. It was just the residual image of the Holy Spirit, not big, but...

He looked at his hand in astonishment.

He... was shaking?

He was in the realm of virtual infants, and he was shaking?

"This... is impossible." He looked at his hand in astonishment, and then he found that he was not just shaking! His palm was full of sweat!

No... not just his palms, his forehead was covered with physiological cold sweat!


Fear that he had never felt before.

Malorne had never felt it before!

This was not a realm issue... but a level issue. A high-level hunter, even a sleeping tiger, could not be approached by sheep!

"What are you doing?!" A furious voice came from the box, and the spirit shouted: "I feel an extremely terrifying force! What on earth are you... eh?!"

Two eyes suddenly grew on the box, staring at Xu Yangyi who was also gritting his teeth and sweating profusely: "This... How is this possible?! How could this kid have such a thing in his body!"

"This is a monster! Monster!! Antonio! Kill him! Don't hesitate! This kid has something incredible hidden in his body! I now suspect his identity as a great spiritualist!! How could an ordinary person have such a thing hidden in his body!"

A pale hand interrupted his clamor. Antonio seemed to have aged several decades in an instant. He tried to walk forward with trembling hands, but found that his legs went soft and he knelt down involuntarily.


Complete, prostrate submission to the superior.

“Too terrible… No wonder, no wonder he could strangle Lord Malorne’s spirit… Even if he reached the Natural Dream Forest, Lord Malorne would have no chance of killing him except for destroying his body. As for devouring… there is even less hope!”

"It's hard to believe... Isn't the plant type the weakest holy spirit? How could such a horrible thing appear! This... is just like Satan! Full of murderous aura! Poisonous gas! All kinds of ominous auras... Even in the deepest layer of hell, there can't be such a horrible plant!"

"What on earth is it! This person who is only in the late stage of the marquis can actually withstand it... It feels like it has killed angels!"

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