
Main text Chapter 517: The Six Strongest and the Remnant Wolf Poison Spirit (Part 3)

"Sand...sand..." No one could feel the terrifying spiritual pressure in the room, and everything outside was locked by Antonio. However, after being cautious at the beginning, he now faced the monster in front of him, and he even felt a sense of regret.

The shadow of the plant has become increasingly clear, and it is different from any holy spirit he has ever seen.


The ultimate simplicity.

The stretch of every leaf, the connection of every meridian, except for the faint trace of spiritual energy, all told him that this was just a simple plant. That is, plants. was this weak spiritual energy that made him feel like a needle on his back.

His mind told him that this was a sick tiger that was about to die... Its carrier was very weak - at least for Antonio, the "Great Elf King", but he still had no idea of ​​trying to seize it.

Even a trace.

Take it away for what?

Guarding the elves?

Don't be ridiculous, I'm afraid the first one to escape is none other than Malorne, the only awakened Holy Spirit, the White Deer King, and he will never come back.

Spread your legs and run happily on the field of hope, drifting away without looking back.

"It..." He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that his voice was very hoarse. He took a deep breath and finally calmed down completely: "It's so pure that it's not on the same level as Malorne. You know what I mean."

Lingbao who live a long time have higher IQ than most ordinary people. Three hundred years, for a long-lived race like the elves, is only one-third of the lifespan. For ordinary people, it is out of reach.

So, the box isn’t stupid either.

"I understand..." It thought for three seconds and then sighed: "You mean, it is that pure high level, the ultimate in power, the ultimate in perfection... But, this kind of thing may appear on Earth Up?"


For a moment, Antonio's eyes were filled with calmness and heat: "Yes."


"Maybe it's comparable to Quetzalcoatl?!" The box almost jumped: "The earliest civilization in the world, the Sumerian civilization, has traces of Quetzalcoatl! This was 3,000 BC! No! 3,200 years ago , the Uruk period! It has a history of more than 5,000 years and nearly 6,000 years! Moreover, it is just a legend! There is no way that the earth can accommodate this kind of ancient creature! Hey, it was a liar last time! They lied to me and said that drinking water from the Moon Well could increase my intelligence, but I ended up in a coma for twenty years!”

Antonio glanced at it lightly: "So you are still just a weapon spirit."

"...Do you believe that I will go on strike immediately?!"

"Whether it is or not... the feeling it gives me is far better than Malorne." Antonio saw Xu Yangyi trembling with keen eyes, and the spiritual energy in his hand flashed again: "We must speed up, this kid may not be able to hold on for long."

"Brush, brush, brush" moves the dragon and the snake, and a little bit of blue and white flowers bloom on Xu Yangyi's body. The front arms, shoulders, heart, Dantian, back shoulder blades, vest, spine, just after the thirteen blue flowers bloomed, the blue lines that began to spread without thoughts suddenly seemed to have wisdom and were all connected.

"Crash..." The spiritual energy spread and formed a blue and white totem behind Xu Yangyi. As the green light flourished, all the shining blue and white flowers dimly extinguished, leaving only dim tattoos on his body.

The severe pain in the body disappeared like an ebbing tide. Xu Yangyi couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and said hoarsely: "Are you okay?"

"Okay." Antonio wiped the cold sweat on his head and awakened the sleeping power of the Holy Spirit. The work was actually very simple. But the preparation time was beyond imagination. If it weren't for the elves, it would be impossible for anyone to make the pens and inks for drawing demon patterns.

"The devil pattern... is the legacy of the Holy Spirit. Only something with a very similar material can guide it and change it. And there is no such thing in the world except for the seedlings of the World Tree." He said with satisfaction. Looking at the other party who slowly opened his eyes: "Look at your body, it is simply a work of art. Oh, so beautiful. It perfectly fits the trend of the times, with a retro beauty. And the strength of the muscles on your body. I dare say, Even the Queen of England would go crazy if she saw it.”

Xu Yangyi did not look at the tattoos all over his body, but opened his eyes and let his spiritual consciousness experience his whole body.


However, he couldn't understand the specific difference from before.

There seems to be something extra in the body, the cyan vortex has not changed, and the two nodes representing four times the spiritual power are also there. Everything seemed to be the same as before, but he felt that he was not the only one in his body now. There is another... very weak consciousness.

What he thinks is what the other person thinks. The other party had no idea at all. Aura is dispensable. It seems better that it will drift away at any time.

"Your Majesty... Is this the Holy Sword?" He looked at his hand in disbelief, but did not feel any change.

"That's right." Antonio said in a deep voice: "I have said that any human pillar has a life-saving card left by the Holy Spirit in his body. And by using the unique method of the elves to penetrate the devil pattern, he has touched this card in advance. But , remember that the Holy Sword has a limit on its use. Because no Holy Spirit can fully carry its power to the people under the Grand Duke, the power of the Holy Spirit's 'life-saving card' is very limited."

He squinted his eyes and observed Xu Yangyi: "Your... has a lifespan of about ten times. The method is very simple. Try to call the true name of the Holy Spirit in your heart. No matter how far away it is, as long as it is still in this world, it will respond. You. Let me remind you again, this is just the way to use the Holy Sword. The most powerful thing is that it still comes from the "God's gift" of the Holy Spirit. This is the greatest gift. Treasure!"

Before he finished speaking, he felt... the spiritual energy in front of him was boiling instantly!

"Buzz buzz..." The whole space was trembling! A will that seemed to span thousands of years, the sense of sedimentation, weight, and killing over the years, suddenly rose from Xu Yangyi's body!

Xu Yangyi looked at his hand in astonishment, he couldn't believe it, so he tried to call out Wolfsbane, but then, the seemingly thin spiritual power climbed to the top in an instant!

Another spiritual energy that was completely different from the Void Spirit Immortal Body surged crazily from the center of the vortex. He could feel that this spiritual energy was very terrifying! It even made his scalp numb! This is definitely not something that belongs to him! However, he did not reject this spiritual energy at all, but felt extremely kind to it.

The moment the aura appeared, Shi Meng screamed in fright, ran to the corner and wrapped his wings tightly around himself. And these spiritual energy rushed all the way and gathered in his right arm, where the devil patterns on the entire arm burst into blue light that shot into the sky!

"Not good!" He gasped. This power would not cause harm to him, but he couldn't control it at all!

In other words, once he uses it, he must use it. Otherwise, if you hold it in your body, you will explode and die immediately!

"Your Majesty..." He pressed his arm tightly, and cold sweat could not help but pour out from his head: "Junior... I can't control it anymore!"

Antonio looked at Xu Yangyi's hand in shock. He had never seen anything like this before!

The host cannot control the power of the Holy Spirit? This is impossible! No matter how much you rely on the Holy Spirit, it is always based on the will of the host. Why can't I control it?

"Old man..." Box's voice trembled: "Moon Cave...Moon Cave! Do you remember!"

"Say..." Antonio felt unusually at a loss at this moment and opened his lips slightly.

"Chapter of Enlightenment! It's the fourth mural! It says... there is a situation that the host may not be able to control."

Antonio's eyes moved slightly, then turned his head sharply: "You mean..."

"He...the Holy Spirit in his body really killed God?!"

He remembered!

Indeed, this is the only case!

In distant ancient times, some holy spirits were extremely powerful. Characters like Malorne, King of the White Hart, were only worthy of eating dirt at that time. These holy spirits, some people call them ancient gods. Really had fierce battles with those legendary things.

It has been recorded that two thousand years ago, when most of America was wild, there was a white griffin in the center with three heads and six wings. Because of its battle, America was divided into two. According to the secret of the elves, the one fighting this griffon was a cloud in the sky.

Clouds in the shape of human heads.

In the records, it is called "Titan."

There are also records that under the American Sea, in the very center of the Pacific Ocean, there is a cave that can never be entered, and there is a sleeping Holy Spirit inside. More than a thousand years ago, a leading monk once saw a huge eye in a cave/doorway. And, a broken and bloody trident inserted in front of the hole.

Poseidon's trident.

All the Holy Spirits who have been stained with the blood of God are no longer "hosting" or "relying" on the human pillars, but...controlling!

However, he didn't know that Xu Yangyi and Wolfsbane were one and the same.

"This is just a legend." Antonio took a deep breath: "God, no one knows whether it exists. Not even the four major ancient civilizations have studied it. I only know... If X doesn't use this move, he will definitely die. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, he gently moved his right hand, and a gentle buzz suddenly came from the air, and then it turned out to be like muffled thunder. Xu Yangyi raised his hand uncontrollably and faced the sky.

At the same time, the entire space shook slightly.

It seemed like there was a loud noise, but it seemed like there wasn't. However, there was only a buzzing sound in everyone's ears. The house sank visibly.

Then, nothing.

Xu Yangyi was stunned, and so was Antonio.

"Impossible." Before Xu Yangyi could speak, Antonio had already stepped forward and looked at his hand suspiciously: "How is this possible? There is no spiritual energy fluctuation? This move should split the sky and have the power of a golden elixir heaven and earth phenomenon. That’s right!”

"How can it be like now?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. He could feel something bursting out of his hand just now. But he was also unable to feel the fluctuations in spiritual energy.

"This... can really kill the Grand Duke?" He couldn't help but ask.

Antonio's lips paused, and then he frowned: "I have never seen such a weird sight. Once the holy sword came out, it was almost difficult for the prince to resist in the early stage. I once drew a holy sword for another friend. When it was unsheathed, , there are seven-colored clouds on the horizon. Hundreds of flowers bloom on the ground. A sword breaks through the three hundred meters of the Marquis' shackles, and there is no grass around you..."

They didn't see it.

At the same time, more than a thousand meters in the sky. A flock of migratory birds is flying. However, suddenly, in the dark night, a brilliant brilliance flashed.

Without a trace of mercy, it was just white. A white light split the sky in two. Then, all the migratory bird heads fell off at once! Only the headless bodies were left flying forward. Hundreds of bird heads still maintained their appearance before death, and there was no trace of fear. They slowly fell from the sky.

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