
Main text Chapter 518: Top Three Tournament

In the room, the two were silent. After a long time, Antonio said, "No matter what, this Grand Duke will keep you safe."

Everything that happened today was too weird. Even with his wisdom, he could only see the outline. He was not sure what secrets Xu Yangyi's Holy Spirit was hiding.

He left, but when he walked to the door, he paused. He said very complicatedly: "Mr. X, this question... I haven't asked anyone, but now, I really want to know a question. Can you answer me?"

"Excuse me."

Antonio turned around, his eyes were like fire: "I don't ask the name of the Holy Spirit, what I want to know is... what is its 'God's gift'?"

"Such a monster... what is its gift...?"

Xu Yangyi felt it and shook his head: "It's hard to explain."

"It's hard to explain?" Antonio obviously didn't believe it.

Xu Yangyi said sincerely: "The junior can feel that the junior can now control some things... but... I don't understand what to control specifically."

"Wind? Elements? Magic?" Antonio said immediately. Maybe the thing that slaughtered the gods, its gift, he couldn't fall asleep unless he figured it out!

Xu Yangyi thought for a moment and stared at his hands in a trance: "None of them."

"It seems... something that came out of my body... Your Majesty, I'm sorry, this thing is a bit complicated... It doesn't belong to any substance, as if... it came from the void, or from the blood. I don't understand it myself."

Antonio sighed and didn't ask any more questions.

He finally left and walked outside the house, but shook his robe and stretched out his pale and wrinkled hand from the robe.

There was a drop of blood on it.

"This is..." Hezi was surprised: "How is it possible?!"

"He did send out something..." Antonio licked the blood bead and said solemnly: "This thing, even this Grand Duke has not seen it."

"Unless the legendary Lawbreaker who breaks all magic appears again, otherwise, in this holy war, as long as he is willing, he will definitely be the first." He smiled slightly and said with satisfaction: "However, the Blood Clan Lawbreaker belonging to Grand Duke Tsepesh has only appeared in the Holy Coffin. And the Blood Clan Holy Coffin has long been lost somewhere."

"Then you said you would protect him just now?"

The Great Elf King Youyou sighed: "I'm old..."

"Really old. I may not see the day when Quetzalcoatl appears, but I have a hunch that this kid may be able to go higher than me in the future. This Grand Duke... at least leave some political legacy for the elves."

"Otherwise, the day when this Grand Duke's red spider lily blooms is the day when the natural dream forest is trampled."

Box was stunned for a moment, then whispered: "How could it be... Didn't China say that the scourge will last for a thousand years... You can at least live for hundreds of years..."

In the room, Xu Yangyi stared at his hand in a trance, and his heart was puzzled.

This feeling is very strange, that is, I know it clearly, but I can't say it.

Suddenly, something on his wrist moved.

He was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he stopped thinking about it and immediately looked at his wrist.

There was a red rope there.

"This is... the breath of my senior brother." The red rope was flashing, and immediately dispelled his doubts. He felt it carefully: "But, it's not pure. It's more of Wu Yue's breath? What's going on?"

The red rope only flashed for a few seconds and then dimmed immediately. He frowned and looked at it for a long time, and it didn't light up again.

"Wu Yue and Senior Brother may be two souls in one body. As for why this is the case, I'm afraid only Master Gu Song knows." He waited for ten minutes, shook his head, and stopped thinking about it.

Three days of rest time passed in the blink of an eye.

This is the last reinforcement of the top 24, and this time, the top 12 will be selected from the top 24.

The draw started again, but this time there was no Pope's will. Instead, it was represented by Holy Whip Lawrence, and Xu Yangyi's battle was ranked second.

In the first game, the decisive battle between the "Trident of the Sea God" Muse Siren and the "Roar of the Blue Sky" half-dragon Mu Luofa, the two seeded players, was tragic. Mu Luofa's half-dragon incarnation, the blue gale roared and shocked the audience, and his huge body of hundreds of meters was indestructible. Muse Siren relied on her light body to stir up a raging tide, turning the light shield into a world of ocean.

The sonata of water and wind elements tore the venue to pieces. This time, even Lawrence's light shield was a little shaken. After eight hours, when Muse Siren screamed and grabbed Mu Luofa's heart with her sharp claws, the battle finally ended.

This was the first time someone died.

When they came to the top 12, everyone was almost the same. The only late marquis was Xu Yangyi's next player, "Skeleton King" Emmerich. The rest were half-step grand dukes. To defeat the opponent, you must have the awareness of killing the opponent. Half-step represents the battle of the family, and no one can control themselves.

The half-dragon family said nothing. After putting away the corpse, they still watched the game quietly.

Xu Yangyi faced the Skeleton King Emmerich. The previous bets were even crazier. This time, both sides were almost the same. However, the battle started quickly and ended quickly.

Two hours.

Facing the endless sea of ​​dead souls, skeletons, vengeful spirits, ghosts...Xu Yangyi broke all the laws with one force, relying on the body strengthened by Qianlibulixing to point directly at Emmerich's body, four times the spiritual power surged wildly, and the ground was cracked inch by inch. It exceeded the strength of an ordinary half-step grand duke. Finally, after beheading Emmerich's last killer, the great lich and the skeleton dragon, Emmerich was killed on the spot.

The opponent did not shout surrender until the end.

No one saw that he left with a suppressed smile of excitement on his lips.

Yes... These few days, he finally found out what the "God's gift" was.

And Emmerich, the only one who knew what it was, could no longer tell anyone.

Casualties gradually occurred. Next, Philips Solovas, the "Top of the Mountain" who fought with Savidian VII. He was also not spared. After a battle of one hour and fifty-two minutes. "Silver Moon" Savidian VII beheaded the top of the mountain. So far, the three losers on the left have all died.

"Very beautiful." After the battle, the Pale Dragon was the first to applaud. Then he asked a marquis next to him in a deep voice: "Haven't you contacted Mr. X yet?"

"No..." The person next to him hesitated for a moment: "The status of the Great Spiritual Master is noble... I didn't expect him to be so strong."

"The semi-finals are coming soon. The place on the right can only be Bloody Moon. I have to say... those damn bats are really lucky in the lottery." The Pale Dragon pondered for a moment: "I will entrust Savidian VII to have a good talk with him."

"Try to persuade him to give up, although he is very strong. However, the prestige of the Grand Duke is the prestige of the Grand Duke, even if it is only one percent, it is completely different from the late Marquis."

Xu Yangyi couldn't hear his words, and even if he heard it, he would never give up. However, his eyes looking at the arena have become more and more solemn.

Below is the game in the right half, Zhu Hongxue killed the opponent on the spot. He sucked the opponent's blood dry. This move shocked everyone at the scene.

"She has been kissed." Xu Yangyi has been in New York for so long that he probably understands why: "She has completely joined the blood clan."

"But this is not scary, what is really scary is..."

"She has no time to seal!"

This discovery shocked him. He didn't know how the other party did it. However, he was not afraid, but excited.

Excitement and strong fighting spirit, the feeling of honing oneself and proving oneself in battle, made the fear disappear without a trace. Only a sincere heart remained.

It was time to vent the long-standing killing intention.

Next, the battle of the Bloody Moon was still easy and carefree.

He appeared, a person who had never appeared since the game. Wrapped in a black robe, nothing else could be seen clearly. What made people feel uneasy was that the whole audience, even the Grand Duke, could not feel his aura.

He seemed to be no longer a monk. But the battle began, telling everyone that you guessed wrong.

Physical skills.

He used a very strange physical skill, and the joints of his whole body could twist freely, as if he was not a living person. Attacking his opponent from all kinds of weird angles, his opponent didn't even last two hours and was immediately declared defeated.

He was also the only one who survived among the top twelve losers.

In the last game, the Black Witch family finally got the last qualifying right. "Ice Familiar" Angelista defeated the only three contestants from the Vatican, "Redeemer" Palenkov, and advanced to the top six.

So far, the final six have all been announced.

X, "Silver Moon" Savidian VII, "Headless Knight" Vanton, the top three on the left.

Zhu Hongxue, the head of New York, Bloody Moon, "Ice Familiar" Angelista. The top three on the right.

When these six names shone throughout the hall, there was a solemn silence.

The Earl, no more cheering, no more deafening applause. The Marquis, any one of them, had a gloomy face. There was a fiery spark in his eyes.

The silent boundary between families finally collapsed completely at this moment.

If it is said that before, I still brought the talented younger generation of the family to open my eyes. But from this moment on, it was different.

The top six matches... every match that follows will determine who has the final say in Europe and America in the next ten years!

Even if it wasn't Tagul and Covenas, or other people who comprehended the holy weapon, it would be a time for the family to develop rapidly!

Silent silence, as heavy as a knife, hanging high above the head, reflecting a solemn brilliance.

"Sha..." The seemingly old body of the Holy Whip Lawrence finally stood up, stretched out his hand and pressed it, so that every cell that was excited and bloodthirsty because of the battle completely calmed down. He didn't laugh, but was as solemn as a church: "Please invite the top six contestants to the stage."

"Swish..." A figure stood up, followed by another figure. Each one, with an extremely hot look of his own power. And the silent greetings and hostility of other monks in Europe and America.

However, at this moment, they are truly the focus of everyone's attention. Several top families fought bloody battles for more than two weeks in a row, and several geniuses were killed and injured, before these six people qualified. They are undoubtedly one of the strongest in the contemporary era!

Lawrence snapped his fingers, and suddenly, it was as if a bright window opened in the sky, and white light shone down softly, and holy chants sounded leisurely. And with each white light shining, everyone felt that all the scars on their bodies disappeared. The arena, which had been repaired time and time again, was now not only restored to its original state, but also faintly revealed blue runes.


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