
Main text Chapter 519: The arrow is on the string

"Children." Lawrence's old face was solemn and kind: "From now on, there will be no rest. I will personally recover your bodies. Day and night, the finals will be held in three days."

"Six people, divided into three teams. The winner will be the top three. The top three battle will begin in two hours. Do you have any opinions?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"As usual." Lawrence, wearing a church white robe, danced in the wind: "Every time one person wins, during the six hours of the next battle, I, Jenny, the two legendary demon hunters, and the Vatican recorder, Will accompany this strong man for the first round of blessings.”

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed suddenly.

No one told him about this custom!

Did you forget? Or on purpose?

And this sentence brought about earth-shaking changes!

"That is to opponent is not necessarily Savidian. However, the most important thing is that I originally thought that we would watch together after the top three were decided. There were so many people, but I didn't turned out to be me. One person is facing a golden elixir, two half-step golden elixirs, and what is the identity of the recorder? Why didn't Master Yue tell me?"

"Are you afraid that I will retreat in the face of battle? It is very possible that if I had known that this was the case, I would not necessarily have agreed to untie the secondary anchor under the eyes of the one-on-one Grand Duke."

He gritted his teeth and when he raised his head, his face was already calm: "May I ask Your Majesty, is the first round of blessings here?"

"Between the sacred vessels." Lawrence nodded towards him, but there was a deep thought in his eyes: "The location of the finals is not here, but the location chosen by the sacred vessels. Mr. Did you say that?”

Lawrence's old heart was filled with doubts for no reason.

He couldn't tell what this ray of doubt was, and it was fleeting. He didn't care.

Xu Yangyi was silent, with cold sweat on his palms. His face remained motionless, and his heart was beating hard: "This junior only knows that the holy artifact can help realize the realm of the Duke. But I don't know about the first round of blessings."

"This is the negligence of the Covinas family." The Pale Dragon stood up and bowed to Lawrence in the silence: "Mr. X, please allow me to explain. In the internal council, no one expected You have made it this far. The original plan was that if you entered the top three, I would explain it to you specifically."

The implication is, don’t ask now.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath in his heart.

Do you want to ask?

Asking now is a bit too unconventional. It seems too eager. The holy war has already been 90% completed, and only the last 10% of the progress is left. And among these ten percent, he and Master Yue were going to do something earth-shattering.

Any lack of clarity may lead to eventual death. There were five golden elixirs present. No matter how strong Yue Zhenren was, he couldn't sneak in under the eyes of the five golden elixirs. so……


He pursed his lips and instantly knew Zhenren Yue's true intention.

After entering, Zhenren Yue will rely on his late Grand Duke's cultivation to force his way into the arena of tens of thousands of people! Together with him, the late Marquis, snatch this fragment of the secondary world anchor!

His thinking gradually became clearer, and he glanced around calmly.

House of Corvinus, Savidian VI. Middle Ecumenical Period!

Tagule family, Scarlet Grand Duke Osweis Tagule. Early Ecumenical Period!

The Elf Tribe, the Great Elf King Antonio Black Crow. Xuying realm!

Half-dragon, "Holy Dragon's Roar" Candelier. Holy Dragon. Middle Ecumenical Period!

as well as……

The Vatican Church, the "Holy Scourge" Lawrence in New York!

Only the Great Elf King would take action for him. However, given the other party's condition, he had seen the other party's old face before, and I'm afraid it would be good if he dared to perform 50% or 60% of the Xuying realm. can't help but ask!

An arrow is on the string, if what he guessed is true. If Zhenren Yue really dares to quarrel with the Vatican over the secondary world anchor, then he will never give himself time to react. He may even force himself to do it.

Will Master Yue break up?

He put himself in his shoes and guessed, and his heart sank.

hundred percent!

"If I am Master Yue, I know that this is a fragment of the secondary world anchor... No matter what, I must get it this time."

"No, now is not the time to think about this. The advantage of the returnees will be revealed immediately. When they get here, what they want is the victory of the family." He pondered: "If I am not facing the Bloody Moon, Savi Dean VII is not facing Bloody Moon or Zhu Hongxue, so they will persuade me to give up voluntarily, leaving a "dismounted" opponent for Savidian VII. Invisibly, I helped them step on a landmine.”

"Suppose my opponent is Bloody Moon. After I give up, Bloody Moon wins directly, and Savidian VII will never encounter him again. I replaced the most threatening opponent..." He took a deep breath. In one breath: "This is the real advantage of the returner. The whole family creates a winning environment for him. Once they believe in Savidian VII more, they will definitely come to persuade me to give up."

"So, no one will tell me the detailed rules. Because I was excluded from the real core group from the beginning. I... must ask myself!"

He was not the one who returned the votes! Having reached the final moment, everyone will instinctively trust those who truly belong to the family.


Everyone looked over. Xu Yangyi felt like a ray of light on his back at this moment. The gaze of a grand duke and the eyes of everyone present, just one sentence left the seeds of doubt in everyone's hearts. Perhaps... it is this seed that will make the Archduke pay more attention to himself when he enters the room between the holy weapons.

This is probably his most terrifying fate.

"Your Majesty." When he said these words, he felt his throat hurt, so he could only bow deeply, so that no one could see the traces of cold sweat on his forehead: "Junior does not understand the rules, please explain in detail."

Lawrence looked at Xu Yangyi for several seconds with eyes like a lake. He smiled slightly and said: "I am deeply honored to be able to explain to a new great spiritualist. The so-called first round of blessings means that after each game, there is a six-hour rest period, and during this period, I will personally accompany you to the sacristy room of St. John’s Cathedral to view the sacred vessels. Do you have any questions?”

Xu Yangyi's heart sank again.

What a good Yue Congrao... you are not only under the eyes of the Grand Duke, but also in the home base of the New York branch of the Vatican! Now, even Antonio can't save him!

He can only rely on Zhenren Yue, and he can act whenever he wants. It doesn't seem to matter, his level, he can already truly participate in real-life chess games. This feeling of being unable to control is the biggest taboo among taboos!

Life and death are not in your hands, so why bother cultivating?

"No more." He showed a perfect smile and returned to the queue like an ordinary junior.

Lawrence took another look at him.

Don’t think that the church is sacred. Sectarian disputes are no less bloody than country-level disputes. All the cruelest instruments of torture in history were first produced by the church. They can launch crusades with countless casualties, and can massacre any heretic they identify. At his age, he has seen too many people.

I don't know if he is a great spiritualist, but he always feels... Mr. X, seems to have something on his mind?

What's on your mind?

What is right in front of him now is the upcoming battle between the three strongest players. Everyone is the best among the best, the strongest among the strong. He didn't ask any relevant questions, but he asked about the sacred artifacts? Is this absolute confidence, or...

He remembered that His Majesty the Pope had personally told him that although he could not move the New York Sacred Artifact, it contained a shocking secret. If necessary, he would have to keep the Holy Artifact even if he was sacrificed.

I have to say that Xu Yangyi is still too young. If you don't eat enough salt, in front of a group of old foxes, even if you try your best to cover up your fox tail, you can't help but smell a little bit.

"Since there isn't, then let's get started."

With Lawrence's wave of his hand, six white light balls rose from the bodies of the six seeded players. He flicked it lightly, and all the light balls collided like billiard balls.

A minute later, with his faint "STOP." all the light balls were banned. They all stopped in front of him.

"Brush..." With a gentle grab, two light balls were pinched into his hands.

"Oh?" He opened it and took a look, a little confused, then smiled and said: "In front of Tamamo, the bloody moon."

"Wow!" Even though the moment was solemn and solemn, and the strongest three-level winners were victorious under the hypocrisy of Europe and America, all the monks inevitably let out a low cry.

Internal war within the Tagule family!

The decisive battle between the two seeded players!

Ignoring the others, the second group of light balls was captured. After taking a look, Lawrence immediately smiled helplessly.

"Savidion VII, X."

Noisy again!

This year, we are so unlucky that the two families are all in internal strife! In other words, one of the top three spots will definitely go to someone else.

“‘Ice Familiar’ Angelista, ‘Headless Horseman’ Verton.”

The atmosphere at the scene became filled with solemnity as the names were read out.

Heavy, extremely heavy.

Thick, bloody and pungent.

The six people's eyes intertwined with each other, all with cold murderous intent, and they unabashedly looked around at their opponents. But when Xu Yangyi withdrew his gaze from Savidian VII, he felt another gaze.

Vermilion snow.

She saw Xu Yangyi look over, with a cold face, he stretched out a hand, cut his neck with his thumb, and said something on his lips. Walk away.

Xu Yangyi understood.

What she said was: I want to give you a big gift.

As the sound of the final three matches starting two hours later was heard, each contestant began to return to their lounge. In fact, this is not a time for the players to rest, but the major families' fist-fighting has reached the final stage and is making final arrangements.

This is an unwritten rule. Who is out and who is voted in is decided here.

Xu Yangyi walked towards the lounge, but he saw someone.

This man was like an iron tower, blocking his door impartially, looking at him condescendingly with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"Oh oh oh, isn't this the respected Mr. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to for a long time.”

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