
Main text Chapter 520: Top Three Tournament (I)

Xu Yangyi glanced at the other party coldly: "Get out."

"WHY? You asked the representative of the Covinus family to get out? Did he join another family?" Savidian VII unbuttoned the gold-inlaid buttons of his suit with a hint of elegance in his rudeness. He sneered and said, "Oh, I was just joking. Mr.

Xu Yangyi also laughed, walked towards the other party, suddenly raised his foot and kicked Savidian VII in the face.

Now I'm just full of will-o'-the-wisps.

Tigers are born with wind, and once they are stepped on, there will be a harsh sound of bones breaking.

"How dare you!" Savidian VII roared in a low voice. He did not move, but his spiritual energy filled his body. Xu Yangyi kicked the opponent's hand as if he had stepped on a steel pipe. There was a muffled sound.

He smiled slightly, and then raised his leg. This time, green light floated on his leg. He had used the Shenlong Treading Mountain!

For the first time, I don't care about you. It also gives the Covinus family some face.

Do you still dare to come the second time?

Then don't blame me for being ruthless!

"Roar!!!" Savidian VII also knew this move. This time he didn't dare to stop it, but jumped up suddenly, lying on all fours like a wolf, the hair on his body quickly turned out, and his muscles had already stretched the suit. Clicking sound.

"How dare you attack me!" He stared at Xu Yangyi: "How dare you challenge the authority of the Covinus family?!"

"I have grown up here for more than a hundred years. You are the great spiritual master who has just arrived. Your Excellency the Pale Dragon thinks highly of you. Don't think that everyone will hang around you! Coquettish little bee."

"What are you doing!" A voice sounded in their ears like rolling thunder. The two looked at each other, not hiding the murderous intent in their eyes, and turned their heads to each other.

That was the voice of the Pale Dragon.

"It's nothing. It's just that Mr. Can you legitimately become the only person who votes?"

"Savidion VII." The Pale Dragon's voice had almost no emotion: "Think through your brain before you speak. Don't think that because His Majesty the Sixth is here today, you can be unscrupulous."

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly.

The phantom at the front is the support of Savidian VII for his rampage?


Xu Yangyi smiled calmly: "Do you think I did it for no reason?"

"At least that's what I saw."

very good……

Xu Yangyi walked leisurely past Savidian VII: "Then, I hope he will control his bitch in the future."

The Pale Dragon was silent for a moment, and then continued: "There are some things that I really want to discuss with Mr. X. I have given full authority to Savidian."

His voice disappeared, and Xu Yangyi raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth. What else could it be? Now, I persuade myself to give up and leave a trump card for Savidian VII!


Savidian VII looked at Xu Yangyi unabashedly as if he was looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

"If you don't want to die, get away." Xu Yangyi leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette: "I'll give you a minute to fart."

"Haha..." Savidian VII narrowed his eyes, and because of the fierce killing intent, he kept rubbing his hands impatiently: "It seems that you have guessed it, the family still chose the noble me as the return vote. People. No, NONONO, I’m not telling you, let the damn returner die. Don’t give up automatically by accepting this damn returner position.”

He licked his lips and said hoarsely in a voice that could only be heard by two people: "It is said that there was a person who came with you at the beginning. And where is that person now?"

Xu Yangyi glanced at him calmly, and the smile on Savidian VII's face was crueler than a knife: "There is no one in New York that I can't find. What's more, someone specifically told me the news. Come, Now guess what, I don’t know if he is of any use to you. Who are you? What would you do if he were in my hands now?”

A raging murderous intention boiled from Xu Yangyi's heart.

He doesn't have many friends. If you really want to count them, they only have Chu Zhaonan and Fang Fang. Fang Fang had already died in the battle in Nanzhou, but the other party's consciousness inexplicably appeared in Wu Yue.

He considered that this might be a back-up left behind by the real person Gu Song. Maybe there is something that can preserve a trace of spiritual consciousness for rebirth. There are probably two souls in Wuyue's body now. He doesn't want to encourage them, which is why he didn't bother Wuyue.

The equation died because of him. Although he never said it, he always had it in his heart.

He suddenly remembered the red rope moving for no reason.

At that time... was it Fang Fang's subconscious, or was Wu Yue asking him for help?

"The person who gave it to you." He suppressed the anger in his heart that immediately killed Savidian VII here, and replied seemingly indifferently.

"Tamamo-mae." Savidian VII betrayed the other party without any psychological burden, and then moved closer to Xu Yangyi with an "ouch", his murderous intention was fierce and undisguised: "Here, you can't touch me at all. Even if It's impossible for me to even scratch my skin. It seems that I guessed right, that person is very important to you. Is it so important that you can't suppress the murderous intention in your heart? Mr. X, you really should learn some etiquette. Disgustingly rude.”

"Do you hate me? Do you want to kill me? Come on, I'll give you this chance! If you dare to refuse, I will hand him over to the blood clan! Let him be a blood slave forever!"

Flames burned in Xu Yangyi's eyes.

This was the second time he wanted to kill someone.

The first time was Zhu Hongxue.

The second was Zhu Hongxue! Plus Savidian VII!

Once...twice. He touched his bottom line again and again!

"I didn't meet you. I must be... you are also very sorry." He looked at his palms with sharp eyes, suppressing the anger in his heart: "So you said you wanted to give me a big gift, that's what you meant..."

"Crack!" His fists clenched suddenly, and there was a sound of joints. He licked his lips like a wolf: "I swear to kill you!"

He put away his momentary venting of emotions and looked at the other person without any warmth: "You succeeded in irritating me."

"So, I never think that Chinese cultivators can achieve great things. You stupidly agreed for someone else." Savidian VII was stunned for half a second, then looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Only 'you' are the most unique It's so stupid that you go out of your way to save others."

"Thank you." After he smiled, he lowered his head in pity: "Idiot who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"You know what I mean... a bloody battle." He suppressed his smile and looked at Xu Yangyi like a knife: "Till death!

"Only one of us can survive from the stage! Coward, accept the challenge!! Accept the challenge of me, Savidian VII!"

Xu Yangyi also laughed.

"Okay, I promise you, little wolfdog."

"Boom!" A wolf's paw suddenly pressed against the wall, causing gravel to fly. Savidian VII's bright red tongue stretched out half a meter long and licked his clothes: "I will let you know...if you want, a wolfdog can bite your throat off."

After that, he left laughing.

He didn't see that Xu Yangyi behind him had the same murderous smile on his face.

Very good...Savidion VII, Vermilion Snow.

You both...must die.

I don’t have many friends, but whoever I think is a friend will die.

"He didn't agree to return the votes?" Almost at the same time, Savidian VI at the front spoke calmly in his spiritual consciousness: "My child, did you tell him what this holy war will do to the Covinas family? importance?"


Without speaking for a long time, Savidian VI said calmly: "Then, give him a lesson he will never forget."

"Understood!" The Seventh Generation's voice was full of emotion: "Don't worry! I will also collect Elizabeth's debt! Damn the yellow-skinned dogs, they should not appear in New York!"

No one knows that at this moment, in the Tagule family's lounge. Bloody Moon looked at the old man in front of her in disbelief: "WHY?"

"Your Majesty the Grand Duke, what are you talking about? The person who returned the votes is not me?! It's Tamamozamae? That mere late Marquis?!"

"It's me." Tamamo Mae stood in front of him, showing a perfect smile: "You want to ask why?"

"It's simple. Because... I'm stronger than you!"

"Want to give it a try? From the moment you give up your empty position, you will never have a chance to win against me."

The two-hour break passed quickly.

Within these two hours, the order was drawn and the first battle, no coincidence, was XVS "Silver Moon" Savidian VII!

The two entered the arena on time under the spotlight.

The clothes were noisy. For the convenience of hunting, Xu Yangyi put on the long-lost camouflage. Savidian VII, on the other hand, is still wearing a black suit. But it doesn't matter, it won't exist after the transformation.

Countless eyes were fixed on them, this was the first battle of the three strongest men. With the habitual "Betting begins." Suddenly, the two bright red numbers above the head began to beat desperately.

However, this time, Xu Yangyi did not look at it at all, but looked directly at Savidian, and the other party did the same.

"Ding..." The two figures stopped, and they both raised their heads in unison.

X, 1.3 million.

Savidian VII, 3.2 million!

"It's an improvement over the first time. This is the highest bet you've ever made in your life. Because your life will end soon." Savidian VII retracted his gaze: "Are you ready?"

"You stole my line." Xu Yangyi smiled.

The next second, the whole place was dead silent.

Immediately afterwards, everyone burst out in an exclamation that shocked the heavens and the earth!

Even...all the earls stood up, and most of the marquis stood up in shock, looking at the arena in disbelief. Even the five princes at the front took a deep breath.

"What's going on!?" The pale dragon roared. The marquis around them all exclaimed: "X...Seventh Generation, what happened?!" "Why did they do this!" "Are they crazy!?"

Because...the two of them cut their wrists at the same time, and the bright red blood flowed onto the field like a stream. As soon as the blood touched the ground, it immediately had some strange reaction. Every brick and stone in the field lit up with blood-red runes, with a strange red glow. In an instant, infinite red light flashed from Lawrence's light shield, turning the place into a bloody ocean!

Both sides...demanded a bloody battle at the same time!

A fight to the death!

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