
Main text Chapter 521: Top Three Tournament (I)

The stadium, which should have been extremely quiet, suddenly exploded like a basin of cold water poured into an oil pan!

The crowd stood up and looked at the field in astonishment. Uncontrolled spiritual energy filled the whole field due to shock. Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Idiot!" The Pale Dragon stood up immediately in a hurry - this was his first loss of composure in this holy war. Gritting his teeth, he said, "Does he know what he is doing?!"

"This is a great spiritualist!" Beside him, a thin man who had reached the Great Perfection of the Marquis also stood up suddenly, his eyes like an eagle, and the flames of shock filled his eyes: "Even if Savidian VII dislikes X, this move will drag down the entire family!"

"The people of the Holy White Cross will not come to watch the holy war. But they will definitely know about this tomorrow!" "Is he crazy? He actually fought a bloody battle with X! Does he know how much the family spent to win over the great spiritualist?!" "Does he think I just like yellow people? They are treacherous, cunning, and lazy. But when this yellow person is called a great spiritualist, these are not a problem!"

The noise and discussion came one after another, but it did not affect the two people on the stage at all. They were like two sculptures, with only each other in their eyes.

"Silence!" At this moment, a majestic voice and a fierce spiritual energy rose almost at the same time. Solidified like substance, heavy like waves, in an instant, the whole audience immediately quieted down.

This is the Grand Duke's spiritual pressure.

Lawrence and Savidian VI stood up almost at the same time. Lawrence nodded to the other party and sat down again.

"What are you doing?" Savidian VI had no time to thank Lawrence, his eyes were full of light: "Answer me, my child."

"Who gave you the right to attack the great spiritualist!?"

"Hehe..." Savidian VII finally turned his head and sneered: "Aren't you going to give him a 'profound lesson'? I think there is nothing more profound than life."

"Insolent!!!" Sixth was so angry that he rushed to the top of his head! This is still his son? ! He actually said such words in front of everyone. Yes, he wanted to teach the other party a lesson, but it definitely did not include life.

Now... only one party can survive. No matter who dies, it will be a great loss to the Covenas family!

"Who is so presumptuous!" Unexpectedly, Savidian VI roared around: "Everyone is afraid... everyone is worried! In the mortal world, Asia is being suppressed by Europe and America! In the cultivation world, you are still timid! Do you still have the nerve to say that you are European and American practitioners?!"

"The title of a great spiritualist makes you dare not move one by one! Hehehe... I have been famous in the Covenus family for hundreds of years, and just because of this bastard, the Elders actually let me, who has worked so hard and made great contributions, go to the Alps to guard the mine?! Hahaha! I really spared no effort to lick the Holy White Cross!"

"Kachaka..." The whole hall trembled. All those who had stood up in shock because of the bloody battle quickly came back to their senses, and then there was a cry of surprise from the whole audience, and they all sat down. Like a puppy frightened by a dinosaur, trembling.

The Grand Duke's spiritual energy leaked out!

This is because of extreme anger, so that the Grand Duke can't control his spiritual energy! He may make a move in the next second!

The eyes of the Sixth Emperor changed from black and white to red, and finally turned into a green full moon, staring at the Seventh Emperor below.

This is his son... the good son he taught himself!

He actually sabotaged his own stage in front of the holy war and said such treasonous words!

"Savidian VII!" The Pale Dragon could no longer care about many things, and rushed forward in one step, shouting: "Immediately... apologize to His Majesty the Sixth Emperor! Do you know what you are doing! You..."

Before he finished speaking, he screamed, flew backwards for hundreds of meters like a kite with a broken string, and crashed into the wall of the arena. It was so far away, but it was like a falling meteor. The sound was as loud as a landslide.

"Who gave you the courage to meddle in the family affairs of this Grand Duke!" The Sixth Emperor's voice was very calm, but there were countless white hairs on his face, and a snow-white tail was raised behind him. Just now, it was this furry tail that looked powerless that swept the pale dragon at a speed that humans could not see clearly. The opponent, who was at the realm of the Grand Duke, was directly knocked hundreds of meters away.

"My child, take back what you said just now." He looked at the field: "I think there is still a way to solve today's farce."

"I have never been a 'child' who obeys the orders of people of color!" Savidian VII laughed: "When I finish comprehending the holy weapon, I will quit the family! You, you, and you! You are all too weak! Too weak! You are respectful to a yellow monkey! I am so disappointed!"

His sharp claws passed through every family at the scene. However, before he finished scratching. A huge wolf claw phantom suddenly appeared on the light shield.

"Boom!" The whole venue shook violently, and the palm of the sixth generation suddenly pressed down, and all the cracks around the light shield. Like a falling meteor, a large pit of hundreds of meters appeared directly.

"This is the arena set up by the Pope himself." Lawrence said calmly, as if nothing had to do with him: "Once the bloody battle begins, there is no possibility of stopping. Even I can't solve it. So, Mr. Sixth, please sit down."

"Are you looking down on His Holiness the Pope?" The Scarlet Duke smiled and said: "Challenging one of the three major religions in the world? How come I didn't know that the Corvinus family has become so powerful?"

The Great Elf King Antonio did not speak, but just glanced at the other party calmly.

"Since it is an established fact, there is no need for Mr. Six to be angry over the child's choice." Candelier also said.

The white wolf fur on Sixth's face receded little by little, and then he looked at the field coldly and said nothing. Sit down slowly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... What a good show. You almost deceived me." As soon as he sat down, the Scarlet Duke's teasing voice rang in his ears: "There is no precedent for canceling a bloody battle. In order to let It was cancelled. You really tried your best to pretend to be angry and try to save the two people inside. Your acting skills are worthy of an Oscar. "

There was no trace of anger in the voice of the Sixth Generation, and he said calmly: "After all, he is the son of this Grand Duke."

"Oh, I almost forgot about the low reproduction rate of werewolves. In other words, you are actually just saving your son? Just in case? Is Mr. X optional? Can I repeat this to the Holy White Cross? Segment words."

"Go away." Sixth Generation sneered: "It is precisely because you have too many sons that you cannot understand the feeling of an only child."

The Scarlet Duke laughed twice: "Then, let's make an unlikely assumption. If the seventh life dies at the hands of Mr. X, what will you do?"

silence. After a long time, Savidian VI said without any emotion: "In history, there are no precedents for great spiritual masters to disappear inexplicably."

The scene became quiet again, and Xu Yangyi's fingertips were wiped with spiritual energy. The scars on my wrists disappeared. Calmly said: "Have you finished your last words with your father?"

Before Savidian VII had time to speak, everyone in the audience gasped, because Xu Yangyi's figure had already rushed up like lightning. The speed was so fast that a chasm was opened on the ground. Purple flames shone between his hands. Before anyone arrived, the move arrived first, and ten fire dragons came out in response.

"Roar!!" The purple light surged into the sky, the dragon's roar resounded throughout the entire venue, and the extremely high temperature made the air blur. The rubble on the ground turned into ashes as soon as it rose. Savidian VII's golden pupils reflected a sea of ​​​​fire. Even the fur is curled up.

"You are indeed not weak... That's what makes killing so interesting." It took a deep breath: "Don't be so self-righteous that you can challenge even half a step later... Today I will let you understand the fundamental gap in the power of the Grand Duke! "


"Brush!" Its figure disappeared from the field again. Xu Yangyi did not hesitate at all and shouted: "Dream Eater!"

There was a silent sound of butterfly wings, and four butterfly wings spread out quickly behind him. In the black aura, four blood-red eyes immediately searched quickly. Almost at the same time, Xu Yangyi turned sideways, the dragon roared out of the mountain, and a loud bang sounded on the left side.

"Boom!!" The black human-wolf claws stretched out from the void. Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes and he could see clearly. It was just a hand, stretching out from the crack in the void, half a meter in size, with sharp claws like knives, grabbing his waist, and his feet were touching the claws.

"Ouch!!" With a roar, the wolf's claws disappeared again. And the next moment, seven or eight void cracks suddenly opened around Xu Yangyi, and seven or eight sharp claws as sharp as knives shot out from inside at high speed!

Only claws!

No arms at all!

Just like the remote-controlled storm of the sharp claws, every scratch was as good as the cracked sky. The black space cracks were scratched open one after another. In an instant, Xu Yangyi was surrounded by scratches that were several meters long and lasted for a long time.

However, with the support of Dream Eater, Xu Yangyi's figure was like a butterfly walking through a flower. Every claw seemed to catch him, but he dodged it gracefully. There were scratches on the ground, but not a single claw had scratched him.

"You can only run away? Coward!" Around the blank space, the extremely happy laughter of Savidian VII could be heard: "Come! Fight me head-on! Let me tear you apart!"

Xu Yangyi didn't react at all, his four eyes desperately searching the void around him.

He is here... hiding like a chameleon, but whenever he makes a move, his spiritual energy will definitely leak out! No matter how well he hides his body!

Black claws and claws fill the sky, and to outsiders, Xu Yangyi is surrounded by danger. However, just ten seconds later, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he punched behind him with his left hand. With a "dang" sound, all the claws around him disappeared.

His fist hit something.

It was another claw, a furry wolf claw. At this moment, it was protecting his head, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Before he could finish being surprised, five snow-white claw marks shone in the sky, and a harsh tearing sound even sounded in the air.

Split the sky!

The figure of Savidian VII was fully revealed, and he did not expect to be captured so quickly. However, he did not retreat at all with his ferocious ferocity. With a long roar, the hair and muscles all over his body bulged. He was not like a wolf, but more like a huge hedgehog. Black aura came out of his limbs, and he stepped on the roaring The ground rushed over like crazy!

Face the void.

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