
Main text Chapter 522: Top Three Tournament (Part 2)

"Seal of the Moon!"

Wow! Thousands of piles of snow were raised at the intersection of black and white. In an instant, the two figures were quickly surrounded by black and white. Space cracks more than ten meters long erupted from time to time around them, and then quietly disappeared amid the violent claws. Huge stones were cut apart like tofu, smashed up, and then cut into pieces by the invisible aura in the air, which was sharper than a sword.

In the air, there are all the sharp wind howls coming from the two bodies facing each other, as if there is the eye of a typhoon, absorbing countless sharp swords, which collide with each other, and anyone involved can only be cut to pieces. .

All the earl monks were stunned. They all leaned forward and looked at the battlefield between the two men in shock. They could no longer see the two of them, let alone see their movements. Only deep black and dead white can be seen. And the sound of tearing and crashing that kept ringing in my ears.

Brother Marquis also had a solemn expression. They knew very well how strong Savidian VII was. As the strongest human wolf of this generation, his reputation in Europe and America is definitely not a lie. But... at this moment, it is on par with X!

That's a great spiritualist.

A great spiritualist who is said to be weak in physique but invincible in wisdom!

"Dang!!" With a clang of gold and iron, the two figures shot back a hundred meters in unison.

Four red eyes faced each other. Savidian VII's whole body was intact, but his hair was a little messy. Xu Yangyi was also unscathed, with his chest rising and falling slightly.

Their eyes never left each other.

"Whoosh..." The invisible wind blew around the two of them. At this moment, a gash of several centimeters suddenly opened on the face of Savidian VII, and then blood spurted out from his body. He seemed to be invisibly beaten. He was cut into pieces with thousands of cuts, and there were so many wounds that even formed a mist of blood.

"Fuck..." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth. Almost at the same time, the clothes on his upper body tore silently and turned into rags. The body below was covered with red marks, but there were no wounds. However, there was a trace of blood left at the corner of his mouth.

Very strong.

It's indeed strong enough.

After he finished practicing Thousand Miles Without Leaving a Thousand Miles, this was the first time he completely let go and faced off head-on with the opponent. The feeling of dancing on the tip of the knife just now made his blood boil at this moment.

Anyone caught completely will be seriously injured. The two kept dodging each other's claws, attacking each other while dodging. If his body flexibility, reflexes, and speed were just a little short of each other, he would probably be a pile of meat now.

"Pa..." A monotonous applause rang out. A marquis sighed with emotion and applauded sincerely: "Wonderful, really wonderful."

"Bah bang bang!" His applause seemed to remind everyone. Three seconds later, the applause broke out into a sea of ​​applause.

If the marquis still had their reserve, the count monks definitely did not. After they clapped along with the Pale Dragon's applause with dull expressions on their faces, each count stood up excitedly.

"Beautiful! So amazing! This physical technique! You can't see any shadow at all!" "MYGOD... This, this is much better than my instructor! At least I can still see the trajectory of his punch! Your Excellencies, I I can only hear the wind!" "Your instructor? Hahaha, it's the top three competitions below the Duke of Europe and America!" "I heard that it is very difficult to practice physical skills, and it is difficult to find powerful physical skills. It looked so bloody that I almost screamed!"

Sixth Generation was stunned for a moment, and a trace of extremely vague disbelief flashed across his face.

Not only him, but the entire Covinas family couldn't believe it. Every marquis exchanged glances. The shock lingered in his eyes.

"Savidion VII... seems to be practicing the 'Landslide Chapter,' which was improved by seven generations of family heads... and is known as the most powerful physical training technique in Europe and America, right?" A Marquis said to the people around him in a deep voice. Said: "Mr. X... did he block it?"

"Not only were they blocked... but they were evenly matched!" The female Marquis next to her shook her head gently and sighed: "I don't know if I am crazy or if the current cultivators are crazy... A great spiritualist would actually go there Doesn’t it take decades to practice the body-refining technique? How can he still have time to learn the holy medicine after practicing the body-refining technique?

There was a commotion all around, but neither of the two people in the room heard it. Savidian VII looked at Xu Yangyi coldly and finally said: "You are more interesting than I thought."

"However, it is precisely because of this that you are qualified to create fun for me." He cracked his neck and made a clicking sound. The scarlet tongue licked the plush lips: "Then, let's end the fun and get to the point... Let me lead you to hell."

He took a deep breath, his whole chest swelling. No... it's not appropriate to say it expanded, but it swelled into a huge balloon, visible to the naked eye, and white spiritual energy around it was sucked into his chest like a blower. It's like a bottomless pit.

Then, he took a long breath, and an endless circle of black smoke floated out of his mouth. Boundless, condensed but not scattered, there were more and more, and before long, the entire place was dark.

Dark night is coming.

The thick black was no longer fog, but just pure darkness. The light sucked in and the darkness spit out make the people inside feel like they are walking in bottomless darkness, with loneliness and fear always accompanying them.

No breath, no light, no wind, like the bottom of the ocean.

"For decades, no one has ever been qualified to let me use this trick." Savidian VII's figure seemed to be shrouded in layers of fog, twisting like steam: "I don't want to use it, and I don't dare to use it. "You should be honored, bastard."

"The hunting"

As he fell, crescent-shaped blood lights lit up in the sky. Bright red and dazzling.

It was a closed eye, emitting blood-red light. It covered more than 400 meters of sky, forming a curtain called terror.

"Great Dark Sky!"

"Buzz buzz..." A black box appeared above his head and kept spinning. Originally, there was no other black at all visible in the darkness, was different.

It was an... extremely twisted, indescribable feeling, like all the evil in the world being twisted together to form an ultimate darkness.

Circles of black ripples shaking the space, along with heart-rending wails, spread out from the box. At this moment, all the bloody eyes in the sky opened at the same time, and the shadow of the box was reflected in their pupils.

Rays of red light converged on the box, passing through the box and turning into the purest darkness. The black light in the box became more and more intense, and three seconds later, an extremely slight sound sounded in the air.


Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and all the spiritual power in his body exploded, and the ground sank half a meter with a "boom". A twenty-meter spiritual shield shimmered around him.

That was... the sound of extremely fast movement!

"Boom!!" Just as the spiritual energy shield lit up, it exploded immediately! A white figure grabbed Xu Yangyi's chest with his left hand with a hunting sound. Xu Yangyi didn't hesitate at all, and Linzijue exploded in full force!

Invisible ripples swept across a thirty-meter radius, and the extremely fast figure finally paused.

A huge wolf claw had actually touched his chest. At this moment, golden eyes and black eyes met. Both of them were shocked.

Space erased!

Xu Yangyi understood what it was in an instant. If it hadn't been for the explosion in his boundary area just now, he would have been a bloody mess by now. And Savidian VII didn't expect that he felt inexplicably afraid?

Feeling intimidated by this maggot?

However, this was intentional versus unintentional, and Xu Yangyi reacted faster. There may be only a hundredth of a second difference in reaction speed between the two, but in the hands of masters like them, this moment is enough to decide many things.

The antelope hangs its horns and the white colt passes through the gap.

In the darkness, a golden light cut through the prison nest of night. Xu Yangyi did not retreat but advanced, and the fish intestines filled the sky with golden rain and stabbed at the opponent. The five-star god shines brightly, forming a sacred and majestic picture of the war immortal behind him.

"Ten Directions Purgatory!!"

"Boom, boom, boom!" Ten fire dragons exploded from around Savidian VII. They were not a group of dragons going out to sea in a chaotic manner, but formed a circle and completely surrounded him! Forming a prison of purple flames!

"Kill!!" Following Xu Yangyi's roar, the ten dragons spit out beads. However, at this moment, Savidian VII disappeared again!

Without any hesitation, the fish intestine dagger turned into golden light that filled the sky. It moved around, and a golden ball of light appeared around Xu Yangyi. The figure of Savidian VII could not be seen at all, and all one could hear was the endless tinkling sound above the golden ball, accompanied by countless sparks shining.

The two people's physical skills have reached their peak at this moment, and Xu Yangyi doesn't even think about the backup plan. The opponent has no tricks at all, they are just fast and strong! If the opponent finds a breakthrough, his teeth will bite his own throat!

With every loud noise, the ground beneath his feet cracked inch by inch. Each claw of Savidian VII was as heavy as a mountain. In response to the opponent, his sword cut through the wind, and the air was torn apart with a whimpering sound.

There was no panic, only the sword dance was extremely gorgeous, the golden light was overwhelming, and Linzi Jue had never been so powerful. The sacred fire of faith in his dantian was already like a candle in the wind, constantly swaying. Ancient seal characters appeared thirty meters around him, forming an absolute realm with him as the center.

It can be seen with the naked eye that Savidian VII is getting slower and slower. Being in the Linzi Jue range for a long time, his fighting spirit and courage were constantly weakened. Baishichun cannot be activated at all. Within ten minutes, they fought thousands of times, but never stabbed each other.

"A weird move to weaken the will to fight?" Savidian VII's sneer came from outside the three-foot sword: "Naive... so naive! No matter how slow I am, it's all relative! You can't reach it even if you run out of spiritual energy. To the point where I, who possess a trace of the majesty of the Duke, give up the fight and run away!”

"Dang!" With a loud noise, Xu Yangyi flew dozens of meters upside down, and blood spread all over the ground. Without saying a word, he flipped upside down in the air and landed smoothly on the ground.

His left shoulder and thigh were bloody and bloody. The fish intestine sword buzzed in his hand, and his chest rose and fell rapidly. His face was as sinking as water.

Three thousand seven hundred and thirty-two swords.

None hit the opponent.

The opponent fired at least four thousand claws, and he was hit by two claws.

His left arm and thigh seemed to be leaving him. However, he had no time to worry about this. Because, right across from him, what he saw was not a wolf at all!

That was...a monster whose lower body was a horse and its upper body was covered in armor!

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