
Main text Chapter 523: Top Three Tournament (Part 3)

"Tremble...kneel down! Then die at the feet of me, Savidian VII!! Lowly wild dog!" The black box above the opponent's head rotated again, and his left arm expanded into a giant gun in the blink of an eye! The tip of the gun was pointed directly at Xu Yangyi, and he looked up to the sky and laughed: "I knew I would get this kind of power if I agreed to you! Why didn't I agree?! It's been more than ten years... Hahaha! Only today did I know that you actually have such terrifying power!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes were extremely solemn. To whom did Savidian VII say these words? He didn't want to know, because right in front of him, a spiritual energy that made the space tremble was condensing crazily at the tip of the gun!

"Lance of Longinus!!!"

"Boom!!" In the sky, all the bloody eyes opened again, and red lights converged on the box. The next second, the tip of the spear burst out with majestic spiritual light! All the surrounding ground instantly turned into fly ash, flat and flat, and a spear of spiritual light that was more than ten meters thick rushed towards Xu Yangyi with streaks of thunder and lightning!

"Damn it!!" Life and death were at stake. On the fish intestine sword, the five-star god exploded! A spiritual energy that was no less than the opponent's, rushed out from in front of the Spiritual Light Spear, forming a bright mushroom cloud!

"Boom!!" A red shock wave raged across the entire venue, and the giant gun was instantly swallowed up by the Apocalypse explosion. Adding a touch of darkness and death to this blooming poppy.

At this moment, the divine fire of faith that supported his advancement to the late stage of Marquis swayed, and finally extinguished under the heavy load.

"Buzz..." A low buzzing sound came from his body, and he could clearly feel that the cyan vortex was spinning a little slower. This is not the most important thing. The key is……

The King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra is closed.

From now on, his spiritual energy can only be spent, not absorbed. Even if it is absorbed, it cannot be stored for too long.

"At this time!" He gritted his teeth. He had already prepared for the extinguishing of the divine fire of faith, and without hesitation, the top-quality spiritual stone slipped into his hand. After he had absorbed it so many times, the top-quality spiritual stone finally showed a trace of ambiguity.

It hurts, but it must be done. Because... he clearly felt that just opposite the mushroom cloud that had not yet disappeared, a terrifying spiritual energy like a sea wave was rushing towards him crazily!

He also didn't see that the black box above Savidian VII's head shook slightly when the top-quality spiritual stone appeared.

A spiritual energy that was even more evil, twisted, and filled with the aura of death spread out quietly.

"Sixth Ring Magic. Fire Spear Technique!"

"Boom!" In the disappearing mushroom cloud, a black hole appeared strangely. In the black hole, an ancient spear composed of black flames shot out quickly, and the surrounding air gave off an unpleasant scorching smell!

"Apocalypse...the first eclipse!"

Counterattack without defense!

He just wants to force the other party to take the initiative to withdraw this move. In my current state, I simply cannot bear it a few times.

In an instant, the night became darker again, and a huge vortex appeared out of thin air. With a clear neighing sound, the phantom of the nine-headed giant bird trembled so much that the space trembled slightly. At the feet of Savidian VII, countless complicated runes shone, forming a strange 100-meter circle.

The ghost car and the bird stop at the astrologer!

Feeling the invisible murderous intention, Savidian VII roared wildly, and at the moment when the ghost car bird approached his head, suddenly, countless talismans all over his body shone!

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!!!" There was a continuous sound, and the ghost car bird couldn't fall down!

At the same time, the Flame Spear Technique was already approaching him, and he could even see the ground around him melting.

"Boom!!!" There was an earth-shaking loud noise, endless flames overflowed, and a minute later, the flame spear technique dissipated. Xu Yangyi's whole body turned black, his fish intestines stood up in front of him, and he was trembling slightly. The blood at the corner of his mouth didn't stop, but he was pushed fifty meters forcibly.

"What a fucking monster..." He wiped the blood, and looked over as if his body was falling apart every time he moved: "Is this a trace of the power of the Half-Step Archduke? Or did he not use it at all? Pure state suppression?"

The so-called counterattack only exists when facing an ordinary half-step archduke. If the other person is as talented as himself, then this situation does not exist at all.

However, he understood one thing.

"The Great Dark Sky is actually a formation!"

"European and American formations only have summoning formations. There is no mountain-protecting formation like China. The summoning formation is the lowest level. I didn't expect that he actually had such a thing." He spread his spiritual consciousness. , spreading towards the opposite side: "In other words...the thing above his head is the formation eye?"

At this glance, he took a deep breath.

On the other's not that monster anymore, but a manticore!

Bat wings, scorpion tail, lion body, a fusion of classic monsters from European and American legends, are a hundred meters ahead!

"Who are you?" He gritted his teeth and stood up: "A wolf will never be like you."

"Who knows." Savidian VII laughed wildly and pointed to the top of his head: "How about you ask it?"

Xu Yangyi did not ask, but suddenly spoke: "Can it block all spiritual energy?"

Maybe I didn't expect that Xu Yangyi could still speak under such circumstances. After a second's pause, the sneering voice of Savidian VII rolled through the air like a god: "Of course, including the Grand Duke. This move allowed me to escape from the hands of the Grand Duke of the Blood Race twice. In less than twelve hours, I will never You should feel honored to have it as your funeral."

Xu Yangyi also smiled: "Then I'll be relieved."

“There are some things that I don’t want others to see.

"Swish!" A little light pierced through the darkness, and all the demon patterns on his upper body lit up at the same time. And a circle of strange talismans appeared in the entire venue.

"You probably don't know what this is." He panted and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "I can tell you that this is called 'God's gift.'"

As he finished speaking, green light shot up from the ground. Savidian VII took a closer look and his eyes immediately became sharp.

"This bastard! Is this... the blood he just shed? He didn't dodge aimlessly, but had a choice from the beginning? Something drawn with his own blood?"

"This is a summoning array." Xu Yangyi seemed to see his thoughts, and his eyes swept over the other person's head calmly. If you can only dodge in such a bombardment by the other party, it will be a dead end. Only by constantly looking for opportunities can you truly defeat the opponent. And now, once there is a chance to destroy this array eye, he has the hope of killing the opponent.

"Swish..." A strange-shaped seed, covered with thorns, emitting a fist-sized faint light, appeared in his hand.

"Do you like gardening?"

"Hehe...if it is watered with your blood." The tail of the manticore stood up, and a very ominous spiritual light was sprayed out. With a red light tail, one became ten, ten became a hundred, a hundred became a thousand, and thousands of rays of light shot straight at him!

"Satan's Strike!!"

"Boom boom boom!" The bloody hell, the prison of the night, raged crazily in the endless darkness. The thick ground was just like tofu, and the red light was like a sharp knife just out of the oven. "Hua la la!" The ground was instantly in pieces, and in the blink of an eye it was close to where Xu Yangyi was standing.

At this moment, the seed made a slight sound, and then immediately disappeared in the air. The next second, around his body, about fifty meters in radius, all the ground was like a ground dragon turning over, and with a loud bang, it all arched up!

"Swish!" When the light fell ten meters above Xu Yangyi's head, the ground around him collapsed, and vines several meters thick grew wildly! Covering the sky and the sun, densely packed! With an even more ominous aura, the thorns covered with one-meter-long barbs formed a huge semicircular defense wall, which firmly protected Xu Yangyi inside.

"Boom!" Thousands of red lights fell, and the wall of thorns actually made an anthropomorphic "hissing" sound and shook violently. However, it was not dispersed by the red light. Black traces appeared on the wall of thorns, and countless broken branches were cut in the air with numbing screams, and then turned into ashes. However, it protected Xu Yangyi layer by layer, like peeling eggs.

The red light raged for three minutes, and the whole field turned into a scorched earth. However, Savidian VII did not laugh, but looked solemnly at the inverted circle in the field, which was covered with black shields.

That was... a plant.

A living plant.

Although it was full of scorch marks, its vitality did not weaken. It was like a charred giant snake lying there. Countless "small snakes" spread out from the "giant snake." Thick black smoke rose from the giant snake.

Inside the wall of thorns, Xu Yangyi's left hand had a terrible wound, which burst out along all the lines of the demon pattern at the same time, and even the bones inside could be seen.

Blood gushed out, but the blood did not flow to the ground, but strangely suspended in the air, forming fist-sized blood balls, floating in all directions.


"Any plant that has been devoured by it can be simulated by it. Whether it belongs to the earth, or to the legendary fairyland, hell. I call it... the green line." He leaned against the wall of thorns and wiped it hard with his bloody palm: "Eat it!"

"Crack, crack, crack..." As the blood balls merged, the plants that had been burned to charcoal actually stretched again.

Tender buds broke through the black charcoal skin, bloomed bright buds, and some produced red fruits. Green light broke through the dead silence, and the entire wall of thorns began to rotate again.

"This is not a flower..." Savidian VII's eyes suddenly tightened, and the flower buds gently bloomed. Among the layers of petals, there was no stamen. It was a huge mouth!

The "mouth" was surrounded by flower buds, and when the flower buds opened, there were rows of sharp teeth inside, and a scarlet tongue dripping with yellow digestive fluid, sweeping like a mad python.

"Swish, swish!" Countless vines waved, and the wall of thorns was untied layer by layer. Only then did he realize how big this plant was. It was definitely not less than two hundred meters!

"This is... a Venus flytrap!" Savidian VII looked around in amazement: "And, it's not an ordinary Venus flytrap... This is... a demon Venus flytrap that only grows at the bottom of the Yellowstone volcano, in the cracks of hell!"

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