
Main text Chapter 524: Seven-eyed black wolf (I)

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!!!" Before he could finish being surprised, the Green Line suddenly went crazy. Its huge body, hundreds of meters tall, sprayed wildly in all directions. All the buds opened and it rushed over with a harsh neighing sound.

Savidian VII turned around to avoid a rushing vine, and the buds were bitten empty. Just as the vines rushed past him, the manticore roared and stretched out its claws, but with a louder roar, he immediately retracted his claws.

There were several blood stains on the thick beast claws.

That's the green line's hangover.

In the wall of thorns, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed suddenly, and he gritted his teeth and stood up.

"" Between his eyebrows, a blazing red light shone. This is the Baishichun trigger!

"Can it be triggered by any attack that belongs to me? Instead of a physical attack?" He closed his eyes and felt it carefully: "Is this... paralysis?"

"Half a second of paralysis!"

For an expert like him, there are so many things that can be done in half a second!

The chance to break the formation is in this half second!

In the air, before Savidian VII could turn around, there was a trembling sound of branches and leaves behind him.

The tentacle that had just passed through him flexibly circled back, opening layers of buds, and let out a hungry roar towards his back. Rows of sharp teeth were opened, and a bloody mouth was aimed at his body to bite down.

There was a muffled sound of "pop", and the huge wolf claws had firmly grasped the entire flower bud. With a strong grip, countless green sap splashed. However, at this moment, the entire Devil's Flytrap fell silent.

The next second, all the vines rushed towards him with countless big mouths. It was as if the green dragon was flying across the sky, forming huge waves, and all its giant mouths were already aimed at Savidian VII in the center.

"Squeak!" A vine screamed and rushed forward, followed by the second, third, and countless others!

"Seeking death!!" Savidian VII laughed angrily: "Come out, you bastard like a woman! Will you just hide behind the flowers and plants that women love? What a miserable coward!"

Before he finished speaking, the wall of thorns opened layer by layer, and Xu Yangyi, covered in black marks and blood, appeared again. A vine hung low behind him. He jumped on it, flicked it with all his strength, and shot it like a bow!

"Oh!" There was only a streak of green light in the sky.

"Blade of Hades!" roared, countless red lights shone again, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on Savidian VII's face.

Dare to attack head on?

Then I will crush you completely and mercilessly!

"Brush!" The black box above his head shook slightly, and an invisible long knife loomed in the air. However, at this moment, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

The aura is interrupted!

"This is..." He looked at his whole body in disbelief, how could it be now?

How could it be this time?

Half a second of paralysis, activate!

At this moment, time seemed to stand still. This half-second pause brought about the roaring green line like the mountains ahead, and the figure in the green line coming towards the west with a sword.

The golden stream of light, under the cover of green, drags out traces that make people's hearts tremble.

Point it straight at his head!

"Squeak!" In an instant, all the green lines swarmed in! Where Savidian VII stood, a huge cocoon instantly formed, more than twenty meters long. Countless green vines were climbing around it, and creepy sounds could be heard from among them.

That was the sound of chewing food.

Behind the green line, flying immortals appeared in the sky, and the phantoms of the five-star gods suddenly erupted, as if they were banished immortals.

"Guwuwu..." A dull roar sounded in the flower cocoon. Or a cry of pain, or a furious curse. However, at the same time, the red dot on Xu Yangyi's eyebrows flashed again!

Baishichun is triggered for the second time!

"Petrified! One second!" Xu Yangyi roared and moved his sword like a dragon! The five-star god and man merged into one, slashing forward with a sword!

" eclipse!"

The green dark fire instantly surrounded two hundred meters, covered by endless ice flowers. There is an intoxicating brilliance in the silence of death.

The colors are scattered far away from the ground, and the bright light is far away in the sky.

"Brush!" The that weird box!

"How dare you!!!" At this moment, the cocoon exploded, and the sudden crisis made every hair of Savidian VII stand on end. Just after being petrified, he roared and grabbed the square box above his head, regardless of the severe pain caused by the sequelae.

"Dang!" There was a crisp sound.

Savidian VII's five fingers were broken in response. Xu Yangyi knew very well that the opportunity created by triggering Baishichun twice in a row was unique. This battle was his best and biggest opportunity!

If you don’t succeed, you will succeed!

The golden sword hit the square box, but with the sharpness of the fish intestines, it was not able to cut it off. Only black light could be seen shaking wildly. The next second, Savidian VII's hand was firmly holding the box.

"Pounce!!" However, Xu Yangyi also spurted out a mouthful of blood. The moment the sword tip hit the box, a strange feeling appeared in his mind.

"Come on... open me... you will have the qualifications to see the gods... come on... I am right here... always, always waiting for you..."

These words came along the tip of the sword. It didn't enter his ears, but penetrated deep into his mind and soul. In an instant, it was as if countless ghosts around him were saying this to him, day and night, forever.

"What the hell is this thing!" He was confused, but his hands were not slow at all. At the moment when Savidian VII held the box, Xu Yangyi's hands suddenly clenched.

"Bastard..." Savidian VII's blade-like teeth rubbed each root, and Xu Yangyi's sword light flashed. The terrifying explosion just now was about to appear. He didn't expect that he would fall into such a bad situation in an instant.

"Go to hell... bastard..." He took a deep breath and clenched the box in his hand with all his strength.

There was a sound of clicking, and thousands of golden lights burst out on the box, but he suddenly stopped.

The hand holding the box suddenly seemed to be sucked dry of blood and flesh, and it shrank visibly. Even the fingers were unable to hold the box.

"This is..." The change came too fast. Savidian VII was stunned for a moment, and then he screamed wildly. He couldn't use his hands, so he bent down and bit it with his wolf head.

"The seeds of the green line are hidden in the host's body, enough to suck it into dry bones." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed.

There are still thirty meters...

If the formation of the Great Dark Sky is not broken, once the opponent survives this period of time, he will immediately fall into a passive situation of being beaten. He may never have the opportunity to touch Bai Shichun twice in a row!

"Dan Ding Ben I Heart Sutra... Wan Ling Town!!"

"Swish!" The huge wind pressure blew the hair on Savidian VII's face back. Facing the killing move, he didn't care at all. He stretched his neck and bit the box again with his bloody mouth!

"Ka..." The moment the sharp teeth bit the box, a clear unlocking sound rang out. A violent killing intention suddenly rushed into his heart, and he looked over with red eyes. But he saw that Xu Yangyi didn't know when he put on a strange mask.

Then, a heart-wrenching pain suddenly came from his mind! It was like his brain was mixed into a ball. Under the severe pain, he couldn't help but scream. However, he forgot that he was holding the box in his mouth.

Not good!

Time seemed to slow down suddenly. With his eyes wide open, he saw the box falling vertically, and behind the box was Xu Yangyi rushing over. The five figures in the fish intestines in his hand have all lit up, and the target is the direction of the box!

He wants to blow this box away!

At this moment, time seems to become a frame by frame, and the heartbeats of both people are like drums. Under the box, endless red talismans are shining, and just when Savidian VII's huge wolf head is about to bite it for the second time, a terrifying aura bursts out from under the box. Maybe it won't kill him, but if he bites it, it will be equivalent to sending his head to the center of the explosion.

"Roar!!" With a roar, Savidian VII immediately retracted his neck. At the same time, the long black tail rolled over violently. He would never let this box fall into the hands of others!

However, it was too late.

Although the power of the Apocalypse Six Eclipses is not great, its range is extremely large. At the moment when Savidian VII retracted his neck, the blue nether fire, blue ice flowers, and black ghost car birds burst out at the same time!

The three colors of spiritual energy mixed together, forming a black that was deeper than the night.

"Boom!!" The surging black waves, like a mountain and a sea, covered more than 200 meters, like a roaring beast. Rushing towards Savidian VII!

A dark light burst out all over Savidian VII's body! His tail suddenly cramped, which was the result of the simultaneous erosion of bones, blood, and flesh. He felt that his hair had touched the cold shell of the box, but he could not move forward any further!

"Apocalypse Explosion!" Xu Yangyi was already close at hand. The attack and defense in the first second just now could be said to be all his killer moves. His intuition told him that this box must not be held in the hands of the other party. The pressure that made people's scalps numb, and the weird whispers of the devil were too realistic.

"Boom!!!" A huge mushroom cloud exploded from the spot. However, Savidian VII was only slightly stunned for about one ten-thousandth of a second, and then, with a tragic roar, he still bit towards the box!

The fierce red light illuminated the 500-meter square field in the bloody battle, completely submerging Savidian VII's 50-meter-tall body.

Xu Yangyi stopped outside the explosion, his face as gloomy as water. He didn't expect the other party to be so determined that he would bite the box even if he resisted the Apocalypse explosion.

It can be seen how important the things in it are to him.

Just like the other party didn't expect that he could knock the golden box out of his hand.

At the scene, red light was diffused and gunpowder filled the sky. Xu Yangyi calmly placed the fish intestines across his chest. He took a complete Apocalypse explosion at the center of the explosion. Although the Apocalypse explosion was a range kill, it was enough to seriously injure the other party.

In this battle, the balance of victory finally began to tilt towards him.

The gunpowder smoke dissipated and the red light faded.

He saw the other person's figure.

His left arm completely disappeared, blood was flowing from his mouth, and his hair was burnt black. Many places had no hair at all, revealing the scarred skin and flesh underneath. His tail disappeared, and his feet were a little lame. However, Xu Yangyi's eyes tightened quietly.

Savidian VII, with his blood-red mouth, sharp fangs holding the box, his eyes were full of madness, and he made a madman-like "hehe..." sound from his mouth.

He didn't know whether he was laughing or panting.

"Awoo!!!" Suddenly, a shocking whine broke out from his mouth, and his tail wrapped around the fallen box. He held his head with both hands, and a black mist quickly filled his eyes.

"It's coming..."

"It's coming... Tremble... Bastard, kneel down and die before the might of the Grand Duke!"

"No... Stop talking... Shut up! Shut up!!"

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